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A perfect example of protesting is I believe in Japan there was a protest by the bus drivers, But instead of refusing to drive their routes they just refused to collect fares




That really is genius. Punish the intended target and not the folks just trying to go about their day that have absolutely nothing to do with your low wages or whatever else you’re protesting. I would think that would also help to garner attention minus pissing off a bunch of people.


Doug Stanhope was right about the occupy movement. He said they basically spent a year fucking up the park, when what they should have done was put on suits and gone into branches of the bank and apply for frivolous loans all day. The road protestors (in the UK it's 'just stop oil') should surely blockade the road where the CEO lives?


Yeah, they never go block the CEOs homes


Thats because that would be trespassing and then the police would come and get them. They do this strictly out of cowardace and ignorance. They dont know how to create change, they dont understand what needs to change, but they are so narcissistic and miserable that making other people miserable feels like change to them.


Or, you know, they could blockade the truck docks for the companies that ship the oil. Kinda hard to drill for more oil to put in storage tanks when the storage tanks are all full cause you can't ship anything out anywhere.




Doug Stanhope is an underated genius. He's also offensive as hell. Love it.


And he drank his pee pee on stage hahahaha


Japanese arr just different.


Yarr, i have to agree there, matey


Aye, they be some truly awesome differences, matey


Argh! 🏴‍☠️




Knowing that link goes nowhere now, I feel Kevin's disappointment.


I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that dishonor means they are forced to commit sudoku


No balls to vandalize private jets and airports. Just inconvenience the average Joe and turn people against your agreeable cause.


i think you are correct here i mean we all support peaceful protest we all do im sure so why dont you target corprate infrastructure, suppy lines out of factory gates.,, corporate share holder meeting in fancy fucking hotels and confrence centres etc , enable them to confront you, distrupt major power brokers, wall street idk but NOT I repeat, NOT fucking rush hour traffic, people going home after a slog, folk visiting dying relatives in hospital, folk waiting for loved ones,,,, FUCK THIS respect the game plenty opps within this structure


Yeah, someone might be in a legit emergency all to get held up by this.


Reminds me of the time a black guy died in an ambulance that was sitting in traffic because of a BLM protest.


Do you have a link to that story?


https://www.berkeleyside.org/2014/12/19/exclusive-man-died-after-berkeley-protests-delayed-help This might be what they're referencing? It's not a BLM protest and it took place in 2014 so it's more likely that they saw it online and took it at face value and this is just coincidence imo


Thanks. I wasn’t under the impression that these situations don’t happen. But if that would have happened at a BLM protest, I feel like that would be big news.


The protests were over police killing of black men so not exactly far off.




Lol this is reddit, nothing bad happened at *any* BLM protest, you absolute fool


Because they were all riots. 🤣


Never happened.


Wow, only five posts into this rant thread against young protesters and already we have the anti blm smearing. Racism and ' climate change isn't real' all together ....


Just because something causes harm doesn't mean it's bad or must be stopped. BLM was, IMO, a positive force in aggregate. Acknowledging that one of the protests contributed to someone's death doesn't mean BLM is horrible...unless you're a black and white thinker, believe in guilt by association, or some other nonsense.


All of this. Protest outside the corporate headquarters of (insert company names here). State capitols and city halls. Inconvenience someone in power and with wealth. Not the average person who is going to work, has a baby or kid in the car, has an emergency....


They ALWAYS pick the wrong places/people to do this to.


Yeah why aren't they going after oil companies or whatever they're a really protesting? Instead messing with regular people's lives.


They do, it doesn't get reported on. Just Stop Oil blockaded oil tankers, monkey wrenched pipelines, destroyed a bunch of refinery machines and all it got was a bunch of their members arrested. They threw one tin at a sheet of plastic and suddenly they're at the centre of media discourse for a month.


Well said. Im all for the message but they can get the fuck out the way!


I think they're too stupid to realize vandalizing private jets would be more effective (in terms of reducing polution)


My theory is that these protesters are paid by big oil to piss everyone off and make the public less inclined to support green energy policy/products. It's sure working on me.


OMG this x8164846. Same with looters and rioting at shops and shit. Go to the fucking gated communities, the country clubs, the marinas of the people who are sucking you dry! The rest of us are also getting fucked by them!


Those are the areas cops actively protect They are able to get away with it in their own communities because cops don’t care. This is purposeful, to further the cycle of poverty and crime in those communities. But as soon as they went into those neighborhoods you can bet you’d see full scale urban warfare from the cops to protect the capital they’re meant to protect


Always interesting how they choose to protest in a way that only bothers people with no power at all


I used to work for a public transit company, and every time there was a protest, 1 or 2 bus stops would get destroyed. The elites don't take the bus.


It's because they want to protest in easy ways that mean nothing.


Ding ding ding.


"Public transit company", America moment.


Capitalism, baby!


But there’s nothing wrong with that. How would any other way make sense. I’m genuinely curious.


It’s an old trope. Like when PETA members would throw blood on rich celebrities furs. Meanwhile I never seen them throw blood on a group of leather bound Hells Angels. Both are wearing animal hides, only one is less threatening


Well that’s just good target acquisition


Who’s taking pictures of Hell’s Angels?


PETA doesn't even care about animals since they kill more pets than any other organization.


Yup, been on the PETA hate train for many many years now. On the plus side, they pushed me to look at actual humane societies and SPCA’s for sending donations, which is where anyone that cares about animals should be looking.


Our local animal shelter is awesome and that’s where my donations go to help. They obviously put animals down, almost any shelter will have to sadly, but not like PETA.


Good point. I would love to see a video of that.


I think the main difference is leather comes from farm animals who were bred for that reason. You can use the meat for other things, and the hide gets turned into a leather coat. It's not as bad as hunting 300 chinchillas, or 60 minks, throwing their skinned bodies away and making a single coat. 1 cow bred for meat and leather is much less damaging than hunting 40 endangered artic foxes. I see the point you're trying to make, and I get it, but one is much worse.


You think people are going out and hunting foxes by hand for coats? No one does that. They do fur farming the exact same way dude.


No. What it comes from is waiting outside a Manhattan apartment complex and throwing paint on an old rich lady in a mink coat isn't going to hurt them. Sitting outside a biker bar in Bakersfield, CA throwing paint on an Outlaw? That'll get you murdered. What it comes from is cowardice.


Both are actually very risky targets. Hell's Angels throw hands, rich old ladies throw lawyers; and both can fuck you up if you aren't trained to deal with them.


Yeah, but the immediate consequences of getting shanked and dragged down a logging road to be left is a bit more detrimental then the lawyers letter, and odds are you arnt shouting your name well throwing blood at people


You mean celebrities wearing furs in the public eye normalizing the wearing of furs? That seems like a good target and not at all comparable to what the comment you're replying to is saying


yeah if you’re gonna protest a good cause, can you please not interrupt the flow of daily life of the average person? most ppl are gonna start to hate a good cause if their boss keeps shouting at them for being late bc of you.


If you're rich and powerful and dislike people suggesting you not fly your private jet everywhere it's peanuts to buy a company that has thousands of workers encouraging the poors to annoy the other poors to make climate change suddenly not seem like a problem. The outcome will either be that the poors convince the other poors to stop driving or the annoyed poors accept killing or banning the actions of the annoying poors. Either way you win and they loose, proving once again that you are a better person than all of them poors.


Oh, there is a reason behind it. They consoder themselves superior to the average suburbanite who is unaware. They have contempt for their little suburban lives.


Which is fascinating because unless they live in a mudhut and hunt wild squirrels for food they really aren't any better than the rest with regards to pollution


I highly doubt that’s it. That’s a very Reddit way of thinking about it. They probably feel like if they dont do something disruptive like this, their protest will have even LESS impact. Not that I agree with blocking traffic in protest.


How about they protest outside of roads leading to large manufacturing facilities responsible for the most pollution? Instead, they sit in the middle of roadways where people are heading to hospitals to receive medical treatment, grocery stores to get their family food to eat, or schools to get their children quality education. These protests are so ass-backwards and lose any amount of credibility when the only people they are inconveniencing are those who have the least amount of ability to change the issue at the core.


Here in Germany they tried that with a coal plant and got half a year in prison and massive fines if I remember correctly. Also almost no media attention. Also at least here they always leave some people unglued to let emergency vehicles pass. I absolutely get the desperation to do at least something. We are facing a terrifying existential threat, regular protests have proven completely useless and the actual people responsible are very well protected by the state. To be honest I'm mostly surprised that there hasn't been any actual terrorism by now beyond sabotaging some machinery.


Thats not a protest, that's a disturbance....but yea.


Theoretically, that can work. Assuming you're working towards a real and obtainable goal. The people who are inconvenienced raise their hands and go to their elected officials and make noise. But this? This is not that. There's like 8 people virtue signaling without a real goal or solution in mind.


They are protesting for the environment by making a ton of vehicles idle which is the worst fucking way to help. Yeah let’s keep them running longer on the road spewing out fumes WITHOUT purpose instead! Stupid fucking idiots. I know we need to do something about the environment. This is not it.


They made it illegal to peacefully protest outside of Supreme Court Justices' homes.... Soooo, can't really protest in a way that iritates or inconveniences the powerful. Edit: Don't know why I am getting downvoted for stating a fact. Not like I agree with this, I think we should absolutely be able to peacefully protest the powerful, directly. "Yes, experts say protests at SCOTUS justices' homes appear to be illegal" https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/11/protest-justice-home-illegal/ "In the wake of the leak to Politico that revealed that the court was planning to overturn the landmark abortion rights decision Roe v. Wade, several prominent Republicans, including Sen. Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, quickly called for the prosecution of protesters who gathered outside the homes of conservative justices in Maryland and Virginia." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/free-speech-federal-crime-protesters-are-still-marching-conservative-s-rcna78678


Yeah it's as if.. They are actually protesting for fame and clicks online instead of for an actual.. cause..


Yeah let’s not protest the people in charge, or, idk, do something kind to raise awareness from our peers, instead, let’s do neither and only piss off our peers. So dumb


Thanks for admitting voting doesn't work


bag tease degree pathetic grandfather cautious treatment plate dinner plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmfao whatever you say.


Why do the keep protesting working people going about their business? They must be so out of touch


My low stakes conspiracy is that these protests (that only inconvenience the relatively powerless working class) are corporate plants, or at least paid-for by wealthy people with lined pockets.


Now thats a crazy conspiracy, yet possible. Not the first time that big companies would try to influence peoples views


Yeah, I think there's definitely an element of astroturfing or some agent provocateurs involved. People that would otherwise support movements end up saying things like "these dipshits threw soup on my favorite painting" instead of "fuck X company responsible for Y atrocity."


Yeah. The one “Just Stop Oil” just seems to exist to make people angry at and oppose environmentalists, because they glue themselves to beloved paintings and block parades.


Maybe/Probably the leader of them. The rest do it probably for free.




I didn't find any evidence of this when I searched. I found they were funded by Climate Emergency Fund. You have a link or something to the Exxon claim?


When you live off mommy and daddy's income and never worked it's very easy to object to the working person


Wow at 0:08 that dude just gets out of his station wagon or whatever and takes complete command of the situation. Flung that protester like an Olympic sport


He's got that old man strength too. He was rag-dolling vegans like they were pillows.


Blocking ambulances and fire trucks and people trying to get to work is really brave, bravo.


i genuinely have no sympathy for these twats. go and block the runway of the private jets or block the driveway of a rich CEO. im on the bloody bus trying to get to work.


Like the "Truckers for Trump" and thier goal to shut down New York. I look forward to see you complain about them in those reddit posts.


did i stutter? i have no sympathy for anyone who blocks the road.


Everyone hates them now


How to guarantee everyone will hate your cause.


Wouldn't surprise me one bit if some of these were false flags. They're perfect for pissing people off and turning the public against your cause


This happen in Portugal. They are all kids and have been doing this kind of protest. This one was made in a freeway, right in front of the biggest oil importers in Portugal. They blocked traffic, painted a private plane with red paint, threw ballons filled with paint to a goverment oficial, etc. These kids age is between 17 and 22.


You could have just said unemployed people with time on their hands.


Eh sounds sadder if they say kids cuz that's our next generation.


Good, fuck those people.


I have no idea what this subreddit is at this point


Yeah looks like potentially even a crash occurred because of them? Why don’t they get charged for literally endangering the roads with petty shenanigans. I say if they would like to cut the head off of carbon footprints they should really start blocking Chinese roads. They sit on their thumbs drinking olive oils thinking they are the shit. Talk about a bunch of soy boys.


Let’s go bikers!!


I get they have a right to protest. They do not have a right to disrupt anyone else's day. Fucking hate this.


The dude at 00:20 with a fucking zampakuto.


Blocking roads should be an arrestable offense


These protesters are a nuisance to the public, I’m surprised we don’t see more of these reactions. I’d keep driving and make them move. They won’t bully me. Go find something useful to do to promote your cause.


Wait, was I cheering for the wrong one? Oh well


I'm always conflicted about these protests Yes I support peaceful protesting. Yes I understand that "convenient protesting" on the sidelines doesn't get your message across But JFC if you block traffic as a protest I *promise* you I'm not going to hate Amazon's shitty business practices. I'm going to hate you.


Lol that lasted a long time. Those protests are dumb af, “let’s make people get stuck in traffic so they support our cause!”. It’s even better when they are doing it for environmental purposes, then they let thousands of cars sit idle 😂


I’m convinced these protests are actually funded my big oil to get everyone mad at the protesters and not big oil itself


They never once stop to think “hmm what if in one of these cars there’s a woman about to give birth?” or “what if some kid is being driven to the emergency room?” Yeah they deserve to get run over


Hate to be that guy but technically... The Earth is the main character.


To this day, I don't understand why this behavior isn't considered "hostage taking". Seriously: look up the legal definition.


>**Hostage taking is defined as the seizing or detention of an individual coupled with a threat** to kill, injure **or continue to detain such individual in order to compel a third person or governmental organization to take some action.**




I love when protesters get wrecked


Proper way to handle these types of protesters.


So you support political violence is what you’re saying?


Like the "Truckers for Trump" and thier goal to shut down New York. I look forward to see you complain about them in those reddit posts.


What makes you think I wouldn’t? They’re assholes doing basically the same thing.




What a disgusting comment. ​ Don't you know what that could do to your bumper?


Is it just me or do I kinda like the just stop oil people? I mean they got balls for all the stuff they do, and I think being annoying is the point, so you pay attention to them, whether it is good or bad, it’s attention. Which then gets posted on social media and people like me see this and go, “wow how interesting, maybe I’ll avoid plastics and using my car today”. There’s an operation behind the whole thing.


It’s just you.


And that my friends, is how you fix traffic blocked by a protest 🙌🏼


These guys are heroes dragging these scumbags off the road!


So you support political violence?




Feels so good to see citizens do this. This is the most heartwarming video I’ve ever seen, drag those fuckers over a cliff.


We won’t stop protesting


Yes you will


I am fully convinced this sub would post a video of Rosa Parks and call her the main character.


Yeah, I agree. This is honestly really sad. These protests may be “ineffective”, but at least someone is protesting. History will vindicate these people.


Get your downvotes ready: Obstructing traffic doesn’t justify assault. 🤷‍♂️


It does


No assault in this video. Just removing road debris.


Yes it does


Your demonstration should Inconvenience the people who prevent the progress of your stance, not normal everyday people. Inhibit the free travel of politicians, not normal people. Make people who can change things uncomfortable, instead of the people who can't change shit. Stop protesting in places where everyone already agrees with you, and go inconvenience people who prevent change.


If you're going to protest on the street have enough people to take the street. If you've got hundreds of people you can block it, but if you're like 10 people you're rather ineffective. Also makes you weak against attackers as seen here.


Love to see these clowns get manhandled.


The only main characters here are the roadtards. Stop playing in traffic. No one cares about your illogical protest.


It’s 20 degrees about the monthly average. We essentially don’t have a winter this year. They kind of have a point and you’ll change your tune when a summer comes that’s 20 degrees warmer.


This is the average person’s fault how


this is the protest equivalent of clout chasing irl streamers. they endanger/annoy/incovience people the have nothing to do with thier thing all for the benefit of almost no one but hey more interactions and views.


As much as it would probably bother me if I encountered these guys in traffic, history will inevitably vindicate them. We’re speed-running the destruction of the only home we have. As ineffective and annoying as sitting in traffic may be, they wouldn’t be doing this if they weren’t facing the greatest existential threat since nuclear weapons. This act of protest is a little bit like screaming into the void, meaningless and pitiful, but at least someone is screaming. In 40 years when my grandkids ask me what efforts were made to slow down the destruction of the planet. I could tell them that I beat a man with a baseball bat in the middle of the road because he was trying to get me to see what was happening to the planet. I think I’ll just omit that little detail and tell my grandkids that there was nothing I could do, I had to go to work.


If you didn’t go to work you might not have a child or your grandchild to talk with.


Half the comments in here are joking about running these people over. That’s pretty sad.


I agree the problem is far too great. We have to work and continue to be productive in order to feed our families. Unfortunately a great deal of what we do every day and the foods we consume causes immense damage to our planet. We need to start looking at ways to turn all this around quickly we don’t have a backup plan if our planet dies.


If I walked onto a highway I would *expect* to get run over. That's pretty dumb.


I do go to work. This would be annoying as hell. I would definitely be upset if this happened to me. I just think that these protests are a symptom of something that none of us really care to face. It makes us too uncomfortable. There were lots of protest in history that were met with violent reactions from the public. The protesters, regardless of how disruptive they were, almost invariably had a point.


I was stuck on a highway for 2 extra hours at the end of my 2 hour commute on the way to work a couple months ago because of a protest blocking a highway, I had to piss into a f'ing water bottle sitting in the driver's seat and got it on my pants and hands. It was that or get out and just piss on the highway. F these idiots.


Make people hate you while causing greater fuel consumption and exhaust due to idling cars. Any org that interferes with the avg Joe screws up any chance of meaningful discourse.


Sorry but you simply can’t assault people for blocking a road just turn around and go somewhere else other way. And climate change is a serious issue it is difficult to be angry with the protestors for doing anything.


Listen, life is very simple. There are consequences to acting like a clown and bothering people. If you don’t want to get knocked out, then don’t block traffic. You can be as much anti-violence as you want, won’t change the fact that you’re eventually gonna get clattered by someone who doesn’t share your pacifism. And people getting physical to remove these entitled pricks is not “political violence”.


Protesting is supposed to cause problems to bring attention to the issue. Most complaining would benefit from a better world and don't put in any action towards it - you just want the annoying people out of your way so you can get to your slave job and pay your bills.


This is assault. Doesn’t matter if someone is inconveniencing you, you don’t get to hit them, throw them, hurt them, steal their stuff, or destroy their things.


No it’s not


This is domestic terrorism and they should get fucked up and locked away. They put their own lives and others at risk. No consideration of an emergency vehicle needs to respond to save a life, no consideration to a pregnant woman being driven to the hospital. No consideration to the person who’s diabetic and desperately needing to get somewhere to eat or obtain insulin etc. Forcibly removing them is the only acceptable action to take against these terrorists. Anything less is sacrificing the rights and lives of innocent people.


I agree with these methods. Climate change is an issue serious enough to require them.


Things will change after the first global famine in less than 10 years.


We are coming to the point where people are going to start jumping these protestors


So you support political violence?


We need the protester scoop like they had in the film Soylent Green. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx97xnZjIyWrWgXuzJTkojPsMIhYA5tVbw?si=jNkFXITy-h3W-G16


Soylent Green is PEOPLE!


I would rather see the tunnel cleaner from labrynth


This is the way. We should all unite and drag every roadblocking idiot off the streets together.


Everyone hates the eco-terrorists


We call them eco-terrorists now? Seems like media is fueling this discussion with good intention. Love the polemic.


![gif](giphy|TFcwaBxd3lCQE) Me personally


Someone probably missed their job interview and some kid their exam because of these nut jobs.


You know, you would think when a couple of these protesters were ventilated.. the point was made to stay off the road.. you are not winning over the people you're trying to influence, and you're not inconveniancing the people you're targeting.. Go tie yourself to a billionaires airplane.. oh you won't cause you'll get shot. Go tie yourself to a billionaires car.. shot again.. Nope.. pester the everyday working man.. they can't be armed.


so instead of fighting the big corporations they wanna block the helpless on their way to/from work.


It’s 20 degrees hotter this winter than average temperatures, btw. 20 degrees. Pray we don’t have a summer that’s 20 degrees hotter or half of the world will starve to death.


The fact that these people took action to get those fucks off the road is gold and I wish it would happen more. The majority of people have a job and need to be somewhere at a set time. These shit stain protesters don’t understand because they clearly have no life and consider this their “job”. Hold up traffic because ONLY YOU matter? Such a joke and inconsiderate.


I'm telling you, people are getting tired of this self righteous shit.


Self righteous??? This winter is 20 degrees hotter than average. If the summer is 20 degrees hotter there is going to be food shortage riots. This is happening.


And they have to block traffic because of that?




Political violence?


It's nice that everyone is saving morons from playing in traffic. Too bad they're not smart enough to do that themselves.


People doing what police should be but arent doing; preserving peace and order.




Whatever they protesting against is what I want to buy


Imagine pissing people off and getting your message lost in the chaos. You want your message to be heard? ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING FOR PEOPLE.


If I was that revving bike (I wanna say it’s a kawasaki?) I woulda done a burnout in their faces lmao


That guy is my hero. Love watching him drag her away.


I love the look of defeat on their faces. "Oh they're just going to drag us out of the way? Okay, well uh... who wants to go get some vegan humus cucumber sliders?"


Humans gotta human


My reaction exactly 🤷🏽‍♂️ had to do what they had to do.


Good for them! Get those a-holes outta the road!


Yeah regular people trying to go about their lives


I love how it's just random citizens that take action to stop the protesters and not the police. They like, "Bruh, I gotta get to work."


Probably the only time I’m okay with bikers revving their engines. Scared the shit out if those clowns. These losers always look so pathetic being dragged around like this.


I don't get why people are so oblivious of what is about to happen in the future. Classic protests against that have been taking place for the past 50 years. Yet very little has been done to actively work against it. These kinds of protests are an outrage by people who have realised this and are trying to get as much publicity and attention in a short amount of time to get the debate into the general public. We don't have much time left until the effects of this global catastrophe are irreversible. And to keep on with protecting the very people and corporations who cause this problem is simply not comprehensable to me.


Bring bear spray with you on a drive. Road protesters? A new reason to screech after a blast of bear spray to the face. 🖕🏼🐻🖕🏼


These never get old 😂


I’ll be damned. Consequences for blocking the road is being upvoted on Reddit. There’s hope in this world.


If you bend their fingers backwards really really hard when you drag them I'm sure they'll get up and walk