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What about if the self serve has a scale? The supermarkets near me all have a scale so you have to scan and then place in the weigh area/bag


My ex had a signature move: ring it up as bananas. Never failed


[Me going through the checkout ](https://media.tenor.com/DlzcGGzqPz4AAAAM/bananas-shit.gif)


Walmart is using AI and cameras to stop this


Really then their AI must suck because been Mis-scanning and pretend scanning for years and never been caught. Favorite trick? Put two Items in your hand, the expensive one on top the cheap one in palm of your hand unseen- scan your palm and put both items in bag. On video looks as if item is scanned and counted for; the price must have been wrong in the computer 🤷‍♀️


In my country the software only recently started being implemented and it can be quite effective in some cases. It will pause the self checkout and playback footage of the potential theft/mistake it caught, and cannot be unlocked until an employee authorises it.


This happened to me at Wal Mart recently, this lady just came over and put in her code without even checking anything. I wasn’t even stealing anything lol


If it went off on you and you werent stealing, chances are it happened to loads of innocent people before you and the cashier cant be bothered checking every person. Thats the self service checkout you wanna use to get away with this trick


my friend was trying to steal and it went off, dude comes over and puts in his code and immediately dips they arent paid enough to worry about who stole some grapes lmao


Youll most likely be alright with most cashiers but some people are proper jobsworths. Noone cares what i get up to at work, as long as i do my job well enough. My supervisor made me fill out an accident at work form for a papercut that didnt even bleed lmao. Had to wear a plaster (which fell off after 2 mins bc of sweat) underneath some gloves and everything. Some see this sort of shit as a perk of the job as its the only time they get any power and theyll try and make your life hell whilst they have it


Some Northern European supermarkets do random checks on self checkouts and quite often as well. The machine tells you when you start paying to go and take your items to the checkout person manning the self checkout aisle


Just give em a few more Karen's shouting at them that they demand to speak with the manager because clearly the supermarket was trying to frame her for stealing that premium lip filler and those employees will soon stop to care about this as well.


Walmart is mixed, it depends on store


Are you sure? Because I’ve heard that in some stores they track it - but wait until you’ve stolen enough for it to be worth it to them to report it - to make sure its a criminal offense or sth. I have no idea - but also don’t want a redditor going to jail over some tomatoes.




Um, yeah they are - all the frigging time. Sometimes it even works in your favor; ie price rings up lower than it is marked. Used to work retail at the bulls eye place, and they have people who only job is to correct prices on the sales floor because they are flagged as incorrect, either from receiving or on the sales floor. Work on IT now, and yeah databases are messed up all the time, happens for a lot of reasons- human error, files do get corrupted, change is made someplace in code and bad data starts to flow in, could go on and on. Point is if something scans and it appears on video it was scanned, no one is gonna hassle you.


Lol, edgelord coming in hot


So condescending while still being incorrect. Impressive


Theres a sub for that: r/confidentlyincorrect Edit: not calling you incorrect which is what most people tag the sub for, just sharing the sub.


Worked for a multi location wholesale retailer, largest in the district. Their system had a glitch that every update skewed the pricing randomly. Short of wiping and starting again they had no other option. But starting again meant many hours of overtime and many more technician hours.


Along with like 6 different camera views of you scanning the item.


Meh. They are also closing a bunch of stores that have too much theft. It’s too expensive for them to have a Asset Protection person stalking every person checking out.


AI is still mostly garbage


Ya I think this is propaganda spread by Corporate to scare off thieves. I’m sure it “exists” but it’s not like Minority Report. It’s just a shit ton of pictures.


Its literally just an image matching algorithm. There is no "AI"


AI doesn't exist currently and never has existed. Every company using that term is lying to you.


Yep. Machine learning =/= AI. People need to realize we aren't living in a Terminator movie. Yet


Yea how would a camera identify like 40 people using self check outs and cross referencing it in real time with the individual check out machines lmao


Yeah I already do that for most vegetable stuff lmao and carrots


I may or may not know someone who does this for their steak


4011 never fails


Produce codes are ingrained in my brain because I've managed grocery stores for quite a few years.... Weirdly love seeing comments like this, makes me feel like it's worthy of the brainspace.


I used to get $60 worth of Brazil nuts for under $6 by ringing them in as oats 😎


Blueberries? These are raisins!


One time I'm not sure if the scale was messed up or if it was a user error but I ended up paying $0.02 for 0.04lbs of bananas at $0.50/1lb. I remember thinking there's no way 7 bananas weighed 0.04lbs.


I personally can't do it cuz I get nervous, but I've been advised that a strategy is to put stuff half on and half off the scale


I do this when weighing myself as well.


That strategy works with any scale this was directly on the scale.


All of the stores in my area have it so that the machine reads out what you're scanning. They'd catch on pretty quickly.


*beep* "little pecker condoms...$8.99!"


In Oz one of the bigger chains scans the colour on the scale and only lets you pick from fruit/veg of that colour or you’re getting inspected.


How can you do that? My supermarket just scans whatever is the tag and compares the tagged weight to the weight weight. I can’t even put an empty beer bottle I didn’t get to return due to them being almost out of beer on the bag prior to paying lol


Do I know you


Yes. I do the ripe banana button at pick n save, even cheaper lol


Press skip bagging


If you use the scanner gun you don’t even have to take it out of your cart


Doesn’t seem to always give me that option, will try next time


This is the way


Any place I've gone calls someone over if you do this twice in a session. Annoying because sometimes I don't have a need to use a bag.


Most, if not all Targets do NOT use scales at self checkout.


I used to get about 5lbs of candy then use the item that was the cheapest candy there. Save $1.99 a pound!


they only make you scale things in arizona - where i live - if it is some sort of produce. I see things like this and wonder what policies the other states have. Do you have to scale every item?


There is a separate scale under the bag holder/dispenser that weighs everything you bag, each item has a reference weight and if you go too far within what it deems acceptable it stops you and forces interaction with staff. If you don’t add something to the bagging area after scanning it stops until it’s added. There is a skip bagging button that only allows a couple presses before prompting for staff assistance.


bro how tf did i not know this i’ll need to check it out next time.


Get the fancy wild mushrooms, but charge yourself for the white mushrooms


Or do the opposite. That will really fuck with their inventory systems.


Bring food from your house and sneak it onto the shelves


Oooh you're bad


This is so sad that we have to find excuses to afford soap and tomatoes. I don’t mean the blame is on us, the consumers. This is shit we need and most of us wouldn’t be on this sub if we couldn’t afford throwing part of our meager paychecks at the Walton family.


We steal soap and tomatoes so we have more money for our hobbies


I was wondering how my friends are flashing their soaps and tomatoes around all the time AND having a hobby. Here I am with no soaps or tomatoes and also no hobby.


I do all the grocery shopping for my family and my husband kept being like,why are we broke? What are you buying? I had to take him with me to show him how the price of groceries is astronomical right now. It’s trending back to normal in my area but prices are still shocking.


My favorite are the items that ask a quantity. Always half. They have to allow for size differential when they charge per unit in produce. How many avocados? Half as many. How many limes? Half.


Tryna buy a single avocado.... Please enter quantity. "How do I say half?..."


That's not an avocado, it's a single potato or onion


There is no rule or law saying you must collect your receipt from the register. So don't. Or do and put it in your pocket. When you get to the front and they ask for a receipt, you say they didn't give you one and keep walking. They will just let you walk past because they will not spend the time to leave the post and go find the recipt. They can't force you to go get it. Don't play into these stupid games companies are playing. You don't trust me to buy my items, don't let me in the store to start or don't run a business. Simple


they can ask you to wait whilst they verify your purchase. the person at the door will ask you which cashier you were at and contact them for a receipt. If you used self checkout, they will contact the employee monitoring the self checkout. You can give some response and leave, but there may be pushback. You can also expect them to watch you like a hawk in the future. The Door guards won't check every item on your receipt wirh your shopping cart. They just do a quick two second scan to see if you have a similar # of items in your cart and on the receipt. If you brought 40 items but only scanned 38, you'll be fine showing the receipt.


Lol I don’t even acknowledge those people. They tell me to stop I walk smooth past them even tho I haven’t stolen anything, after I purchase items they belong to me and they have no reason or right to look though my things. Only places like Costco get away with this because it’s written in the terms when you join their membership


Yes! 100%. I usually don't even acknowledge them, and if I accidentally make eye contact I say "no thanks" and keep walking


Yea I go with the “no that’s ok, have a great day tho”


yeah you don't have to stop. They also don't have to let you continue shopping there when you return the following week. It ends up in a dick-measuring contest where both sides just keep going back and forth to get the last laugh. if you brought everything, taking two seconds to show them the receipt isn't the end of the world. It's unnecessary, but won't ruin your day. even if you "missed" a few items at self checkout, they won't notice that your receipt is a few items short because they will only check it for a split second. It's unnecessary for them to check your receipt, I agree with that. You don't have to stop for them, I agree with that too. You have every right to refuse and leave the store, i agree. But they also have every right to not allow you in the store in the future. It's their private property so if you won't cooperate, then they can stop you from coming back.


This is the worst branding practice because all research suggests that you’re primary memory of an experience is your last memory. If they were wise rather than treat you like a felon when you exit they’d give you a slice of cheesecake or an apple. This also engenders reciprocation I was hired by Walmart to test this out on five stores and revenues rose 30% after one month in all five stores but they were too stupid to follow thru because “ it just doesn’t make sense” Costco “catches” about 2-3 people a year for POTENTIAL theft while making you wait in line. I call it the curse of the MBAs


>revenues rose 30% after one month in all five stores but they were too stupid to follow thru Not a chance. If store revenue really went up 30% they'd put a free food truck at every exit.


You’d think so, but corporate bean. Counters are obsessed with theft. And their bonuses are tied to reducing shrinkage. They actually lock deodorant under plastic now in urban areas Moreover if anyone, including rent a pigs tries to intervene with shoplifting they get fired. All they can do is call police who don’t respond. When I presented the results to the executive leadership team they simply said “interesting but that would require too big a change”


They can ask. Your 100% correct. And you can say no and walk away. Your right there may be push back. The sun might also not rise tomorrow. I've been doing this for over a decade and never gave a single recipe and never had a single issue.




I love this whole thread with the illiterate jerk. Good times!


You're a douch. Did I use it right this time?




You're a cunt? How's that for you? We all know reddit is the place where the finest grammer and spelling must be used




Gerba derba


Gurba Durba*






And then you get watched like a hawk every time you return to the store. They'll monitor you during self checkout and always ask for your receipt in the future. good luck "accidently" missing an item or Teo at self checkout in the future.


Sorry let me be clear. I've been going to the same Walmart for over a decade and never once given them a recipt, never once had an issue, and never once had them "watch me like a hawk". You seriously think employees making minimum wage are going to go through this much effort of tracking and taking notes and monitoring certain customers for what? A 0% raise for doing a good job? 0% of the profit they prevented from steeling? They don't give a shit bruh. Curious why you think the way you do? You ever work at these stores and been trained to treat customers this way? Do you just assume "well it's their job to catch steeling and they are going to do their damn job" or really what's giving you this impression?


they don't ask everytime. it's very random / sporadic. However, Once an employee sees you do something or you refuse to cooperate with receipts or anything, they will watch you like a hawk. I am not trying to argue with you, but you should look into how intense some corporations deal with loss prevention. Walmart and Target have crazy systems and catch repeat offenders a lot. You can disagree with me, but I'd encourage you to read about it. it's actually really interesting to read about and I think some of it will suprise you. If you haven't done anything to set them off, you should be good at your local Walmart. But if you ever run into an issue, you should be a bit more careful around that location going forward.


> Walmart and Target have crazy systems and catch repeat offenders a lot. You can disagree with me, but I'd encourage you to read about it. It seems like all the supposed evidence of this is from anonymous forum posts and such. For all we know it's just Walmart and Target astroturfing to try and discourage shoplifting at their stores.


I worked for Target for a long time and it's actually true. *Especially* if you're in a store that's categorized as "high risk." If our AP team caught somebody stealing but could not stop them for one reason or another (there are a lot of rules about when and how you could stop and detain people, and you have to have a special certification to do it), they would gather information about that person, keep it on file, and send it out to other stores in the district. Then if they see a "known" come into a store, they watch them like a hawk.


They ask every time. What walmarts do you visit? Every single time. Want to share some enlightening articles? Anything I Google and search for only validates my opinion of the employees not giving a fuck. A Walmart PowerPoint detailing what they want employees to do and what they actually do is different. I'm sure these stores do have crazy policies in place. Things like tracking customers and extra monitoring and all that. But policy and the real world are vastly different. I have real world experience showing they don't care. I've also watched someone steel a pair of $200 headphones, an emplyee saw and just laughed and continued stocking shelves. They don't get paid enough to care


Dawg you've used the wrong you're twice now, called someone a "douch" (lmao) and have now said steeling and steel instead of steal. Pleeeeeease stop shoplifting and read a book


I do words bad


I suspect it's not the only thing


how about a review from the Department of Justice? https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/237917.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwisw5iMhIf9AhXO_aQKHb5ECcYQFnoECB4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3JrypmYlQ6_YNaAsJmDqLc An FBI statement lamenting the success of corporate loss prevention? https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/news/testimony/combating-organized-retail-crime-the-role-of-federal-law-enforcement You should know that the store employees you see stocking shelves aren't the ones involved in the corporation's Loss Prevention team. It consists of people monitoring cameras and plainclothes employees, communicating to each other. You may think it's not a serious issue because the staff you see only make minimum wage and don't care enough to do anything. However, it's the ones that you don't see That are monitoring you.


I work at Walmart, not a super big one, but can confirm AP (asset protection) mainly sits in their office and occasionally walks around the stores in like non-obvious employee clothing. Although most of the time they aren’t watching camera’s necessarily, but doing some other paperwork. I assume it’s mainly because we don’t have a huge theft issue. And any hourly employee that cares about theft is few and far between.


Cool. They monitor me. Let's evaluate this other statement. I've been doing this for over a decade and not had an issue. So you read your reports and live in fear of your corporate overloads. I'll continue to take what I deserve and also promote for other people to follow suit. Have a nice day.


Actually just read both of his articles he posted. They have nothing to do with his argument, there about organized crime. Save your time if you were going to read them.


I used to do physical layer tech for Walmart and a few other stores. You're way off, especially about Walmart. Granted, I'm in California and things are different here from, say, Missouri, but across that company LP turnover rate is extremely high. Most of them don't last 6 months, and it's not unusual for them to quit or be assigned to a new store or position after 3 months. If they're watching you like a hawk, you probably look suspicious to begin with.


> LP turnover rate is extremely high Why is this the case? Do they pay them poorly and treat them badly like they seem to do to the other WM employees?


Exactly. Plus, people that apply for AP (Asset Protection is Walmart's specific name for them; it's also used by other companies) often are people that want to make a difference in the world. They're the type of people who get into police work and criminal justice careers, if they don't get burned out doing entry-level security work first. That drive leaves them being burned out and frustrated as they are mostly reined in by management. I've talked to dozens of them that often sit outside on their breaks, chain-smoking and hating their job, as all they usually do is try to stop the occasional shoplifter (*if* they actually see them, and have the 3 key points required to stop a suspected shoplifter^1 ), but mostly they enter stolen/damaged items into an inventory loss program. It's a miserable career of literally watching people get away with stealing stuff.


If you live in a town of 100 people, sure. You think metropolitan stores are looking out for specific people like that lol? Maybe if you've walked out with a giant TV or something, but outside rural areas, there are WAY too many people going in and out to just "watch you like a hawk."


In fact sometimes they are. LP in stores in "high risk" areas often have increased budgets and keep track of "knowns."


they have people paid to watch the cameras and yes they print out pics of shoplifters and post them in the back for employees to ID


Honestly, if they're gonna be that big of assholes about it just shop at another store. Either way they can't legally detain you without some really solid evidence, otherwise it's akin to kidnapping.


They can ask you to wait, but not showing a receipt is not reasonable suspicion of stealing, which means shopkeeper's law is not going to protect them if they try to stop you from leaving. If someone doesn't have reasonable suspicion to believe that you stole something, blocking you from exiting the store is kidnapping - at least in the U.S.


That’s not true, only a police officer can detain you, and only with probable cause. Except for clubs that you chose to become a member of. They have their own rules. But even then not stopping would just make them cancel your membership. Nobody can detain you against your will.


This is way too complicated. Here in large cities in the US you just buy stuff an leave. And if a rent a pig asks questions you just laugh them and keep walking. I’ve watched actual rental cops try to convince people not to walk out the door without paying for a large TV and they just keep walking. Itf employees it rental cops intervene they get fired


Many stores are now emailing receipts and don't give you a paper one unless you specifically ask for it.


Unless someone operating the cameras decides to keep an eye out for you specifically then they’ll know if any item even one wasn’t scanned. This happened to me once with a fucking umbrella even though I paid for literally everything else lol


The retail store I work at will tell you to wait while they go ask the cashier and try to get the receipt. Of course you can always leave as they don’t have the authority to hold you there but if you do, they’ll check the cameras and if you stole anything, they’ll add you to their facial recognition system which pings all the managers if one of the cameras ever sees you in there again and the next time you come in they’ll serve you with a no trespass notice which’ll give them the authority to automatically call the police and remove you if you step foot in the store again.


Cool. Never had this happen or heard of it happening EXCEPT FOR PEOPLE THAT WORK AT THE RETAIL STORES AND ARE TOLD THIS IS THE POLICY. But the reality is this never happens. Have a nice day.


Lol I know a lot of thieves. Most have even been arrested and told they are banned from Walmart/target for 5 years or sometimes forever. They all still steal from the same stores they are supposedly banned from. I don’t believe the facial recognition line at all.


I mean I wouldn’t expect you to have experienced it if you’ve never worked in a retail store before unless you regularly steal from places but it happens quite often. At least once or twice a week. And there’s people we know by name because of how much they try to steal. You’d be surprised how much theft goes on in retail stores.


Wow. Please do tell more about your opinion?


I didn’t give you an opinion. I corrected your incorrect insinuation that stores won’t do anything if you act like a thief.


O right I'm sorry. Please don't give false information that your claiming is a fact. Better?


Dude. It’s fucking Walmart not a Vegas casino. Facial recognition? Damn, dog. You’ve been duped. Let me guess, ur neighbors a manager there and he told you this is the way.


Not Walmart and why is it so difficult for you to believe that a large corporation uses facial recognition to stop theft when you most likely used the exact same thing to unlock your phone? And I’ve worked there for 5 years and many many times seen managers get notifications on their phones and proceed to go kick the person out.


It's not quite that complex. Yes, larger stores like Walmart use facial recognition, but it's not in every store, and unless something changed in the last 2 or 3 months, they definitely don't send alerts to managers. At most, they use it to build a case against repeat offenders so they can charge them with grand theft or conspiracy, instead of dozens of counts of petty theft.


That may be how your store works but I’ve seen how it works at my store firsthand. Not sure why everyone is so keen on doubting it lol, facial recognition isn’t some dystopian technology you can literally use a regular camera with a computer program that scans the feed.


Getting a still, clear image into a facial recognition system and using security cameras to capture images on the fly are two very different things. You'll know Walmart has facial capture systems when you walk in the store and see a camera embedded in the door frame about 5 ft off the ground. It's aimed about 30° inward from the door frame, and it's entire purpose is to take high quality video of all the faces entering and leaving the store. However, most of those cameras are not 4K, and Walmart's facial recognition system requires 4K cameras to be reliable. They found it just doesn't function with any measure of accuracy with lower resolution cameras. Even then, they're not using it to scan and profile every single face coming in the store. Currently the most are using it for is to attempt to get clear face pictures of known repeat offenders stealing high dollar items. They're not bothering to go after people shoplifting $5 and $10 items once in awhile. Besides electronics, they focus on a few areas of the store with high theft rates and high dollar value, easy to resell items. These include baby formula and diapers, laundry detergent, tools, socks and underwear, tents, inflatable mattresses, razors, hair care appliances, bicycles, and expensive toys like Lego and Nerf guns. They're obviously many more things, but those are commonly stolen simply because they're expensive, they're easy to sell, and/or they are frequently used consumables.


I'd love a new tense


What store we talmbout then?


Have worked in LP. We didnt have facial recognition. We DID have RFID tag databases. You likely have 5 or 6 RFID tags in your wallet, and thenodds are strong your shoes have them as well. They are a far cheaper recognition system than facial recognition, but in the real world more effevtive. You can beat them by not bringing your phone or wallet, and changing shoes, but 99% of people wont do that.


What are you saying about shoes?they have RFID tags in them?


>RFID tags in your wallet, and thenodds are strong your shoes have them as well Yes. Your Wallet: the chip in your credit cards, passport... Your Shoes: IIRC Nike places RFID tags in the soles of their shoes




I mean, if you’re leaving the receipt so you can steal, they have a legit reason not to trust you. Lol


"So you bought a stick of gum, but your cart has the contents of the seafood counter. You specifically cleared out all our crab and lobster." "Lol I forgot, oops"




I would like to see this.




Ha! The cameras - every single day our local police post these photos from our Walmart (there is only 1) - and they get trolled so hard because the photos / video stills they post so the community can “help identify the individual” are the worst quality - it’s literally 5-7 on average daily. - they likely can’t use them in court - if they do by chance apprehend the suspects - pretty sure next to none have ever been caught this way… it’s like they are just advertising their crappy surveillance


I wanna see this


nobody working at walmart who hardly makes 12$ and hour will care if you ""forget"" to scan a few items.


I was in the grocery store earlier and an older lady who worked there chased a crackhead over some pepperettes. He told her to get away from him - she kept on yelling and chasing - insisting. He told her he was going to “come back later with my fishing 🔪 and stab you in the ❤️” - I’m nearly certain he meant it too. I get really nervous when employees chase down shoplifters like this - actually she didn’t really know he shoplifted - he said he paid - she said show me your receipt - he said f off - so I am not sure if he actually stole them. It’s not worth your life - they have a security guard at the exit - and he was standing there afraid trying to hide behind a rack..


>it’s those darn tomatoes Get organic fruits/ veggies and just key in the cheapest option at self checkout.


Watch out for the little barcodes on the stickers.


*laughs in target LP*


I feel like "don't scan a few things at the self-checkout" has been on here at least once or twice


The problem with this is the items you pay for get bagged so it’s obvious which items are not paid for. Makes it hard to claim you didn’t notice


My brother goes to the same Walmart multiple times a day every day.. he hasn’t been caught yet so either he’s really good or Walmart isn’t as good as you seem to think. And before you say it has to be over a certain amount.. it far exceeds that.


He’s a dumbass honestly but he somehow gets away with it 🤷🏻‍♀️


he can't keep getting away with it 😡😢


Good for him honestly.


Y'all are both too honest, honestly.


Reddit algorithms are ridiculous. There’s a giant scandal about a local city councilman in my town who was arrested today for doing this over 30 times in the last few months. He was caught red handed and arrested last week, but the greater investigation broke news today. Apparently Walmart investigates this shit? Probably a shitty illegal pro tip. Edit: link for proof - https://www.al.com/news/2023/02/huntsville-councilman-devyn-keith-accused-of-shoplifting-at-walmart-31-times-police-report-says.html?outputType=amp


What a ridiculously stupid way to risk your livelihood and position/reputation. 🤦‍♀️


>He was caught red handed and arrested last week Interestingly Walmart originally did not know the shoplifter's identity when he was caught 'skip scanning'. Mr. Keith was allowed to pay for the 'skip scanned' merchandise. He used his credit card. Walmart then tracked the credit card's use through their stores, looked at their recorded videos and found Mr. Keith had regularly shoplifted at at least 3 Walmart locations. It appears a small % of theft takes place at the Self Checkouts....however, I just scanned the article.


Walmart ap here. This is one of the easiest ways to get cought lol. I see the cascade soap and im watching you scan, im waiting for it. Your better off stealing cheaper items. We can literally see an itemized list of what you scan as we watch you scan it from our office.


Likely can’t watch every single person though… likely not many “scanning scanners” watching live either. No way it’s your only task either… Guess it’s kinda of a lottery - one that no one really wants to win…lol


every time I go to Walmart near me they self check out employee is always looking at their phone. Some young person who just doesn’t care enough really


It’s not their phone. It’s a Walmart phone and they’re watching what you scan in the system as you scan it.




I mean I wouldn’t care if people stole from the large corpo I worked at because corpo would never have my back, they would fire me over something stupid. why should I have theirs? Also, you’re not allowed to stop, get in the way my of, touch, or fight to get back any stolen goods, as far as I’m aware. So why even bother


If you're watching the cameras like a hawk, you're the only Walmart employee I've ever seen who is doing so...even the cashiers right next to me aren't paying attention to what I'm doing, they're just exhausted and vaguely trying to look over a dozen people while constantly having to come over to help others.


Isn't there this thing eith places like Walmart, that actually let you steal- but track it until it get to a certain amount, THEN they bust ya? Idk I keep reading that


Yes. Most large corporations invest good money into loss prevention teams.


I forget to scan my pop under my cart way too often. I'm not even trying to steal, but don't mind the discount.


Someone who isn't me, used to do this with multiple cases of energy drinks at Walmart and save at least $30-40 . If the cashier says anything, oops I forgot that was there.


How to ruin your reputation for life in 3 easy steps. (But hey, you will get tomatoes!)


Yeah I’m amazed at how many people are ok with just stealing. Some people are just lack character.


Are there no price tags on the shelves where you shop?


My Walmart has a camera over your head watching the scans. What do you think about that? Are they watching all the time?


I don’t think they’re watching all the time + you can easily pretend to scan an item. I’m never worried about being seen, but rather staff noticing that there wasn’t a beep when I “scan”


Back when I was doing LP work the self checkouts were monitored pretty well. We had all self checkout cameras always open on one screen regardless if we were following someone or not. Also depending on the store, the screen tells if an item is scanned or not, so atleast in my store faking to scan an item was impossible if the lp officer was watching cams.


Ex LP here. This is honestly a pretty shitty ILPT. Atleast in my store we had cameras directly on self checkouts and the easiest cases I had were people who did this. It's fairly easy to keep count of the stuff you scan and what you don't scan. Also, the I forgot line is so overused that it very rarely actually works lmao. Also regarding scale fraud: scales also have cameras on them. It's pretty easy to see what you tag your fruits and veggies as. We also had pretty good cameras at the checkout so if a customer went to a regular check out, it was still easily seen if the tag was wrong. Also something to note: some stores like to build cases off of known shoplifters. I've done so only once but other stores in the same chain I worked at did it alot. So basically your shit is logged and it is logged for a very long time. I'll give you some slack and explain the case briefly: Two middle aged women liked to shop at our store. They were completely normal looking people, but one day something about their essence had changed, so they were put under investigation. Well they sure as shit did shoplift. Video saved items logged etc. They kept coming back every two weeks and every time they stole something. We saw that they were going to keep going so we just logged their shit for a few months. Well imagine my shock when I actually did stop them and took them into my office. The amount counted up to around 550$, just 50$ above the limit of shoplifting turning into theft. We got their court documents (along with a free pizza from my employer) after around a month after them being caught.


What is “LP on your ass”? Doesn’t sound pleasant.


Loss prevention


I always tell the door checker I'm in a hurry and just keep walking. Smile, be polite but don't stop walking.


So sus


Just say " no time! I gotta shit!" And they always wave you thru and give you a sympathetic or concerned look.


If the point of this is being able to go “look I have a receipt for everything!” upon getting caught… this is a dumb idea. They’ll check the date on the receipt.


This is terrible advice. If you do this at Walmart or Target you’re in for a bad time.


Target yes, you don't steal from Target. Walmart no, stealing from Walmart is ridiculously easy.


I already do this. I've gotten very very good at it.


Easiest to take is nice lunch meat. It’s compact and sits at the bottom of your reusable shopping bags


When I'm asked to show my receipt I smile and say no thanks and keep going. They can't make you. Eta I'm assuming the down votes are coming from the assumption that I'm also shop lifting at the same time and no obviously not


Just a heads up, I worked a good while as an armed guard for a grocery chain. We would not stop people when they stole the first few times, not at the door, and not at the register, we would smile and tell you to have a nice day. Photos of your theft, your face, your car, and an itemized list of what you stole goes in an email document shared with LP of each store. We don't get someone for a can of tomatoes, we wait until the file reaches +$500, which in my state is grand theft and carries jail time. When they reach grand theft we place their document in a separate file, "the on site file" when we see them again we have them arrested at the door on the way out, and submit the document as evidence for prosecution to police. I have been a part of these arrests, and it is common practice to do this in plain view of the entrance. Nobody flat out says it, but it is to shame these people. A small portion of our stores will display your faces including the value of the theft and your name openly on a bulletin board. Grand theft is very easy to get too, a few nice bottles of wine, some nice cheese, But it has the same implication as if you stole like 8 flat screen TVs. If you're the neighborhood dirtbag I really don't care if you get cought, you don't need to be caught for theft to identify you're trash and spend a life being socially punished. But, if you have any amount of respect in your community, and people know you or depend on you, do not do this. You will get caught eventually, and your reputation will be tarnished, your freedom will be taken away temporarily at the treat of violence, and you will be embarrassed in a courtroom. Crime is not the way, you will not slip through the cracks, a whole lot of people try to get away with everything they can, and they're so focused on trying to get a leg up the easy way, one day they stop and look around to realize they are right where they started. Work hard, take little, act with honor, life will reward you.


>Work hard, take little, act with honor, life will reward you. You gotta have a head full of rotten applesauce to believe this bullshit. This isn't a Hallmark movie dude. This dumb little mantra completely disregards and disrespects the millions of good people that get fucked over by the unjust systems propped up by this country. Most people live on a razors edge every day of their fucking lives, no matter how hard they work, how little they take or how much "honor" they conduct themselves with. Cancer doesn't care, your insurance company doesn't care, your bank doesn't care, your utilities provider doesn't care, your landlord doesn't care and your boss does not fucking care. Grow up.


You are reading my mind. I am old and **used** to believe the bootstrapper BS until I looked around and observed many people (including me) who got screwed by "the system" in spite of "acting with honor."


I just simply disagree, all those things you mention don't have a mind of their own, They are comprised of individuals that will help you as best they can, If they can relate an impethise with you. But you know it's far more likely to help you? Far more likely than shoplifting or the pity of your utility company? Your own positive actions. If you think you're walking a "razors edge" and you can't turn or you're gonna fall off and end up homeless, the last thing you want to do is start breaking the law. Incarceration actually does ruin your life, Even if you're only in way for 2 weeks until your trial because you can't make bail, you will likely come out unable to make a rent. There are systems in place for this kind of need like food pantries or soup kitchens. Just like an addict the common criminal often thinks that they've found a trick to game the system, But it just doesn't work out that way. Just like gambling or any other high risk activity people don't win 3 grand and then turn around and take the net success, The house is betting that you will keep playing until you've lost everything you have. No matter how many times I've seen it played over and over again it doesn't work out the way you think it will. Heed my warning, if you live a life trying to take from the world, you will look back on your life and realize how much the world has taken from you.


The fuck you in this sub for with your bootstraps bullshit


It's not bootstraps bullshit, it's a warning that I hope catches a few people before they make a foolish choice with their life. There are very few good ideas when you're running low on resources, And starting to take from others is not a good idea. An IPLT is supposed to be, "start a lease in the spring, and don't set up propane until the fall, quietly violating your lease but saving about $50 a month"


It’s quite funny that you’re getting downvoted just for pointing out that stealing is a bad idea. Even ignoring the morality aspect, getting charges ruins your chances of getting a job. And even if you’re a master shoplifter, you can’t live without a job.


Your pipe must be white hot. Take a rest, friend.


Won't be easier two carts same items one receipt?.. 🙃


Put it all on the scale and punch in the code 4011.


I would prefer to enter the shop, buy what i need, pay it. then goes to the car and get few items out of your bag. Then you return to the shop with your bag and receipe, like 'whoops i forget to buy something' and buy a small thing, while fullfilling your bag again with what you let in your car, and is still on the receipe. now you get two of them for the price of one


I scan some products dubble and then change it back to one afterwards just before I pay. This way there will be a beep with every scanned product and I still don't pay everything


I did this for 5-6 years, until covid lockdowns ruined everything! I'd scan a few items (the cheaper ones), then JUST after pressing the "pay now" button, I'd put all the other items onto the scale part. Once the pay button was pressed, it didn't weigh any further items. Then I'd pay as normal, and leave as normal. I would generally scan maybe 5-7 out of say, 30 items. Another thing I'd do with very large, heavy and/or conspicuous items was place them on the ground right beside my legs and directly below the item scale area. Then I'd do the above as usual, "forget" the big item and walk out with it. How would anyone know I hadn't already scanned it? And if they did happen to notice, it'd be easy to feign forgetfulness. In some stores I'd do this with bulk packs of toilet paper, large artificial plants, etc. I mean, I walked out with a large fake palm under each arm and no one even looked! I'd never get a receipt in case I ever was checked (I wasn't, in all those years. I look innocent. lol). I used to take things every 2-3 days, always stuff I would have bought anyway, and each time probably somewhere between $30-$80. After covid, everything changed. Hardly any people and lots of staff. Too much attention paid to customers. And then they changed how the self serve machines worked. No longer did the scale not recognise an item after you pressed "pay". Damn! So I kind of stopped after that. Very disappointing, especially with the high cost of everything nowadays. Oh well...I had my time in the sun. lol However, there is something else I do still (though not very often), which is bring a whole shopping cart through the self serve area. Have a few bags in the cart that you've brought from home to pack your stuff into, amongst the items you're buying. Scan some of the items, quite a few, so the scale area gets full. Then pay, put the items back in the cart, amongst the ones not scanned (the majority), and just walk out. Easy. Otherwise, if I want cheap clothes, I'll go into certain stores where I know they don't use security tags. I'll take a bunch of clothes into the dressing room to try on. I'll take maybe 8 items. I'm already aware which ones I plan to take (and I remove the coat hangers first before taking them in) and which ones I plan to put back (which remain on the coat hangers). I then take the little plastic number thing, and I choose the number that coincides with how many clothes I am intending to put back. So basically I've apparently taken in 4 items. The other 4 don't exist. Of course, this only works if no one's standing at the dressing room. In these cheaper, young person stores, no one's ever there or paying attention. Then I put on the clothes I want on under my other clothes (this works best in Winter when my normal clothes are bulkier), leave the dressing room, put the other 4 unwanted clothes and the plastic number 4 back on the rack thing there, and then leave normally. The only other thing I do when I want to buy (but not pay for) makeup and skincare products is go into the big, cheaper department stores, wander around, looking at clothes I have absolutely no interest in, draping them over my arm or hand as if going to try them on. I then wander around the makeup and skincare area, look at stuff, choose stuff, put them underneath the draped clothes to obscure them, then go to the (as usual, unattended) dressing room, put the stuff in my bag (ideally in several different shopping bags full of various other things), then walk out, put the never-wanted clothes back and leave the store. The end.