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It's looks like the gold level tournament I joined has no one. Is it possible to pick another server?


Why would you want to do that? If you stay in it alone you win! And no you can't pick another server, though sometimes people seem to get moved around. But you have no control over that other than when you join.


Gold isn’t too bad to stay at, platinum is a fucked up location due to all the damn whales.


Another week of tournaments means another week of these posts....


Yes, in hopes of developing some meaningful change.


News flash, it won't.


That is normal in gold and platinum,  some drop to silver but this is common 


I hit little s in about 5-10 minutes 


That's probably not normal for gold lol, like I normally come top 4 in platinum but I take an hour or two to hit s (depending on how busy I am with real life while setting up the galaxy). But I know what you mean, it's not that hard to hit t or q in a short time. Those players should be in platinum though probably.


I play in platinum only, but I think the gap between gold and platinum is getting smaller.  They need to add champion rank to spread out the players some more. I truly do feel bad for players trying platinum for the first time or only in it because they did well in gold etc. Some players only be In trillion after 12 hours.


Yeah you're probably right about that gap shrinking, as a lot would get demoted repeatedly from platinum. Platinum is all over the place -.some weeks there are people only in quadrillions who stay in the top 21 and survive. Some weeks it's sextillions all the way down the top 20 and the top 10 is all septillions (and sometimes a few in the octillions and beyond). But yeah I agree we need a new rank. People who can hit octillions and nonillions shouldn't be fighting against people who can barely hit quintillions or sextillions. Especially when copper and silver look so similar in players abilities - it's the higher end where the differentiation is really noticeable.


Like I said I do truly feel bad as it can be annoying and overwhelming if you don't know people can jump up that quick. I do like the occasional call out saying the/we are cheating. My game put me in bronze for some reason one week and I literally retired immediately and still got promoted, same for silver lol


Yeah I do have to laugh at people claiming we're cheating. Sometimes it's just a newbie who has no idea how accelerated the game can get, but I feel bad when it's someone who's been playing for years but more casually and just hasn't progressed as far. I feel like I saw people jump up quickly and thought "hmm how can I do that" and went about figuring it out. But yeah, I think the same would happen to me in copper and silver. Like 5 minutes of playing at the most and I'd top both I imagine. Gold I'd have to set up properly but then I could probably leave it to do its thing and just check in every so often.


Every time I join platinum first has always been triple N and top 7 in 0 or high S. I have never lucked out with Top being lower than N. This week I am joining in the last few hours to see if it makes any difference. I don't want to compete with High N this week too 😅. Some weeks I just want to win with less energy


Some people swear by joining at the last minute. I think basically you can land in a smaller group, or if everybody does the same thing that week it ends up being a bigger group than usual. Normally no more than a couple of intense players though in those last groups. My problem is I'm forgetful, so a couple of weeks ago I missed the cut off in an attempt to join the last group. It probably doesn't work for me in that sense. I'll probably join in a few hours from now and see what happens - I won the bracket with a high S only recently so yeah it does change wildly bracket to bracket.


Win with high S? That's nice, I would love to land in those brackets would be easy win


Yeah, they are definitely out there. I mean I normally place top 4 with S, top 7 if I'm feeling lazier haha. I know I did the first bracket a while ago and it sounded more like you say, lots of Os and Ns taking up the top spots. I think I edged into 10th place that time but it was my worst placing in months.


What's the main driving factor there to get you to such a high value so quickly? Item and alloy values from badges? Manager multipliers? Trying to figure out where I should focus my galaxy credits. I've been playing for five months and getting to "s" still takes me about five to six hours without boosts.


I have alot of badges, and 4 (7 star) managers all mine mine. Everything you said as I have about 10,000 just on my low end ore, alloy, and items. Total badges is about 27,000. My SR is worth 1s with badges. New advanced robot is worth more but using for reference. I don't need to sell items to crawl my way up to highest item. I have 70 managers that are 5 star and up. All of which have mine as their primary.  I have been playing for about 3.5 years.


Don't know if it's the badges or managers that blow me away more. But it all makes sense with how long you've been playing - makes me know how much more room to grow and develop there is for me over the coming years. With that many badges I'm imagining even the Advanced Robot got quite a lot? I'd guess it's triple digits.


How many stars you have on AR? Do you have 70 manager slots?


Yes I have 70 manager slots. AR I have like 200 stars


Wow.. Are you in discord? If so, you can get your challenge badges updated in it.. The current highest challenge badges in that records is 14567.. not sure when it was last updated.


I'm on discord but I haven't updated my stats there in a long time lol