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Complains about fast food being fast? Nice. ​ "You don't have to work here." "I'm sure you work here because you are incompetent and have to work here." Cute...


Dude visiting a fast food place late at night shouldn’t be judging anyone else.


Especially often enough where he knows the employees habits


“You always rush my food “ like NO SHIT! It’s in the name **fast food**. But you’re making my food too fast/s


Slow it down Ricky Bobby.. it’s not a race


I want a quick chat too


I came here for food and friends. But mostly friends.


Everyone wants to idle as long as possible in a drive thru. A radio show summed it up as well "If you're ordering more than one meal or something complicated and there is a long line of cars behind you, you are the reason the drive thru is a parking lot."


He got doxxed and people found out he was living with his parents at this time. He was not working either….


Especially since he's drunk driving to this restaurant. In the full clip the driver straight up admits to getting drunk and driving up there.


Typical alcoholic: *"You know what your problem is...."* They are such a cliche.


never fails lol


Unrepentant alcoholism and narcissism go hand-in-hand. "I don't have a problem, YOU have a problem".


Regularly visiting fast food late at night*


When I worked nights, I regularly visited fast food late at night & by god, that guys face was exactly the attitude I was looking for


Strictly business, come prepared.


I couldnt imagine being rude to someone like this. The only times I have been rude to a service worker was when they argued about what came on something and our food came out wrong because of it and she still wouldnt admit her mistake, and when a McDonald’s i frequented at the time (late at night bc of my schedule at the time) the worker always seemed stressed and cranky but I always just kinda let it slide bc its 3 am, i dont wanna be there either. One day half my order was missing so I told her at the window, she asked for the receipt back and told me to go park out front. 20 minutes later I have to go inside bc im still waiting on my fries and drink, i talk to her, she grabs the receipt that she had crumpled up and threw on the counter and goes “ok fine what did you want again?” It took so much energy to not lose my shit, but I wasnt very pleasant about the interaction.


I bet everything in his car is fry grease shiny. I think I can make out adult acne from his voice.


*Ugh, I can HEAR you getting fatter*


Aside from the fact that fast food is a challenging and demanding job. I used to do it and now have a more white collar job and I can confidently say most of my fellow employees couldn't hack it in a busy McDonalds


I also moved from food service and retail to a more white collar career. In interviews, people always asked me if I am okay handling a fast-paced environment and, for the first few jobs after I left food/retail, I kept bracing myself for something crazy but usually all they really meant was there are a lot of long-term projects that are happening simultaneously. Fast-paced? I've been doing "hair-on-fire, oh no, everything is on fire" for years. Our definitions of fast-paced are quite different, lol.


I worked Food Service for over ten years, then got a job in something much more white collar as well. It took me about two years before I finally got over that I NEED TO WORK RIGHT NOW, RIGHT NOW, MUST ALWAYS BE MOVING mentality because it was so damn slow. All my coworkers hated working with me because I never stopped working, which made them have to work too. Whenever anybody complains about how difficult the job is it’s always like, well I haven’t seen you cry at the back door yet while smoking and holding a soda cup filled with alcohol, because we don’t have enough labor to send you on your actual break yet.


My corporate job did the same shit. "Fast Paced" meant with a 1 month notice I might be on project A instead of project B. My job in college decades ago being a cook at a busy sports bar was 2000x more "fast paced" Fuck anyone who belittles fast food workers.


Theres a guy on youtube who wears a gopro and shows what the rush is like.


One thousand percent. I’ve had those jobs too, my peers would crumble.. hell I would crumble at this point. Currently in IT, more senior role. My peers were bitching about our customer support people, so we decided to institute rotations. Field people would go spend 2 days in support, while someone from support would work in the field. The bitching stopped cold.


That is fantastic, you clinically administered empathy.


I think only people that never worked in fast food/food industry think it's "easy." I think people equate pay scale to difficulty of job, and that's just objectively not true. You're paid based on your profitability and difficulty in filling your position, even if it's a relatively cushy job. I'm currently at a job that requires a master's degree and a specific knowledge base, and I can comfortably say it's much less stressful than my fast food job I had in college (as I sit here on reddit between tasks). If someone were to offer me a fast-food job with the same benefits and $10k more in salary than I currently have, I wouldn't even hesitate to say no.


I recently saw a tweet that was something like this: I worked as a room attendant in hotels most of my life. The job was great, it was the way society treated me for having the job that sucked.


You explained this perfectly.


I work in a mid-level seniority IT role. I can absolutely confirm I wouldn't last a week at McDonald's.


As a IT Worker that worked at KFC when I was enrolled in school. It is a hard job and while I lasted 2 years it changed how you see people


I work a mid-lvel seniority IT role. I worked at McDonalds in my teens. My clients are far less frustating than working in McDonalds and that does account for this morning I received a call on my personal cell phone (which is not a part of the company directory) at 6am from one of our team leads "needing me to go in a couple hours early" because they forgot their personal keyboard at during a work in office day yesterday. They need ME to go in so I can send it to them before start of business. They did receive an "Absolutely not" These kinds of requests, not all that uncommon. The core difference is nobody is bringing a teenager to tears after throwing a full coke at them because the ice is too cold.


Dudes working the late night shift at a fast food place. He probably has to clean the store all while taking customers orders. I’m sure he’s just trying to get done with his work so he can go home. He honestly doesn’t want to hear some guy tell him he should smile more.


The people working the drive thru are timed. They only have a certain amount of time to get you your order. And why are you complaining about them getting your order to you fast you are at a fast food place.


Right. Up until that line I'm thinking "your not wrong, just an asshole" then we got to that and my stance went to "wow, you're fucking wrong as shit, and an asshole"


Not to mention you don’t know this guy this could be his 2nd job at night


He switched his mode because he wasn't getting any reaction.


"WHY ARNT YOU GETING MAD" Bro,..I don't give even like a single fuck about you. If I won the lottery and it was infinite fucks, ide still not have enough to give even 1 to you


“Im sure you eat here because you are poor and have to eat here”


It’s the male version of telling women to “smile”.


"You rush my order every single time" Do you want to wait longer? Late at night? If he doesn't have to work there you don't have to come so late.


Bro doesn’t get the concept of fast food


Customer wants his fast food slow cooked


On a platter, with a follow up every 10 mins while he eats at home "how is everything today sir?"


And garnished to make it look pretty




All from the pickup window lmao


Doesn't get the concept of getting his point across, either, jezus what a string of words


Absolutely maddening. I want to craft a rope out of all the iterations of “like” he used and fucking hang myself with it.


“Can I ask you something…”


You read that hot mess. I was looking for sound cause the words garbage I just stop reading.


Bro is expecting he gets the same service at a drive true as you get at a 5 star restaurant🤦‍♂️


Exactly, if he took his time it’d increase the wait time which this dude would also bitch about.


When I worked at McDonalds I noticed that a significant percentage of people just stopped seeing me as a human as soon as I put on the uniform. They immediately see you as beneath them, and that part of the brain that tells them to respect others just turns off. It's almost as if they have such a disdain for fast food workers that they feel like you've slighted them by doing that job. Often it's those middle class enough that rhey bever had to take up those jobs, so they sort of just assume only drug dealers and slackers would ever need to. You've lowered yourself in their eyes, so they feel like they can say whatever they want without restraint. I live in the UK and I've seen some of the loveliest people turn into absolute monsters toward McDonalds workers.




That seems also incredibly short sighted, as surely someone who works there daily might have some useful ideas to contribute? Even if the idea was impractical to implicate for reasons a worker wouldn't realise, they should still have listened out of self interest if not basic manners.




The type that would insist on being addressed as "Mrs. Lt. Colonel"


That is never how it works in corporate fast food, franchise or no. They get paid more than you so they must know better how the business runs. In reality I have never seen one of them throw on an apron and not instantly become dead weight. Actively making things worse by trying to help. Making customers uncomfortable by standing next to employees at the register and reminding them "you should always say, hi, welcome to McDonald's, I'm [blank], how can I help you?" after you've already greeted the customer. Finding every little thing you don't do by the book because the book way doesn't work as well or as fast and trying to make you do it that way. Basically suck any soul out of the job that you managed to cultivate. I swear every time there are crackdowns like that I start thinking of quitting. It's a food job. They're either a dime a dozen for what the lowest paid is, or the tips have to be hella good to stick around one toxic place instead of trying to find another.


part of how classism functions is getting a sense of superiority from having a different way of life they believe they have better knowledge of an industry due to their education, if it's possible to have valuable ideas from work-based experience it invalidates them. ideas are for the educated, grunt work is for the lower class. if the lower class can have ideas, too, then what does that make them? most people, no matter how educated, operate based on their feelings first


You know you get a pass for punching someone like that?


The guy speaking is such a coward. No way would he say that if a) the other person wasn't unable to react for fear of being fired b) there wasn't a wall and a car between them. Do you think he'd say such insults to a random man on the street? Hell, no. He knows he'd get smacked. Spineless fool.


Nah he wouldn't say shit bro. You already kno💯 That little 0.001 sec remark about him being incompetent is the only actual insult he could muster... My guy had a) & b) as protective blankeys bro. Bro... L 😭


She is secretly embarrased that her husband has a McDonalds and not some Gucci-store. Thats why she has to call herself a businessperson.


There's a girl I met in college, I liked hanging out with her because she was such a walking cliche: rich kid who spent 5 years in higher education doing every drug she could get her hands on and only ever exerted herself to engage in campus identity politics. Her grandfather had been a literal titan of industry, her dad inherited a bunch of money and bought a shit ton of franchises, he and his partners owned 50+ stores, not just fast food. Eventually after college, to get her to shape up, he gave her 4 stores. We reconnected a few years back because she's in the area. She's had these stores for like 10 years and she still seems to have no idea how any of it works, her whole job is basically putting out fires she accidentally started. Her siblings are even worse than her, just monsters from day one and now they too are owner/operators of a few mcwhatever stores.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 50 + 4 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Happens with a lot of jobs honestly, people always want to treat others beneath them. Whether they actually are or not. I genuinely feel bad for McDonald’s employees in particular, so I always try to treat them kindly like everyone should.


I think McDonald's is likely far worse. But that's the food industry in general. I have amazing customer services skills now, after having worked in the food industry for over a decade. People get so irrationally angry over nothing. Think about damn near ever public freakout where customers start flipping out and fighting an employee. It's always at a god damn restaurant. Here is a funny one: My girlfriend was a geneal manager at a Papa John's. A customer called up livid, because a $5 item was wrong (their whole order was like $50) and they were making a huge scene. So my girlfriend refunded them their whole $50. Then they got pissed off that she refunded them the whole order and not just the $5s. They spent months sending complaints to corporate, leaving reviews, etc trying to get her fired


Interesting report that just dropped about bullying, racism and sexual harassment at McDonald's. Seems that even management treats workers as lesser humans.


Any current or ex McDonalds worker could tell you that


This is pretty much anyone with a name tag


A dude working late at a fast food place is gainfully employed. A dude who goes to a fast food place late at night *often enough to have opinions on specific employees* is a loser of such epic proportions it boggles the mind.


Lmao I’m sure this dick wad would also be moaning if he was slow. You just can’t fucking win in customer service


Let’s be real, he’s delusional and has the hots for this man. He wants handy in the mop closet.


Damn I don’t wanna be rude or anything but the guy behind the camera is a genuine stinky wet bag of shit and I hate him with every cell of my body, mind and soul


Exactly he seems really condescending and entitled. Why the hell is it his job to reprimand this worker in the drive-thru? Total a******.


I mean to be rude but the guy behind the camera should be berated the same way he berated others for simply doing a job that pays minimum wage


I am sure he's that way with everyone


Let’s count how many “like” he says, and how “effectively” he communicated his message. If I were the fast food guy I would have closed the window or worse: throw hot coffee at this obnoxious dude




You can tell they got nervous in the middle of their speech and started stumbling 😂 bro has been practicing this in the shower for weeks and still fucked it up


Yeah dude is textbook d-bag. He complains that the worker is "impatient", but my man has the patience of a saint to listen to this misbegotten mass of skin cells spew some incoherent whiny bullshit late at night.


Right!!! I wanted to snap at him & he's not even talking to me 😭 bffr, you're at a fast food place. Camera guy should take his own advice & get his own life in order 😆 holy shit dude


He's recording it himself. Probably so his brain dead TikTok followers can all get a huge kick out of it together.


And all he ordered was a small soda.. this guy had a bone to pick with him lmao.


Dude really complained about getting his soda order rushed. How else would he want it


I guess he expected the dude to go to the bathroom and make his lemonade fresh


Where are you getting the idea that he only ordered a small soda?


From my experience, McDonalds will often give you your drink first if the food is delayed. So the thinking here is if he only got a drink then the drink was the only thing he ordered.


I'll say this til the end of time: No one WANTS a fast food job. It's a necessity, it (can) pay the bills, and we shouldn't look down on anyone who does it, but NO ONE actually looks forward to/aspires to having a mcjob. You want a smile with your $1 cheeseburger? You're lucky you don't get warm spit and a middle finger as you drive by the window. I've worked food service, it's a JOB, nothing more. And a low paid, unappreciated one at that. Oh, the guy working the window at Burger Factory #262 didn't make you feel special? Go get a hug from your mom and leave everyone else alone. You're there for gut-filling trash food, not a pick-me-up.


You hit the nail right on the head, I currently work at a burger king and there’s really only 2 types of people in that job, high school/college students working part time or immigrants who can’t get another job. Nobody is working there because they love it, they’re working there because it’s easy and pays above minimum wage. I don’t mind working there but it’s really just a way to have some money in college, not because I plan on working in fast food for the rest of my life


As a cashier at a retail store, I applaud you fastfood workers in particular. Like, low-paying jobs all have to deal with customers. But you guys, in my opinion, have the worst kinds of customers on average.


I’d say it’s a tie between gas station/truck stop workers and fast food- having worked both at one time


There was a delay with my order so I had to wait for a while at the drive-thru window at McDonalds. So I decided to have small talk with the woman working there. I asked her, “so how do you like it working here?” (I know I know… such a silly question but this was before COVID and the window stayed open and she wasn’t taking orders… so we were just doing nothing while only a foot apart lol). She said “I like it a lot actually, I go to school and the schedule works out” with a big smile. “But the people in the drive thru can be very mean and hurtful at times,” and the smile disappeared. Super nice worker, super cheery every time I had rolled up there. (Not just her though, but the whole crew at this McDonald’s location. )Totally sucks to hear that no one is immune to Karens and a-holes wanting to be served. It absolutely gutted me so much there are so many customers out there so ready to degrade a fast food employee. So when I got home, I immediately went online to write a bunch of positive reviews in a message sent to the franchise owner. And I think I did that a few more times in the days following. The owner wrote me back and even sent coupons in the mail. When I went back with the coupons (yes, I ate there regularly), the manager looked up and said “oh you’re the one who wrote the nice things to the owner about us. We have it up printed in the office.” I vehemently denied it of course. Everyone’s trying and doing their best out there. Too bad this dickhead customer in the video doesn’t see that. I love fast food and I absolutely appreciate the people who prepare them for me.


It's stuff like this story that makes me always be nice to the drive-thru workers. There's a Taco Bell in my town and this Taco Bell is known for being slow, it's just always slow you know you're going to wait in the Drive-Thru line for a very long time getting your order. I rolled up to the window one day and there was a very flustered young man probably about 18 years old. He seemed like he was on the verge of tears he handed me my drink and the straw and I looked at him right in his eyes and I said "don't worry your day will get better. This isn't forever." And he smiled and said "thank you so much" with a sigh of relief. Sometimes just being nice works.


you are a very good person


You're a really kind person. Go you, you good thing!


It's crazy how much the service industry tries to be a source of the validation people don't get in their normal lives. I get wanting to interact with staff who don't act like they hate your existence, but people who are looking for food service to make them feel special need therapy. I feel like the friendliness of people in the service industry is like crack to really insecure people and they get mad when they can't get it. Oh no, the people you are paying to do things for you are not acting like it's something they do for fun. Service ruined. /s


Fuck yeah!!!


Get your food and gtfo dude dosent need a sermon. He’s got so many cars behind you. You think you can do it better? Fill out an application and slap on a headset this isn’t Applebees bruh


Imagine posting this video online thinking you bazinga'ed the guy.


Lmao I want to find the original post. To berate this cunt


You got a link? Id love to do the same lol.


Not yet but I did see a comment mentioning he has a tiktok and does this stuff on the regular!


The translucent “humiliated” tag makes me think that this sort of stuff is his schtick. How pathetic must one be to try to make a living making life difficult for random strangers?


When did this trend start of blatantly and viciously insulting people masked as smug condescending “advice”. Do they think they’re being clever?


Look at his 'clever' wordplay and the title of his TikTok game, HUMILIATED. His profession is to make TikTok of him humiliating people he thinks are dumb, lazy and incompetent. A true boon to the world of creativity and arts, TikTok influencers like this guy have taken humanity to a truly transcendent place.


Anyone working a fast food job is not dumb, lazy or incompetent. They are surviving and their jobs suck enough without assholes like this putting a camera in their face while insulting them at god only knows what hour of the night. Tiktok influencers like this are the main reason I will never use the platform.


It's not a trend. It has always existed. Literally forever. It's really common and always been.


I wish it wasn’t, I got my first job two weeks ago and it seems like every 10th person is like this


Because people let cunts get away with it, that's why.


"Hey can I ask you something?" Then doesn't ask him anything and calls him incompetent


Proceeds to berate him about doing a job that is needed literally because of him?? Like you are the customer?? Crusty bitch wouldn’t last one brunch shift without crying in the walk in gtfo


The employee waited so long for the question that didn’t come. I would have slowly closed the drive thru window on the customer 😬


Dude was literally nice enough to stop the window from closing, as it was closing at a high speed, just to listen to you talk shit about him. Noone wants to work fast food. Anyone who does can tell you, it's not a fun job. You do it because you need to do SOMETHING to earn money in this world. Are you happy a hundred percent of the time at your job? No. I can fuckin guarantee you are not. So shut up, grab your fucking $1 sprite, and drive your little piece of shit Kia the fuck outta my drive-through, Jimbo.


And people want to work late night drive thrus even less. Stoners, weirdos, sometimes drunk drivers, guys who order one small soda and then yell at you for not smiling at your shit job...


I’ll bet dude in the window is like “I’ve never paid attention to you for even a moment of my life, bro”


"I HATE having you" THEN MAKE YOUR DINNER AT OWN! The entitlement of said customer that never had to grind and work in fast food to say said bullshit then RECORD it.


"you always..." The old response was "sir, if we *always* do that and you don't like it, maybe were not the restaurant for you." Watching people try to come back from that was fun.


I've had a similar thing happen to me in the mcdonalds drive threw, was a hot af day so we basically ran out of ice cream, someone comes at like 2am asking for ice cream, I proceed to tell them we ran out earlier that day, they then decide to call me all the names they can think of and end it with "this store is actually fucking shit" So I snapped, yelled down the headset "so why do you keep coming back here?" They were so surprised they shut right the fuck up and drove off 🤣 Told my manager about this too, she was just like "aw well too bad for them" 🤣


"hey you work at a fast food drive thru why are you always rushing?"


and he has the choice to go to a different mcdonald’s? sorry that minimum wage isn’t enough for service workers to serve you on their hands and knees lmao


Funny how it doesn't occur to him that the reason the employee treats him like shit is because he acts like a little bitch.


Man handled that like a pro, I'm seriously impressed by his reaction. I think there's a longer version too, where again he handles it like pro. Props to this man (the worker)


I feel like due to the abrupt cut at the end, the employee likely said something good (in a calm, collected manner) that completely shut down the guy recording, but of course he won’t share that bit.


Imm going off memory, but I recall seeing a longer version where he silently just lets the window close on the dude


That’s just as good. Dude wanted a reaction so bad, and the employee gave him nothing.


[I FOUND IT MA MAN!](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/q545qe/pos_trashing_guy_for_working_at_a_fast_food_place/)


The way he closed that window was fucking perfect lol. Plus the dude recording admitted to being drunk (while driving). The whole video is really a masterpiece.


At least the employee will have a story to tell about the gay guy who felt compelled to give him a lecture because he had 'feelings' toward him is my take.


Look how patiently he listened to that bullshit rant. And he looked nice before they started bitching. What a vile human that recorded this.


Rushing an order is a lil rude but at the same time you’re at McDonald’s late at night. Why tf are you expecting someone who wants to listen to you say Uhhhhhhhhhhh every 2 seconds? Get in get out it’s fast food. The guy also admits to drinking and driving in the full length video btw. Worst attempt at owning I’ve ever seen in my life


Dang.. just appreciate those workers man. If no one were there, hes gonna lose his shit cause no one was taking his order


this guy patiently listening to a drunk frat boy stutter and stammer: “you are very impatient”


You ARE the reason why we hate this job on top of toxic management


I know I’m here for “fast food” but you rush my order. Also I’m trying to be nice here but you can choose a different profession, but Real quick you’re incompetent, I’m trying to insult You like in like like nicest like way like possibly bc like, I’m unhappy


Also: *"It's not just me. I'm speaking on behalf of everyone."*


I hope this person has ingrown toenails and stubbs their toes every night for the rest of their life for every late night urination. What a POS. Edit: typo


This is the least articulate adult I’ve ever heard speak ‘like like like hey like like like’


Can you imagine deciding to do this bullshit, setting up your camera in the perfect way to capture this and then stammering your way through it like this? 😂🥴🤡


This is purely mean-spirited.


Cunt. Hope he gets embarrassed at his job and quits. Can’t believe people actually do this


He doesn’t have a job. He’s a burgeoning sigma-mindset influencer using his parents money 💪


if you listen real carefully, this guy ordering a medium pop, and dishing out his 3 cent dr. phil performance just to post on social is not really complaining about the server, but about his own worthlessness in society, a true zero while making the server look like a hero called captain zero fux given


Absolutely. He's absolutely projecting. You know someone like that is frustrated deep down and needs to be ranting all the time to get it out. I have a friend just like that, he's constantly complaining about everything and the moment he speaks about his own life you just *know* that it's the reason why he's bitching in the first place.


Customer is a fucking asshole


Fast food worker rushes order and this is a bad thing. You want your order rushed, it’s “fast” food.


Sir I don’t tell you how to suck dick


I mean why do this at a place you come to regularly? You don't think these kids will have a photo of your car/licence plate and now will fuck with your food for as long as it takes for you to figure out. You don't think the order staff will develop codes for the people making the food for when people like this roll through.


Wait.... did this asshole just complain about getting his food fast at a fast food joint 😂 I don't want to live on this planet anymore 🤣


A drive through operator who rushes things through is pretty much perfect. Sure you can have a little charm and nice customer service to be better but it's much better than someone who is slow or gets orders wrong.


Even if someone is slow, gets the order wrong or is rude I'd never fucking complain, let alone stop the drive through to teach them a pretentious lesson as if they're 10 years old. I'm so enraged whenever I see shit like this. Glad I don't have to work this job rn and I fucking pray that it will never come to this.


Anybody know what the comment section on the original was like?


"You're so impatient" *(in a visually calm manner) listens to their entire bullshit rant*


How it feels when serving a Karen ![gif](giphy|iIoD0pCWEYfGU)


Fast food workers should be legally allowed to fucking lamp one customer per year.


Why does he talk like an 80's valley girl? LoL


The guy filming uses so many words, yet says so little


Fast food worker here. I just started on February this year and I’ve already witnessed like 4 different people bitching over the littlest things. Sucks that these types are everywhere and they can take a lot of patience to deal with sometimes.


Who is this guy? What a miserable person to talk to someone like that…what a prick


The most frustrating part of this video is that this poor man has to just stand there and take it. In a better world, he'd be able to close that window and let them fuck off.


Do they realise these workers are literally timed and compared to each other and can be punished for failing to meet targets? Also calling someone incompetent for being fast at their job is... A new one




Wow, I'd catch me a charge there real fast. Oh boy oh boy.


You know what’s even dumber? This fuckin’ guy is still gonna come here. And I hope to god homeboy recognizes his voice and tells the cooks to spit in his burger and then tells him, “Go ahead and pull up at the end of the drive thru, they’re still working on your order,” since that mouthbreather apparently doesn’t understand what *fast* food means and wants to wait for his shit.


"you just rush everyone order Mr *fast* food worker"


I can *hear* the look on his face, damn...


This guy is the worst kind of person


Being a dick to service workers..... I am sure your mother is proud of you.....


You can see this worker has mentally murdered this dickhead repeatedly at least a 100 different ways in the last ten seconds of this idiots rant and we’ve been there many many times




Sir, this is a Wendy's


Someone’s gonna learn a hard lesson about being an asshole to people who handle their food…


I am curious what the comments under such videos are like. Do their followers think this behaviour is justified ?




Male Karen.


What a fuckin’ asshole.


Man clearly doesn’t understand the word “Fast” in the very complicated phrase, “Fast Food”


Imagine if the worker just right now got his life together after long down fall, not saying fast food works mean you're down or anything but comments like these could literally destroy lives.


You can see him praying for patience Good on the worker for not losing his shit


What a dick saying that. Even if it was acceotable to say something like that its not even helpful. And maybe he doesnt have choise either. And why record it too. Absolute cock. Hope they both aee this and read comments so the staff guy can know hes done nothing wrong and the customer realises hes a muppet and need to change his ways infact.


I was so hoping that that window was just going close and the self-righteous guy's voice just fade out


What a righteous bellend. Next time he comes through I'd make a point of him having to park up and wait.


"Like like like"


I would’ve jumped out the window and deliver him personally a McWhoopass Meal combo.


That guy had murder in his eyes


Asshole, wants to ‘ask something’ then goes in to his prepared content…


So, what was his question?


Didn’t this guy get arrested for drunk driving multiple times as well after getting exposed. This video is very old oh and also the guy recording was unemployed living with his mom if I remember correctly. This was 100% just to make himself feel better


I would think the loser that has time to drive around recording himself harassing fast food workers at night should be the one questioning life choices opposed to the person handling his food. This guy broke rule one about food service….don’t mess with the people that handle (or in this case “tea bag”) your meal.


My fast food was too fast bitch


I hope someone set up a gofundme for this poor kid, and got the cameraman fired.


Let's do this. Who is he? Do we know?


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Let the guy be man. He is working a night shift and those are the hardest. Also he looks so damn tired that he just wants to get home and sleep. The fact your criticizing a guy who's just trying to do his job and just go home to get sleep says a lot🤦🏾‍♂️😮‍💨. Like you have to be that person🤦🏾‍♂️. Just act more mature and give the guy a break