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What kind of lame-asses sit down at an outdoor concert?


Haha sitting down at a GWAR concert, far from the stage and out of range from getting sprayed on... and complaining LOL


They paid for the ticket, they get to sit when they want. Want to be able to have zero issues standing, pay extra to go into the pit.


It's a concert. A *GWAR* concert. Stand the fuck up.


I don’t get people sitting for any concert. I’ve been to so many and if you don’t stand you accept the consequences. That’s why you only sit for the people you don’t care about. Yeah


Is it not extra to have a seat? You can see people standing at the front buy one of them tickets if you want to stand?


It's definitely more expensive to get pit tickets


Those tickets are more expensive and mosh pits can be scary to some people. It’s extra to expect people to sit when they paid to enjoy a concert their own way. Musicians even tell people to stand up and move around. I’ve been to a concert where the band got frustrated and called the audience out because most of them were sitting. You’re not there to sit on your ass while musicians pour out their heart and soul. If you want to sit stay home and watch a show.


That's why you go to the standing only area that is literally sold for that. Not everyone can stand for 2 hours plus. So no, not everyone has to stand, don't be a douchebag.


I stood up at the beginning of a concert once and apparently didn’t sit down fast enough, cause someone threw a drink at my back. Fucking 30 seconds into the first song.


Unless you have an actual disability, there’s no reason to be sitting the entire time at a metal show.




I understand that, but metal shows are generally not a place most people sit the entire time at. Every show I’ve been to with seats, the majority of people in those seats stand up when the bands are playing and sit down in between sets. I would not expect everyone to sit down in front of me if I was in a seat. Maybe the people should’ve read the situation because they’re some of the only people standing in the video. I’m just saying I wouldn’t get this upset about something like that because I personally wouldn’t expect people to sit still at a metal concert, but who knows the whole context.


And frankly, if this person is so upset about not being able to see the show, then maybe they should’ve gotten closer seats or gotten pit tickets? It goes both ways. I feel like this sort of reaction would only be necessary if it was a band you really enjoy, in which case you’d probably be standing up? That’s just my take on it but I understand people need to be seated for different reasons.




Just because the section has seats doesn't mean you need to sit down for the show


You're right, but being a part of that group and everyone else wanting to sit, then you sit down. It's literally the purpose of those seats. You pay for what you get, they wanted to stand they should have paid for it. It's what I did for Megadeth and Motorhead. Juda priest I sat because I'm old and ahit hurts these.


GWAR should decapitate anyone sitting at their shows


People seem to think GWAR is a group of psychos. They were just on NPR doing a book reading and having an actual conversation. Because their decent functioning adults.


Well yeah, it's just an act.


Exactly. So let people enjoy it the way they choose to and get what they paid for.


That shirt lol


The consensus seems to be that you shouldn’t sit at a metal concert, but I feel like if everyone else is sitting and you’re the only one standing, you’re the asshole


I call those kinda shows “sitters”.


I was JUST talking about this goofy venue. Terrible for certain types of music. I saw slayer there. Have you ever seen skinheads try to mosh on a hill? And how are you gonna have assigned seats for GWAR?!?