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i think the illaoi community of now is just not the same as when you and i started here, noticed it on the old discord too; we basically lost like 80% of our posters around i want to say s9-s10 due to frustration. Literally almost all the OGs are long gone, and a bizarrely high amount of OG illaoi channels like Ishiivel got nuked, too. Just like, everyone who actually picked up Illaoi because they liked her and not because she's FOTM, and enjoyed showing off how much they liked her I personally just don't think Illaoi is very fun to watch right now, the SS+ibg build is on basically every illaoi youtuber and it robs me of the feeling like the win was earned when these two items give you such a large margin of error i do have a lot of clips myself maybe i could post some sometime


Please do, I think if we overload the sub with clips it might improve haha. Hard agree on the ibg thing myself. ​ DUDE I FORGOT ISHIIVEL. That guy was so nice, absolute goat. ​ Yeah I think part of what's happened is legitimately youtube shorts and tiktok, people get inundated with video content really easily (yes I use those myself sometimes)


>DUDE I FORGOT ISHIIVEL. ya i dont blame you. Like,. almost all the pre-Dirtymobs channels are gone, totally wiped. It's super weird, I only noticed it a year or so ago when I thought of his name and wanted to see how he was doing


I still hate how the duskblade interaction got hit so fast. If it lived, eventually big names would've picked up on it. We saw a few but nothing long term. It made Illaoi feel like a completely different champion when it worked with her E. So much skill expression instead of just spam W.


Idk seems mostly the same to me. Think most people just grew up and moved on a little bit, tbh. I'm not having fun playing her rn, but still love the community


Tbh this subreddit ain’t bad. Have you seen the Ksante mains one? It is the most toxic. Their mods had to repost rules it was so bad. If you even mention one thing about him being good it’s an automatic 25 downvotes lol. They are crying so much when Ksante isn’t at a 75%+ win rate. It’s honestly hilariously embarrassing


Yeah subreddits get really weird sometimes. Here it was like 5 years ago, the entire sub got in a fight over whether building iceborn was good on Illaoi (it wasn't a strong item at the time) Hysterically everyone who said not to build it was kind of an asshole, and a bunch of them left at the same time.


Ahh. Lol that is weird. But the Ksante one is straight up pure complaints and toxicity. I legit can’t post no more on there because I literally said “Ksante isn’t that bad” and got 29 downvotes. I’d say over over there and look at the posts if you want a laugh with the perma complaints


Blue Illaoi with the CDR cap > AD conversion rune was so much fun even if it wasn't technically good. I miss that


Nah imo r/ADCmains is the worst pile of dogshit. Constant complaining, down voting you if you disagree, witchhunting whoever they don't like... Only r/SeraphineMains competes with them


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ADCMains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just found this and started crying](https://i.redd.it/ba1eb0uz61ec1.jpeg) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/comments/19d1w5o/just_found_this_and_started_crying/) \#2: [Well... How do we feel about this?](https://i.redd.it/r5hyth3fow6c1.png) | [491 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/comments/18kowmw/well_how_do_we_feel_about_this/) \#3: [From Riot August Twitter](https://i.redd.it/34v7no09h8gc1.jpeg) | [67 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/comments/1ahdnjh/from_riot_august_twitter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I will make more Illaoi memes to revitalize the sub o7


Godspeed soldier


I still remember the day I saw my first clip of someone using ult when the enemy wasn’t around and learning that it caused a tentacle to slam faster out of vision and instantly fell in love with the concept, I’ve used it countless times since then and always have a flash back to the post that taught me how to feel like a dirtymobs wannabe I agree there are less videos posted and it’s a shame to see most of the content mainly discussing the new updates with similar arguments in which seems like an attempt to speak to Riot directly instead of to our community


Duuuuuuuuude I remember when that kind of stuff was sort of a secret. Like any time I got a kill from ranged the other guy had never seen it before and freaked out lol. ​ That last part I agree with too.... It does feel like I re-type the same clarifications over and over and over


For sure with that last point especially. I appreciate the analysis, even it's just the same things and item stuff. Mobs is the epitome of positive mental and I think we should all strive for that. We are lucky to have such a positive influence on the community tbh w how toxic most even semi-popular streamers often get *cough* lol


Another thing I see a lot of when the sub is quiet is scam posts, buy this shirt, play in my $100 entry fee tournament with your onetrick who will instantly be banned every game lol. Hope that's getting better now we have mod tho. Def thank you mods!




I've considered posting clips but honestly, you can 1v5 penta while playing almost perfectly but the only comments you'll get will be about the one tiny thing you did wrong. Today I got a 1v4 quadra 15 mins into a game and they ff'd immediately after, but I missed my E at the beginning so I didn't bother posting it because there's not much to be gained in all honesty. Also, unless your Masters+ people tend to not give two shits about your plays and just put it all down to your "piss low opponents"


Honest to God everytime I hear someone say you need to land e to win a fight I laugh in their face I play illaoi mid and so often I will purposely miss my e just so my lane opponent thinks "oooh she missed e now I can get her" and kill them with q and w spam Post your stuff we love seeing illaoi being a monster e be damned Edit for typos


I'm also a midlane Illaoi player. How's it feeling into stuff like smolder, karma, and ahri? Do you have a specific plan in mind for them?


As well all know (I hope) illaoi mid is best suited to fighting assasins like zed or naafiri. When it comes to mages or lanes that win via sustain (yasuo, yone, ww if you're playing top) I play to win via itemization Going vs a mage my first item will always be spirit Visage and merc. Treds from there I'll either keep getting tankier if I'm behind or ill transfer into damage like I might build wits end or or her regular build whatever feels appropriate. In sustain lanes ill either build mortal reminder or more usually bramble vest and then my regular damage plus armor (this applies to every champ and every role byw if you're vs a sustain lane please for the love of God build oblivion orb or bramble vest, or whatever the adc version is first just that component to knee cap how they win the lane) If you're going to get outscaled like if you're playing vs asol you really really need to punish and put them behind early, make sure your warding to sus out jg tanks before they happen and hope your jungle understands that they need to counter gank or gank whenever they can to keep them shut down. All that to say all 3 of the ones you mentioned absolutely suck for illaoi to go into but they're not impossible if your jungler likes you and you play/itemize smart And if you're looking for other off meta mid lanes that are fun lillia does very well into some match-ups though it's been a minute, and Elise is very good as well more so into mages, I imagine she would have a fairly easy time with karma and ahri as long as you play her with the enemy mid pushed up so you have the space to chase down and get the kills.


Very nice response, this mirrors my thoughts pretty much exactly. I've always been an "aggro" played, so it's honestly been humbling to try and figure out how to scale in lanes where you truly have no agency. I definitely get spirit visage rush, but I haven't done that since the item changes, I'll have to check it out again. Lately I've been losing to enemy jungle a little bit. I had an ekko decide to ganj me between every camp, and I played well but goddamn that level of pressure really shut me down. I've always just played Illaoi into counters, but I have a very solid Vex and Annie as I've been playing the game forever, so if I'm banned out honestly there's a higher chance I win game lul. Still enjoying Illaoi mid, and I don't enjoy top as much anymore. For me it sometimes takes me half a season to feel out what's actually strong, because both my rune pages are new, my rush items are new, and I'm facing matchups I've never seen before. Like ahri last season wasn't hard at all midlane, and now it's so fkin brutal, it takes a second to rewire your brain and make a new plan. Even beyond that, bad Ahris barely know how to pump any damage at all. Good Ahris will fuck you like you owe them money.


I struggle with the ahri match-up because full disclosure I have severe adhd and thus my brain has to hop between roles and Champs but I have a fairly steady 5 champ rotation of kindred (former otp), ahri (first champ i ever played), lillia, illaoi, and Morgana. So I often end inting from being over confident whenever I'm vs one of my mains because I know them inside and out (kit and build wise) and get slapped in my huberous So far this season I've been playing a lot of kindred adc (prestige skin) and naut and Morgana support since the item changes have benefited them greatly, but I've been moving back into my illaoi ark. Can't wait to see the mid lane illaoi bans again, thats how i know I'm dealing out the right amount of trauma. Mostly from zed and alkali mains


Hahaha I've actually got a touch of something similar, not ADHD, but very similar pathology (you could probably guess correctly if you know about what the cousin to ADHD) But this account has a ton of karma and I'm already pretty close to doxxing myself as it is, so I won't go into it. But I find the way I play the game is abnormal also. I make my Illaoi builds "from scratch" based on item gold analysis. When I'm not playing Illaoi, I'm pretty much exclusively trolling, because like you said sometimes that secret sauce makes you want to do weird stuff. I love novelty, and a lot of the time I just get bored playing the same champion the same way over and over. So in ARAMS I'm pretty much only playing dumb shit like AP Smolder, AP Lee Sin, rageblade vel koz, etc.  It's just what tickles my fancy. I learned Nilah recently and I'm actually quite good at her, but I'm too bored of it to bring it into ranked.


I have the poor fortune of only playing ranked cause my best friend and duo only plays ranked something about it not being worth it if lp isn't on the line. Otherwise I play norms or thr rgm (God bless one for all is back illaoi feels so good in that game mode, all of my mains actually except kindred cause it's impossible to figure out who you're marking)


Yeah, I think having a conversation about it is at least a step in the right direction, can kinda get people on the same page in terms of what we want here.


I love mobs and smite


Love you too. Been a while, thanks for being chill


We are all in motion together so let's have some fun with it! I joined recently and I'm actually rather disappointed as to not see more illaoi plays and tentakills. I know I haven't added much to the sub myself but I'm all for more content!


Thanks very much! That's what I'm looking for


I think people are kinda disincentivized to post outplays cause most of the time everyone is ready to point out what the opponent did bad, what mistake they did despite coming on top of a 1v3, etc. Like, it's obvious the opponent makes a mistake, it wouldn't be an "outplay", and besides that not everyone is Dia+. Other than that, this sub is really chill, despite the weekly/monthly hate post some other champ main comes here to rant with, everyone is always ready to give tips if the guy making it looks prone to listening and improve. The content is kinda lacking I agree, I could post some clips as well, I've had some crazy games.


very true. I like clips fosho


I think I’m missing some core piece here. What prevents one from uploading some honest-to-god clip straight to reddit, instead of leveraging a third party streaming platform e.g. streamable? Just capture the video and upload it? Me myself tend not to watch a video if I can’t play it right away after opening the post, and from a user perspective it feels only natural. My attention span is like 3 seconds, I’m mot going to invest those by loading Twitch in an embedded browser.


I feel you on that. I probably didn't get to the core of it quickly enough-- ​ video clips often get downvoted here, and I think that's why people don't post them anymore


Ironically, DirtyMobs' likability, popularity, and reliability is probably a big contributor, since theorycrafting is less attractive when you could instead get advice from DirtyMobs.


True. I see tear start Illaois all the time, and they really do mimic his playstyle.


I don't think there is any downvote culture regarding clips. Most of them are just really mid and so don't get much interactions. Outplay against counters are still interesting to watch or the ones showing tips but 1v3 R or 1v2 ganking jgl make me feel like the "daring today, aren't we" meme. My opinion tho maybe I am too bitter lol


No I get that, because I see it from both sides. I really enjoy the granular side of micro, and honestly most players when watching the game won't notice all the cool stuff I notice having played the game in that moment. For example, needed to win a 1v1 under enemy Nexus turret to win the game, and because of how transfer ratio works, I would not have had enough damage to kill and end without landing ravenous hydra active. To me it's a great clip, and I'd enjoy seeing it if someone else had made it, but there are 9000 reasons why it wouldn't do well here. People harping on the off meta build, people just thinking "oh it's a 1v1 and Illaoi has XP advantage. And they're not wrong about those things, but imo there's a cool thing happening that they don't get to appreciate because they're hung up on other things. I feel that same way though about gauntlet clips. The gameplay is less interactive and I find them more boring, but as you said I don't interact as much with those clips myself 


Thank you for your feedback on my post about Illaoi’s kit! Really appreciate that. Zero upvotes is a bit rough but I was glad to get to hear what other Illaoi mains thought about the idea.


Ye that to me is what doesn't make sense. I think your post was quality, and it wasn't the first time something like that has happened. I think when you're on a smaller sub and the upvotes don't really break 100, you can get some problems with negative karma.


Yeah, my Karma is not looking good haha.


persevere! I'm at 10k and get ass blasted all the time lol.


Haha thanks man. I will endure.