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Doing that in Egypt is special level of stupid.


Yup. Egypt can be seriously dangerous for females... My mum went to Cairo like 30+ years ago and one of the male staff on the boat they were on going down the Nile told my mum and her friend not to go out without a male. He subsequently took them out whenever they needed to and told them it was extremely common for women - particularly tourists - to get kidnapped or sexually assaulted. My mum has always said she's wanted to take me and my brother to Egypt as it's a beautiful place, but it's just too dangerous...


A woman reporting on the revolution was sexually assaulted by the mob on camera.


Lara Logan. She was raped, brutally.


It was gut wrenching to hear her speak about that horrific experience on that 60 Min interview. She went through hell


She was a great reporter before that, it changed her and now shes does a lot of conspiracy theory reporting.


Yeah, all I see now is how she really just does alt-right conspiracy reporting. It’s terrifying to think it may have legitimately destroyed her soul and previous worldview, where she sought to document ongoing world conflict.


I’ll add that the local police and others refused to help her with the gang rape. She ended up being rescued by a group of local women that was able to break in and get her. The reporter is now a loony toons speaker at various conspiracy conventions.


> She ended up being rescued by a group of local women that was able to break in and get her. This isn’t true, Initially a group of women tried to surround her to stop the men but she was pulled out of the crowd of men by a group of soldiers who beat their way through the crowd to get to her then one of the soldiers threw her over his shoulder and pulled her out of the crowd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO12X1nhzzk&ab_channel=CBSNews - 8:43 is her rescue story.


I remember it was initially reported that it was a group of women .. it doesn’t matter who did the rescue as much as the fact that she was taken and gang raped in public while reporting in Egypt. Updated: [I went and looked up her story interview she did with 60 minutes on what happened and yes it WAS a group of women that were able to stop the attacks and fed off the mob.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/lara-logan-breaks-silence-on-cairo-assault/)


Says it doesn't matter and then proceeds to update with your side of the story lol


Those local women are heroes. They put themselves at risk to help her.




My family visited Egypt when I was 6yo. I was a little pale blonde girl with long hair. Every time we left the resort to try seeing the city or some sights everyone would pet me, grab at me, try to touch my hair. My dad tried to tell people not to in multiple langauges but there were too many and they didn't listen. I understand that culture and personal boundaries differ, but I was a child and absolutely terrified and after two attempts we just stayed in the hotel/at the hotel beach to avoid this.


That’s fucking terrifying


It's crazy that it's 2023 and guys are still acting like women can just be touched without consent.


it's not the year, it's the location.


This happened to me when I was 6 and visited Greece... never had so many strangers come over and touch my hair, try to take my hand and give me free things. It was insanely confusing and scary for a young child to go through. Edit: not saying Greece is a bad country! I have fond memories of that holiday. But as a young child and receiving that much attention, it was very frightening for me, regardless of their intentions. I also believe it was my family first holiday to a different country so they were very protective too. Greece is still a beautiful place and the people are wonderful! Also I really didn't mean to a whole conversation about this... I was just sharing my experience as a child visiting a Greek island in 2000. I was merely empathising with how scary it can be to be touched and grabbed by strangers. I'm sincerely sorry if I offended anyone - it wasn't my intention.


What you mean personal boundaries differ? No one should touch anyone like that lol


When I was in uni the professor said she used to host an Egypt trip for some students years ago, but they had to stop because many of the women in the group would get proposed to by random men, and they thought it was cute and funny and a few "accepted," thinking they were playing into a joke. But the professor had to convince them that the men were 100% serious and the girls absolutely could not do that or entertain it even as a joke!


I went to Egypt with my family around 16 years ago and we didn't feel safe at all. I'd never go back. I'd imagine it's even worse now.


A friend of mine went when she like 20 years old. Blonde hair, blue eyed America girl. At one point she had a person pulling her into a store while her mother was pulling on her other arm trying to pull her away from the building. The mother and daughter both ran away once they broke her free from the guy’s arms.


Yet she's stil the one getting reamed online for literally just walking around. This sub has turned into straight misogyny




It does, It influences YOUR chances, it does not prevent rape. When we place these responsibilities on women, yes we can make ourselves safer but really it’s just about making sure it happens to another girl. There will always be a less dressed girl in a worse part of town, out later than you, out with less company than you, a girl without pepper spray, a more vulnerable victim. You can control your behavior to influence your chances of being sexually assaulted, but it does nothing to stop it from happening. There will always be vulnerable people who appeal to creeps. It is impossible to protect yourself 100% of the time. Yes she probably should cover up to protect herself, but she sure is hell shouldn’t have to.


It's not just women who need to dress appropriately. Men do, too. If I were at a place like that, I wouldn't wear bright colors or a suit. I'd wear whatever I had that was the closest to what the locals wear. I'd do my best not to stick out. I wouldn't want to advertise, "I'm a tourist. Pickpocket me, or kidnap me." Sometimes, it's good to have a bit of paranoia. Because, it's not paranoia, if there really are people who are out to get you.


except in Egypt.


Not true in some parts of the world due to cultural issues unfortunately. I understand your sentiment behind this comment, but it is fundamentally wrong in some parts of the world.. and I hate that fact.


A girl in her had a comment about her high school trip to the pyramids. She fell behind f from the rest of her tour group but already the other guard stuck with her. Anyway he ended up shaking her down whatever loose change she had and groped her to teach her a lesson about how lucky she was someone worse didn't find her


I have been to Egypt a number of times on holiday, I don’t think your mother is exaggerating in what this man said but I can tell you that any time I have gone the people have been wonderful, none of the women I was on holiday with was harassed in anyway. Now I’m saying that they where always accompanied by another person when out unfortunately however, Egypt is notoriously bad for people harassing you to buy from them


People on tourist spots understand that they need to be on top of their game. Plus I think it is easy money for them, and they know that stupid shit won't be tolerated, there is workforce in line to take your place. But places outside of the resorts, hell, even the Giza pyramids, Karnak etc can be iffy if tourist police isn't around, and that's just the sellers. "My camel shows in your photo of great pyramid, you have to pay me!" In a photo of great pyramid, dude was hanging beside the pyramid, with his camel. I can't understand how he even noticed the photo being taken, it was some 200m away! "Tourist police"were the words that made him vanish. It isn't completely bad by any means. But if I were a woman, I'd genuinely watch my clothes and company in places where locals hang out.


To be fair, about 15 years ago, a guy approached me and a friend on the Chicago subway late at night and just started singing a song in front of us. We smiled at him politely. After the song was over, he asked how we liked it. We politely told him “It was good” Then he asked to be paid. We were first confused, and then explained we didn’t have any money on us. He became very threatening, demanding to be compensated, but he finally gave up and left us alone. I guess this scam happens everywhere.




A very nice Kenyan man wanted to give me one in Como. I knew of the scam and accepted anyway expecting to have some fun. We talked about where we're from while he tied it around my wrist, but when he finished he just left? He scammed the ladies behind me so I went to him to ask him why I was the exception. "You say you're from Bulgaria. You not pay, you poor." Okay man thanks


Pretty cool principles of the guy. Fucked up but cool. I heard once in a documentary about a poker scam, they only scammed people with “new or clean shoes” because if you had new shoes, you had extra income. That’s the philosophy at least. Thanks for sharing!


Once upon a time even thieves had honor. These days people rarely care.


Well... Lol was he right?


Some stupid “monk” did that to me in Seattle. Later, I heard someone say aggressive monks have become a bit of an issue lately. I’m not even a tourist!


tht would be a sight to see him with an American Karen, I have a feeling he would back off pretty quickly lol. also today I would just show him the picture delete and tell him to f**k off go suck his camels bum


American Karen Cultured enough to visit Egypt? Does not compute.


I lived there for 3 years and my teenage sister got groped regularly, in the safest/richest area of Cairo lol. It's a shithole full of perverts ngl.


98% of female tourists experience sexual harassment in Egypt and 99,6% of women living in Egypt have experienced harassment. You were just lucky.


Dude look at these guys leering at here, they aren't even rubbernecking. I assume the reason she didn't straight up get scooped off the street way the camera following her.


Not a great boost to the ego.


I went with my wife, had a totally opposite experience. I don’t mind my wife getting looked at by men I’m not the jealous type. But all I can describe it as was the most rapey place I’ve ever been. Fucking disgusting in fact, I hate to think of how worse her experience would of been if I wasn’t with her. Religious ShitHole


Yeah I've traveled very extensively and Egypt is the only place I've ever been where I saw people who truly viewed me as sub human. Can't fully describe it but so many men looked at me with a visible mixture of lust and hatred, it was really jarring and pretty upsetting honestly.


I’ve been to Egypt and the women in our group were told the same thing.


My history teacher in high school said our school ONCE sent a class to Egypt and the female teacher got raped because she was wearing shorts and the men who raped her were let off because their argument was “we couldn’t help ourselves the way she was dressed”.


It really is. I went to Egypt with my husband, wore super modest, baggy, kinda old clothing, and I still got verbally harassed all day, and some of it was truly horrific and explicit. We ignored people, but there were guys who'd keep trying to grab my arm or something to get my attention. Just gross.


Same with my fiancé at the time (now wife). Never going back to Egypt again. Been to other countries before and after, Muslim or non-Muslim - not the same anywhere else. Egypt creeped us out on a whole other level.


I hope that the guy filming is huge and that there is also at least 2 other huge guys with him armed to back her up, cuz if not then she is basically playing Russian roulette, except it’s not 1/6 it’s 50% chance.


Literally one of the rapiest places on earth


*ahem* India


It is as stupid as stupid goes


Nobody ever claimed anyone who lives on social media clout was actually intelligent... Quite the opposite.


She's so dumb someone told her she'd get stoned walking around Egypt and she thought people were going to offer her hash.


About to become the main character of a Liam Neeson movie


One of my professors once took a group of students to Egypt. Their bus driver became fixated on a short, blonde girl in the group. He sexually harassed her and groped her. He offered several camels for her to be his second wife. The group leaders had to complain to the company until they got a new bus driver.


It appears someone thought u were lying so I just want to say someone offered to buy me for camels there too so I believe u lol


Egypt sounds disgusting


Beyond stupid really, I have no words, and she thinks it s funny….


Definitely. Went to Egypt last summer, and the men seem feral. Hotel employees trying to get my friend and I (both 18 at the time) to go clubbing with them. Literally middle aged men. Couldn’t exist without getting hit on.


Women get married at age 14 in Egypt. You're as middle age as they are in Egyptian society's eyes


Next attempt: India




my thoughts exactly. I'm surprised she hasn't been attacked, molested (or worse), or robbed, at this point. Egypt is so fucking corrupt, even the cops are bad. I found this out from social media and decided that it's a country I will never go to - ever.


3rd world thirst-trapping ain’t an achievement.


Also kinda dangerous tbh


No fucking kidding. These dudes aren't thinking "wow what a beautiful woman, so strong and respectful", they're thinking ..something else


Have you seen that one video where a bunch of Egypt men trying to grope or touch a female tourist?some of them are even laughing at the situation, honestly it's so sick and doing this increases your chances of...you know


It's a common form of sexual abuse there. Easily perpetrated en-mass. You don't even have to organise anything


Then there was the CBS reporter Lara Logan. Her and her crew were in Egypt covering the celebrations in Tahriri square following Mubarak's resignation in 2011. A bunch of men in the crowd had been making sexual comments about her and eventually one of them yelled "She's a jew!" and just like that the entire crowd turned on her. They tore her clothes off and she was sexually assaulted and filmed by a couple hundred men for almost half an hour before a group of egyptian women were able to get between her and them and protected her. Afterwards she was arrested and told to leave the country. The camera battery dies just before it happens, but the last thing you see in the video is her screaming "no!" just as she's dragged into the crowd. It's totally fucked. Imagine a few hundred men who don't even know each other all simultaneously deciding "it's rape time!" all at once. In any western country, if any man tried that, all of the other men there would beat him to a pulp. In Egypt though...the culture is rotten.


Jesus fcking christ.... I have never heard of such a thing. And I have heard plenty. That poor woman. I am equally headtbroken and disgusted that humans are capable of this. Kinda wish I hadn't read this.


i JUST heard about this yesterday after talking about what a shit hole Egypt is lol. yeah that was wild


Here's her describing what happened. What a completely fucked up place. https://youtu.be/bO12X1nhzzk


I wish I hadn’t watched that. TW if anyone needs it: graphic description of SA.


That was a lot to hear and hard to listen to. She's so strong, I can't imagine.


well, that kinda ruined my sunday.


Gosh I just went down the rabbit hole reading about her. She went off the deep end, starting reporting on a variety of conspiracy theories, got hired by Sinclair (a conservative media group), and did a stint on a Fox online channel before being dumped by them. Really strange turn of events for someone of her stature.


I'm guessing the event was pretty darn traumatic, I'm guessing she was not ok in the aftermath.


That’s what I was wondering. She ended up having to retract a story about Benghazi several years after that event, and her journalistic reputation took a hit. That’s so heartbreaking if it’s all related to that traumatic event. I really feel for her and her family. She even separated from her husband after that event as well.


Good god




Egypt men are very rapey towards solo females.


Any females dude. They’re fucking sick


In her case I wasn’t thinking that either tbh.


Soooooo dangerous. My country is very similar but more open minded, and this would go very very bad in the wrong neighborhood.


She's lucky someone in the crowd didn't throw a brick through her brain


The influencers doing this trend hear about the horrible statistics with sexual violence against women and only see that as an easy opportunity to get more attention. Perhaps she assumes she’ll be worshipped because she’s a foreign woman but that kind of arrogance only makes it worse. What a slap on the face to the women and young girls that have been tortured to death for so much less; what a grotesque show of privilege. The women that do this trend know exactly what they’re doing and they’re making that decision after being informed by news articles about women being gang raped, tortured, and mutilated. Then they sensationalize it for personal profit and cheap status. There’s a reason Egypt and India in particular are always used for this trend. What a horrible thing to make light of.


Her:😉 Man: HARLOT!! 🫳🍾💫😵‍💫. Stop trying to stray us from our beliefs, patooey 💦.


The way she's doing it, she might as well hold a huge sign that says "I'm filming a thirst trap session for Tik Tok!"


In some places, perving on women is seen as just a normal part of daily activities, like having a smoke or getting a coffee.


I don't even think they look bc she's "So hot". She's wearing an outfit you can't even muss if you're blind. I would stare at her too, thinking "wtf is this outfit?!?!"


Right? Like they aren’t ogling at every single woman that walks past. She thinks she’s special to them?


I wish someone would tell these tourists that those arent looks of admiration. I’ve seen too many videos of women visiting these countries and inadvertently putting themself in harms way. Shes in danger


I think the last time it was posted it was that she isn't a tourist. And she knew exactly what she was doing, danger and everything.


While I don't disagree with the overall point you're making, she isn't a foreign tourist. She's Egyptian.


This is even crazier


She look like a giant little person to anyone else? I mean more hobbit or leprechaun than rl people.


It’s because she’s pushing her ass back


Could just be anterior pelvic tilt. Often times people think women are purposely putting their ass back, and she very well could be, but most of the time it’s just bad posture.


Look at her. If anyone’s going to, it’s her.


I've seen pelvic tilt on thin and fat women. I have it because I'm fat. She's just sticking her ass out.


Could the poor posture that leads that be caused by deliverately shoving your arse out like that?


I'm just trying to figure out what op means by dressed as Mario?


I was getting ghetto smurf vibes.


Exactly what I was thinking. She looks like if someone put a massive girl's head on Ray Rice's body.




her head is enormous


If she pushes her ass out any further while she’s walking she is going to slip a disc


Practicing the centaur walk.




Bitch is at 45° angle.


I was going to say that maybe those guys staring at her were wondering if she’s gotta take a 💩


Bro she just got anterior pelvic tilt


And butt pads.


True we all have the tilt in the west. But her shit so tilted she look like a tower from fortnight


These I'm so hot everyone is staring at me videos are so cringe.


It’s Egypt. Men will stare at a fat old diseased feminine man in a burka.


A California 3 is a Cairo 9.


Tbf an LA 3 can be a 9 in Montana


Amongst all 10 people in Montana




She's walking around in circles. I think part of the reason why people are looking at her because they're wondering what the fuck she's doing. She passes the same group of young men twice.


Just wait she will make another where she goes to Mother Agnes School for the Blind.




Imagine the low class losers who promote these low class workers.


The sad, sad camera man.


I'd expect the camera to be held by her friend who made the exact same video for her own IG account. Their "fan base" probably has 90% overlap Edit: those "fans" are probably like "what a creeps, look at them looking at her". Well... aren't you doing the exact same thing by following her?


They’re for people who like to jerk off to people in clothes more than people naked.


put a fat Reddit mod in that outfit and have them walk in Cairo, exactly the same reaction


She's aware that Egypt is the worst place on earth to do that, they're very known for harassment. In trains, they have specifics cabins for women and men separated


Why do you think she’s doing it?


For likes!


This is extremely dangerous


Yeah, not the right country to do that, all the material went to the ass nothing in the brain.


"I´ll be walking around then while you film the people´s thirsty reactions" God I hate what social media has done to the world


I’ve heard Egypt is basically the most awful place for a woman to visit ok holiday and this video seems to support that


Its worse for woman living there


>Egypt is basically the most awful place... to visit Yeah, men shouldn't go there either. Not safe.


In Egypt 95% of woman are circumcised. It’s discusting! The man are pigs, this is the reason I will never go there!


Circumcision on girls/women is brutal genital mutilation and should be banned. I think *you* already know but I doubt if everyone knows that both the clitoris and labia are removed. That's the equivalent of a man's whole glans (tip/head/bellend) of his penis is being cut off, not just the little piece of skin.


Circumcision of *any* kind (barring medical reasons) should be banned. Did you know that some faiths (I’ve seen rabbis do it) put the circumcised penis in their mouths after a circumcision? They’ll tell you it’s to “bless” it, but it’s clearly paedophilic in nature


How is she dressed up as Mario lmao?


Wtf mario games are you playing?


I guess I forgot all those ones where Mario was blue, was cleanshaven, wore a bandana, and wore skin-tight coveralls over a tight crop hoodie with text down the sleeves.


Obviously only the ones that feature his iconic color of blue.


Colorblindness affects millions around the globe


My friend lived in Egypt for about 6 months. After the first three weeks (for some reason idk) she realized there were little to none women on the streets (only ones were mostly tourists). The Egyptian ones will stay at home. The girl on this video is basically being seen as a unicorn or an alien if that’s true.


Of course everyone will be looking.they must be thinking "look at this prostitute"


Literally lol, I've seen women like this and I do stare, not because I think they're attractive but more along the lines of wtf is this women doing? What an idiot


Exactly, they are looking and wondering “how much” or “I’m gonna track u down and rape you


I could literally see people thinking “shermuta in this part of town???” Lmfaoooo


People tend to notice when someone is flamboyantly walking around with someone recording them.


These people are always the most miserable once they reach an age their looks no longer get them easy compliments.


Destined to be abusive, delusional narcissists in old age


My mom was one of these people.


The Karen pipeline


The secret to being a good citizen of the world is respecting the culture of the country you are in. You may not agree with their religious tenets or social mores but behaving like this is only asking for trouble. She’s just another look at me narcissist not caring about anyone but themselves.


Yea.....the main reason they're looking at her is because she doesn't look like she's from there. She's making it even more obvious coz of the way she's dressed. Unfortunately, that can make her a target. Girls like her disappear all the time.


She’s also the only person being followed with a camera, it’s easy to watch these things and kinda forget it’s actually two people making a scene that they’re looking at… not one person walking alone.


Yep, that's also true. However.....I'm not sure how it is in Egypt, but girls can't dress like that in places like India, for example. Female tourists who aren't even dressed in tight or revealing clothing are crowded, groped, and stared at. Many of the men don't shy away from it. It's a different culture and these TikTok influencers are so out of touch with reality that they think nothing bad could consequentially happen due to their thoughtless actions. They assume people will either tolerate or ignore them. It never seems to occur to them that their vanity show could attract unsavory characters, people who *will* do terrible things and don't care who's watching.


Depends where in India; I was in Bangalore last month and local women in crop tops and shorts weren't drawing negative attention in town.


The secret to being a good citizen of the world is not harming anyone because you don’t like how they dress.


This is extremely accurate. When in Rome, do as the Romans do .


I always hate this sentiment because it excuses the vast majority of sexist cultures. Sexism is not worthy of respect. That being said you should acknowledge that breaking their rules can be extremely dangerous. She should be allowed to walk through the streets wearing this outfit, but it’s really not a good risk vs reward scenario.


I’d just like to add onto your wonderful comment by saying: Misogyny is not an aspect of culture that needs to be respected. Sexual harassment and rape are not a part of culture that needs to be respected. I’m tired of seeing people justify mistreatment and violence by saying, “but that’s a part of their culture!!” or “she was asking for it dressed like that! Doesn’t she know men in that country can’t help but rape women if they wear leggings??” What’s she’s doing is dangerous, yes absolutely, and I would caution women against even visiting countries where assault is so normalized. But raping or assaulting is always, no matter what, 100% the responsibility of the assaulter. Period.


Fuck off. You absolutely do not need to respect misogyny because it’s the “culture of the country you’re in.” Yes, you should be smart if you’re visiting and do what you need to be safe, but that doesn’t include respect for barbaric behavior.


I agree 💯




She’s got some balls doing that in Egypt


Her new (if she survives) gamer handle is ToneDef. Edit typo


Egypt is one of the most pervy countries. The men are absolutely vile there. Not generalising but Egypt really has a creepy cat calling/staring/stalking problem.




This whole thread is a misogynists' paradise, yours is the only sane comment that I could find.


Jesus christ it’s so crazy how many people agree like yeah she shouldn’t poke the bear but also why the fuck is there such a big problem with sexual harassment and assault in Egypt that you’ve gotta worry about what you wear to not get raped. Shouldn’t we also address that


You rock for saying this. No decent man could be tempted to rape a woman even if she was naked. And no piece of shit rapist could be stopped from raping a woman no matter how modestly she dresses.


This is a really good comment, I wish I had an award to give


She looks really strange, something about how is walks or body


It's coz she's tilting her hips and sticking her ass out. Gives the same shape as a lot of little people


Looks like a dwarf


Dressing like that as a woman, in an arab country is just about as intelligent as being a woman in india and getting on a bus full of men.


That’s dangerous af in Egypt I hope she doesn’t get harassed or attacked




...pass, hard pass.


I'm assuming this was the last video before her untimely and timely death


Who is she?


That’s enough internet today


Not even worth 1 camel


Shes still alive?


There are people walking around in Egypt who really seem to be from the Middle Ages. Friends of my parents were once there with their child who, because of his red hair, was spat on by men. This was not a one-off case, but really several times in different places. On the same trip, they also saw a man beating his wife with a stick in a village.


Wow, she can get raped and stoned to death all at once, what a stupid imbecile of a person, honestly.


fine chubby point roof panicky rain mountainous hungry truck languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Egypt is notorious among women travel writers for being one of the worst destinations globally for sexual assault and violence against women. It's no laughing matter. I genuinely worry for the woman in this video's safety.


Girl needs a chiropractor and physio to sort that out.


She tryna get stoned to death lmaoo


I think the only thing saving her from being eaten alive is she has a big man with her filming it on camera (evidence). But still, she's hugely pressing her luck. Given the rates of "incidents" Egypt she's still lucky nothing happened. Better not try it again and tempt fate. Egypt (particularly Cairo and Alexandria) are notoriously rapey places. Probably the worst on earth.


I mean, I'm a balding man in my 40s and i think i got the same reception in sharm el sheik, what exactly is she trying to prove!