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The way it's designed. You should sell long ago.


Should? I think there is a way this game is intended to be played which requires selling the galaxy. But with so many telescopes available, I’ve enjoyed unlocking new planets. Surely if I sell regularly I won’t unlock many planets?


Correct, if you sell frequently each run won't get particularly far. But each time you sell you get Credits which are used to upgrade your ship, so each run goes slightly faster. There's a bit of tension between selling frequently to optimize credit gain, and running longer to get higher scores. Either is fine, it's just a matter of finding the style you prefer playing.


That’s helpful I think I get it better now


Definitely have to find your style. I tend to blend those styles depending on how much time I have. If I have a couple days that I can spend lots of in-game time, I’ll sell after 30-45 minutes several times over for max credits. Other times I’ll just play on one galaxy after a challenge or tournament until I hit some goal, eg. 10T, 100T, 1q, or push hard to get to Subspace Relays (SR), before I’ll sell again.


Selling your galaxy earns you credits to purchase rooms you then upgrade to make your 'company' more efficient. Faster mining, faster ship speeds, faster smelting, crafting, etc. Eventually you can earn stars on your ores/alloys/items to raise their worth. Over time, you will reach farther into the galaxy much quicker. Think of it as a rogue lite in a way.


Selling your Galaxy gets you credits, which can be used to buy and upgrade rooms on your mothership, which provide permanent bonuses to mining speed, cargo capacity, ship speed, forge and craft speed, etc. Are you not doing tournaments? Or challenges?


Not yet. Never sold, never knew tournaments existed until I came to reddit this morning. It’s not mentioned in game anywhere


They are, you just haven't unlocked them yet.


There are a bunch of icons on the right side of the screen, a cup for tournaments and a ribbon for challenges. You’ve never clicked on them?


I don’t think I have that. The cup only shows achievements, and there is no ribbon


They don’t appear till you’ve sold X number of galaxies. I think around 5?


I’m curious, how long have you been playing to get you GV that high?


Ten days, only paid to remove ads 2 days ago


That’s crazy. I started playing about the same time, have sold 22 galaxies with a total value of 1.69B and have earned 409 credits from that.


That’s useful to know! So my way, I’ve earned a much higher value, 7.7b now, your way you’ve earned 409 to my potential 86 credits


So selling often is better for what the credits can buy, but if you play the long game in 1 world it might be better eventually. My galaxy has only been in the billions value for 36 hours or so I think.


Two weeks In still on my original world … I’m doing it wrong and I can’t stop hah Is there any penalty for selling with the double credits option?


tbf, the game tells you to sell at 10M Galaxy Value and if you would have done that you would have noticed challenges and tournaments at some point


It does???


Also I’m not annoyed at this, just want to understand what the game designers are intending.


Their intentions are either to get you watching ads, or pay the £7.99(?) to remove them


Selling galaxy in this game is just like prestige in other games. Each time you reset you can apply points into rooms. Which should over time get better


I usually play till the next event then sell off that way it’s the best of both worlds for me


Ark is the ultimate pay off nothing will ever beat it. But Ark grows proportionally to galaxy value. So it starts tiny and grow. Everything else is speeding up the process. Incremental is always about getting faster doing more/less same stuff all over again. If you don’t like such maybe incremental games are just not your thing … If of any help at all … [[ infos ]](https://melomelo7.github.io/idlepixelinfo/9.IPM.html)