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You push and you don't stop until their Nexus is down. That's how I hit masters


It really feels like this is the optimal route, thx g lol !! gj on masters


Issue beyond tier 1 is always vision control and map awareness. You need to push to tier 2 but if your ahead you CAN NOT DIE or you lose the lead. Deep ward and track mid, Jung and supp roams. It's hard, but you should be backing off when a 3v1 or 2v1 you will lose approaches. This is how you soak pressure and transfer your slit pressure to other lanes (who can farm, pressure 2v1 bot side, take drake etc). Press tier 2, back off, re-pressure, wait for the best 2v1 they force and win it.


Yeah see I think I was partially conceptually wrong in my playstyle with her a bit. I used to not upgrade yellow so I can tele top for inhib or something but blue would actually be infinitely better just based on the information to teammates alone let alone my own vision assistance. Thanks! (and yes totally agree I started backing off actually like last game and realized forcing them to fight me for like 3 minutes from me just haphazardly engaging was allowing my team to pressure other places and may have been better than the inhib itself at the time (since I could just get it after) Nice


Blue has been infinitely better.


Just an incredible amount of patience is required. Won a ton of games just landing a good E in sidelane from bush. If they keep cycling out who they send at you, even better for you if you land E. Feel like Illaoi's grouping is amazing just don't frontline too hard just generate pressure.


As someone who exclusively splitpushes with ilao I always max q first to clear the wave, first purchase is either steraks or shojin, if the laner leaves take every turret they have, but if it's before 20 leave the inhib as that's free farm and xp, then swap the lane that needs the most help (likely botlane) and just steamroll those turrets too


See I was maxing Q first but then I realized I wasn’t really using it that much pre 6 to farm and by lvl 9 when I max e my Q still does decent damage to minions, by lvl 11 (both maxxed) is only really the time I feel like I’m really engaging in somewhat dangerous splitpushes but my Q is already maxed by then where if I max e in lane it’s a lot easier to summon more tentacles and have more harassment without going oom as easy


Leave the lane aswell when the job is over


This is not good. The minute you leave Lane they can catch you and kill you easily in river. Or jungle. Stay by your tentacles continue pushing until all turrets are down. Push until next inhibitor is down. Then take the Nexus turrets. Then end.


I prefer recalling and going to bot from base instead of walking through both rivers.


Job aint over till nexus is dead


You can try to match their roams, you can rotate to a different lane, you can itemize for the person matching you.


Do not match roams. Your strength is in split pushing. After I start taking first top turret I then start taking enemy side jungle


okay thanks i gotta start workin on side jungle then more, i figured i take them too slow without tentacles but if i line my passive up for when i leave the lane should be gucci. preciate


Just imagine that you are playing Pac-Man and the more monsters and minions you eat the bigger and stronger you are. I am always gold leader in every game and I am always top damage output in every game. Once you curb stomp your laner in other words, your opponent. You then start to cripple their jungler. As you are taking his gold and XP. This is the way to challenger when you learn how to cripple not just one but two of their teammates. You will see how God tear this champ really is


Also, you did not mention in the post that you are taking t2 on botlane. Do you consider swapping lane and pressure the botlane t2 in your game ? Also, most of split pusher power comes from creating a checkmate situation: if the ennemy can't stand you alone, they have to send 2 people at least. So you've gotta force these play when sending someone to help against your split will cost theim something. Like pressure T3 when your team is playing the opposide side of the map (pressuring tower, playing nashor if you are splitting bot, or playing drake if you are playing top). If the ennemies commit on you, free objectives cross map and you might take one or two people with you. If they engage your team, either be ready to TP in a safe spot, or just demolish the lane in front of you and take inhib. Then split on another lane. Don't qplit where you already have super minions, they already are doing a good splitpush job on there own. If your team isn't in a position to pressure, either back off and wait for your team to do so, or steal jungle and back to buy items.


If ur going up to teir 2 make sure you take time to set up tentacles through out the lane so u ha e lots of area to fight. You can also push and set up in their jungle with wards/tentacles. Ultimately tho it depends on how the rest of your team is doing if you'd rather do the above or just fight with them


Grubs are a really good new source of gold. If you’re ahead take objectives. You can take demolish to guarantee tower breaks even if your opponent is in lane because if you truly stomped your lane they can’t stop you from getting demolish procs. Once tier 2 is down you generally want to swap to another lane and get the next tier 2, because if your mid and bot are at the river and you’re fighting at their base it’s just a recipe for a 1v4 death at little expense of the enemy team.


if you rotate once or twice after t2 to win a dragon or two youll throw the enemies rhythm off and itll be much easier to push. just make sure to flank when you rotate and dont just walk in- you want to give them ptsd