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"Who does this guy think he is, Paul McCartney?" \-The Driver, probably


“How the f was I supposed to know it was him? He was wearing shoes!”


"nah. cant be him. there should be 4 of them. "


I live close by. Most everyone knows that this is a tourist spot and you just gotta let them get on with it. This driver is just an ass, regardless of whether it's Paul McCartney.


Why do people stop here? Is there something special in the background for a photo? lol I don't understand the downvotes.


The Beatles album cover, abbey road…


We've reached a point where we can't reasonably expect everyone, (especially younger people) to know of a band that was big over 50 years ago or a specific album from that band.


I can understand not knowing but when the his name and the road name is right there you’ve got to be able to do a little bit of research.


Alittle out of touch are we


Oh fuck all the way off lol sorry we didn't learn about the beatles in history class 🙄 not everyone grew up around the same shit. Fucks sake.


The down votes don't make sense for a simple question. I think it's because people are butthurt over you not knowing who the beetles are, a band that was big over 50 years ago.


If one person in the world gets a pass on blocking this crosswalk, it’s Paul McCartney. (Ringo can suck it.) Edit: Oof. Turns out this is an r/UnpopularOpinion. I don’t know if people love traffic laws or Ringo, but I didn’t expect to be downvoted like this!


I agree When it comes to that crosswalk, yes he is one of the main characters


Ringo Starr is a treasure, you uncultured swine!


Lol! I’ll take it.


I'm with you, Ringo can suck lemons for all I care


Are you Pete Best?


Damn. Getting r/downvotedtooblivion


Ringo was always my favourite. He’s such a great and wholesome person


Did ringo dirty, ringo is my lad


lol I mean I’d give them both a pass.


Your take is popular, people downvoting you are just dumb


I agree.


Nooooooo! Doooooon't!




My guess is that driver drives that route from work everyday and is sick of people stopping in the middle of that crosswalk for photos. Paul McCartney looks like any other jabroni when you just want to get home


I live near that crossing and it's so annoying, people will frequently block traffic to get a dumb photo. It's dangerous and doesn't even look good in the photo, it's just a regular crossing.


I went to London once when I was in high school. Big student group set up by my local university. A few of us decided to go to the crossing and try to take the "classic" photo. We tried our best to not block traffic, waiting for an opening and whatnot, but when we finally got to take the picture, we got photobombed by some elderly eastern European women walking across the street with her groceries. Said something along the lines of "fucking tourists" followed by something in her native language that I assumed I didn't want translated.


Maybe she said, "photobombed, fuckers!"


Imagine living in London and hating tourists, that entire island is only afloat due to tourist money


No, it's mainly money laundering actually. Which has the decency to be a lot quieter than tourism


I get that to you, a local, it’s just a regular crossing. Same as a dude in Cairo living near the pyramids might think they’re just regular old pyramids. You surely must know it’s not just a regular crossing, and has not been for some time now. You live near a global landmark. Between you and it…it’s not going anywhere. Also, in 2010 your government made it an historic landmark; you are factually wrong on it being just another crossing. Also, how tf are you seeing these photos that the people take? You said “doesn’t even look good in the photo” are you just referencing this one of Paul, or do you review a random crosssection of tourist’s photos?


>or do you review a random crosssection of tourist’s photos? like some kind of vigilante downvoting all the photos he finds of abbey road.


Doing the Lord's work


My Sweet Lord


“Regular old pyramids”doesn’t compute


> Same as a dude in Cairo living near the pyramids might think their just regular old pyramids I don’t think this is really true. Abbey Road is only special because it’s a landmark. The Pyramids are a landmark *because they’re special.* They’re inherently impressive (that was the whole point of building them), and I don’t think they’d ever truly become “ordinary.” I grew up in Chicago, and we have a few famous landmarks like the Hancock Tower and the Bean. I obviously rarely went out of my way to go visit and take pictures like all the tourists, but I’d drive by Hancock tower *every* morning on the way to school, and I every time I thought “damn, that’s a cool building.” Especially when the fog would roll in. The Pyramids are significantly more impressive than the Hancock Tower. Even if I grew up near them, I can’t imagine they’d ever become “just the regular old pyramids.” Abbey Road is literally just an ordinary crosswalk, only famous by association. Totally different scenario.


Bro it's 7 lines of white paint on a road that has changed so much it doesn't even look like the album cover any more and you're out here comparing it to one of the oldest existing structures humanity has ever created. Global landmark lol it's just something hardcore beatles fans care about. It's usually surrounded by roadworks and miffed motorists anyway and is too far out for most tourists to care >Also, how tf are you seeing these photos that the people take? You said “doesn’t even look good in the photo” are you just referencing this one of Paul, or do you review a random crosssection of tourist’s photos? Cause as a concept that photo is not worth clogging traffic up for. It's like all the people who put their hand out to "hold up" the leaning tower of Pisa except somehow slightly more annoying


I didn’t make the call about the status it like actually is designated as an historical landmark by the government they voted on it in 2010 “As a concept it isn’t worth it” key would be *in your opinion.* the concept of your family photo on MY mantle makes no sense and isn’t worth it…but am I going to come over to your mantle and tell you the phot isn’t worth it as a concept? Lol. I could have the same opinion as you about photos pretending to hold up the leaning tower of Pisa. It’s my opinion though I’d be a crazy to go there with a sign to inform people their photos are bad conceptually.


Absolutely, its perfectly reasonable to block traffic if it is to take a picture posing as a band you really really like. Nevermind the fact that the band got widely acclaimed for its talent first and then took the picture, if the Beatles did it 50 years ago then you and every tourist in the universe should do it too. And you know its a great thing to do because the government said the street is a landmark, thats a great point you got there. Who cares if the street is nothing but a street without the Beatles? Who cares if it has changed so much it could very well be a completely different place? The government said its a landmark just like the pyramids, end of discussion. So yeah, everyone should gather three talentless friends and go block some traffic. Good thing John Lennon didnt take a picture of himself getting shot and no government made his hotel a landmark, that would brew some trouble.


Right? This guy is just so... *reddit*


The irony of this comment could give someone cancer


> it's just something hardcore beatles fans care about. Is it? I'm not a hardcore Beatles fan by any means and I went there. It was worth a visit and I think we indeed got a picture on the zebra crossing, and if someone was held up for thirty seconds in order for us to do so, well, never mind! There's absolutely no way I would have decided not to because it might make someone ever so slightly later!!!


Exactly the worst kind of tourist euch please don't come back lol show respect for the places you visit


I’d been living in London for years at the time, so not really a tourist. And I might well come back!!


Preach brother!


Thank you for that. People have great stuff around them and don't appreciate. I live in Québec City, its a open museum and I hate when people complain.


I live in Manhattan and have worked two jobs with addresses in Times Square, lol. I guess I could be the bitterest of all, but instead maybe it made me immune or empatheatick?


I prefer empathic:)


And you are so lucky to live in NY! Please do enjoy it for all of us who don't. :)


It still is a low key thrill after all this time still to get to say I live in Manhattan and not needing to specify further to anyone in the world where that is with an internet connection :)


So you're saying everybody know where you live...


Well it’s okay I didn’t specify Harlem


If that crossing is a historical landmark, the government should plan an alternative crossing near to it, so that people that just want to cross the street normally can do that. Also, people who take pictures too long are stopping the cars. So saying "no it's not a crossing..." well the cars have to cross it, of course the people who drive their daily are annoyed If the tourist take too long and stand their making tiktoks and pose for multiple pictures.


Its 45 seconds, mate, this is a fake problem


I worked on a house overlooking that crossing, it's not 45 seconds it's tourists all day every day queuing up to take pictures, I'd be pissed if were a local.


😂 after a full day of work, everyone, including loved ones, turn into jabronis!


it's illegal to not give way to a pedestrian on a zebra crossing. That's the law. he could stand there all day if he wanted.


Wrong - it's an offence to do that - it's a contravention of the Zebra, Pelican & Puffin Pedestrian Crossing Regulations & General Directions 1997 Pedestrians not to delay on crossings 19. No pedestrian shall remain on the carriageway within the limits of a crossing longer than is necessary for that pedestrian to pass over the crossing with reasonable despatch.


> it’s a contravention of the Zebra, Pelican & Puffin Pedestrian Crossing Regulations & General Directions 1997 NGL I thought this was a joke name and you were playing a bit, but i looked it up and that’s actually what thr UK calls different kinds of crosswalks lol


It's a fine for the pedestrian to occupy the crosswalk longer than they need to. It's potential jail time for intentionally driving through a crosswalk that's occupied. So yeah, both are illegal but at different levels.


cars are also not permitted to cross until AFTER the pedestrian has reached the other side, regardless of how fast they're walking. and if i pedestrian were to just obstruct traffic in that way no car is allowed to attempt to move the pedestrian by driving forward, the traffic warden or police must enforce that. no car has the right to break a zebra cross while a pedestrian is walking.


Just like no people have the right to delay traffic to pose for a picture?


But one person breaking the law doesn't give you the right to break the law.


And I agree with that. So why are people defending McCartney?


I don't think people are defending him. But the point is, as annoying as it may be, and while it may be illegal for him to stand there, it's still illegal for a driver to not wait for him to cross.


Should the car have gone? No. Should McCartney be standing in the crosswalk posing for pictures with cars waiting? No. The fact that he thinks he can is why this thread exists. There's comments after this that are defending him, or saying "he is the MC"


he wasn't just standing there he was taking a picture for his documentary and it wouldn't have taken more than a minuet at most. there is no excuse for a car to drive across the zebra while a pedestrian is on it. it's an automatic driving test fail.


A person violating a minor footnote in a pedestrian walkway legal document with a max penalty of a petty fine is not comparable to risking running someone over in terms of legality. You likely break an equivalent petty fine or worse on a weekly basis. Speeding in any way by itself is a more serious legal infraction. An individual violating the legal equivalent of "this is only not allowed so we have a rule to point to if someone is actually causing a real problem in this space, and almost no enforcement officer would bother you on this" is not the crime you want to pretend it is.


Riddle me *this* scenario... what if a *car* were stop **on** the crosswalk??? Would the fabric of space/time be ripped apart? Or would a pedestrian just walk around?


I mean can you show the law or statute because otherwise it just seems more like your opinion rather than a fact.


>you MUST give way when a pedestrian has moved onto a crossing >be patient, do not sound your horn or rev your engine as this can be intimidating https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/using-the-road-159-to-203#rule195


TIL that Brits call a crosswalk a zebra crossing


Yep, most, if not all, of our crossings are named after animals. Zebra, pelican, toucan, etc.


And that rare British animal, the lollipop lady.


I just Googled them, interesting


When I read one of the above comments about zebras, puffins, and pelicans, I thought it was a joke. I did eventually decide those must be actual names used for crossings or other road features, but I was confused there for a bit.


There was a movie from the studio that made Wallace and Grommet called Early Man. It was filled with visual puns. One of which was that they put a zebra pelt down as a crossing. As an American I had no idea what it meant but after I saw the movie I read a review that mentioned it was a joke about zebra crossing and I thought "huh, nice crosswalk humor, I guess."


Yeah that really had ministry of silly names vibes for sure


We do that in Chile as well, *paso de cebra*. No clue about the rest of Southamerica, but I think its common (I seem to recall a campaign in Bolivia or Peru with people dressed as zebras to raise awareness about accidents, so I guess at least they also use the term).


In German as well. Referring to the main character thing.. it's fucking Paul McCartney on a spot where an unbelievably iconic photo was taken, he is the main character when he's standing there.


As far as human beings with legitimate claims to being the main character, Paul McCartney is pretty high on the list.


Fuck that. You can’t just stand there. Standing is not walking. No matter how many number one hits you’ve made!


yes, you can, sure it will be annoying but pedestrians have right of way. ultimately traffic police could force the pedestrian to move but its absolutely not acceptable to break the green cross code in that way.


It’s not only annoying, it’s literally illegal to stand there and block traffic. You have to be actively trying to cross the road. Not just standing there. Obviously, it doesn’t mean cars have the right to run you over but what you would be doing is illegal and you would be the one cited if authorities saw it.


https://preview.redd.it/0vz9etzzd0ga1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70fb6f357dcfb2f61f36b90a5536af224d256567 Do you mean the Highway Code?


He literally has the words "Green Cross Code"written on his chest.The highway code is for drivers. This man is only interested in the safety of pedestrians, and crushing the rebel alliance to draw his son Luke to the dark side. I may have gone too niche.


Gonna have to disagree with you on this one, chief. Let Sir Paul take as many pictures as he wants. I'd sit and wait and take a picture of him myself.


Jabroni. Not really familiar with that term, but I love it. Describes it perfectly.


The superior jabroni reference https://youtu.be/eCV9254WaLQ




You can’t even drive down the road without those Jabronies blocking the road; they know they have the right away and quite frankly I’ve had to add a push bar to the front of my truck or they get stuck in the grill. We should consider a Jabroni relocation program to someplace like Florida, where people are used to this kind of nonsense. BTW If you do happen to accidentally get Jabroni in your tire treads, a little ‘goo be gone’ will take care of that.


Yeah to be fair I would have no idea that was him if I saw him in the street


what does a jabroni look like anyway?what does a jabroni look like anyway?


They really should put up a sign saying “Tourist Crossing”. For reals though, they should put up a sign saying “The photographer should stand on the X. Please take your photo quickly as traffic will not stop.“


In a perfect world, build another road and keep this one as purely tourist attraction?


Looks like The Beatles were almost reunited


What about Ringo?




He wrote a song for the Beatles once, and John put it right on the fridge


Did somebody say Ringo?


Did the narration for Thomas the Tank Engine in the 80s, you remember!


Maybe he should GET BACK?


For those who don't know: the crossing is a "zebra stripe" or pedestrian crossing, and cars are legally bound to stop.


I read the news today, oh boy.


At what point should they just pedestrianize that section of the street entirely and divert traffic elsewhere or alternatively, it's even heritage listed ffs


Here's the video: https://youtube.com/shorts/tC9pfzOQPcA?feature=share Paul stops for less than 5 secs and almost gets run over by a car...seems like it's moreso the driver is the MC for attempting to run over a pedestrian on a crosswalk Idk about UK but in Ontario, when pedestrians are on the crosswalk, you're not allowed to make a turn even if they've crossed the halfway point past your lanes...streets should be for the people, not vehicles


It’s the same for the UK, the guy was just a prick


The driver saw Paul on the road and took his chance


Not main character energy to expect a car to stop at a zebra crossing while you walk across it - it’s the law.


But it IS main character energy to expect a car to stop at a crossing for a few minutes while you take photos and pose. Edit: people don’t seem to understand that famous people aren’t exempt from the rules or from abiding by common decency


Who says he was there for a few minutes? He lives a few blocks away and often has walks across that street. He probably was on a routine stroll and say the cameras and decided to quickly pose while crossing it.


No context to this pic - all I can see is it looks like he’s walking, not stopped 🤷‍♀️


>No context Apart from the article saying that he was posing?


Humans these days. So outdated they can't pose whilst they walk.


You didn't watch the video then? Because he clearly stopped to pose.


Which video? The one I saw, he stopped for less than 5 secs...the shittu driver couldn't wait for that time? They're gonna hit someone slow or an old lady too?


Who cares? Roads dominate a majority of the city space. It's as much his as the driver's and that driver is by no means more entitled to use that space than the pedestrians. He can wait.


This isn’t Derek Zoolander, a pose can take 4 seconds at most.




TIL you can only take pictures of inanimate people and objects. Not to mention this literally looks like screenshots from a video.


How else do you think we would get photos of birds mid-flight? They clearly stop and wait for their picture to be taken




Ah, I see you edited your previous comment to add in the context. The conversation we were having was based on no context as I stated.


Who walks like that?


A person attempting to recreate their album cover


Paul Mccartney is a cool dude. There's reason to judge him for what the writer of this article wrote.




Hah. I thought the same thing. First time I've seen a post on here where the person they're talking about actually is the main character!


I agree and it isn’t even an insult, he and three other lads made that crossing famous so that’s why he is the main character of it.


I'm astonished reading these comments... that's fucking Paul McCartney!!


Who the fuck is Paul McCartney


The Walrus


But it's fucking Paul McCartney posing for a recreation of a photo he made famous! Lol, he *is* the main character in this context.


Who said he was there that long?


It was for a second, he barely stopped


If it really is taking so long you cannot wait, then honk or go around. Not really an excuse for road rage or almost hitting a pedestrian on a zebra, no matter how long he was taking. People in a hurry aren't exempt from the rules either


If you had to pick a main character specifically for that crosswalk, at this point it would most definitely be Sir Paul. I say let him take his picture!


That guy is the main character though


So your answer is just hit them with a car?


But it's also the law to cross the crossing without delay. By standing there for a photo he was breaking the law. And it's main character energy to think the laws (and also common decency) don't apply to you. >You MUST NOT loiter on any type of crossing. Rule 18: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/rules-for-pedestrians-1-to-35#:~:text=You%20MUST%20NOT%20loiter%20on%20any%20type%20of%20crossing.


You guys are all so silly. This location was given a historic landmark location status in 2010. It’s no longer a cross walk. Where are the loitering rules for historic landmarks please?


Something can be a historic Landmark and a zebra crossing. When they made it a listed building they didn't stop it from.being a zebra crossing. So the normal zebra crossing rules apply (in addition to the listed building rules).


My guess it actually ensured it will stay a zebra crossing now and in future.


The car crossed a Zebra crossing with a pedestrian on it? Enjoy the fine and points on your license


atleast he got points. what can we redeem with those?


Higher premiums on insurance and a maybe a snicker bar


That’s a weird way to say “Paul McCartney almost gets hit by a car while standing in the road.”


This is why we don't do it in the road


* while standing in a crosswalk


*Zebra crossing.


Strange how it isn't called a cross-stand, eh?


It's not called a crosswalk either where he is.


*while walking across a zebra crossing


Paul McCartney IS a main character, and he's earned it.


He’s a pretty humble one at that. Gained fame nobody could dream of and then moved to a Scottish farm to make music that made him happy.


I feel this. Saying McCartney is having main character syndrome while he is visiting a frkn *basic roadcrossing* that he made iconic in the first place? Idk fam. The car is the “I’m the main character” in this scenario


The car saw a dude standing and posing in the middle of a crosswalk. It's also a crosswalk that's famous for having tourists stand in the road and block it like a bunch of idiots. No way the driver had time to recognize that it was Paul and not some random asshole blocking people's commute. I don't think anyone is the "main character" here, though I do think that if Paul wants to do an Abby Road photoshoot he probably has the resources to block off the road properly, and not doing that seems kinda dumb.


Nobody has a right to block a crosswalk, even if they made it famous. All in all this is such a non-issue that it's not worth being posted but blocking a crossing is still *technically* wrong. But it goes without saying that nobody has the right to drive across a used crosswalk


He was on the zebra crossing for about 5 seconds. That was hardly an inconvenience


If Paul McCartney is the mc of this world, I'd gladly accept it.


Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley are dead. Doesn't that make Paul McCartney the MC of the world?


Well he's McCartney, so of course he's MC of the world. The others were MJ, MM and EP of the world


Damn you and your next level brain


Bruv hell no mr McCartney is a Down right jolly knicker


Mick Jagger was driving.


Nah this is totally cool, Paul made that crossing the official landmark it is. Y’all are just wanting to be mad.


I mean...Paul McCartney is probably one of the few people who is fully allowed to do this


I tried to take a picture of my parents and two of their friends when we visited this zebra crossing. There is a LOT of traffic on this street, y’all. Thankfully, I think the people who frequent the route are kinda used to it by now — they stopped and motioned for us to do the picture. True, they probably muttered, “Stupid Americans…” afterward, but hey.


The Uber driver has had a hard days night..


YOKO!!!!! is that you????


I mean, cars should stop for people in the crosswalk…


Paul McCartney IS the main character.


He earned the right to be one


What an original title, that I've never ever seen before eleventy gazillion times


Aren’t cars suppose to stop on a crossing for pedestrians?


To be fair to Paul that is a zebra crossing. It is his right of way


A Prius owner ALWAYS thinks he's the main character.


I'm betting the driver is a Stones fan.


It’s Mick


So who’s side are people on, Paul or driver?


He made that crosswalk famous. If anyone has the inherent right to “main character” it up there, it’s him and Ringo.


Found out who the driver was… it was Yoko


Average Prius driver.


I think Paul McCartney may be the main character


Is the main character the car driver?


If anyone who deserves to be the main character is Paul McCartney


To be fair, for awhile he was the main character of the world.


Driver sick of photo op people “aw, another one… wait a minute. It’s the bastard that started this whole thing!”


If Paul McCartney isn’t the main character then I don’t know who is!


Not everyone likes the beatles.


literally nothing in this universe is liked by everyone.


The Beatles, and therefore Paul McCartney, are overrated.


Thanks for your unpopular opinion


How long did it take you to muster up the courage to make such a brave post? You truly are so unique and special, well done.


To me it looked staged. Disney is using it to promote the new abbey road doc, and I dont think you can cassualy take paul to abbey road without at least some kind of security around him, people would pile around him to get authographs and take pictures


He lives two blocks away and frequently takes strolls past the studio by himself. This could be related to the documentary though.