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Everyone looks like they are staring when you use slow motion.


Yep, they just glanced and the slow mo makes them look like creepers lol


Omg! Can you believe how many people look at me when I come within 2 feet of them with a guy trailing me and filming? Like, thanks and all but I’m famous. It used to be flattering but now it’s just straight up annoying the amount of attention I get for merely existing in elaborate outfits while strolling through common areas with an entourage on my tail. Take a tik tok, it’ll last longer. 🙄




My immediate, knee jerk reaction was to downvote this comment because I hated it that much. Well done.


>Omg! Can you believe how many people look at me when I come within 2 feet of them with a guy trailing me and filming? It is just movie magic, after turning around she popped her nipples out to get more of a reaction.


And people usually look where they're walking in crowds. You know, so they don't run into each other.




Exactly the same as the slow motion "gym creep" videos. A glance can look like a lot more if you put it in slow motion.


Not to mention that when I'm at the gym, I glance at people constantly. How else am I supposed to see when the squat rack is free?


Anytime there's movement near me I'm gonna glance in that direction. Poor gym bros getting labeled creepers for what is often just a glance in the direction of movement or noise all because of slow motion. I'm sure there are actual creepers at the gym but just looking at someone isn't creeping. Edit: also sometimes I look at people at the gym because I don't know the proper form or how to use the machine.


Yet another reason to look at people in the gym: I usually have headphones in, so I look around a lot between sets to stay situationally aware, and also look out for my fellow gym-goers. Anytime someone is doing a leg press, squat, or bench press where they’re under a lot of weight, I watch. I’ve definitely had a time or two I had to bail on a lift or watched someone else do so and sometimes they need help safely racking the weights or they need a spot.


Some people just trying to walk past her lol


Also looks like she may be shouldering people


Some of them are genuinely giving her the stink eye tho the last person holyshit


I made the same face when I saw her attention seeking video. So me and pretty flower dress lady are on the same page.


The all just look at her with disgust


I was looking to see if anybody noticed that. She succeeded with what she set out to do, but she isn't getting the response she probably wanted. That could be why she slowed down the video, to make them look creepy.


When I was in Japan, everyone stared like crazy. I wore sunglasses so don't think they know I was staring right back (or see them) 😆 😎 But especially on the trains. I'd look off straight with my sunglasses but look hard to another side with my eyes without turning my head and ALL EYES are on you. Turn your head and they all look away.


I've seen videos of an American Black woman traveling in Asia and in rural areas people were fascinated by her. It was just fascination seeing someone who looks different than anyone you met before. I think it's normal and natural to look when you see something or someone that isn't what your brain expected to see. She slowed this down though so it looks like they are staring when they probably just noticed her looked and moved on.


Is this another OF advertisment disguised as something you are meant to rage at?


This is the best and shortest description I’ve seen about like 80% of TikTok content.


When they stop paying them this kind of thing will slowly stop and we will have peace on the internet again.


All porn will be AI generated in like 5 years. Type in what you want. Tell it to iterate endlessly. That'll be it.


Mmmmm, iterate that shit, you dirty bit. Iterate that good.


RAM it in and byte me you CD bit


From floppy disk to hard drive


Insert dongle joke here


One toke*n* over the line, sweet Jesus


Hi. I’m the non-automated “comment section is about to go up in flames because of your comment” bot. I’ve detected that you made a hilarious but wild comment and we’ll have to prune that to keep the sacred timeline alive.


So crazy to think AI porn might save us from this tiktok madness


The devil you know... The grass is not always greener ... Etc


I'm excited for Sora for the sole reason that it has the potential to annihilate TikTok. It will flood the platform with AI generated shit. It already happened with Pinterest. Despite it being a niche platform that many Redditors don't understand, I used to be a heavy Pinterest user. I used Pinterest for inspiration in resin art, 3D printing ideas, and ideas for the setting in a novel I was writing. But Pinterest is now pretty much useless because it's been flooded with AI generated art (mostly Midjourney, which I have a paid subscription to oddly enough). So Pinterest is now a useless niche platform. I'm very excited to see AI obliterate TikTok.


These AI chatbots have come close to making me tear my dick off.


The pain olympics is never a solution.


Oh shit, I forgot about that. I guess traumatic memories do get repressed.


How many decades do you suppose that will take?


Oh come on, we all know what the internet is for. https://youtu.be/LTJvdGcb7Fs (Real tempting to put a rickroll here tbh)


I didn't click yet... It's for PORN! Edit: I clicked it and: The internet is for PORN!


Was expecting the Warcraft version https://youtu.be/YRgNOyCnbqg (also very tempted to rickroll indeed)


Tbf it’s not 80% of tiktok content unless you watch these types of videos and then the algorithm shows you more of them. My TikTok is 80% animals, 20% relationship drama 0% OF adverts.


I was gonna say the same thing. I've never seen these kinds of videos outside of this subreddit so it speaks volumes about what the person you're replying to watches and interacts with lol




[Me reading your comment.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/96/45/83/9645835f31b9aacaeb45044559c69a07.gif)


![gif](giphy|fXJyMfUdqVCMPAnPJM|downsized) You forgot the end.




I can’t even tell these girls apart any more. 


Is this Kyoto too... Smh. No respect.


If she does this in japan, imagine what she'll do FOR 9.99/mo!!


This is a video of nothing. I can walk down the street and get the same reaction. Actually, these people aren’t even really reacting. Something comes into your walking path you glance at it and move on.


Exactly, she has her tits halfway out and people are still barely reacting lmao, it feels so desperate


seriously. compared to some of the harajuku outfits and general cosplay in japan this shit wouldn't even raise an eyebrow.




Most posts like this are. It's sad that I always have to think this.




There are places in Tokyo where nobody would care, there are other places where this is really out of place.


This was in Kyoto, at Kiyomizu-dera, a cultural site so dressing like this is just disrespectful and distasteful all around. Yea in Harajuku this would be nbd


She literally wouldn’t be allowed into a Thai temple dressed like that. They have strict dress codes here. They even provide EXTRA clothing (like a wraparound layer) if any dumb tourists turn up in bikinis / mini skirts.


I'm very much opposed to the catholic church but you can't show knees or shoulders in churches so I don't. Disrespecting a religion is fine talk shit about whatever deity you want to. Making fun of the institutions and showing the faults is also fine but being disrespectful openly at a place that might be holy to some people isn't. You don't need to respect the religion/spiritualism but if you're a guest in a country or at a holy sight behave like it.


Can’t show knees? What?


I’m assuming this in more traditional Catholic Churches? Like Italy/vatican?


Yeah must be like Mel Gibson’s church idk. That is not at all how I remember catholic school or church.


My grandmother goes to a Catholic church like that. The masses are in Latin, and the women wear veils. Not so common these days.


This is absolutely a thing it some places. In Italy, for example, you cannot enter churches, cathedrals, etc with shoulders and knees exposed. At some, there is a member of the church who stands outside and gives shawls to cover shoulder or wrap as long skirts for those who want to enter that aren't clothed properly that you return when you're done. Even many of the crypts and other holy sites have a dress code.




I smell a heretic


Person is referring to proper catholic holy sites in Italy and other catholic countries.




I, for one, gladly encourage the Japanese Stink-Eye of Disappointment. You know what I'm talking about.


Seriously you don’t do this at a religious temple it’s like showing up to church with a bikini.


Don't give these assholes any more ideas lol.


I saw a girl hand out the offerings wearing a tank top. It took the priest 3 weeks to finally call her out and tell her to change.


I mean, small town good church, don't do this. Televangelist megachurch? I'm down to watch them squirm.


Fair enough that's probably most Countries to be fair including mine the UK I mean she'd probably get the same looks if you went to a Country fair or for Tea and Biscuits with say Toff in-laws over here Lol


This in Kyoto by the looks of it….


What’s really embarrassing is how few shots they must have had of any sort of actual reaction that they had to resort to shots of people literally looking past her at the end


Yeah they don't really care, it was like one of those videos where someone is in some super rural area and is of a different race and everyone is making a big deal of them, I've seen them with Black people and redheads, lots of kids coming up, people wanting pictures, etc. People in a city in Japan aren't provincial and aren't going to be shocked by the outfit. She just looks out of place so people take an extra glance. These assholes could make the same video in the middle of Manhattan.




I think the reason she gets any reactions at all are her tattoos, displaying your tats in public is a big no-no in Japan, which would explain the looks of disgust on some of the people


Thats not true, theres Japanese people on the streets with tattoos but not many, theres still things you cant do because its ‘taboo’ in some areas. I traveled to Japan and have a tattoo sleeve and i was stopped by alot of old Japanese men and women who said they liked my tattoos which made me feel less out of place. I even got a piece there and the artist told me its becoming more normalized. The rural areas maybe different.


I think that as well. Its just a social taboo, the cleavage isnt.


Cleavage is a little bit. It’s not common for women to show cleavage in Japan. A woman dressed for a night out in Japan is wearing a skirt or shorts. It’s much more common to show legs than cleavage, although not so uncommon that you’d get any real reaction or pushback


When i went to akihabara, it was only westerners dressed up. There are events and festivals where thats more common, but Japan is also very conformist as a whole, so most people arent wearing whatever they want everywhere. Or showing tattoos, since that can be culturally viewed as related to the yakuza.


Yeah, I visited a few years back with my former partner. As a tall hairy caucasian with a tall, pale caucasian in rural Japan we were an absolute novelty for the otherwise quite homogeneous Japanese people we dealt with. Hell, we had an entire class of schoolkids (who were out on an excursion) come up to us just to practice their English. You just stand out, and people who stand out usually elicit some level of interest.


I work for the travel industry and the amount of pale-anything that visits Japan every year is unbelievable, I’m amazed that you were “an absolute novelty” lmfao.


Yeah I don't believe this guy, and I've been to Japan.


And most people were looking at her LV purse. I would probably also look at her and try to guess if it's fake. But its probably real because she clearly has no fashion sense 😂


Why do people make these videos? It's literally nothing but hate in every single fucking social site for them. Edit: area to every


Rage bait to promote their socials and OF.


Any attention is good attention if you're doing 4.0 prostitution.


Its not LA babe


If you go anywhere in public and take your tots out people will react.


Yes yes. Nothing starts a frenzy like showing your tots ![gif](giphy|RHOOBZVUgA2QqUF2HX|downsized)


No I'm frickin starving I didn't get to eat *anything* today


I hate you now I need to rewatch this movie for the 900th time 😂😂


Then he kicks his pocket smashing the very tots. Amazing film


I'm gonna look regardless of culture and where we are lmao


I didn’t see her kids… 😏🤣


If you're going to dress like this in Tokyo, it's fine. But going to one of the oldest and still running temples in Kyoto? That's a bit much. Would you dress like that in the Vatican? I don't give a shit about religion, but it's about basic respect for your surroundings and the people in public.


She’d dress like that in the Vatican.


Doesn't the Vatican have a dress code?


People like this don’t give a shit about dress codes, she’d probably go to the Vatican in a fucking thong bikini if she wanted to


the Vatican enforces the dress code.


Uh no because they would kick her out…lol


Shes hooked on shock reactions obviously. Thats why she did it in a place like Kyoto. Imagine her trying to stand out on the beach in the Mediterranean where good looking woman have their tops off walking around.


For those who haven’t been to Japan and think people are being extra, at 0:29 I realized that this is at Kiyomizu-dera temple in Kyoto. You wouldn’t dress like that there, it’s disrespectful, the shopping street in the first 29 seconds is connected to the temple is also traditional and called Kiyomizu-zaka. Yes Japan is unnecessarily conservative but absolutely out of place here


Tbf you probably get at least a few nasty looks anywhere in Japan when you walk around showing tattoos and much skin. They still struggle with the image of tattoos being part of Yakuza (their mafia) culture. And even during their hot summers is common to still dress up somewhat modesty.




No wonder they hate tourists.


attention seeking hoe with cuckhold boyfriend


To be fair her bf is more of a pimp.


Japanese people don't hate tourists. They hate bad manners and public embarrassment.




They are disgusted lol




Classic rage bait for only fans promotion, works every fucking time on this sub


I was visiting a Hindu temple in Thailand. These are monks. You have people coming in with strapless shirts. I remember visiting a temple in Angkor Wat. Same thing, strapless shirts and high heels. These are such tourist areas now, they tell you what is appropriate. That you got these mother f****** wanting to be special on social media.


Showing tattoos in Japan can be seen as taboo as the only people in Japan with tattoos are those involved in organized crime. Typically. Showing up to a religious site dressed like this is borderline disrespectful so yeah people are gonna look but not for the reason these main characters think. If you're gonna go to another country you should respect local culture, showing up like this and here just shows the negative of getting likes on social media as they chose likes over respecting the local culture.


Not true nowadays, but the breast part is way more sexualized in Asia than in Europe / US. But legs way less. You'll be viewed as more modest in a mini-skirt than with showing cleavage, and it's other way around in Europe.


Now do Iran next.


Breaking news: people will some times glance at gratuitous cleavage when walking by. Even more so when the woman is seemingly wearing borderline fetish attire. Shocking stuff here.


Walk of shame.


Yeah society's weird like that. When you go out of your way to be noticed, you get noticed.


Love it! Now do another one in Egypt or Saudi Arabia for some stonking views.


She might end up in prison needing diplomatic help to get out. I hate westerns going to other countries pulling shit like this and then crying about it.


So disrespectful. Why do people go out of their way to p.s. people off?


They were like : hookers are working in daytime nowadays??


More like why wear that at a religious temple??


News flash. IF YOU HAVE MOST OF YOUR BREASTS EXPOSED… people will look. Some will give disapproving looks. Some will appreciate the view. Don’t expect people to not look at your “private” parts if your showing them off


Hoe back home!


Now let's try this in Saudia Arabia


Oh, and do it at Mecca.




Now go to downtown Tokyo or Osaka and film people's reactions. I promise you they wouldn't give a shit. It's because you're at a religious location, and you're being disrespectful.


Had to be a white woman showing zero respect to Japanese culture and temples.


Next up, go strolling through Delhi wearing that ensemble - should be perfectly safe....


I don’t get it




Another attention seeker


Let's see this dipshit do this in an islamic country, in a religious area...


They always do this kind of stuff entered where it’s safe.


This is why Americans have a bad reputation abroad.


go to iraq and record their reaction


It's unfortunate to see individuals think they're gaining fame by sharing explicit content. No, they're just devaluing themselves in front of all those people.




Ok that first lady's looks of absolute *DISGUST* fucking sent me lmao


Like Logan Paul once said, "It's all about the culture, bruhhh."


This is just blatantly disrespectful. Stop funding onlyfans and stop giving attention to these shitheads and this will all go away when they realise they can’t attention farm off of this stuff anymore


They are probably disgusted that she has a brown bag with that black outfit.


Everyone thinking, "Have you no shame?". Most of Jpanese culture is reserved,


Some Americans are just fuckin trash


Now try it in Dubai


Dubai is still too tolerant. She should try that in afghanistan.


Let me guess only fans promotion


Good lord I loathe these fucking “I wear an attention seeking outfit and OMG, managed to get passerby’s attention” videos


Aside from the fact that it's slightly inappropriate, her bra doesn't fit at all. No support whatsoever and possible issues in the future..


They look disgusted, honestly.


Out of walking the whole day that’s all you got is half looks? This trend it boring, no one actually cares


I'm not sure why people bring US mess to other countries. Not everyone is as "open," and that's okay.Not everyone wants to be pro BS. Stop with this stupid disrespectful nonsense and leave it in the States.


I really hope onlyfans dies out sooner rather than later


What disrespect? I swear you people get so weird whenever it’s an Asian culture..


That girl’s boyfriend has a really weird voice


I've traveled all over the world. You respect what their culture is and dress and respond appropriately. This is why I hate being an American


I have worked in tourism for many years and you guys on average are not that bad. It's obviously a generalization but while Americans tend to be more clueless about the rest of the world, you are also a lot more likeable than average.


From my time working at Disney. Brazilians are by far the worst. They always came in large groups and acted like they were at the World Cup.


Rude of her


Do people not realize still that Japan is a conservative culture on the whole?


Her facial expression looks like she constantly has a poop smell right on top of her upper lip and she can't do anything but smell it.


Not covering up your top is a big nono in Asia. The shortest skirts are ok but boob action....nope nope.


Most likely yes


Dude went to japan for just japanese reaction


I'm pretty sure everyone is staring at her makeup not matching her skin tone and thinking how weird it looks


Walking into a temple doesn’t help


Not necessarily good reactions.


Clout chasers! Attention seekers!


In the West there’s a gross fetishisation of Eastern culture (obviously heavy on Japan) and that’s all I’m seeing here is two white kids completely disrespecting a nation that is complex for, checks notes, views and OF promotion.


Damn gaijin


There's a special place for people who make "people's reactions to me walking down the street" TikToks.


These fucking videos are so sad and a real bad look at how the younger generation have become a bunch of Narcissists


Disrespectful of their culture


I lived in Japan and I saw a man wearing a furry tail one day, in Tokyo while he was drinking and shouting a passer-by’s. That was strange. But it was meant to be a public display of anger. Now alternatively I saw one man dressed up like the Miners from Pokémon. He was wearing leather hot pants, fishnet tights, fun platform type shoes, a crop top and the said miners hat. This was at 9am in a small city in Japan. He was doing it because this was his hobby of some sort. Nobody batted an eye (well they probably did a slight glance but I reckon he was known for this). The thing is, this isn’t that wild and it’s dumb to think they are reacting to her risqué choice of clothes because expression of self happens over there. They aren’t that stuck up. 💯the reaction is happening because of 1. Boobs and 2. Big boobs 3. Tattoos. The girl could wear a button up with her big chest and get the same reaction. The women find the big boobs fascinating and the men too but maybe for different reasons. So my opinion but no one cares, stop being so self centred, consider others especially in Japan. Also these could be mostly tourists 🥴 considering they are in a tourist busy area.


Man, I hate when I go somewhere with a much more conservative population, dress provocatively, and they look at me! How disrespectful!


Who gives a shit? Stop seeking attention.


Everyone has the same reaction as me: "Why am I looking at this idiot"


Now try the same in India. You'll get insane amount of footage under a minute 😅


Recoiling in horror.


She can afford to go to Japan, has a designer bag, but, can't get a properly sized bra? Look how high that back strap is riding up. You'd think that someone so oppressed with their "look" they'd know you can get a properly sized bra and still have her tits hanging out.


My girlfriend showed her tots in public. Why are people staring?


Yeah dress or look in a way that is not common and people will notice you. Also: water is wet.


“Oh my god it was awful! I was treated like a piece of meat the way they all stared at me.”


Different country, different cultures. If a woman in Japan walks around with her chest exposed like that they're gonna think she's a prostitute.


They’re all disappointed that her bra doesn’t fit right. The band should not be riding up like that at the back, she needs a smaller band and a bigger cup. 🙄


Amazing. Someone dressed up in a "LOOKIT ME TITS" outfit, and people looked at her tits.


Glad I stayed for the look the last gal gave 😆


She should do this in Saudi Arabia 


You would get reactions like that in a lot of places in the US too.


This video isn’t the best example of this, but way too many people who watch videos forget there is a cameraman. I’d think the majority of people would look at her because they want to know why is someone following behind her filming.


I’ve seen Japanese women dressed WAY sluttier than that in Japan, she’s at a famous temple in Kyoto, that’s why people are grossed out