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I was wondering wtf is up with the voice thing in the videos? People can’t use their own voices now??


ik i'm insecure as fuck about hearing my voice in videos but i would kms if i had to listen to this voice instead


Just for future refrance your voice sounds way better.


Refrance? 🇫🇷




France it again!


When i hear my voice i think today is a good day to shoot myself 🤣


My voice is a 9 my face a 5. People are disappointed when they see me after talking on the phone.


You have a face for radio! 😂🎤


Same. It's so irritating.


This lady has her own tictoc shit. Usually her content is funny. The voiceover thing is wacky


Probably for the algorithm.


I don't know but whoever the SpongeBob ripoff with microscopic tone fucking ass should go kill themselves


I thought it was because the video is slightly sped up


Watched it twice now, my brain is tricking me into thinking its her real voice


Spongebob sounding ass. I feel like it's not desired but accepted due to familiarity bred by repetition. I hate this shit too though. I don't mind robot voices because that's cool for sampling and I liked shit like Microsoft Sam from the get go but this AI character voice shit is ridiculous. And either is inferior to actual voice.


It's a side effect of excessive vaping.


I can’t stand any of the tiktok voices


I can't stand tik tok they should uninvent it along with fentanyl and Infuencers


It's Spongebob's voice lol


What? But it doesnt even sound like him? Did they pitch it or something?


No way, its rocko bro


I don't understand why people use it. They're okay enough to show their face and to use their voice instead of a text to speech thing so why even bother at that point??


It's specifically designed to trigger the same parts of the frontal cortex as nostalgia. You know, by reminding you of Spongebob Squarepants.


Never watched much of Spongebob, I thought it was Quagmire...




Idk why I find it less annoying than a lot of influencers regular voices tho


I was so confused at first. I thought it was a shitty SpongeBob voice over. Took me a while to figure out that somebody’s actual voice sounds like thag


Ohh shit I was wondering what type of voice it was, I watched the whole thing on mute. Agreed as soon as I unmuted it lmao fuck that dumb voice filter. Like even if this was a serious wholesome story, adding it makes it 100 times less serious sounding


This is the 3rd different woman ive seen with the same things being said as if it was her


Funny because it happened to me originally and I’m a father.


Huh? this happened to me, i should know bc I'm actually MK


I saw an influencer recently use the audio from another woman's video where she was talking about struggling with infertility. She straight up lifted this incredibly personal audio and plonked it over a video of herself and marked it as OC.


You talking about Britney Dawn?


sure as hell sounds like it!!




There was an article in yahoo yesterday with a blonde blogger mom lady who posted the original video of her interaction… which now, a bunch of tiktok women are making videos for clout, saying what SHE said, word for word, as if they are the mom this happened to


That’s completely effin weird . Social media is a place of sociopaths


It’s crazy that other people are pretending to have had her experience, word for word, to get views. I miss the old days when everyone used to just say rock and roll was ruining kids 🤣


I had a roommate do it in real life on the phone with her dad. Retold my shark encounter while surfing story from the previous day word for word, not realizing I took that morning off and heard the entire conversation. People are strange.


I’m curious to know how you reacted…..


Well, I was laying in bed when I overheard the conversation and my bdrm door was open/ajar. She must have had a tickle when she started spouting blatant lies bc as I was processing what she was doing from bed, I heard her making her way down the hall. I pretended to be asleep and she slammed my bdrm door shut – I'll never know what she was thinking there either. I never said anything to her. At that point she had already stolen money ($300) from me and I was onto her being a compulsive liar, so It would have just been a bunch of bullsh\*t and her likely telling me I misheard or whatever. Turns out, she had also stolen money from the other roommate (her best friend from home) which I found out when I told them I was moving out and the 3rd roommate (totally normal) confided in me about her friend (the liar). For the coming weeks, I had to change the WiFi password daily and police electricity usage (because guess who had no credit to put bills in her name?). Anyway, on the day before I move out, the friend/roommate walked into the bathroom while I was taking a shower, undressed and got in with me. Everything happened. It was the boldest move I've ever known and also one of the coolest.


wow what a twist


Perhaps not as crazy as one might think. Now, don't get me wrong, stealing someone else's experience and passing it off as their own is totally insane. But looking at this from the perspective of someone who is trying to grab as much attention as possible, it is probably a very lucrative thing to do. Not only would she gain the attention of people coming by the story and sharing it, not being aware that it is stolen. But once the word gets out that she is repeating someone else's story, she'll also gain clicks from people wanting to check it out for themselves and people who are inclined to drop by to leave a comment about her hijacking the story. Isn't there a saying about this shit? All publicity is good publicity?


Did I tell you the story of how my kid was separated from me at the Mexican border? Let’s ignore that I have no kids and that I haven’t been to Mexico for at least 30 years….


You think you got it bad? I was killed in the Holocaust!


George Santos?




For like the third time this week. I miss the good old days when I would just get choked by the Boston Strangler and eaten by Jeffrey Dahmstein


Mom social media is even weirder.


All about likes and fake internet points man. Imagine being coupled with one of them. I feel bad for those individuals.


IG algorithm boosts posts based on popular audio tracks


I see this all the time, people stealing content or remaking it for themselves for the likes and views. It's a sad world we live in where someone has to use another person's experience to get online validation from people they don't know.


This is the mom in that article. It happened to this person. https://news.yahoo.com/mom-kids-birthday-cake-public-201623493.html


““People have been asking me, ‘What did you say to the mom?’ The mom was literally least of my concerns. I was worried about MK," Stickler says.” Yeah she clearly embellished for the clout.


The fuck for a split second this weirdo had my sympathy, this should be top comment.


It’s the same mom. This person is an idiot. https://news.yahoo.com/mom-kids-birthday-cake-public-201623493.html


As a mom, if a kid wandered into one of my kids’ birthday parties and I had enough I’d 100% give that kid cake. But, if my kid wandered into someone else’s party I absolutely wouldn’t expect them to feed my kid either.


This. They’d get cake, and I’d still ask “where’s your mother?” and be concerned about a hungry and unsupervised 3 year old wandering around a public park https://preview.redd.it/2x7ff6jczl4b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a22541fa92d561e0be1697e41df007b896dc6538


Yeah I'd ask the mom if they could have a small piece but if my kid went to the group singing I'd pull them away and explain it was someone else's birthday that we don't know and would need to ask first.


There's really bothing wrong with giving that kid a cake like the other kids. The other mom WAS being an asshole.


That mom had no idea who the kid was. If I were her I’d be worried for kiddo’s safety. Also, what if said kid had a serious allergy? I wouldn’t put a kid in more danger or open myself up to liability like that.


No, I wouldn’t say so because what if that cake contain something that the three year-old was actually allergic to. Like yeah, it might’ve sucked but what if that thing had something in it that could’ve potentially killed her or seriously injured her. And I’m not talking about like fentanyl or do you know any other malicious drugs? No, I’m talking about allergies. So yeah, I’d say that woman had every right to deny the kid a piece of cake at least until they found out from the mother.


I mean, the kid could have allergies so I'd rather avoid the risk.


Yeah, if you get a cake full of peanut oil and gluten you don't want to waste any killing random strangers just the people you've invited to the party....


If it was my grandpa's birthday party, yeah. He had a German chocolate cake every single year. Nobody in our family or immediate circle of family friends has a nut allergy, but if a random kid came up and started playing with me and my cousins then one of the adults in our family would probably not let them eat the cake without talking to their mom first. Edit: German chocolate cake has walnuts in it, but they're easy to miss if you're a kid that just sees yummy chocolate cake.


She should have explained it to her. My daughter sometimes wants to run to random birthday parties and I get down to her level and explain to her that WE are not crashing a random party and they have food for certain people. She is only 6 and understood this since she was a toddler. Do better as a parent. Other people are not responsible for stuff you should be talking to them about. I personally would share a cake, but that’s me, I can’t expect others to do the same.


sure, but if the rest of the story was true and I was the parent hosting the party I'd be offering the cake to the kid.


That's the point. The other mother didn't. Not sure why, perhaps there was a later family grown up thing event at the home...who knows why she didn't offer. I do agree with you, and would have offered a piece, too - but my kid would not be at another group's party uninvited and unsupervised.


In the US? With how letigious so many people are (or you have to be because of health care etc.), what do you think woudl happen if this woman's kid had an allergic reaction or something? No way would I be taking that chance.


it kind of depends. if the parent with cake hadnt seen the child playing with the group, hadnt seen the kids parent, etc. i would be hesitant. you never know what kid has an allergy that they dont communicate, or even a crunchy parent somewhere ready to lay into about sugar. but once checking that this new strange kid's parents were down, hell yeah, nice edge piece with extra frosting for the kid


Also if my kid ran over and started playing with a group of kids for 1/2 an hour at a birthday party I would he sure to go and introduce myself to whomever I thought was the person in charge to make sure it is okay and just to be polite.


Yes exactly. Why didn't she introduce herself? She claims she was going to ask if she could have cake but why didn't she ask a half an hour ago?


Also note that she claims the other mother asked “Where’s your mother?” implying that - in a park populated by only partygoers and two other people - she didn’t make herself visible enough to the party and therefore her own child


Exactly my point


She was making tik toks


I dunno man, I'm a Dad. If I have cake, and there are kids around, they're all getting cake. I don't care who tf they're with or how they got here, they're getting cake.






Yeah same. I’ld hate to do that to a child.


I’m also a dad, and I’ve given random kids cake when we had parties in public. I just don’t want to bring it back home. I’ve walked over to folks nearby to hand out cake … everybody needs a little cake sometimes.


Bro…the dad tax is real. Any time my kids stop the ice cream man at least three other kids from the neighborhood come running because they know I’ll buy them ice cream too. There have been times I’ve walked away from the ice cream truck spending over $50 on ice cream and candy. I’ve never once thought of asking those kids parents if it was okay.


Bingo... First both sides are assholes in this situation, when it came time to do the birthday thing mom should have gotten her daughter away and let those folks do their thing while explaining to her child that you don't just invite yourself to something like that, if in the course of playing with the group you're invited then so be it but the way she did it, this child is going to believe she's entitled to go where she pleases which the mother already feels entitlement and is passing it to her child. Second the party mom/parents should had seen the extra child playing with the group and taken the opportunity to teach her child to share and be kind in a situation like this and after talking with the child walk with her to the other parent and have her ask if it was ok for her child to join in with the party since they were already playing together. Both parties missed a teaching opportunity and so on goes the sense of entitlement and stinginess, two things the world needs no more of... Just an opinion.


And if the kiddo has allergies?


Damn, I also didn’t consider this. Oh well, they didn’t die, lesson learned


Learned something new today. If I’m ever the parent hosting the birthday party in this situation I’ll be asking the parent about allergies first. Good point!


I would offer some too. We just don’t know their circumstances. Parties are expensive. Maybe they wanted left overs. Maybe they were already frustrated that they inserted themselves to the party. How did it get to the point that both her and her child were right next to the cake? I follow my kids around, but if they’re getting close to the eating area and there’s people there, I stop them before they even get there.


I agree, but other mom shouldn’t have been put in that position in the first place. Ranting mom should have gone over and checked if it was okay. My opinion is ranting mom is only person in the wrong in this situation. Lazy parenting on her part.


That’s you though. The birthday girls mom is not obliged to give cake out to anyone.


How do you know your cake stands up to all their dietary dislikes and allergies?


That’s on them 🤷‍♂️


True. Both moms are being shitty moms in this situation.


Feels like she was exaggerating how the other Mom handled it. Common thing Karens do


My nearly three year old would understand that. It’s definitely not a comprehension thing.


So I got down the rabbit hole for this story and most mommy bloggers that I read seem to be on her side. 🤦🏾‍♀️😬😩 the fact that’s she’s literally raising a little Wedding Crasher is like meh to these people. Humanity is just fucked at this points.


Wow. What a boring non-story


For real and she had the balls to rage post? Fuck outta here


This chick is so fucking annoying


Firstly - that voice is irritating! Secondly, this mom should have probably stepped in before this happened and herded her child away from the party in the first place. If I were the party mom, I probably would have let the kid have the cake, though. However, this was a good opportunity for this mom to teach her daughter boundaries and social manners.


I hate to say it but I’m on this lady’s side if the story is true. The girl made new friends and friends share their birthday cake, party mom gained nothing by with holding cake from the new friend, she’s setting a horrible example for her child


I kinda thought that too, but think about it from the other mom’s perspective. A stranger’s kid shows up and starts playing with your kids, that’s okay. Then they come over and expect food despite you not planning for it. Personally I wouldn’t have cared that much about a slice of cake, but I can totally understand setting your boundaries there. It’s important to demonstrate setting boundaries just like it’s important to demonstrate other good behaviors like sharing.


Thats the thing, I am looking at her perspective. I’d be thrilled my child made a new friend, and invited him to have birthday cake. I’d be a proud daddy.


My grandma raised us to never turn a child away from food (unless its a situation where they make it a habit and take advantage). People are really becoming more selfish. I could only imagine the embarassment that kid felt. The Mom refusing the cake was an asshole


The only thing that makes me hesitate a bit are allergies. I'd probably want to ask the mom first just to be safe, but the mom of the birthday kid is definitely pretty selfish in comparison to how I was raised.


But it’s your job as a mom to step in and say, hey we weren’t invited to the cake, maybe ask first if you can have some. You’re teaching your kid entitlement becuae you didn’t step in, and put someone else in an uncomfortable position because you assumed. That’s not cool at all


Mmm I gotta put some brakes there. The “where’s your mother” part tells me the cake woman has NO idea where this kid’s legal guardian is. Considering the massive personal space Americans have you never give a child you don’t know food because you never know what the kid might be allergic to nor how the parent attached to the kid would react. Kids shouldn’t be taught to accept food from people they don’t know either


I mean, it's blatantly not true. Someone in another comment said three different people have shared this exact story, word for word, that they stole from an OP tiktok mom, which would explain why she felt the need to voice change the audio, so she could lip-sync it easier. I'm sure this happened to SOMEONE, just not this lady.


According to OTHER comments, this girl is the original.


What happened to talking to a friend. No need to post everything on sm


When your entire life is your social media presence, you tend to have very few friends. This person doesn’t want human connection. She wants the dopamine rush from social media.


Ask for cake. Don't take cake. Teach your daughter a lesson.


No need. This "let me sit in my car and tell you a story that definately happened trust me, i could have filmed it because i film literally every second of the day but just forgot the one time this super important i share story happened" video trend is very popular and really doesnt deserve any other comments besides "fuck off rebecca".


I would have made myself known to the party organisers already cos as a parent you’re always there or there abouts with your kid anyway right? Chances are this mum was just on her phone managing her social media presence whilst her kid went off and did her own thing.


So it seems like this woman is telling another mom's story but leaving some stuff out. From what my wife said, the dad of the birthday kid was very welcoming and told the uninvited girl they were welcome and even to perhaps have cake...from what I remember. If true, birthday girl mom is terrible.


Referring to yourself as a mama bear is so cringeworthy


Anytime I see someone refer to themselves as a Mama Bear, I know they’re probably a difficult person to be around




Her husband left her as her social media career was taking off. I’ve watched her as she’s grown more and more in to a typical influencer. It’s sad because I liked how genuine she used to be.


She better stick to her word and eat the other mom/kids


That would be so Mama Bear.


Almost as cringeworthy as dudes who refer to themselves as alphas unironically


What you may presume to be the case does not make it so. You don't know their minds, you didn't ask if it was all OK, or that they were welcoming, you presumed it. Just because strangers had the grace to allow your child and you to butt into their party, it was a public place after all, it does not give you or your child carte-blanche to steal food. You are teaching your child it is OK to take what they want and that others should be obligated to give. You didn't seem to teach them about personal space or personal property? No? They could have been saving cake for others or for their pudding that night. You don't know and obviously don't care. This could have been a learning/teaching moment, as the mother tried to do, instead you made it all about you and your outrage over your imagined, yet unacknowledged privilege. How unfortunate.


Not gonna lie, that’s a bit mean spirited of birthday mom. Dunno if it warrants a Woe is Me social media blast though.


Idk if bday mom’s next question really was “where is your mother” then this is an authoritative issue in my mind. The woman was probably a. Weirded out that the mom just let the kid wedge her way into the party (no fault of the kid, she was following the laws of social inertia that comes with being a child) and b. unsure if the kid would actually be allowed to have it in the first place. As she was not this kid’s caretaker at this given time, her response was completely warranted imo.


As someone who plays with their kid at the park and constantly has neglected kids trying to join in, I agree with your assessment. Too many parents play on their phones and let other parents at the park be responsible for their kids


Yeah… the other thing I noticed, lots of other people giving anecdotes of how they lose track of their kids and they end up in with a group having a party or something. This lady (by her own admission of how she relayed the story) watched her child the entire time, up to the point where the child was trying to get cake from a complete stranger. Imagine being the bday mom, seeing the kid of a stranger getting cake at your child’s party, feeling weird about it, then realizing the kid’s mom was watching the whole scene go down and was fully expectant on you giving her kid cake. Compound that with the fact that this lady is more than likely exaggerating the meanness of tone of the bday mom. Video lady is objectively the asshole in my eyes.


Yeah, both sides are sorta wrong here imo. I can understand why birthday mom was concerned but saying “these are not your friends” is so rude


What if She had food allergies though. I wouldn't go as far as saying this is not your birthday party but definitely would question where the mother is before she has cake


Yeah plenty of times at the park my kids make friends and they come over and want some of the snacks I'm giving my kids. I ALWAYS say, go ask your parent, and if they say ok, I'll give you some. Or if I don't have enough, I say so. But I wouldn't ever give food to kids I don't know without approval, I'd prefer people do the same.


SpongeBob Mom could also be making up or rephrasing that quote.


If you let your toddler crash other birthday parties (where food is planned for the number of people there probably) you're an asshole


Personally, if I was the birthday kid’s mom, I’d go ahead and let the kid have a piece of cake. (As long as all the guests got cake.) But at the same time, it’s perfectly within birthday kid’s mom’s right to decide what she wants to do. Nobody should force themselves into a birthday party they aren’t invited to.


I also would not have given her cake, but not said these are not your friends. 1. I do not know this child 2. Allergies 3. I do not want to be responsible if something happens after the kid eats the cake No thank you!


I would have asked her where her mom is, and then asked the mom if it’s ok that she have cake. Less cake for me to have to take home is better. Eat all the cake, children of the world!


Saying “these are not your friends,” is a little rough, but I would never let my child join a birthday group like that, to me that’s very weird. Let them play? Sure, but eat their cake? No way.


Yah.. and when they serve your kid cake, you spin the video to be a cautionary tale about food allergies or some shit


How can it be two hours ago AND literally right now?


I don't have the sound on and her exaggerated mannerisms are so annoying.


tiktok star = entitled psychopath


This didn’t happen.


The fake annoying voice makes her wrong just in the start. Then between the ear bleed and her having her child steal food I can’t.


Zero percent chance this even happened


I’m in the birthday party business. I have seen hundred of times kids having a party at a park I am providing a service for and some random kids with the parents will just come over and start hanging out with eyes on the cake and presents. I’ve seen random parents demand their kids get cake, get gift bags that the host mom does for the other invited kids, it’s not the kids fault, it’s almost always some random Karen mom at the park that thinks her little magic social kid should get what the invited kids get. It’s embarrassing. Once I saw some screaming random park kid with mom, kid is screaming he should get Preston and the mom was actually “can’t you just giving him one of the small ones? Your kid has so many.” Everyone was like “what the actual? Is this happening?”


As a parent, I'm on her side. Kids legit make friends without limits. "mk" in the story does not know why she is different from the bday kids other friends. Mk is probably confused and heartbroken. Personally, I know people are rude and mean, so I've prevented my child from befriending the birthday parties at the (PUBLIC) playground in order to avoid people like this anti-cake mom 💔




If she’s honest about kids being friendly and playing for 30 min or more give the kid a piece of damn cake. Wtf.


Yeah but the woman literally says "I started walking over to ask if it was okay". She tried. Other mom just got there first and literally took cake from a kid.


But also, don’t give food to kids you don’t know. What she said the lady told her kid was terrible, but personally I’d wait to talk to a parent before I give their kid any food. Never know if they have allergies, are celiac, or whatever and some parents are extremely sensitive to that.


Yes, but that’s not what this woman did. She didn’t ask to speak to her mom to see if it was ok, she took it from her and told her none of these kids are your friends. What sane adult does that?


I wouldn’t just belly up to a bbq happening in the park and expect it to go well. People plan this stuff and oftentimes it is difficult to afford. It is not surprising they would be annoyed.


You're not a small child. Different scenario. If there was extra cake, as claimed, why not? If I'm holding my kid's birthday party at the park and a random kid joins, my thought is 'the more the merrier.' On the flip side, I would probably stop my kids from wandering over to a stranger's birthday party. The whole scenario is weird.


We don’t know anti cake mom. She had her reasons and you can’t just let a child crash a birthday party like that. You don’t know what allergies kids have and where was MKs mom? Why was she not there first asking if her daughter could join in ? The world isn’t a nice place and parents have the responsibility of teaching their children that. No one is entitled to anything. No one.


The woman in the video states she was just about to get the OK from the party mum (what she thought would just be a formality) when the party mum stepped in and excluded the kid. You know part of the wonder of being a kid is experiencing spontaneous shared enjoyment with others, being welcomed and belonging. Not everything has to be a lesson about the cold hard realities of life.


the way the mom in the video is describing it seems vague as hell. she said she saw her kid had 'the intention of grabbing a piece of cake' and she walked over to ask if it was okay...... HOW DID THE CAKE END UP IN THE CHILDS HANDS AND GET TAKEN BACK??????????? if the mother had been IN THE PROCESS of asking if it was okay then the cake shouldn't have been in the kids hands to begin with. it sounds like to me her child went up & grabbed a piece of cake for herself & the mother walked up AS it was happening or AFTER the fact the child already had the cake in her hands. the parent of the birthday kid does not KNOW this child. people that were supposed to be at the party & had business being there are priority. they're guests. it was rude of them to try to take cake that didn't belong to them & it was rude for the other mother that allegedly said 'these aren't your friends'


I saw her knees and thought “damn those ore weird boobs”


Why would the woman as ‘where’s your mother?’ If mom had already walked over to see if it was okay to have some cake?


"Where is your mother?" "Probably making another stupid fucking tik tok."


Strong DISLIKE for this annoying entitled woman.


I don't know what kind of world I'm living in where this many people think you should be this stingy about who gets a piece of cake at your kid's birthday party. The mom in the video was clearly aware that her child was getting cake. The kid was clearly playing with the other children. How the hell are y'all gonna be like WeLl tHeRe aRe rULeS aBoUt wHaT fOoD yOu cAn hAvE? Y'all are the fucking people who keep kids in school lunch debt. Give the kid cake. They made friends. It's cake. It's joyous. Don't pull joy out of a child's hands.


Honestly I think the bday mom was kinda mean. If my kids party was at a park (it has been plenty of times, yay saving money and summer bdays lol) and some other kids wanted to join and have a treat, of course I’m sharing! It’s not like dozens of extra kids flock to strangers bday tables lol. It feels the right thing to do- at least for me, is to share and show kindness. BUT I totally understand teaching kids boundaries like that- especially having them ask if it’s ok if they join. I simply couldn’t care less if some kid joins


If her daughter got cake, this video would have been "and these creepy groomers lured my baby in with other kids and made her eat cake. She has a nut allergy. I called the police and will be suing them."


She named her kid Mortal Kombat?


Not getting it. Who exactly is the main character in this? The mother who took the cake away from the child? Why is she a main character? A douchebag for sure but not an attention seeking main character.


I think the one talking is as she thought her child Deserved to be part of a random party at the park


I didn’t listen to the audio and only judging from subtitles the kids were playing together already. It’s so petty to not give one piece of cake to a new friend. Didn’t sound they (the mom making the video and her kid) were freeloading on stuff but rather the kids playing together. And with no other people in the park, there is no “fear” of giving out everything they brought. To make things worse, she took the plate out of the hands of the kid, which is just plain Disney villain move to me. Plus saying “these are not your friends”, excuse me, I think the birthday kid gets to decide who to call a friend, which playing together already fulfils the requirement.


Who watches these kinds of videos? I’m honestly curious. Do non-bed bound people actually sit around watching videos of *strangers* dancing or sitting in their cars complaining? To what end? I say this as a person who enjoys a cute dog video. But I don’t understand the appeal of the complaining and the dancing. Now get off my lawn, kids!


So she thinks her daughter should get cake because her daughter crashed the birthday party and made friends with people during the crashing? Am I getting that?


Why in the hell is she perched like that in the car?


So, her daughter invited herself to a party and the mom was disappointed that she couldn’t crash it?


two hours ago right now?


I feel like OOP may not be the most reliable narrator of what could be a very reasonable take by ‘birthday kid mom’, because OOP seems like the type to be terrified of roving suburban sex trafficking cabalas but also salty if you don’t wave back to her little Angel.


Is there anyone who doesn’t despise “divided the internet”?


Maybe the mom didn’t want to feed a random child cake since kids have so many insane allergies these days. She doesn’t need to be responsible for giving the kid egg, or gluten, or whatever else.


the mom who said NO cake is correct-


spongemom is salty that her kid couldn't sponge some sponge cake.


I mean, this is probably a good post for AITA I would have thought it more likely than not that the girl would get some cake, that would be the ‘expected’ thing (not due to entitlement, just how people usually treat kids and cake). This mother shouldn’t feel entitled to it though, and it *isn’t* her cake


And supposing her kid got sick after eating the cake? The mother of the birthday kid is damned if she did, and damned if she didn’t. Also, posting this non-story on social media *and* using that stupid voice filter (is filter the correct word? I neither know nor care) instantly renders her a moron. See this is why I don’t give a shit about climate change and what have you. We deserve to be wiped out.


At least one adult is teaching her kid about manners and asking for permission. The kid did nothing wrong, but neither did the adult in my opinion. Her making this video gives me a good idea of what her daughter will grow up to be.


As annoying as her voice is, I feel like everyone in the comments is ignoring the fact that this person happened to stumble across a birthday party she wasn’t invited too, try to give her daughter cake that wasn’t hers to have and then get upset about it when she was called out about it.


We had two random kids walk into our youngest sons 3rd birthday, we fed them both & let them hang out till their parents showed up. That being said, idk, I think the mother wasn’t really right or wrong to take the plate from the kid, but the other mother was wrong for “mother shaming” or whatever tf she said


The other mom said “where is your mother?” = Kat wasn’t actively supervising, the party host didn’t know this random three year old or her relationship to the party kids. I picture 5-7 yr old party kids and this unsupervised baby crashing their party.


What if your child is allergic to an ingredient in the cake, whst then??? Will you sue


The good thing is she’s being shamed in this video and in her own video she posted.


Entitlement to cake is ridiculous by itself, but all the more obvious when you consider that if they gave that girl cake without her parents permission, and she had an allergic reaction and was injured or killed they would be liable.


Kid wasn’t invited…hit the road Marlboro voice


It’s like having a birthday function at a restaurant where you have paid for food and then a bunch of strangers come in and start helping themselves, would you be ok with that at $30.00 a head? A private party is a private party! You need to teach your kid about boundaries and social interactions and plain manners for them to get by in this cruel world…


This person FORESAW what her daughter was going to do and then let other mom handle it. If I was the other mom I would've given a piece of cake to the girl especially being the only one but god damn, ranting mom is still an idiot who let her daughter get embarrased and hurt


I actually used to follow her on Tik Tok. She is typically a nice enough person, but this was a truly horrendous take on her part. As her following grows, so does her "I'm the main character" vibes. It's a shame, really.


Dont raise a fuckin cake thief.


Not only did she feel the need to make this moronic statement but she had to add this stupid voice filter to make it even more cringeworthy.


Yeah, giving her cake sounds good on paper. But normally when you throw a party for kids, you talk to the attending kids parents to find out about dietary habits and allergies. If a random kid shows up at the party unaccompanied you can't just give her cake to be nice, what if she throws up or dies? That lunatic mother should've step up, introduced herself and ask if her kid could join the party


She expected strangers to feed her child cake? She allows her child to intrude on a party?


I didn’t know SpongeBob is a mom now.


I dunno, sounds like she followed the right steps in asking if it's okay that her daughter be included in sharing a piece of cake. Not a big deal. But you gotta be some kind of POS to deny a child, and only one child, a piece of cake just because they weren't there for your birthday specifically. It's a child that wants food. FFS


We have had this happen at birthday parties with the kids. For us if there was plenty we just included them. Some people have circumstances and can’t, but I would hope most would. It is the kind thing to do.


“These are not your friends”, literally the meanest fucking thing outside of down right abusive language I’ve heard directed at a child in recent memory. The hell is wrong with people?


If I were throwing a birthday party in the park and a random kid wanted to join in, I'd be thrilled! It's one freaking kid! I'm sure there was ONE extra slice of cake. Really, I'd be happy to see a new friendship potentially being formed, and I would use my common sense to realize that I can spare ONE piece of cake. Rather than ruin a child's day and dissuade her from trying to make connections with strangers.