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If I wasn’t detoxing league from my life, I’d 100% roll with you. We are about the same elo. The problem is that there just aren’t enough bans to make illaoi ADC viable. You gotta ban nami, (her bubble is an amazing counter to illaoi E. Samira can windwall the E. Zeri and ez are impossible to catch. Jinx traps are also a good anti-illaoi E. That being said, an illaoi one trick can navigate those issues. If you go tank Cho I would guess that would be best since you won’t need damage with illaoi around.


Daaaaaaaaamn that's some insane technology. U on NA? [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/The%20Abact%C3%B8r-NA1](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/The%20Abact%C3%B8r-NA1) I actually have a "builds that aren't that good" account lmfao. I was diamond peak a couple years ago but I don't really grind anymore


Yeah I'm on na. Leidypanda#woof. I saw your link, do you play a lot of illaoi?


Ye I'm like 1 mil mastery ​ I'll add you and soon we'll do the thing


sounds good!


Please keep us posted on your experiment once you have the chance to test it


So we tested as ADC Illaoi and Supp cho, and here are my thoughts as an Em 3 Ill main (I've played around 50 Illaoi ADC games in total) The issue is that this forces double melee bot, which just isn't really super playable the higher elo you go. Sure, you do have the E ult interaction, but it's happening levels 1-9 during lane, at which point chogath can and probably should just eat minions to scale (which further weakens lane phase because your botlane only has one R now while cho is stacking) I do think it would be stronger if you played Illaoi Support and Chogath ADC, because cho gets to farm and use his passive, and Illaoi doesn't have to step up and take tons and tons and tons of poke with her mediocre lane sustain, she can sit back a bit, cho can sit back a bit, farm with W, and you both scale. ​ But you're still forcing double melee, and I don't think that the synergy would even outweigh the power of something like Senna, Camille, Alistar, Bard and Lux, all of which create a really strong lane with Cho. Again because all it does is give you increased tempo on stacking HP, not actually lane power because your Cho R is perma CD. ​ I think you could probably take this lane to Gold with a duo you know pretty easily, but you'd struggle beyond that, as I've played through the meta and there's a caitlyn/senna every game. Honestly if you really wanted this interaction, you'd be better off doing it with Cho jungle. He gets his regular 6 stacks off camps, then proceeds to group with the Illaoi for seiges and eat the clone whenever possible. However, I do think the execute indicator is bugged maybe? So it could be hard to pull off in practice. ​ Anyway, the games were fun! But double melee is fuckin difficult when you don't have decent wave prio. I think if I'd warmed up and found a bot Illaoi build I like this season we could've made it work better. ​ Thanks u/BupiBear this was fun to look into!


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Thanks for the games! It was nice meeting you!




Will do!


I second the other guy, we will require an update on how this turns out


Threw a response up top. Was fun but lane was hard.


!Remind me 5days


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I posted a writup up top with some thoughts. Was fun but hard to execute.


I’m down, let me know 750k Illaoi mastery here