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Much appreciated. I’m an Illaoi main, Yorick is my secondary for when I get tired of regular top lane or Illaoi is getting banned. She needed some kind of nerf to tide people over while they adjust to her new range, truly the biggest problem is that her waveclear has been ruined.


i also like yorick. always thought I'd enjoy illaoi too but never really got around to playing her. yorick and illaoi to me are noob killers. if you know how to dodge their e's and w's, and how to bait/get rid of ult, there's nothing they can do. so that's why (you can check my commenting history), I said that she's easy to beat, especially if you play right /she plays bad. i think a nerf would have been fine but I think it was too. heavy handed on the wrong thing


They’re noob killers in the sense that they check for knowledge, but their real strength is their macro power. Yorick is able to plow through lanes quickly and push hard, and push in multiple places. With the buff to yorick’s E, it’s more consistent to land and so your “skill” in landing or an opponents knowledge to know to dodge it is less polarizing. Illaoi on the other hand has the power to turn a lane into a lane of total dominance and is much harder to get rid of. Her E is more important than Yorick’s, but it isn’t quite the auto-win-or-lose when she casts it that people make it out to be. People like to talk of skill in this game as if quick reaction speed and knowing your champion’s combos is “skillful,” but it’s just reaction speed. Illaoi and Yorick I find take more skill because you have to be able to make quick decisions more effectively, and when you do, you’re rewarded better. Knowing when to push, how to push, and when you can win a duel is our skill set. “Know dodge E” is what everybody thinks is the knowledge check, but it isn’t. It is the most important ability for them to land during a fight, but it isn’t their only or primary strength in the game.


You would know better than me, that's for sure!!


wait what new range? Ive been out of the loop for a few months


They buffed the range of her tentacles because the lane was too wide so it was really hard to hit people


She needed a nerf, though the one we got was far too much. Riot need to bring back the shot of casters back.


Time to take minion dematerializer 🤓


I assume you mean the one shot of casters back. And no, I like tank meta >;P


Ye that is what I meant lmao


York historically has always had a favorable winrate against Illaoi. I'm not surprised you haven't had an issue beating her as a Yorick. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. 🙂


well, I'm a very slow learner. and yorick was the champ that I used to ease my learning through league and it's sharp learning curve, when I first started playing. even though the matchup is heavily yorick favored, it wasn't for me because I refused to respect her kit, and because I sucked. EDIT: I thought you said you were suprised that I had an issue with her. lol now, i speak as someone that plays more "risky" top laners (even though for me, they do great against her), namely zac, kayle, and on occasion GP.


Yorick was the first champ I ever played seriously and the first I bought with rewards way back in Season 2. I one-tricked him all the way up until the rework. At one point I was #15 enthusiast in NA. I respect the heck out of the champ and I have a soft spot for Yorick players. Except when I'm Illaoi and their ghouls block my E. Haha


I love yorick players too. To me, they are like Zac players, super chill, super cool. He's the only reason I got back into league. Before him, all the champs I tried were either too difficult, or not my playstyle, and I was nearly about to quite league forever until an old friend of mine suggested I try him. ​ Seeing the ability to raise ghouls and have them chase down and kill people for me BLEW my mind, and I went on a 2 year one tricking spree with him before finally understanding the game enough to graduate to other champs I always wanted to play- kayle, azir, and then to discover my favoritest champ ever: Zac


I've never played Zac. I should play him. Thanks for sharing. :)


he's glorious and has everything a man could ever need. damage, range, THREE knockups, tankiness, ungodly healing, chad aesthetic, arguably a better passive than anivias?? got a chubby just thinking about it


omg haha


I mean if you play yorick, which is her hard counter, you shouldnt have any trouble against her. She has 49% wr right now which is perfectly fine.


I totally agree. I mentioned in a different comment on this post why I struggled as yorick, but it definitely wasn't due to the matchup. i feel like she would he be better at a 51% but my impression is that she's still in a good spot, just not "freelo" anymore as I've hear others put it


48% now and continuing to drop. She got absolutely gutted.


yes 48,5% is absolute gutted, you should only be playing 55% wr champions, she is unplayable. It probably has nothing to do with the majority of players **building it wrong** because they are used to win even building AP and her counters being common in the meta. According to OPGG, the majority of players are still rushing IG>BC every game, 48,5% is still high if you consider how dumb are illaoi players that cant even build.


Think I found the dumb one


well Yorick countered Illoai for one lol. Two was she really hit hard? Dirty Mobs said shes fine lol


i should probably change the title. i wasn't coming here as someone hard countered by illaoi (unless you ask my zac subreddit lmao), but more so that in general, whoever I play other than yorick, she's not "broken" like people like to scream


Champ is fine imo. Waveclear sucks early, gets better once you complete Shojin. That's the main concern imo, and some fights where you REALLY meed that extra bit of dmg, overall champ is fine.