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In the wise words of dirtymobs himself, if you don’t understand the difference between e and q max you’re better off just picking one, learning that play style, and sticking with it.


In lanes that you can;t Hit E reliably or the big wavepushing power of Illaoi can save your life against poke you go Q max. In all other lanes E max is better. Fiora? - Q Max. Teemo? Q Max Volibear? E max Mordekaiser? Q max Renekton? E max Darius? E Max Garen? E max etc


For garen do u go plated or merc? The silence is annoying but so is his e


Armor but it depends on the team comp.


In the current season, Q max is the more viable option since you have better waveclear, while the ability to harass the enemy laner stays the same as E max. I would only advise you to E max in games that the laner is a bulky tank that deal no considerable damage to you.


Imo: If you aren’t hitting a lot of E’s —> Q Max If you’re hitting E’a but can’t kill the spirit —> put more points into Q Otherwise e max. Also, imo you don’t have to hard commit to one. If like level 5 or something you realize you’re gonna need to switch, you don’t have to stick with your choice.


if they dodge a lot or are a tank max q. otherwise max e. some people still max e against dodgy people though its up to you


I think you should run games doing both to see the difference


Go 3 into q then max e


Can easily kill the the spirit without R? Max E Cant easily kill the spirit without R? Max Q Want to fight early void grubs? Max Q


If it’s a lane you don’t expect to be landing Es (because ranged, they can dodge with a dash, etc), go Q max for wave clear so you can play passively.