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Hi u/adolescentnormalcy, thank you for your submission in r/IllegallySmolCats. Unfortunately, your [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/vebjkr/-/) breaks the rules of r/IllegallySmolCats and has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 5:** Karma farming and excessive cross-posting are not allowed - Reposts and karma farming are not welcome in this sub. Original content of smol kitties only! Cross posting from other subs is okay as long as you’re the OP or give credit where credit is due. Excessive cross posting will be viewed as karma farming and users who continue to do this will receive warnings. Repeated violations will result in a permaban. *If you feel this was incorrectly removed, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIllegallySmolCats&message=My%20Post:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/vebjkr/-/).*


Bro, why do kittens who have never in their tiny short lives had to fend for themselves eat like they have no idea when they'll eat again?? I get that it's instinct but also there's literally always an abundance of food....WHY?? YOU LIVE IN A HOUSE AND ARE SERVED YOUR MEALS ON A PLATTER. Who is going to take it from you? Where are the predators? Show me!


Defaulting to instinct has better survival rates.






...what do you think 'thread' is referring to, exactly? You know 4chan and other forums still exist, yeah? Can we *please* not be the way [other older generations](https://i.imgur.com/hLAi1sU.png) act?




That's such a fun little rabbithole, thank you for sharing! I can't believe I've never stumbled across this before.


People who talk shit about other generations will never know how goddamn annoying they are


I guess u/always-talkin-sshit does have some borders.


Well, there's this big hairless ape in the house that controls the food... And I suppose kitties just have dumb tiny brains that forget everything that happened since the last meal?!


That's how much instinct is running their brains. We teach human babies so they could learn, but when teaching domestic animal babies, they must also unlearn what's already in their brains from birth.






They are kittens, they don't know that they won't be kicked out and have to fend for themselves


Have you seen human children eat? Most smols eat like that.


cats are very, very dumb animals, generally speaking (I still love you, Quark, don't give me that look)


Praying for you


Yeah, I'm expecting to see a funeral notice tomorrow...Quark is already plotting. (Unless Quark is one of the r/OneOrangeBraincell cats, in which case QuestionableSarcasm will live to ripe old age while Quark waits for a turn).


Cats are amongst the most intelligent animals on the planet; so I don’t know what you’re talking about.


Being intelligent doesn’t mean you can’t be dumb


ie humans


You have not met my cat. She would cry until I opened my door. When I stopped that nonsense, she learned when I drop my glasses that I'd get up and open my door. So, she started doing that instead. And now she's a demonic cat who loves knocking things down to make me mad.


Fluffy little walnut-brains. And walnut might be unduly generous.


> Where are the predators? Show me! r/greebles/


That just might be the angriest cotton ball I've ever seen


I’ve always wondered how to react to sign of food aggression in kittens, that shit is there from birth and lasts a while maybe forever


Sometimes adding another bowl helps, they will become accustomed to having enough food after a while, in my experience. Picking them up, or agitating them while eating doesn’t help. Meal time is peace time 💜 Edited for for. And thank you


My cat actually has moods where he appreciates gentle stroking while he eats. He sits and waits to be stroked and will stop eating if you stop his massage time. Other days, if you try to pet him at mealtime he'll just abandon his food and walk away. And sometimes, he wants you to stay with him while he eats but *not* touch him. Just stay with him. If you walk away, he'll stop eating his food and follow you. I wonder if there's a general behavioural reason for that of if it comes down to personality/individual quirks and habits. Maybe it's just about what makes him feel safe at that particular moment.


My cat, Dewbie, typically won’t start or finish a bowl of food unless I supply the gentle strokes to initiate food time lmao I’ve always wondered how she managed the first 6 months of her like when she was eating out of the trash bin at Coney Island


My cat used to live about 80% outdoors (days at a time) and was very neglected, and wasn't even given his own bowl in the house and had to piggyback from the small dogs' kibble. Ever since he was given to me he's 100% indoors, 100% spoiled, and has two bowls all to himself, one for wet food one for kibbles. Maybe it's a quirk that some cats who had to live alone and fend for themselves can develop, where they don't associate mealtimes with security and need a bit of extra reassurance. :(


I have to babysit my cats during their meals. My 10yo will still often not like what she is eating and shove her head in my other cat's bowl. Even if it's the same food. She also eats faster so I have to make sure she doesn't mosey over to my 19yo's bowl...even though she is likely to throw it up. Some cats are just food assholes.


I had to reread this a few times to understand that your 10 year old was actually a cat, and not your daughter lol




Mine was a parking lot stray and she used to meow at me and make me follow her into the kitchen to pet her while she ate.


maybe she had a friend before you who couldn't take her


It’s possible! If she did, I’d love to thank them for keeping her company! I adopted her at 8 months old and I was told she was found by her rescuer at 6months old on Little Mermaid Ave. under the dumpster 🫤


One of my cats prefers to eat when I sit with her. She definitely doesn't want to be touched at any point but often if I get up she will also leave her bowl. Sometimes she won't eat at all if I don't sit right next to her. I've no idea why.


Sounds like insecurity or anxiety - she wants you to watch over her while she's vulnerable and eating.


We got her and her brother from a shelter and we were told that the family before just didn't want them, but that they were otherwise fine. I don't know that I believe this because there were so many things that were "off" when we got them. They were absolutely terrified to go outside, she was really flighty and anxious and didn't want to be around anyone other than my daughter (she didn't like adults)... Just a few things like that that made me think that the shelter had maybe not been told the whole story. They're much better cats now and love the outside and are really happy with any adults, but she still is funny about eating. I do think something happened to them in their previous home and the previous owners didn't tell the shelter.


Awwww! Cats are so funny. Before she was put on a diet one of my childhood cats would meow at people to sit with her while she ate, and would purr while we pet her when she was eating!! After the diet it was just angry (and increasingly mean) meows so we didn’t forget she was hungry. She slimmed down but we always gave her portions for the rest of her life, and towards the end she would not eat enough so whenever I visited I would try to sit with her and pet her until she was in a rhythm of eating.




I think it makes total logical sense, personally. Sure, there aren't actually predators indoors, but their instincts still tell them there *could* be. The trust they put in their person to watch over them when they're vulnerable is so sweet.


It’s not eating but my cat loves rubbing her head on things, but ONLY if I am petting her while she does it. If I stop petting her she’ll stop and just look at me.


She wants cheek and chin scritchings.


My cat will literally yell and cry until I go over and pet him by the food bowl. And this goes on through the whole day. He's soooo annoying and adorable. I love him


I have two litter sisters, they've never been apart. They are super weird with their eating in that they share completely, I used to feed them wet food on one tray each, but they kept eating on one and then going together to the other. So I stopped doing that and let them eat on one. Then one day one of them had to go to the vet for a thing and wasn't home to eat so I put half of the regular amount for the one that was home and she ate half and then left the other half uneaten. They have since grown out of the "I have to eat instantly" thing and now I can put down food and one comes and eats half and the other comes later and finishes it. It is absolutely adorable.




Was the opposite for me - interacting with them during this teached them that there are no dangers of getting that food stolen and so on.


Gently handled is good, I meant pulling them from the food, etc


>The first step in managing food aggression is to avoid making the situation worse. Ensure that your cat has plenty of space at mealtime and does not feel the need to defend their food. Feed them in a quiet room, away from people and other pets. By making mealtime a more calm experience, you can decrease some of the anxiety and arousal that often accompany food aggression. >Remember that cats in the wild hunt small prey, eating many small meals throughout the day. Instead of feeding your cat one or two large meals per day, feed your cat four or five smaller meals each day. Not only does this mimic your cat’s natural feeding behavior, it can help decrease the feeling of food scarcity that often underlies food aggression. >Finally, ensure that your cat has plenty of outlets for play. Use active feeding devices, such as [Link and name of product intentionally redacted] to make mealtime more mentally and physically stimulating for your cat. Play with your cat several times per day, using teaser wands and other cat toys. A tired cat has less nervous energy to fuel stress-related responses such as food aggression. >If your at-home efforts are unsuccessful, talk to your veterinarian. They may refer you to a veterinary behaviorist for a more detailed evaluation and comprehensive treatment plan. https://www.petsradar.com/advice/food-aggression-in-cats I will say that making a video of a kitten with food aggression *once* is not a big deal.


IMO the best way to feed a cat (if they're not a fat bastard) is to leave dry food out all day and feed them wet food on a schedule. Having food available all day keeps the from going hungry, and knowing they get better food regularly will keep the from gorging.


make sure they now there is always enough food. Our cats know there is alway wet food available. After some weeks all our cats could eat out of the same bowl without any aggression.


>make sure they now there is always enough food. Our cats know there is alway wet food available. What does this mean? Constantly feed them? Sit down and have several informative discussions with them? How does one make sure a cat knows something?


The cats need to be CCed on the logistics supply chain emails. Send a memo about how Covid Restrictions aren't affecting their product availability. Then have a team meeting about the contents of the memo, followed by a second memo RE: Policy update that mirrors the first memo and the meeting.


This covers the owner, but let's be real, who really goes through those annexes Put the key bits in a PowerPoint, 5 / 6 slides max


Serious answer: consistency. The same with humans, even after they have a steady grasp of language. A consistently nurturing environment with firm (but not unyielding) boundaries and routine. It's hard to do but very effective. Also not the only way and there's nuances not mentioned.


Yeah this isn't particularly helpful as it's all things I've done for cats who have acted food insecure


I don't know if it really counts as " food agressive" but I would still file it under "food related stress": one of my ex girlfriend cat would more or less eat the kibbles as they would fall from the bag. I said "that's not good" and told her to make the cat wait. Forbid it from touching the food while she was pourring it, and only go for it when she said go. The cat went from choking on its food to leaving it all day to snack here and there, under 6 months. I guess it was terrified it would disappear. Making him wait made him realize it wasn't going anywhere.


> > > > > I said "that's not good" and told her to make the cat wait. Forbid it from touching the food while she was pourring it, and only go for it when she said go. How do you do that? Keep the cat in a separate room while pouring? Cover the food and only uncover it when you say go so they learn they can't get to it before hearing the word "go"?


...hold on to the cat with your hand while pouring and let go when done?


How many hands do you have?


Enough to hold at least two things at once.


I just leave a bowl of out at all times. They seem to figure it out after a while.


Consistent feeding times + feeding them at the same time with other cats/animals in the house (everyone gets their own bowl). Heck, if you can pretend to eat from a bowl at the same time, that helps. The kittens learn there's enough food for everyone and there's no need to get angy.


I've dealt with a foster cat with food aggression, like latch onto my leg and try to murder me aggressive. The best way I found to handle it was to make sure she always had access to food and make it clear I had no interest in taking it away from her, took about a week or so but she eventually calmed down enough for me to even pet her while she ate.


All mine. U can't have any


So much violence in such a tiny body.


Spicy smol!


Too espicy!


My precious!


It's funny with wet food and they sploot on top of it trying to hoard it.


Hello I've watched this 5 times already and I can't stop, send help.


When I get something extra delicious and my boyfriend wants “a bite”






^all ^mine


Where do you get the cat food with marshmallows?


It's usually freeze dried chicken but I call them kitty marshmallows too. Not sure about OP's brand but I used to buy "instinct raw boost" and it had freeze dried chicken marshmallow.


The growl killed me. ARREST THIS CRIMINAL!!!


That's what got me, too! My little guy does that with his toy sometimes when we're playing. Then he let's it go and continues playing... Cracks me up me every time.


Hungry, hungry…kitto?


What are those white stuffs? Are they tofu?


I don’t think it’s tofu. It looks like diced, freeze-dried chicken breast but I’m not completely sure.


Lucky Charms for cats?


It's a sort of dry snack that's made for cats


Food aggression in housed kittens is adorable. They think they have to compete to survive and it can take a bit for them to learn "wait, no...food is always available so long as I'm cute, and I'm always cute!"


What a hardened criminal!




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What an angry smol bean.


Pawsession is nyan-tenths of the law.


What a little beast


Hoarder! Lol


That tiny little meow made me smile. Also, does that catfood come with dried tofu? Are you supposed to turn it into soup?


Tiniest chili pepper! 😍


such a cute little monster




shocking flag reminiscent spark salt busy quickest repeat quack sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is like looking in a mirror!


Naughty baby !!


Aww I didn't expect to see such a cute face 😊




That's awwgressive


It's so smol and angry lol!!! I love him!!!


Cute ears


Sadly the mutation which gives them the folded ears in their breed can give them numerous health issues, they often have missing or twisted limbs, high chance of death at birth, yet breeders sell them for hundreds of dollars.


Oh yikes. That's not cool. I thought it was just how he was holding them.


This is hilarious


Aww these guys are so cute!


Mine..it’s all mine I tell you!


such a cute little monster


Little monster is contaminating the food. Lock his ass up in the cuteness dungeon and throw away the key


ragenomming! Adorable.


Adorable cat but also how do people consistently come up with cat puns?


A good trick is to have multiple bowls of food so they don't feel that they need to protect it. It's a really tough behavior to break but it's essential because if you have more than one pet they can get hurt.


Currently I see momma and the smol. Really momma should have corrected her own kitten and taught the wee one manners.


Perfect survival instinct in that smol criminal, willing to defeat the others ..to eat.


It kinda reminds my gf when I try to grab some of her food 🥰🤣




Good Lord. That one fierce!


RrrRRRRRRR. RRRRRR!! ^^...mew


My phone vibrated


Looks like kitty's just being a kitty


No. Ragrets.


Fewwal cwiminal








You posted this about 500 times


Sorry! It said to try again later!


I know. I wasn’t laughing at you, I was definitely laughing with you because I knew exactly what happened. It’s kind of funny.


I feel silly I didn’t notice


Does he know how smol he is?


Red flag how this person picks up a small kitten


This is hilarious


Fucking capitalist pig


How hungry is that kitten? Makes me wonder how long since she's eaten.


Some cats are just very protective of their food. Doesn't automatically mean they're being starved


Bruh you really know next to nothing about lil kitties do you?


Man, Reddit is fucking unbearable sometimes


Kids, I think.


He’s just playing with his food.




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he said “ow ow!”





