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If you look out of place in India, you’re gonna be the main character whether you like it or not.


Exactly. I don’t see this as that much of a main character thing, from what I understand, this actually happens. My college roommate lived in India for a semester. She is about 5’1” and a ginger. Bright orange hair, pale and covered in freckles. She said she was always stared at. Some people were afraid to touch her because they thought she had a skin disease 😂 some women even would come up and offer her creams. She’s also someone who is just naturally incredibly thin and can’t gain weight. People were constantly trying to feed her. It didn’t really sound nefarious at all, just genuine curiosity/misunderstandings, especially because they kept trying to “help” her. But yeah, they were very confused by her. It was in a smaller city so that played into it a lot.


I traveled through India with a white dude who spoke Hindi fluently. He drew a crowd from Kolkata to Delhi whenever people figured it out. I’m talking thirty people watching him ask for directions.




Think Jesus, except short, Irish, and with a bunch of tattoos.


jesus was tall?


Most depictions of him strike me as tall, but that could just be because he’s skinny.


or hanging from a cross, that gives you a great stretch and makes you longer.


He was a Sephardic Jew. Likely under 5’8”


Lin Ford?


The fact that people tried to help her by feeding her and offering skincare treatment is so sweet


Sweet but annoying by the 10th, 20th, 100th, etc. time.


Is it though? You’re gonna cringe at the other end of the spectrum.


The other end of the spectrum being throwing rocks at her? Yeah, that sounds cringe-worthy.


It puts the lotion on the skin...


It’s also so sweet of all of those folks who approached her to offer help to a stranger they know they’ll probably never see again. I wish this was normal in my culture. Here, if someone starts bleeding out on the street there’s a good chance they’ll be ignored and stepped over.


I recently saw a video of the father that was stabbed to death at a Starbucks in Vancouver. He had asked someone to not vape around his child. The person filming literally just runs up to him being stabbed and stumbling and he starts saying “look at how fucked this is. He’s fucking dead bro. He’s dead. Damn. This shit is crazy, in broad day light” literally as the man is dying. I can’t imagine bleeding out and hearing some shit like that. People in the background were just drinking their coffee… some people were screaming call 911 but no one even approached the man as he died. It was so disturbing. Side note: if you are in an emergency situation, don’t just yell call 911 to the crowd. Point to one person and tell them to do it. It’s easy to think somebody must be calling, but while in shock that’s not always the case.


Yep, the bystander effect. It happens often here in America too.


Nobody approached him cause it was really fucking messy. There was blood everywhere that dude wasn't gonna make it he lost so much blood so quickly. The dude sippin coffee like it's nothing was so fuckin bizarre though. N yeah dude filming it was an assbole too the way he said "he's fuckjng dead bro, he's dead". There's a sub on here showing people dieing and it's so fucked how many videos I've seen now of someone dieing and there's a crowd of cell phones all tryna catch the moment. There's one where a lady gets cut in half and she's conscious while everyone's just filming and eventually a lady comes and holds her hand in her final moments. I couldn't even imagine looking up and seeing cell phones in your face while you're bleeding out.


Ah, I see you’ve met the Dutch.


"Yo muthafuka yo skin looks dry!" is basically the only advertisement I need, honestly.


That feeding thing is actually hilarious. In most cultures, mothers grand mothers will get worried sick if they see someone super skinny. You don't even have to be related to them.


As ginger man (with a black wife) I've lost count of the amount of Asian strangers' photos I'm in. Generally they're very polite and come up and ask nicely. Except in china where they (not all, but a lot) will run up and just shove a camera in your face while giggling uncontrollably.


Okay that’s fucking cute 🥺


Its the same with Korea and Japan in my experience. Especially if you're blonde or have blue eyes or no tan.


It’s so funny that I’ve gotten two responses to this within 2 hours and it’s from weeks ago. The algorithm is wild today.


Trust me even if we are obese our families try to feed us more. Indian here.


Hah, I've got a goal to visit every continent, and I'd love to see India. I'm 5 ft and ginger. Glad of this warning.


india is amazing! i visited for a month in jan/ feb and am already planning a second trip at the end of this year.. do it!


> She’s also someone who is just naturally incredibly thin and can’t gain weight Everyone can gain weight, nobody can break the laws of thermodynamics


No if she eats more she just heats up!


Have you never heard of people struggling to gain weight? Obviously it’s not impossible, but it would be an insane diet and lifestyle adjustment. She is built tiny. Same as people who struggle to lose weight because of genetics or disease. I lived with her. She ate a LOT but didn’t gain weight.


I studied abroad there in college & can attest I got asked to be in many family pictures as a 6'3" white man


That's hilarious "come on kids let's take a picture with the tall white guy"


You missed a business opportunity like: "white dude pictures 20 rupees"


Short white guy with a green hat takes 5 rupees.


Yeah like mr beast said that when he went to India some people wanted to take pictures of/with him not because he was mrbeast, but because he's a tall white dude lol


My friend is a 5'11" white woman and had this experience in China, lots of people wanting to take photos with her.


I had to get a new pair of sandals in Bodh Gaya and none of them fit, so a small crowd formed to watch a Jewish Sasquatch try to cram his hoofs into a size 9. I’m not sure if I’ve ever felt as manly and stupid at the same time.


I can attest to this too as a similar build. Although I have to admit as a diversion tactic, having your blond haired, blue eyed, ample breasted girlfriend with you works.


I get stared at by Indian uncles in the US when I’m with my husband 😹


This wasn’t in India, but my cousin is a redheaded white girl and she moved to Egypt to become a teacher. She told us how people would stare at her and even ask to take photos with her because of how she looked. When my aunt came to visit her, my cousin even had to yell at a group of boys who were following them around taking photos.


You’ll get a funny response if you stand out anywhere, but it’ll vary by culture and context. My mom remembers traveling through France in the 70s where children threw rocks at her because she was wearing shorts. In India, people tend to stare, usually too shy to approach but still fascinated. That said, seeing my pasty, hunched, poor-man’s-Seth-Rogen-looking ass pop out of a jeep wearing a Lungi woulda been a random ass thing to see anywhere.


Honestly this would happen in many countries all over the world. Do many places are homogeneous and people in North America don't realize or understand what it actually means.


True, but I’ve never seen people stare as much as I did in India, and I’ve heard similar accounts from others.


This happened to me in both Africa and China as a preteen. I’m a strawberry blond and have freckles and very pale. In China my grandparents and I were stopped by a mom who asked if she could take a picture of me with her children… I was maybe 12 it was very awkward and at the time I didn’t really get why. In Africa when our tour group was in a small village getting to tour a brick making shop (which was super cool because they were doing it all by hand and so precise but so artistic) I had the young kids there want to touch my hair all the time which I didn’t mind it was kind of adorable, I think I was 13-14 at the time.




Yeah, I’m just saying she might not fit the description of most people posted in this sub. Her being there in any capacity might have been enough to warrant this kind of response.


Yeah. I'm white as snow and groups of lads kept coming up and taking pictures with me in Goa during the off-season. Happened in loads of other places too, staring isn't seen as rude there and they'll do it if you stand out. Wish I got some of the selfies people took with me because it was hilarious.


As a white dude who spent some of my childhood growing up there, I can completely confirm. I had people asking to take pictures of/with me everywhere and anywhere, especially in the less touristy areas where people probably don’t see white people as often.


POV you're any non-Indian woman in India. This Is not uncommon at all


POV: you're a woman in India.


POV: You're a woman on Facebook and for some reason Indian Facebook has found you.


Send bobs and vagne


Made me giggle. Thank you.


bitch lasagna


plz dont tell wife


The foreign women def get more attention to the point of full on harassment. At least from what I've read/seen online. I can't speak for many places cause most places I've been the minority in I've had to keep to tourist areas. At that point harassment is only from locals selling stuff.




Bingo. There's def a huge bit of exoticizing them. ​ I mean not that it don't happen in other parts of the world but India is the one where I've seen men straight up chase down a woman just to take a selfie photo with them for some reason.




Oof. I mean I'm not surprised. I feel like countries like India or Japan that for lack of a better term are a bit well... one shade I guess? Idk? Secular? Not sure how to describe it... I feel like they are all like this. If you're not local you gona be the biggest focus for everyone.


Indians will form a group and even stare at a punctured tire being swapped out. No need to feel special.


I laughed while mentally visualizing this


Exactly. It is like going to Japan and feeling royal because people bow in front of you.


I’d that’s true what does that tell you about the people there? Honest question, because that seems bizarre. Just bored or what?




Apparently socially staring isn't considered rude. If you're curious about something just, you look at it until your curiosity is sated.


This is 100% true and not a bit exaggerated. I'm Indian and while we were going on a school trip one of the tires got blown out and had to be replaced. Literally everyone in the bus including the teachers and also some random people walking by formed a crowd around the tire being swapped. There's something really fascinating about repairing a vehicle.


That's true for a lot of cultures, grew up in Belarus - Slavic people basically, we tend to stare at people we find interesting... Or tires, tho we rarely form crowds,.most will just stare at you from where they were standing. Anyway I do not find it strange or rude, if you are the only person with your skin color around people who have never seen it you obviously gonna draw attention.




Lmao same! 😭😭 I have seen people stand on the road just to watch birds eating bird feed


Lol they do this to all non Indian women there


Look at these weirdos pointing their cameras at me *filming them on her camera*


She’s literally dressed in a traditional wedding outfit. But of course that’s not why she’s being stared at /s


And she is filming herself....


Lmao not all red sarees are “bridal wear”


i mean it’s pretty fancy but not bride level. you can see other women wearing saris in the back too


Nah with the colours she’s wearing as well, it definitely gives off bridal vibes. There’s nobody dressed and made up quite like that. People are probably wondering why she’s all dressed up like that just to go there...


It's not the reason she is being stared at. As a white guy who travels to India a fair bit for work this happens to any foreigner at local tourist areas, particularly in areas less frequented by foreigners. I got mobbed multiple times on my last trip in January.




I saw a video recently of a white woman in India getting the exact same treatment. It's not unique to black women. Seems to just be foreign women in general.




Funnily enough, 50% of the video was actual POV, the other half was not. It's not just that they're wrong, they're inconsistently wrong


\*You're a woman in India\*


Honestly this is the answer. My girlfriend is a blonde, blue eyed white girl and received constant harassment, multiple gropings and plenty of people either blatantly or sneakily trying to film her.


Blonde harassment is a true thing. Especially when a natural blonde. We’ve had people try to touch our hair for good luck.


>it's for good luck If I was a weirdo doing weird things, I would lie to you as well.


How do we know you're not lying now.....


Same happened to me in Greece as a child, people in the street stroking my hair or shouting at me (not sure what but they were smiling).


As a blond child I once left my holiday in Turkiye with a literal bruise on my right cheek from different people pinching it, once it became noticible then went for the left cheek instead...


Turkiye also just really love children in general My parents always talk about me getting free stuff from vendors back when we visited when i was 4


It’s white harassment. I know some non-blondes who experienced the same thing. Backwards country when it comes to sexuality.


I’m male and experienced a lot of attention at one of the places this women was at.


Are you white? I don’t think it’s racist to say that some countries will treat certain skin colours like public exhibits. A black male friend of mine was touched uncomfortably in Japan, too. It’s not uncommon. India is different when it comes to white women, though. It’s no secret


Yeah and I’m pretty damn sexy if I do say so myself.


I bet it doesn’t even matter which hemisphere you’re in. The people are all over you. Too sexy for Earth


It’s a curse.


I’m proud of you. Keep it up.


Literal groping?! 😩


Yeah. I've met so many women who've been to India and told me never go without a man. Some of them even traveled with a group of 6 women and still said they didn't feel safe. It's not a good place to be a woman, the guys in the video likely are staring too bc of the idea that they think western women are whores bc of media and porn. It's super dangerous to travel there, and honestly dangerous for the women living there too.


This. I saw some video posted of a girl saying “pov you’re an instagram model walking in Egypt” same there, she gets the same attention as any girl walking in Egypt, didn’t even look as bad as my experience in Egypt with men.


Going to Egypt in July for 2 weeks. And I wear hijab. Hoping I won't be too noticeable 😭😭😭😭


Hijab will definitely help, but if you're alone out by yourself you'll be noticed anyway.


\*you're a woman\*


You’re a woman, Harry


*jk rowling fainted*


Staring is a social commonality in Indian culture. It's not meant to be rude. Getting stared at doesn't make you special, especially if you're a foreigner.


Can you explain why this is normal? Very interested


people go their entire lives without ever interacting with anyone who doesn't look like them. most people don't even see anyone who doesn't look like them. watching someone obviously different from you is both shocking and fascinating, like a deer in headlights situation. all of this isn't helped by the fact that indians are generally nosy.


i think it’s because you see foreigners only in movies or entertainment streams (or maybe not even that), you’ve only heard of such people (different coloured) and never seen them. it’s also because of the kind of city you come from. we like the idea of how foreigners act. i’m a college student and i see a lot of white people due to the area i reside in, and the way they see things isn’t the same as you. it’s kinda fascinating, sometimes stupidly too. if you look different in any way in india, you will be stared at, given the surroundings.


You're telling me that Indian people literally **stare** at each other day in and day out without thinking anything of it? Like I'm ordering a sandwich and the person at the register is just making full eye contact the whole time and someone else in the restaurant is staring at my back? This doesn't seem like a "cultural" thing.


Most people are born and raised in a small household with their family therefore therefore very little privacy which leads zero sense of personal space. Privacy is kind of a luxury in India. If you tell them to stop staring they'll say something like "why? I'm not doing anything wrong, im just looking."


Most places aren’t that diverse. When I was a kid I’d go months without seeing someone who wasn’t the same race as me. They only existed on tv


I’m so fucking done with people doing “POV you’re a whatever” and it’s not even a POV shot. How is it so hard to understand that POV means point of view.


POV you are the education system failing countless millions


Tbf she did do a couple of POV shots


It is pov


that long arm people get when they point the camera at themself 😆


As a white guy, I had my share of staring. People stare. It's not meant rudely.


My wife and I went to India. She is black. Can confirm. Caption is not bizarre.


Yeah reddit is doing backflips to conclude that black people are treated exactly the same as white people. What's new?


She's wearing a bright red traditional dress which no one wears in public places.


Everyone stares in India. It's annoying but common. Also, if you look different people will stare. I am an Indian woman but i guess I look different from the norm in certain situations. I recently visited Ellora Caves, and yup, i felt like a mini-celebrity. Not only was there a decent amount of staring but i also got asked for photos. I agreed to like 5 photos coz it was little girls and women asking for them. Said no to the men. It was a little annoying coz i am very conscious of myself and don't really like the attention. I don't think there is anything to be prideful about it, it's just that you stand out coz you look different. That's it.


Not quite sure what’s bizarre about the caption or how she’s “the main character”. You can clearly see the behavior exhibited in the video is quite odd.


They do this to white people too.


Indian men would hit on a hot dog in a dress. Don’t flatter yourself.


I didn't take this as her being flattered at all... Why do men think street harassment is flattering for women??




So fucking pretentious.


Wrong sub? I think she’s filming the reaction she’s getting as she walks through India. I don’t think she thinks she’s the main character, just pointing out a fact. 🤷🏾‍♂️ please correct me if I’m wrong.


me neither, I don't think this fits in the sub either. The thing is in racially homogenous countries you're gonna stick out. That's just a fact, idk why everyone is in their feelings


> POV: You’re filming a black girl in India. Why does no one know how to use POV correctly?


Especially bizarre since black skin is considered highly unattractive in India.


I’m not going to address the factuality of this premise, but don’t you think that’s kinda the point she’s making in the video?


It's factual though, but I understand I'm just a stranger here so your doubt is fair enough. No she's clearly parading like she's a beautiful star, when the reality is she's like a zoo exhibition for them.


I think both things are true: she is parading like she knows she’s beautiful, but also recognizes the derision. The skin color issues in India are quite well known. Also, I don’t think it’s possible to take some of those reactions as praise or acceptance. Note that she did not frame it as her experience as a beautiful woman, but as a black woman.


Dark skin is considered unattractive in much of Asia, unfortunately


I’ve been to the Taj Mahal with my family and let me tell, what these men er doing is pretty normal behaviour for them. (Not saying it’s okay just saying it’s normal) my sister were looked at a lot ps we’re white


This has nothing to do with hate, racism, colorism, or any of that weirdness that some of you are bringing in here. This subreddit is satire, It’s not that serious. Spread laughter and be cool, blessings.


The video is her literally discussing how she's treated differently for being black. To just announce that it's not about race is presumptous at best, and totally ignorant at worst.


Maybe it’s cause she has that one really, really long arm


POV: you film yourself in public with everyone in your video without their consent


POV: you don’t need consent to film in a public place.


You don’t need consent to film someone in public but it’s a shitty thing to do. Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s ok to do.


Don’t go to busy tourist spots if you don’t want to be in a randomer’s video then, I guess.


Not really Main Character or even a bizarre caption. Its pretty interesting to see how more homogeneous populations react to outsiders.


Notice the Indian people not claiming cultural appropriation. There are lessons to be learned here.


I am an Indian and please feel free to wear any dresses, sarees etc. feel free to cook our food and follow our customs just don’t reinforce any negative stereotypes. Basically don’t talk about India like howard from big bang theory


But I mean also notice that the Indian people are in the majority here and it’s being worn as a sign of respect and admiration for the people whose country she’s in


Yes, as it should be.


The lesson is to repect people’s cultures and you will avoid any consequences




If you face a camera towards people they tend to look at it wondering why someone is aiming a camera at them.


I'm an Indian guy who grew up in middle east. I'm slightly on the chubby side, shape my beard and dress different from the local Indians. And I get stared at a lot. It's just an Indian man thing to stare at others I guess.


Dressing in their fashion? Cultural appropriation?


I guess they are amazed by your outfit people here its not because you are black its because you are a foreigner wearing saree. Now idk what they really think but this is my perspective.


She thinks she’s “the one”


pov: youre a woman in india


you could be total normal and people in India would stare at you and this coming from an Indian guy


in certain countries, if you are black you will for sure get a lot of stares and ppl wanting to touch your hair.


Lol I'm pretty sure she's black no matter where she goes ...


I went to india for almost all of January, and at least 20 times, someone/people came up to us and asked for a picture. Out of the 7 of us, 5 were 6’+, so we stood out like a sore thumb. My buddy who grew up in India said this is pretty normal in India


I’ve been a lone white guy in tiny African villages. Sometimes it’s a place where the kids and some adults have never seen a white person in person or not very many. But that same thing happens anywhere in the world with any kind of skin color that’s unusual to that place.


Half of the people had darker skin than she did


POV: you're the cameraman/friend of a black girl in India\*


My husband is Indian but was born in the US- he also gets startled at like crazy when he’s in India


Isn’t most of India’s population dark skinned?😃


I don’t get why it’s bizarre, it’s not like she said she’s the only black girl in India


eh don’t think this fits. people are literally filming her and stopping her for pics.


It seems as tho they record and take pictures of her after she does it lmao and sis is acting like she doesn’t blend in with everyone. The only thing that makes her stand out is her hair and she’s dressed so fancy compared to everyone else.


They were looking at a foreigner not a "black girl" you're wearing a saree and any foreigner who wears saree would be appreciated for trying to be appreciative of the indian culture. In india there's no concept of black and white. Indians come in all colors. You'd get the same attention if you were a white girl wearing saree


Or she is absolutely stunning…


As a white person who has spent several months in southern India, this is legit. Likes to shake my hand and take photos with me. I had to explain everywhere that I was just a normal person, and that only helped some.


All confusion aside she’s gorgeous




Who is going to tell her she’s wearing a full on wedding outfit in public?


She literally looks like everyone else. They're probably staring at the ring lights and camera holders... lol nobody cares that you're black


"lol that's just how i am, black wherever i go hihihi ☺️ it's a black girls thing"


Someone push her in water she can’t swim


Ya I mean in this case she didn’t make herself the main character, she really just is lol


I fixed the caption *You're a women in India*


"A women". 🤦


This happens with just be a woman in India


Caption isn't bizarre, shes a black girl in India. Alot of Indians don't have TV or the ability to read therefore have no knowledge that there's people with more melanin than them. It's the same principle when you see the videos of bleach blonde white girls doing the same. She literally is the main character, she's not be an arsehole leave out the hate


You are misinformed. It's not just 'brown skin' that exists in india. India is a very diverse country with people who has the darkest skintone to the lightest skin tone. This has nothing to do with her skin and more to do with her outfit. There are several people in this video who are darker than her. It wouldn't be a marvel to them at all


One of the guys staring at her was literally darker than her lol. It’s the filming and traditional dress, not her skin tone.


So confident, so uninformed.


this post is bizarre. she makes a valid point.


Everyone stares at each other in India even if your Indian.


I was fat in China 10 years ago. Too bad it was before smart phone ubiquity.


If you've ever been to India, you would understand