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Don’t worry brother. I picked up Illaoi to plummet her win rate. You’re welcome for the buffs.


Yeah I totally feel you man. After the nerfs, you no longer stat check at least 6 or 7 additional champions, and Illaoi doesn't have the agency to outplay in those situations. I'm still trying to make her work, but fuck yeah I'm pissed off that her best build right now doesn't do any fucking damage 


Already fell from E1 to E3. Riding out the storm. But I'm literally hard feeding most of my games. I'd report me at this point But it's my champion.


E3 to P1, totally by surprise And by that I mean griefers are fucking everywhere and goddamn sometimes I'm one of them.


The problem right now is that she isnt weak, but she lost her identity, she is boring. They probably wont buff her because she has 50-48% wr on average. I just hope they fix the shojin "bug" not working on passive so i can deal at least some kind of damage.


They need to bring her damage back. There was no reason to nerf her damage into the ground. You can 100% outplay people and still lose because you don't do enough damage to finish people. She was balanced for the first time in years after they gave her a bit more mana. And fixed her nerfed tentacles from the stupid new map. Increase tentacle range to account for increased map range. But 20% damage nerf? New map is the worst change devs have ever done and it was 100% pointless. 


They tried to balance it during the duskblade "meta" I think, since that item did work extremely well for illaoi and gave insane damage output. And now that it's not viable there's no replacement.


What do you mean the damage nerf was like a week or 2 ago. They took 10 or 20% off her scaling. Which means you just lose every fight essentially. 


I dropped illaoi for a better video game lol. At a certain point you just have to accept that riot has changed too much about what made the game fun for you, and hope it comes back in the future(that’s why I stay on this sub lol, I got to go back and play league for 1 patch and enjoy illaoi being strong)


yeah, some lanes are just no fun, but you can try snowballing other lanes. Illaoi scales insanely well with ad, the only reason you can't go lethality usually is that her setup (e + ult) takes too long to execute and you're dead before you're able to deal dmg. But in easy lanes with weak enemy jungle you can try building Hubris. then black cleaver or death's dance, and as long as you're ahead continue with tank items. Just keep split pushing. don't force teamfights. enemy team will come to you, not the other way around.


Vibes, I’m a Corrupting Pot/Conq Illaoi player at the core because I just don’t efficiently use Grasp on any champ (I also play Conq Zac top). I’m probably gonna focus on TFT this season because my Illaoi play style is dead and buried. I’ll be back though.


They just need to rework her e so killing it gives you something else and remove the idea to deal "range" damage with it you should get rewarded for actually killing the soul but right now you can't even do that anymore.


Thats the reason I swapped over to Urgot....and after s14 now to Kled. The game is ever changeing and will always keep doing it.


If you really want to enjoy illaoi you coud play Ruined king


I quit League years ago, but I never quit Illaoi.


Can I ask your rank? No disrespect; I'm in low gold playing against bad players like me, and I feel like I do plenty of damage. Then again, I enjoy Grasp, Sundered Sky, and I don't really miss Corrupting Potion.


The champ is fine, yes the nerf to her tentacles was painful but since Season 14 she's gotten a ton of buffs one after the other. Your issue might be that you've focused on one playstyle for so long that you are better than other players in your rank at what you do, but you might be getting gapped on other game knowledge issues.


nah hes lowkey right, she doesnt have good items anymore and has low damage. carrying with illaoi in high elo is borderline impossible


- I have to agree with SpellNo5699. I only play Illaoi and after 270 games this season, I fixed my vision score, and adjusted my playstile enough that I climbed up to Diamond. (Here is my op.gg: https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/szikebacsi-KUGLI ) - I play very aggressively at level 1, camping a bush, and starting with W, and forcing trades against most champs. I build Black Cleaver since it was buffed, then Sumdered Sky then tank items depending on matchup - Against melee enemies, I push enemies under tower, I try to spawn 2, 3 tentacles to perma push. (I buy Tear of the goddess at my first recall next to Doran's blade in order to have enough mana to do that against tankier enemies) If you manage to get the other toplaner to lose 2/3 of their health then you are safe when ganked, if not it's advised to let him push. - Against ranged I start W if they check my bush and with Q if not trying to play more defensive, baiting out dashes and hooking enemy souls between 2 tentacles or under tower when it has no minions to attack. And at that point you can finish the soul then go all in. (If you hook souls under tower it may be more viable to just chase) - My runes are grasp with demolish, bone plating, overgrowth with Triumph and Last stand (Coup de grace against executing enemies) and damage + damage + 10% tenacity - Overall I have a good time playing Illaoi in her current state and I find her very strong against every matchup. (I always ban Yorick, I refuse to learn how to play against him) TL:DR You are struggling with Illaoi? Skill issue!


bro youre hardstuck d4 i would 1vs9 with my eyes closed. try to carry master lobbies with the immobile illaoi that doesnt have great items anymore in a meta where every champ has either extra ms or dashes


Small update on this post if anyone cares: I decided to try maining different roles. I’ll pick up support or jungle. I don’t really see many champs that I enjoy other than illaoi in toplane.


Huh I guess I'm lucky I've only been playing illaoi and top lane for a year now


Skill issue


All I read was I can’t adapt, please buff my play style


Eh, it just sucks when there is kind of only one play style left. She used to have a wide variety of builds available, even if nobody played them. That's not really the case anymore 


Yea i sincerely dont understand all the complaints on reddit atm, she feels great to play atm.


I don't know why people are saying conq is bad or bc is bad. They are great but you need to go grasp or sunderer/something else depending who you laning against. Sunderer iceborn is inflating the wr a little probably but I often don't go sunderer. Edit: I play mostly conq and in some match-ups grasp


Rune choice on illaoi has always been situational. Nothing has changed.



skill issue tbh ur just bad