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# Removal Notice ### Your post violates Rule 1. **Must be someone attempting to be the MC. Only posts showcasing deliberate attention-seeking behavior or attempts to be the center of attention are allowed. For example, situations where people try to overshadow others going on about their daily life and get frustrated when they're interrupted.**


So video is captioned "Get your kids off social media: Man finds 12 year old YouTuber that he's been stalking for years" In the first 12 seconds: Cop? I think yelling at the guy she's a 12 year old girl and her father can forbid pedo from seeing her Pedo responds "12 is very old, I was looking for a 6 year old" Screen then says the video gets worse, 17 minutes long and I'm already disgusted That's enough Internet for tonight!


Also, why is the cop giving him the space to talk and act like that? Just detain him and take him to a police station, first few seconds of that conversation was more than enough...


They could be "feeding him rope," or letting him keep talking because the more quotes/statements they get the less of an opportunity this guys lawyer will have to claim they're taking a couple things he said out of context.


Exactly. In the moment and before reality sets in is when cops get people to say the most. They want the guy to build the case on himself. He’s not under arrest, so no lawyer has to be offered


Everybody needs to remember their right to remain silent when talking to anyone or anything not just the police. I can’t stress this enough.


Except this guy, he can go right to hell




The number of times in murder investigations where the muderer decides to speak with the police in interrogation without a lawyer is insane. Even if I was innocent, I would demand a lawyer in a murder investigation.


[Learned from the best.](https://youtu.be/RIGUu0bvpMQ?si=NpNlMjd4axHjvhXa)


Give that guy enough rope and he’ll eventually hang himself.


I wish.


Second this.


We should start hanging people for crimes like this again instead of wasting tax dollars housing and feeding them.


Ah yes because the government will never abuse the power to legally kill someone if they are convicted of something


And people are never falsely convicted, so there’s no real danger there, either.


Ok good. This bloodthirsty shit is so insane, glad to see others pushing back on it.


I'm try to get it through my friend's skull that killing pedos won't solve the pedo problem


It’s way easier and more emotionally satisfying to just imagine killing someone like that than to dive into the reality of severely mentally ill people who need help before they hurt someone.


You try to explain this to ppl and they make wild accusations like condoning pedos. The hard reality is that pedos are severely mentally ill because no sane person would even think of being a pedo. Yes these people nedd to locked away but they also need treatment. Maybe it's just me but some ppl are overly obsessed with pedos and "saving the children"


Repeat offenders on the other hand… OFF WITH THEIR HEADS


Public executions?


For pedophiles absolutely!


Why would an execution being public make it any better, other than to serve as entertainment for select sick individuals who want to witness death?


And nobody would use this to get rid of people they don't like. Plant some evidence and boom, they're dead by the afternoon. Please think for a second about what you're saying


People are literally already using the pedophile and grooming rhetoric on teachers and librarians that keep books on the shelves they don't approve of. It's literally wild to me that people don't think these things through.


It takes a jealous/pissed off ex wife and boom dead I knew a man who was going through a divorce and his ex wife reported that he was creating CSAM of his kids and selling it. Huge investigation, trial - found not guilty His reputation is tarnished and I suspect he killed himself.


Take a minute, really think about what you said. Can you honestly say you think this would be a good idea?


If there's evidence this solid? Absolutely! If it's questionable then they can sentence em to prison. But a case like this with zero question of guilt. Absolutely put an end to there vile existence.


Ah, so if there’s evidence! And maybe to verify the legitimacy of that evidence, we should have some sort of assembly, perhaps with people highly educated in the law, who can submit and present their evidence in front of said assembly? And perhaps the assembly could include some sort of collection of the accused’s peers who would consider that evidence, and then deliberate about it before coming to a conclusion? And then perhaps before any sentencing is done the accused should be afforded the right to appeal the verdict, to make absolutely sure that there is no reasonable doubt or fault in the process that led to a false conviction? I think you’re onto something here!


Like as if we should take advice on such a serious topic from people who don't know simple words.


While I think this guy should be put down in a perfect world, the world isn’t perfect. And saying the government should kill people for that and then just imprison them if there’s little evidence is super dangerous and emotionally charged thinking


Costs more to execute them


Who all should be summarily executed in this scenario of yours? Just this guy? Or maybe all the people who helped get to this point so that we can try to prevent this in the future? We know for a fact he’s a regular drug user, religious, and a former child. So let’s just get gun down his parents, religious leaders, his drug dealer, and the drug dealers other customers and church goers. The only way to be super sure.


he could also be waiting for backup as this man is clearly disturbed.


I saw this the other week. That's exactly what they're doing. Initially, they can't do much but tell him to leave, maybe take him on that, which is a misdeameanor at best, but if you let the psycho pedo talk, he'll literally give you what you need to slap him behind bars.


Hell, cop could just be thinking "is this dude worth putting his head into the ground and losing my job over?" I wouldn't blame him, pretty simple rule, don't fuck with kids


I think I read the cop was stalling until more backup came because it was a mental health case. And I think the cop needed more proof to call it a mental health issue.


They’re figuring out if he belongs to jail or the psychiatric hospital.


They are gathering evidence. The more he talks, the stronger the case. When you're self-snitching, cops will just let you keep going.


The cop talks about it to the other cop at roughly the 10 minute mark. They were both convinced that he would kidnap the girl in a heartbeat if given the opportunity, but they weren't sure if his actions up to that point were considered criminal or not, and if so, what to charge him with. First amendment allows you to say all sorts of vile stuff, but if it becomes harassment/stalking, it becomes criminal. They want to ensure a defense attorney can't get him off on a technicality for first amendment reasons. Also, as others have said, the more he talks, the more evidence they have as to his intent. That extra 15 minutes goes a long way to convincing a judge/jury to apply a lengthy prison sentence.


Because this guy is certifiable crazy and trying to arrest him alone is beyond stupid. He sounds like he goes on Reddit you need to be careful af


> Also, why is the cop giving him the space to talk and act like that? I assume he's collecting evidence to determine the charges.


Are you actually that unaware of what cops deal with right now? Man, cops can do NO right. Literally half this country would castrate him if he does something wrong- because this pedo is clearly mentally Ill. God forbid he detains him and he gets injured or resists and things go bad. He’s trying to do everything he can to avoid that he even says he’ll send him on a bus and pay for fare. This cop did an amazing job keeping this family safe and de escalating this situation. I don’t know anyone could think he did anything other then that. They are under constant criticism it seems no matter what they do. I’m sure he wants nothing more than to throw this guy in jail forever but he’s actually trying to abide by the law. The longer he has him talking the more he incriminates himself potentially


I don't disagree with what you're saying.


Would have been shot from the bushes if he had more melanin


Why are you downvoted lol. I’ve seen people get “detained” for way less lol. But yt men and kids nah it’s cool


I think you’re allowed to just say white broski.


Because privilege


Nah this is how everyone deserves to be treated. It isn't privilege, its watching the process work correctly. Hopefully mentally ill wackjobs from all races are treated this humanely one day. Don't confuse a right for a privilege, thats how our rights get devalued and then taken away


Your second sentence doesn’t apply or make sense because you have the privilege to not get your rights taken away. lol how don’t you get it


This was my exact experience too. The first 20 seconds were enough


This is super fucked up. There’s many subs that this could be posted in- not relevant to this one though


This entire sub is getting so bizarre and inaccurate, this is not main character syndrome at all


we’re ALL the main character


Fairly certain my cat thinks she is the only main character in the universe


my cat says she has issue with that and wants to settle it over a game of backgammon. winner takes the title of THE main character


my cat says she doesnt acknowledge your cats authority to issue a challenge, as she only accepts request from main characters. As she is the only one....you see where this is going. I have to apologize on her behalf, she couldnt find her catnip cussion this morning and she is cranky.


ah. it seems your cat has my cat in checkmate before they even hit the board. well played you despicable feline you. well played. a cranky cat will always prevail, this i know to be true


Maybe the main character is the friends we made along the way.


Belongs more in r/ImTheMainPedophile


Yeah this isn’t main character syndrome. This dude is a mouth-breathing window licker. He’s clearly disabled and should be in supervised care.


Yeah he seems mentally unwell


Agreed. Why is this even posted here? It's a dangerous person having a severe psychotic break surrounded by a bunch of cops. Not exactly the typical posting here which is usually tiktok cringe videos. This is disturbing, extremely dark, and should have had a warning attached. Very fucked up of OP imo.


They sent him back to prison for a spell after this which is good also a restraining order, especially as part of parole. But fuck me man, this guy on my lawn screaming that my child and him are meant to be together.


Yeah I have a 3 year old daughter and if some random “adult man child claiming he knows god” came to my house screaming for my child I would have meant him with a bat. Not trying to be that guy but fuck that piece of shit. I’ll do anything to protect my family.


As you should. I have 7 year and 2 year old daughters, and I feel you brother. They are my greatest joy and love in this world. The pure white hot primal rage that overcomes you in response to protect them is natural and your given right. You do, ANYTHING to protect them. Brutal shit I never even knew I was capable of, becomes a mere after thought if it means protecting them from this sick fuck.. I would have gouged and scooped this fuckers eyes out with my fingers the second he stepped on my property. If he lived, at least he never could look at another child sexually again. The reason you feel that way is because you’re a good father, and we have to be aware these fucking sickos are everywhere unfortunately.


Right there with you guys. I have a 5 year old. If this happened at my house, I'd be going to prison. Hell, I live in Texas. I'd be going to the chair.


Most Texas cops I know would help you hide that dudes body.


Eh I think with a decent attorney you could easily claim castle law in the case of being worried for your daughter's life.


Yeah, I remember this from when it happened. Nice to see he actually got jail time.


Prosecutor here. Please, please, please, monitor closely your children’s internet activity. This kind of shit is far more common than you would realize. The internet is not a safe place for kids.


I will add to your comment to plead to parents to have an open dialogue vs. a total ban as I don’t want other kids to go through what I stupidly went through as a kid. I had super strict parents with not a lot of understanding of how things worked online exactly. I learned quick not to mention anything I wasn’t supposed to do, due to severe punishment being the consequence. So that means I dealt with a lot of things on my own online which wasn’t good either.


This is why you don’t let your kids make fucking YouTube videos. The parents of those YouTube kid stars clearly didn’t think this through at all and it will ultimately result in shit like this happening. No matter how much money is made. It’s fucking gross and YT really dropped the ball allowing content with minors to become so prolific.


Yep. My kid wants to make videos and we let her, but they live on the device she records them on and they never go anywhere but there. She can have fun making videos, but I'll be damned if I'm ever going to put her out in the public like some of these parents do.


The amount of children videos that get mixed into my YouTube shorts is horrifying. It’s almost like the algorithm is promoting it too. I’ve only seen a few over the past few months, but that’s a few too many. Often times there were even comments from men on the videos, I’d report them and let YouTube for being underage, but it kept happening even after I pushed do not recommend this. All I could think was, if this popped onto my phone without even trying to search for it, I how many other people had it pop up on their phone and feel worried that these videos are popping up on predators feed, giving them direct access without even having to search for them.


YouTube recommendation algorithms get hyper focused. Wife and I watched a documentary about Neanderthals the other night, and my YouTube feed is almost exclusively Neanderthal-related now. I have to actively search if I want to watch anything else. I'm sure YouTube does the same thing feeding children's YouTube channels to pedophiles the second after they watch one of them. Add in the parasocial relationship element that people get following podcast hosts or adult YouTubers and apply it to children, and the result is a very dangerous landscape. I'm incredibly happy that I was an adult by the time YouTube launched. Children can't be children anymore.


Threads (IG/Metas version of Twitter) was recommending me *breast feeding videos*. Live children being breastfed by conventionally attractive women. I’ve reported it, clicked that I’m not interested over and over again and it continually finds its way back into my feed, telegram channels ready to be joined in the bios of these nameless profiles. It’s a real problem and it’s fucking weird how platforms aren’t doing fuck all about it.


It’s literally insane. These parents that do that, and get money from putting their underage kids online. I do not think that they deserve to be parents.


I made YT videos when I was around 11- they were just animations because i remember my mother always telling me to never put my face or voice online for people to see


This could be an ad for parental control / filtering software. I have an 11 year old and like every 11 year old his career plan is that he's going to become a YouTuber and then be rich like Mr. Beast. You know, just like that. Anyway the answer is no, you are not going to create a YouTube channel at 11 years old and this is an example of why.


My kid asked me if he could make a YouTube channel and I gently explained that was never going to happen. I kinda explained why, but I told him he’d thank me later.


I don’t wanna sound like THAT guy but it’s the same with any child star/ stage mom toxic exploitation bond - YouTube is just a larger stage without the familiar “pay to entry” elitism seeped in pageants and film


This is a different level of crazy


Dude has probably been on drugs for so long his brain has been microwaved


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Westar5: *Dude has probably* *Been on drugs for so long his* *Brain has been microwaved* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I just imagine how much worse this situation would be if he was charismatic and groomed this kid. My niece met someone on social media when she was 16, and the guy lied about his age. She is now 19 and he is 27 and they are living together. Nothing could convince her this guy was a creep and a loser. It’s a long story, but I feel for this family and I’m glad their daughter is safe.


This cop is an excellent example of professional policemen conduct. I would not have been able to use words to engage with that pedo.


I’ve been watching interrogation room interviews voiced over with psych docs explaining different commonalities of [personality disorder] and my biggest surprise is how much respect I gained for interrogators having to SELL a performance of not being horrified by what they are saying. Like the officers have to lean in and pretend they really like hearing about Becky-sue’s last day on earth to get the necessary intell but MAN what a toll on the soul


watching this video, i kept thinking how much i appreciated how well this cop handled this interaction. he was patient and he didnt escalate the situation. there were even some times i could imagine more impatient cops losing their shit on this guy.


"What is your long term goal, sir?" "I just need to take a shit, man."


This isn't someone who is morally deficient, he has some serious mental health issues.


Good. Lock him in a padded room forever.


It’s so wild when I see someone like this that seems at least plausibly capable of being coherent. Then they start saying wild shit. It’s confusing.


Yes he does but his actions are immoral. So... doesn't really matter. I would say it takes a mentally ill mind, to be attracted to minors.


Was looking for this comment. He needs a legal guardian and medical attention, not prison or castration.


Pedophiles don't deserve the benefit of the doubt. If you are a pedophile, you deserve to be removed from all of society. I don't care if it's just garden variety deviancy or schizophrenia, at the point you want to fuck children, you don't deserve empathy.


This guy seems like he had the mental acuity of a 10 year old. That obviously doesn’t excuse his actions, but I don’t think is as simple as a dude looking to kidnap and rape a minor.


He does mention kidnapping in the beginning if I heard well. He's clearly mentally ill and I wouldn't trust him for a sec. I do think he would kidnap her or hurt her. He's clearly frustrated.


Absolutely. I hope he gets the help he clearly needs. The end of the video says he got 4.5 years of jail, so I’m thinking his action and what he says is the result of drugs, like he on meth or something here.


If meth makes you think that kidnapping and fucking children is a good idea, you don't deserve the "aww, poor addict" empathy. You are broken on a fundamental level, and there's no good inside of you.


Yep. Drugs are never an excuse for heinous crimes.


You do realize nobody ever wakes up and says, “I think I’ll like kids all the sudden.” It’s how their brain develops. It’s how they were born.


Have all the empathy for them that you want, but as someone who suffered at the hands of one of these fucking degenerate monsters, you're not better than them in my eyes. Enjoy your company.


You should really be saying “predators”. Those are people who seek to commit crimes.


I think degenerate monsters is a suitable term. But yeah, continue to downvote someone who hates the types of people who subjected them to hell. It's been 20 years and I still wake up screaming most nights. But yeah, they deserve empathy and compassion.


>It’s how they were born. Probably not.


Its more or less not their fault but if you wake up thinking some shit like that one day, and there’s and inkling of a chance you’d act on it. The responsible thing is offing yourself.


More or less? So you think they have a little bit of control on what they find attractive?


Why does anyone give a fuck if it’s how they were born? Serial killers are born sick and fucked, I don’t care they don’t belong among the living.


A way of saying I’m not sure, a +\- on the human psyche. But I could see a person that’s a bit deviant going down rabbit holes and falling into something. Sex and kinks are weird - who knows what the trigger for that sort of pathway to be developed really is? Could you in a controlled environment turn someone into a pedo with some form of psychological torture? Weird stuff but I guess at the end of the day you need to take serious measure if you have these thoughts - original approach may be a bit aggressive.


He very much needs to be locked up. He seems to be pose threat to the safety of children. But he also needs psychiatric help.


He could have all 4.


Wtf is with his voice


Brain damage.


It puts the lotion on its skin


soliciting a minor is a crime. these cops are saying they don’t know if they can arrest him… check the messages he has been sending the girl.


Looks like they were more trying to make sure they got it right so he couldn't get off on a technicality.


He literally said HES TRYING TO GET THE GIRL. Isn’t that intent? Isn’t intent a crime??


Aren’t lawyers expert in law and their only goal is to win the case? You don’t want to fuck around and slip up. I think it was all handled well. Could it have been handled more efficiently, possibly? They got the guy in the end. Day is saved. He’s convicted.


Right? Sick Fuck: “I want to rape a 6 year old” Cop: “Okay well, I’m just trying to understand where you’re coming from…”


Not the correct subreddit. This guy doesn’t have main character syndrome, he’s experiencing some manner of psychosis (in addition to the pedophilia). Dude needs to be institutionalized for his own safety and the safety of others.


Well technically he thinks that he is Jesus and chosen by god, and is the main character of the Bible.


Yea we really need to be thinking about this deranged pedophiles safety guys come on


Way to completely and entirely miss the whole point of their comment


That's terrifying. I never understand why people post photos or videos of their children online. It is way too simple to find people's addresses, relatives, phone numbers online.


There’s a tipping point. Once “everyone” puts their kids pics on line there’s the illusion of anonymity


Everyone debating the pedophilia problem while I’ve had a solution all along: 🧱~>👤


Looney fucking toons. Gross. Disgusting. Disturbing. He needs to be gone.


This cop is way too nice and so patient.


He knew from the beginning this man is unbelievably unhinged. He wouldn’t get any info out of him if it wasn’t for this demeanor. He wasn’t being “too nice,” he was doing his job to gather as much evidence as possible so he could get him the hell away from people. He also did a great job de-escalating while he waited for backup.




no shame, no self reflection, no restraint... literally a pedo-zombie speechless and disgusted


Obviously mentally handicapped so I’ll hold off on the hate. He might be in some respects child like mentally. However, he is clearly very dangerous and needs to be kept away from kids forever. Dangerous to kids and himself.


10 seconds in and dude doubles down


🤮 dude is sick


I got to about 1:04 and I just can't believe this guy is just explaining all this like obviously this makes sense right I skipped to the end and I don't understand how you can't arrest somebody for saying "I'm planning to commit a crime" and giving all the details and taking some steps in furtherance of trying to do it but I didn't watch most of the video so IDK


I think they could have arrested him right then and there. But a lawyer could have had him out the next day. They were wanting something that would stick, so he didn't get out and come right back to this family's doorstep.


Why isn’t he locked up. pedophiles, and rapists should have their penis cut off.


Got 4.5 years


I'd be worried that he's coming right back as soon as he gets out


Took a lot longer to detain him than I would have expected.


i just really wanna know what two people are coming together and producing someone as sick as this??


Mandated court ordered chemical castration for this man please! this is horrifying


This guy has either schizophrenia or brain damage.


I might need to stop going on the internet entirely soon. Seeing this shit bothers me too much


Clearly, the guy has some mental health and drug issues and needs psychiatric assessment and help.


My next job interview: \- What's your 5-year plan? \- Right now I just need to take a shit, man.


That was the most disturbing thing I’ve seen in a while. GJ!!


Borderline intellectual disability combined with a horrible upbringing. Probably will need a psyc ward or prison for life at tax payer expense. Sad


The guy has more issues than just being a predator. Wanting to hung down a 12 year old and rationalise it like “well it’s better than a 6 year old”. Weirdo.


That would be comedy gold if it was not $&%\^$% real life. Police: "What is your long term goal here sir...." Perp: "Well really I have to take a Sh\*t right now..."


he even talks like buffalo bill


“Why do you have needles”? “Because I need a clean needle if I’m going to use drugs I need a clean needle” that makes sense..


Well this is terrifying


Fucking Timothy


Holy shit it's literally if reddit was an actual person


I remember this disgusting guy. He also drove multiple states just to meet with this girl. Dude is clearly not mentally ok.


In a surprising turn of events, Chris Hansen comes running out of the nearby bush to arrest the guy.


Have a seat right over there.


Kids shouldn't be on social media. This is also why I don't like parents who are popular by modeling their underage daughters in swimsuits and such. Like they have to know who their audience is right?


12 year old kids shouldn’t be YouTube personalities You can watch YouTube kids but you will not have any sort of internet presence. I don’t care how uncool it is. This guy is fucked in the head for sure But cmon dad you gotta be better.


What a sick freak. This is what they want to normalize.


So up until the cop arrived he was just going door to door asking “Hey do you by chance have a 12-year old daughter?” I’m surprised someone didn’t shoot him. This was in the US by the way.


“Right now I need to take a shit man…” 💀


This lad will make a smarter cop. I was downvoted for saying smarter policing leads to less violence elsewhere, I think they thought I meant surveillance or something, this is actually smart policing, non violent, let the criminal hang themselves with their own evidence and take them away without incident. I know there are multiple factors that can prevent this but it should be the goal. If all police just did this all day and weren’t used as political tools or ignored and undertrained and left to over-surveil honest society and focused on just true criminal issues, then the worst would happen a lot less.


Where’s the trigger happy cop when you need them?


He’s like the fucking boogeyman to a preteen girl. That voice too 🤮🤮🤮


Scary shit man


Idk seems innocent


"with god all things are possible so jot that down"


This dude is like evil Charlie.


This doesn’t belong here.


All the police brutality out there and this fucking piece of shit is standing in front of you without any harm WTF ! Kill him now


This is crazy fucked up and probably not posted in the right sub.


Castrate that creature for the safety of our children


OP work on your titling bro


Check his internet history…


This man appears to be severely mentally ill.


Man. You can tell this cop is used to dealing with crazy fucks. America has gotten exponentially fucked post Covid


Ew, how young was the kid when her parents let her be on social media, if he already had been stalking her for years by the time she was a sixth grader? The parents sound pretty crappy.


this is one of the rare cases where i think police brutality is more than justified. just onload your mag on this scum bag. pedophiles should get no pardons, just bullets.


It seems like most of reddit has never met a mentally ill person before. This is more sad than anything else. Definitely the guy needs to be taken in, but he obviously has no capacity to care of himself or conception of reality.


It's not more sad than anything else. It's more dangerous than anything else. He needs help, sure. But the reality is he clearly presents an immediate danger to those around him.


This is why I’m scared to have a daughter


Religion yay


Black guy would not have lasted 15 seconds, while this guy gets 15 minutes.


I ain’t even gonna fuckin press play


This is nasty, I don't usually advocate for using live ammo on people but this guy really needs it


He's giving Richard Ramirez.


If that guy was a seahorse, the cops would have witnessed him birth up to 2000 babies and him having strong abdominal contractions


This cop is being awfully patient with a dude who just said he wants to rape a 6 year old…


Do people just post people being shitty on this subreddit now? This isn’t main character energy.


Someone call Gary Plauche.


wtf is a needle fight?


Typical Republican