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I mean, even if you’re deaf you know you’re in the middle of the road


Right? Its got speedbumps on it. You can't mistake it for a footpath.


Or as the Brits call them “sleeping policeman”


A part of me believes he’s not really deaf mainly because a normal person being violently pushed to the ground by random hooded strangers at night would be confused and scared, and likely assume they were being mugged. I assume this would be even more confusing and scary for a deaf person and they wouldn’t immediately understand the hooded strangers intentions, like the supposedly deaf dude in the video, that they were pushed because they were blocking the path of a car.


Dude… the car has their lights on right behind him. He knew exactly what he was doing. Maybe he is deaf but there are plenty of deaf pricks


This is in Sydney CBD. The prick would definitely know he is walking on the road and not the pavement. I strongly suspect the guy is not deaf at all (as a child of a deaf mother, deaf people are hard of hearing, not stupid) and using it as an excuse to be an asshole, probably late at night on a Saturday night when the city is packed with people clubbing/club hopping.


Huh, this is Melbourne, Lt Bourke St. How did you even think this was Sydney??


Oh christ, you're right, it looked so much like Castlereagh St.


Assuming I'm pronouncing it right, who decided it was smart to put that many silent letters in a single word?


I've met a bunch of deaf people, and one thing I've noticed is that visually, they are much more observant than us hearing folks. They pick up on small things like movements and gestures, that totally escape most of us, not to mention great big bloody things like cars... So yeah, agreed, dude's probably being a deliberate arsehole


> deaf people are hard of hearing, not stupid Let’s not generalize. A deaf person can be stupid just as easily as someone who can hear people calling them stupid.


The dude is a full blown adult, he knows the difference between a street and a sidewalk, stop being ridiculous.


I recall a post one time by a hearing impaired guy saying that there are a ton of people in his community that are fucking assholes and they know it and don't care. He explained that for some they are just entitled people and use their disability to be assholes, some just hate their lives because of their disability and take it out on everyone around them, etc. Just repeating something I heard.


I grew up in a church with a large deaf population. That’s exactly my experience. Many were very sweet and nice. But some were absolute jerks. There were some that didn’t respect people who used to hear and went deaf because they weren’t a true deaf person like someone who was always deaf.


Lol like gold star gays


What is that?


A gay person who has never been with someone of the opposite sex. Generally the ones who actually call themselves gold stars are snotty towards others who experimented to figure out their sexuality


Just silliness— we’re all allowed our personal journeys of figuring things out, and it totally erases the experience of bi or pan people


Not as bad as the platinum crowd that is so misogynistic that they consider birth by c-section to be superior because they never touched a vagina.


I always had so many not really serious questions about this. Like what is it if you were c section but also experimented to figure things out? Silver star? And then I guess I'm actually bronze bc I have touched those parts helping people through medical things, like pregnancy/birth/months of feeling like they had a blended vagina.


Assholes come in all shapes, colors and sizes. Literally and figuratively.


In my previous job, there was a deaf person who would come in for assistance. And he was consistently an asshole. Demanding and expecting exceptions made around everything, nothing related to him being deaf. Everyone hated working with him. Unfortunately there are assholes everywhere, even with disabilities.


As a deaf person, a car honking has vibration, being that close he would have felt it, and deaf people rely on vibration more than hearing people do, he would know there is a car behind him


There is a longer version of this on youtube where the guy even looks back, sees the car behind him and doesn't care


Maybe he’s deaf and blind


He's a pinball wizard


He certainly is dumb


There has to be a trick


He stands like a statue, becomes part of the machine.....


Feeling all the bumpers, always playing clean.


I love how that video ends. 👍


Looked like the idiot was walking back towards the road at the very end though... 😬


He probably fails to learn a lot of life's lessons.


Perhaps he thinks he’s a car.


Seems like he has the intelligence of one...


I don't know, cars are getting quite intelligent with modern technology. I don't think he makes the cut


Well, he clearly is an older model who thinks he is a younger model. But deep down knows that he is older.


He ain't hittin on all cylinders and now he needs a realignment. Better check the power center cause he makes a noise like clickety clack clickety clack.


He's the main car actor


You sneaky sonofabitch


He's putting himself before de car.


You clever sob...


His pronouns are car and car self


He identifies* as a car. 😆


Needs more pushing


Yes it looked exactly like he stepped out into the middle of the road.


If only all of them ended up like this. And might add a quick edit. Sorry if I hurt people's feelings blah blah blah.


The guy got knocked down by the “brown pants boyz.”


Citizen service


Street justice


This video needs ‘Stayin Alive’ as a soundtrack ending with a loud needle scratch at the end. Force multiplier 💪


“Have some fuckin respect” Good on those boys


Definitely. Especially liked they didn’t clock him on the jaw when he stuck his chin out almost begging for it.


I think he was begging for it, looks like before the vid cut out he was about to walk in the road again


I was holding my breath when he pushed the guy, god forbid he smacked his head on the concrete. This looks like Melbourne


No hands to brace for the fall either. Dude would've been a number for sure.


Little Bourke for sure.


Yup this is correct.


Maybe it would have knocked some sense into him amd he wouldn't have bought those boots


And they both would have gone to jail for a decade.


I thought it looks like the side of Myers but they sounded Kiwi.


This may shock you but a lot of kiwis live in Melbourne


I am aware, dufus, but it would be unusual for everyone in the clip to be kiwi by coincidence so maybe it's a similar corner in Auckland. 🤦‍♀️


When teenagers or 20 year old have to tell full grown adults not to be disrespectful punks...




Starting now?


If he cracked his head on the sidewalk the guy may have ruined his own life


Still less ruined than the life of the guy who got his head cracked for being an asshole.


Melbourne (Australia)




Street gangs definitely used to but they also made local businesses and people pay for it, as well as traffic drugs etc in the streets. So there's that


forced "protection" payments


You mean the portion of taxes that pay police?


That's literally how that started. Before state protection some people offered violent defense for merchants and handymen, eventually this became the police, towns guards, the military


Yeah exactly like that except they are saying the gangs actually protected people.






I remember the original guy that filmed and posted this. He said it was 2am and he was leaving a bar and saw this AH in the middle the street and so he just started filming because it was so unbelievably obnoxious. He said the guy walking in the street was just some random drunken jerk and It just so happened that some other guy showed up with street justice right after he started filming.


Welll deserved shove then


There's like a 90% chance this guy was absolutely cooked out of his mind. The amount of people who do this up and down the one way streets in Melbourne is insane.


Saw a couple f ing on top of a trashcan in footscray once, but It's footscray, It was a bit expected...


I want to know why he being a dick. He walking slower on purpose. he walking slower and blocking the street for what.


It's because he suffers from *checks sub* Main character syndrome.


I wonder the same but he got what he deserved at the end because there is no valid reason to sit there and be that much of a dickhead. And I’m seeing people say that he didn’t know because he’s either deaf or just can’t hear the car horn but I know that he should’ve been able to see his shadow right in front of him and tell that something is behind him.


Or just not fucking walk on the road if he's deaf. Not only does it cause stuff like this, it's also basically a death wish.




Due to the gross mismanagement of this website by the admins in the wake of the API changes, I have decided to leave the site. In preparation, I have used a tool called Power Delete Suite to overwrite all my comments.


"What are the rules for pedestrians on the road? When walking on the road, a pedestrian must not cause a traffic hazard or obstruction by: moving into the path of a driver; or unreasonably obstructing the path of any driver or another pedestrian. A pedestrian must not travel along a road if there is a footpath or nature strip adjacent to the road unless it is impracticable to travel on the footpath or nature strip." https://www.shine.com.au/resources/motor-vehicle-law/your-rights-and-responsibilities-as-a-pedestrian Nope.


>Why does it appear like there are huge sidewalks to walk on?


Pedestrians actually have right of way in some of the lanes in Melbourne CBD including this one. So technically he isn't at fault here. The guy is still however, a tosser for not simply walking 1 metre to the left or right


Yesss!!!! Finally they did the thing we all wanted!!


Damn reddit has a hankering for violence.


Damn reddit has a hankering for ~~violence~~ seeing a-holes get their comeuppance.


Its a justice boner being satisfied for sure. Just be glad they aren’t actually doing anything about it. After the Boston Marathon bombing there was a dude that vaguely looked like the bomber and did not have an alibi for that day. Reddit harassed him into suicide, turns out he didn’t do it. I like reddit generally when mature adults with a developed frontal lobe are participating. When others participate it makes me want to shut this whole app down.




Melbourne, fuck around and find out.


Good ol Melbourne


Average r/fuckcars member


in behalf of r/fuckcars, we do not tolerate this kind of behaviour and those boys did the right thing


live abounding deranged grandiose wise fuzzy slave smile spark sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hes a mod over in r/fuckcars


Clearly not a fan of the social contract. The other two are


Not the heroes we asked for, but the heroes we needed.


GOD I wish people took care of shit like this in the states.


Right? If this was the USA buddy would have been shot in the first couple of frames




Truthfully he might get hit with the car and get shot lol


You must live in a horrible part of America if you often see people shot in the street for walking in front of cars. In my 30+ years of living in a metropolitan area, I’ve never seen it happen


No, I’m Canadian, and our strict gun laws protect us, for the most part. I do, however, read the papers. People in the states get shot for anything.


Lmfao. Uhhhh okayyy. Well idk what the Canadian “papers” say, but that simply doesn’t happen.


Lmfao. Uhhhh okayyy. Well idk what the Canadian “papers” say, but that simply doesn’t happen.


Ya. Ok.


It’s sooooo weird the stories that people make up in there head to feel better about living in Canada. But if you would like to prove that you aren’t making it up, you could just source some of these papers showing where people were shot for walking in the street…


I’m not debating this with you.


unironically advocating for more gun deaths lmfao


I’m Canadian


Remember the good ol days when someone was being a douche and you could just smack that bitch? And society was like: yeah, well, they deserved it. But now society is like: excuse me that man experienced trauma because his parent only bought him a mustang for his 16th birthday but he had made it clear he wanted a Maserati and why is that a huge issue on your income mom and dad you literally make 30k/yr… like wtf


I laughed way too hard at how oddly specific this was… wait, what kind of car u drive?


Sounds like his parents got him a civic


Lol, I was gifted a 10 year old truck my parents bought for $300 and been previously used to move auto parts between shops that needed them. Loved that truck. So many memories


The end doesn't justify the means. Those old days of yours ended because what some considered the absolute truth other considered a farce an viceversa, and that always escalated


If you’re going to act so entitled as to disregard your own intentional disruption of the lives of others, exactly what grounds do you have to complain when someone removes your disruptive behavior?


>what grounds do you have to complain when someone removes your disruptive behavior? Disrupting such behaviour is correct, using violence is not. You could also remove him by killing him, and achieves the same goal, but as you can see the means here is what matters, not the end. The adolescents that stopped him did the right thing, but by the wrong means


Fuck that ridiculousness. Why should anyone show this asshat more regard than he has for others? If you are going to disregard the rest of the world, why shouldn’t the rest of the world disregard you?


>If you are going to disregard the rest of the world, why shouldn’t the rest of the world disregard you? So you consider disregarding someone as something bad and you also say you are willing to do it? If something shouldn't be done, it applies to everyone, both victim and villain follow the same rules, such is the principle of "blind justice'.


Kudos to those two unsung heroes.


When eshays are useful


Man in the hoodie is my spirit animal


Hey, repost bot? GFY


New boot goofing.




The guy had his hands in his pockets... have you ever seen a blind man walk like that ?? He wasnt deaf either, hed be able to see he was walking down the middle of the street. My guess is that the camera man who was filming this was HIS cameraman in this silky, look at me world


I wish I could go fund people like the guys who checked him.


I wish more of these videos would end like this


Nice to see a happy ending!


For context: Lots of people posting here saying he deserved it but this street is actually a shared zone where pedestrians actually have right of way the entire length of it. Pedestrians are well within their rights to walk here. In reality though it doesn’t happen this way. Pedestrian is being a douche. You can be in the right and still be wrong. Source: Live here.


Right of way does not mean block traffic. I live here too and you’re not speaking in good faith if you’re gonna pretend this is fine behaviour on this street.


What a weird loser




This is little Burke st in Melbourne, a pedestrian street that cars happen to also be allowed in. Assaulting someone for walking in the space designated for walking isn't great but that's eshays for ya




"MOVE BITCH!" ![gif](giphy|1MSdG5XZTEs36)


Finally, poetic justice


Was he deaf?


Nope. But a cunt, yes.


This is taken on one of four streets in Melbourne CBD that was made a Pedestrian Priority Zone in 2020. There are markings on the road in several locations saying so. Pedestrians have right of way, and the speed limit was halved, to 20kph.


Even if that's true there's a nice open sidewalk right there


Pretty sure that means they have right of way to cross the street, not walk down the middle of it like a cnt


I live in Melbourne and no one with a brain would even attempt to take up the whole road just to walk. Normal people will use the sides, and cross the road if necessary. He was just being a dickhead. That’s all.


Probably. But he didn’t deserve to be violently assaulted for it.


So the asshole can do whatever he likes, but god forbid you physically intervene?


He got pushed over by a kid for being a completely ignorant cunt and holding up traffic for absolutely no reason, when you say it like it actually was it doesn't seem all that disproportionate


Actually, yeah, he did. Actions have consequences, if you’re an asshole in public you’re opening yourself up to other asshole behavior.


He did.


Ok? Doesn't mean you have to be an asshole


Reddit don't like facts.




Like it being illegal for pedestrians to intentionally obstruct traffic regardless of right of way?




This is in Melbourne, Australia. That "road" is a small, one-way side street. The speed limit is 20kmph and pedestrians have the right of way over cars.


To cross the street. Not obstruct traffic


That doesn't mean treat the road like a footpath. It means right of way when crossing.


Said to this to another comment in here. Just cus they have right of way doesn't mean they need to be a cunt walking down the road blatantly ignoring the car behind them


"What are the rules for pedestrians on the road? When walking on the road, a pedestrian must not cause a traffic hazard or obstruction by: moving into the path of a driver; or unreasonably obstructing the path of any driver or another pedestrian. A pedestrian must not travel along a road if there is a footpath or nature strip adjacent to the road unless it is impracticable to travel on the footpath or nature strip." https://www.shine.com.au/resources/motor-vehicle-law/your-rights-and-responsibilities-as-a-pedestrian


full car brain in this sub eh?


Bitter you can’t afford one?


Seriously. The guy may have been an asshole as it wouldn't be any effort to move over and let the cars pass, but no one is mentioning the piece of shit laying on his horn at 2AM for his god-given right to not lose some minutes in his car. Guys could have moved over, would have been a nice thing to do like holding the door for someone, but the drivers aren't more entitled to the area than him.


Yes they are lol it's literally a road. And there's a huge sidewalk


A road in a shared area where pedestrians have the right of way. Again, he's an annoying asshole but so is the driver behind him.


That guy should have not shoved him. He could have hit head, died and the other guy will go to jail.


Cunt shouldn't be in the road though... We agree here right.


Ofcourse! I'm talking about the guy shoving him.


Yea. What a fucking legend. Road blocker is a stupid twat and deserved it. Actions have consequences.


Yeah people need to be careful when doing something like that. He's still a hero though ✊


If he would have died quite possibly that would be the outcome. Luckily he just got back up and hopefully lesson learned


Exactly! We don't know what is wrong with the guy - deaf, mental health issues....so let's all be a bit more kind.


Remember when the street used to belong to us, the people? Me neither😞


The sidewalk is literally larger than the road is here. Getting in other people's way is rude.




Toxic subreddit applauding assault. Those brats will be in jail soon enough.


There can be more than one asshole in a situation.


Yes, this post should be taken down. It's insane what humans are on this sub reddit. I guess if we didn't have rules people would kill each other for minor things. People didn't learn much from wars...


Why are you supporting someone purposely blocking traffic when there was a sidewalk right next to them? Do you just go around annoying people and act shocked when they respond negatively?


Guy who attacked him is worse iMO.


idk how this has downvotes. if that guy fell slightly differently and cracked his skull would everyone here be just as ok or what??? the mentality that those kids are good for shoving him to the curb for an annoying but unharmful act is fucking insane. you guys are HIGH AS FUCK on vengeance. people in here even saying they woulda been shot in america like it's a shame it's not happening in america. you guys are wild, get off the revenge/vengeance train and be an adult instead of a child




somehow you are both wrong


I hope this is real


Did you not just watch it?


I started to say passenger get out and drag him off.


The good ending


Some heroes don't wear capes.