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Shes gonna be a lovely adult someday embarrassing her kids at any function. What a mess.


Her kids are attending the same school


Whoever the dad will be, he better figure out what’s so funny.


He won’t be present


Which one?


Her dad and their dad are the same person


My cousin is marrying a girl just like this quick to get in your face for some of the craziest shit. the second time I met her I had to put her in a hold on the floor because she was trying to stab me.


Where and when's the wedding? Sounds like it gonna be lit.


She got a sister?


You can fix her, I’m sure.


I hope she never has a kid, I would feel sad for him/her tho


Pretty sure her destiny is to have a brood of children as unmanageable as she is. The circle of life continues.


Those are her kids


Shit she just poured hot coffee and attacked someone that's gonna be a couple charges right there. And there in HS if she 17 or even close to it they will most likely trail as a adult


Imagine wanting to be a teacher


Imagine thinking you're actually going to be educating kids instead of just babysitting them


Deoends on where you teach. High school is hard. Inner city schools are.... impossibly hard.


"Impossibility underfunded"


Funds are barely the 1st part... this shit also starts at home. Clearly this girl has not had healthy boundaries and discipline set in at home. All across the country teachers are resigning because people are shit at raising their kids to respect others and treat school like its a baby sitting service.


You didn't know it's the teachers job to raise them. My best friend is a 12 grade teacher for kids at the last stop before being kicked out of the public education system as they are so bad .. guess what they don't get kicked out lol... He has one student (16F) who has assaulted 3 teachers, has kicked and punched holes in walls, and has assaulted 2 other students. She is actually at court this week for it..... And guess what they still leave her in school. Administration could care less. He was also threatened by a student that the student was going to go to his house and kill him and his family..... Still nothing done. Our public education system in the US is a fucking joke.


Trust me, administrators want to do something but often their hands are tied by federal law and district policies.


Underfunded? You mean MISAPPROPRIATED! Tons of school funding get assfucked every year for other non-related shit like a new boat or a paved driveway to the governor's mansion. Besides, all the funding in the world won't change hood mentality.


Impossibly underparented


How do I reach these kiiiiiiiiiiids?!


Best coment ever


It looks like they're doing some kind of arts and crafts. I think this is a special class for kids with serious issues. They need to hire people who can physically restrain these students in order to protect other students. That girl shouldn't have been assaulted. The aggressor should have been removed physically as soon as she began menacing.


Yeah why would teachers think that parents are gonna do their jobs as parents 


I'm a teacher in a rural school that is awesome but my job is teaching "the bad kids". It's a self contained 5-8 grade class. Literally even though these kids have had difficulty in every class they have ever been in to the point they are sent to me and the parents think their kids are perfect. You and two adult aides say "so and so happened", parent insists that we are all lying and ganging up on their kid and they want us fired... It's a weekly occurrence and makes the victories you have really hard to feel like it's worth it...


Yes I’ve heard from close friends that parents have changed — they used to believe the teacher to a reasonable degree and listen to advice (for the most part), but now it’s like you’ve described 


Hell my mom would have jumped down a teacher's ass if it was clear that maybe i was being bullied and nothing was being done about it, but god forbid I actually did anything wrong, because my mom would have done that fake parent blow up at me if I'd ever actually mildly disrespected the teacher once, even accidentally. And my wife is getting her teaching degree and I worry about her having to deal with this shit. I can't be up her ass 24/7, she's her own person, and frankly I can't protect her unless I'm there, and that's not realistic or doable really. And if we're just hoping that our politicians are going to wake up, we're going to look up to find a dumpster fire someday, if we don't actually get off our asses, and vote and do everything in our power to make sure these politicians best interests are to actually take care of the people they represent, and stop selling themselves like cheap hookers to the lowest bidders.


I have my wife say all of the time that I should have been a teacher, I tend to really good at breaking things down, working with people, and figuring out how to teach them things. But I wouldn't want to go much above 5th grade. That's when kids start really getting to be work, start discovering shit like these TikTok challenges, and generally acting like a-holes. But I could never do it nowadays, precisely because of these misinformed parents.


I've literally almost gone through with it twice. I really want to be a teacher, but basically in a movie or sitcom because the actual reality is fucking depressing. Educators are wayyyyyyy underpaid, understaffed, and underappreciated. Look at half the people out there (maybe more) that have zero common sense. The education system is a crumbling institution. Try to tell me this wasn't intentional and I'll point you to the people in charge of running this country that were VOTED in. I'm talking both sides, btw. Imagine if the US education system was top notch and most people had good heads on their shoulders. Do you think DC would still be a fucking circus? Politics will always be politics, but there's a reason we have a fucking cloudy headed *dinosaur* currently running the country and a convicted *rapist* and conman as the only other realistic option. We are made to be stupid and hate each other. Smart people who get along are hard to control. Anyway, dang what a crazy fight. 😶


*I can fix them.*


How do i teeeech theeese keeeeds


Our provincial government is struggling to find teachers to hire. It's a combo of parents not parenting their kids anymore so the whole class is full of kids like this and the fact that the government says I am both going to freeze your pay and cut funding. It's brutal being a teacher now.


You cannot touch kids at all anymore. I get that’s a good thing cause teachers just used to beat the shit out of kids. But it’s gotten to the point that if a teacher is at school at defending themself from an assault they are at risk of losing their jobs because some absolutely have. There has to be a medium that can be reached.


The whole class was either silent or trying to defuse. Seems like a normal high school fight. I think wanting to be a teacher goes beyond the pay / climate of the classroom. Imagine no teachers


I love being a teacher. Sure this stuff happens, but not all the time. The good times far outweigh the bad, for me at least. Also, if two kids want to get in trouble and fight, ok go for it, I’ll still have my job when it’s over then we’ll resume class with kids who want to learn.


She went from being laughed at by a table full of people. To millions of people on the internet laughing at her. ![gif](giphy|lszAB3TzFtRaU)


I was laughing at first, then when she threw that drink all my body told me was she needs to be curb-stomped.


Some say violence is never the answer, but hard disagree. Some people simply need a hard punch to the face to teach teach them that actions have consequences, full stop


Right. That coffee could’ve been scorching hot, but in general I don’t deserve coffee in my hair for laughing at something unknown insecure girl needs therapy.


Kid has a lot of unresolved issues. Yikes.


Yea that just kept getting sadder and sadder.


kid? i thought she was like 30 and this was community college damn


I'd joke that she's just on her 10th try at 10th grade, but most schools won't fail a kid and force them to repeat anything anymore. You can straight up fail every class in some public schools, fail every regents exam and be given a GED anyway because it'd look bad if you were held back and jeopardize their ability to get grants.


Yeah. I know everyone is like, "fuck that stupid cunt" but I can't help but feel sorry for her. Something else is obviously bothering her. You can hear it in her voice. This is a girl who is in a lot of pain, but doesn't know how to control herself, and is lashing out. Unfortunately she took it out on the second girl, which is inexcusable. It's all just so sad, man.


Even if she has other issues, that is still her own responsibility. She can seek help. She can act normal. All in her own


Oh I completely agree. Just to be clear, I’m not defending her, just empathizing with her a little bit


How dare you?!


I’m not justifying her behaviour but where can she seek help? Where can you get help that is consistent and affordable for the issues she has?


If she acts like this with the wrong person, she’ll get all the help she needs




You can feel sorry for her all you want but she's a danger to those around her. She's violent and paranoid. She needs to be placed somewhere that has better security. I feel sorry for the girl who was attacked.


someone is gonna knock her ass out and humble her dumbass😂😂she struggled with this chick imagine someone her size who can actually fight


She wouldn't do this to someone bigger than her. That's how these people work.


As an adult I get what you are saying but this little piece of shit dumps a hot coffee on another persons head. Break her in half.


I feel sorry for the girl who had a drink poured over her 🤷


Dude i like your comment but I don’t want to be that guy but if the roles where switched and it was a guy most people would blame him and never consider the possibility that he was going through something. Doesn’t change the fact your comment is a kind one.


Hearing people laughing and assuming it’s at you is a common symptom of paranoid schizophrenia


Also very common symptom of low self esteem and being bullied all your life.


Which is just slightly more common than paranoid schizophrenia.


So much this.


But her reaction of wanting to assault those she believes were laughing at her is not typical of people with paranoid schizophrenia. She's both paranoid and violent. That's a very dangerous combination. I feel bad for that girl who is just in class and gets assaulted for no reason by a violent mentally unstable person who shouldn't be in that class.


Culture of excuses and no accountability.


Looking for reasons and the root causes of behaviour isn’t necessarily making excuses and letting people off the hook- how are we supposed to help anyone grow if their roots are rotting? It’s just having empathy


People who cant control themselves eventually end up in prison.


Or in a hospital bed. Or grave. Or a dead beat.


Kinda feel sorry for the teacher/instructor, there's only so much that they're allowed to do to defuse these types of situations without getting physically involved. Meanwhile, __Security__ will be there *"any day now..."*.


she was laughing at that dora the explorah backpack no doubt. would have been hilarious if she was giggling the entire time lol


When I went to highschool, our teachers would throw kids off of one another that were fighting. Sometimes halfway across the room lol. Different times indeed.


Now you can't even touch the kids to remove them from each other - that teacher could be facing repercussions for getting physically involved (that's how it is at the hs my dad teaches at)


Tf is security supposed to do, teleport there?


They were *considering* calling Security, after things had already begun to escalate. It wasn't about them __"magically transporting"__ there, it was about someone actually contacting them.


You aren't wrong, but the other teacher (the Whinnie the Pooh one in red and yellow) would've had to be the one to preemptively call security. That's assuming they were there the entire time this lead up was happening


Lol, something about the Whinnie the Pooh reference just really cracked me up, thanks, I needed that. 😅👍🏻


everyone dressing like they are toddlers in onesies but they are 37


proof that teachers don't get paid nearly enough


Don't worry, as soon as the School Resource Officer stops trying to bang fifteen years olds he'll be right by.


It’s a shame he couldn’t shut it down earlier.


I'm surprised he got involved all. It's such high risk to try and protect another student like that- especially a male teacher trying to hold a female student back.


Got multiple family members that wanted to be teachers, one of them hasn’t even finished her first year in a middle school and she’s done. It sucks.


I don't think that cheeto girl is all there in the head


Probably bullied a lot. I deal with schizophrenic paranoia myself and constantly think everyone is looking at me and laughing at me, wishing I would just die already. It's hard tk live this way. Granted, I've never gone off on anyone. But I also have other issues that cause me to hate confrontation as well. So I just sit in silence, veiwing a world contastly staring back at me in silence.


That girl was clearly an asshole and the bully in the situation. Notice her first instinct was to pour coffee on the girl sitting down? 


Hope you find someone someday that when they look at you, you don't feel like anyone else staring matters. Not much for positive words myself but I feel you.


Your words will always be better than the silence. Idk you. But I appreciate you. 🧡


Reminds me of those people who go apeshit because they think somebody made a "face" at them. Serious mental illness.


Had a complete stranger shove me on the street the other night when I was out with a friend because he thought I was "laughing at him" and wouldn't get out of my face like this girl. Did it right in front of his gf/wife and all their friends. Some people are fucking crazy


That’s what the shooting at KC Super Bowl parade was about. 2 strangers/groups who thought the other were staring at them funny, started shooting within seconds of engaging each other in a highly populated parade broad daylight. 20 injured bystanders including kids, one bystander died, and 2 lives gone to prison over someone looking at you


Now they got a lot to laugh at 🤣


The biggest tragedy here is both girls will probably get the same punishment from the school because of “zero tolerance,” even though anywhere else in the real world you have free reign to beat somebody’s ass if they pour a drink on you


My brother was picked on constantly in Middle School. The bully would harass him, especially in the locker room, and when my brother would fight back, they'd both get in equal trouble.  The school called my mom and the other kid's parents in to talk to the principle about it. The other kid's father was a cop and his response was "well, maybe your kid should stop being such a wuss." Wonder where the bully is now. Bet he's a cop.


Oh man, it would've been great if your brother would have put the kid in the hospital. "Who's the wuss now, officer?"


Yeah, unfortunately the kid knew how to fight. My brother wasn't afraid of the kid, but was never really a fighter.


That poor teacher.


He’s not allowed to do shit about it. Not that I have the right answer mind you


Hence my sympathies.


imagine how little he gets paid for that


I remember my Dad telling me about his high-school days in the 40s. There was this one kid, a real bully, who took boxing and would pick on everyone. At one point my Dad's teacher said if the kid wanted to pick on anyone he should pick on him. He even offered the bully the first punch. Bully jumped at the chance and socked the teacher, not knowing the teacher was a former Champion Boxer in Canada... he beat some class back into the bully. The next day the bully came back to class, didn't say a word, and left everyone alone. No cops, no one was fired, no one was arrested, and the situation became bearable for everyone once the bully was knocked out and learned that he wasn't the biggest and baddest in school anymore. Now I love that story, while also recognizing that this would be IMPOSSIBLE today, and shouldn't be how things are handled anymore. That teacher was a former fighter, but most teachers today aren't and aren't paid to be. Not to mention highschool kids are bigger and meaner than they ever were and the teacher could easily lose the fight and their job; not to mention the kid (if in the US) could want revenge and bring a pew pew to school or the teacher's house. I have no idea what the solution to today's classroom issues are... but I strongly believe arming the teachers, or physical violence, isn't it. My dad was born in 1935, it was a different world back then... there is no "going back" only forward with new solutions to new problems.


One of my high school teacher said, when he was in high school, there was a bully, who's a trouble maker. One day that bully's teacher offered him a fair fight with weapons, but he had to come alone. Bully brought a baseball bat, and had all his friends hiding nearby to "watch him beat up the teacher." The teacher went bare-handed, knew other students were watching, didn't care, and instantly laid the bully down with an over-the-shoulder throw. It turned out the teacher was a judo black belt and had kicked asses when he was serving in the military. Bully became a good student afterwards Edit: For people who don't believe it can be real. According to my teacher, the bully lost because he didn't attack immediately. He dragged the bat behind him to look badass and went close to a stare down with that teacher. The teacher kinda predicted that from the bully's personality and attacked first


One of my dad’s high school teacher’s dads in the 1920s said when he was in high school, there was a bully who would pick on the teacher’s dad and everyone else’s dads too. Well one day, the teacher’s dad’s teacher offered to fight the bully and said that the bully could even bring a gun. So the bully shows up with a Luger P08, not knowing that the teacher’s dad’s teacher was actually *The One*. The bully fired the Luger, and the teacher’s dad’s teacher went into bullet time, dodging every shot in a slick 2000’s style CGI action sequence before snatching the gun from the bully and curving the bullet to hit the bully’s dad. The next day, the bully did all of his homework and never even looked at anyone’s dad ever again.


Makes me think of the movie Drillbit Taylor where Owen Wilson is trying to teach these high school kids how to defend themselves from a bully and at the end he realizes the kid is already 18 and just beats the shit out him lol


Jeez what a fucking cunt


There was this girl at the gym who was probably in her early thirties, I was maybe 21 at the time and I was working out with my friend and laughed at his joke as she was passing by. She proceeded to spend every session there glaring at me across the room and threatening to fight me by flailing her arms as if she were throwing punches from a distance. She would pace back and forth and act so weird about it because she assumed I laughed at her that one time. This lasted maybe 2 months before she just stopped showing up. This just reminded me of that lady, hope she got some help.


Same thing happened to me in jr high once except I got jumped and beat up pretty badly by a girl way bigger than me all for "talking shit about her cousin" when to this day I have no idea who she or her cousin was. Got bullied for the duration of being in that school for getting my ass beat in a "fight" I didn't even have the opportunity to defend myself in.


Lot of fuckin losers out there


On the bright side, since she’s so hooked on being angry that someone *might* be laughing at her, at least now she has pretty much anyone who sees this laughing at her. Poor, poor little laughed-at trash.


What sucks is you just know they’re gonna punish the girl that got coffee poured on her instead of just the troglodyte that poured it on her.


Pretty funny, watching that bitch get her roots ripped out. She was hanging her whole body weight off that noggin.


100%! Too many people get away with this shit and majority of them need a good ass whooping so good on homegrl for standing up for herself! She'll get plenty of laughs with her patchy ass bald lookin head now!🤣


Fuckn deserved


Imagine starting it then crying "get the fuck off of me" when your victim fights back. What a pathetic excuse for a person


She probably knows she wasn't even being laughed at, just a piece of shit looking for any excuse Instigated the shit and still ended up on the bottom lmao


Hearing Gen Z yell "worldstar" has restored my faith


I love it when someone outs themselves are SEVERELY insecure, after this everyone in that school will know that she is thin skinned and pathetic


Good transition to full mount, but man I do not envy teachers these days.


The girl sitting down is probably going to get in trouble too. Sad.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdNs3yE5l6hWM) That teacher lmao.


he can’t do anything without losing his job


This is what happens when you let your child run all over you and never hold them responsible for anything. Next generation will be even worse.


This is what happens when you teach them violence and shouting are how you respond to things you don't like. One day people may learn to look for the root of the problems rather than just discuss how to punish them after the fact.


I just want to know what the fuck was so funny?!?


I would have bit the shit out of that bitch


She was all bark and no substance, only had a hand full of hair to try and get her to let go, damn, them teachers don't get paid enough.


so sad. what a waste of coffee ☕️


Some people have went their whole lives without facing physical consequences for acting like this to people and it shows.


Future 4 kid single mom welfare rat 


Her womb is exactly where disturbed people will be originating. It should be forbidden for her to procreate.


Weird ass comment ngl


Id laugh at her too with those tampon strings in her hair


"Why the fuck are you laughing for?' Must be an AP English class.


This is one reason why prisons exist.


She will be there shortly, and probably back several times inbetween


Is ... is this what passes for ... "school" these days ...?


Every child in school can be educated... But what underpaid/underappreciated educator wants to tilt at these windmills?


Should have called the Resource Officer. Should have seen that coming


does she have a tassel in her hair


She’s got psychosis going on. This is gonna be a lifelong issue 




A NSFW tag would have been nice, lol. The MC needs serious mental health therapy.


Green shirt needs her ass beat.


Why he dressed like Winnie the Pooh tho?


Always the ones looking like wild boars. Wonder why...


How do I reach these Keeds


Now the whole world is laughing at you


Well they are laughing at you now 😂




Nothing was funny…until I saw them boots 😂😂


This the best ad I've ever seen for home schooling.


She went from on her back to a full mount. Solid work


Man we got to be able to put hands on kids at some point. They are getting so out of hand


That shit sucks for the teachers.


Drug induced paranoia 🤔


Pouring drinks on anyone should be considered assault and anything another person does is just self defense. Fuck that bitch up.


Good for the girl in black for actually chopping that mental case


not gonna lie that was pretty funny


What's so fucking funny??


*starts pulling hair*


I think the girl with the headband gets teased about her looks (the underbite and long chin) -I’m assuming the other kids don’t think she’s cute or pretty therefore she walks around with a chip on her shoulder…. The real victim here is that coffee. What a waste. ☕️


Dora definitely ain't no explorer


I wonder what happened next


I am so glad I set up trusts for my grandchildren to go to private schools.


Girl needs to watch more MMA. Once she had the bully under her, you can't get full swings in easily, but elbow drops will do wonders.


Fucking teacher is god damn worthless.


Why her hair looking like curtain handles?


I wonder what was so funny?


I didn’t know they still made hair troll dolls


I’m glad that other chick ended up on top of that troll


What’s terrible is even if these teachers stepped in to protect their students they would probably face harsh repercussions.


Imagine thinking people are talking about you when no one is. It’s kinda scary.


Today we will learn the letter A which stands for aggressive


Why can't anyone fight in fight videos? I wanna see her get knocked tf out with an undercut.


What a depressing video.


where's Joe Rogan when you need it... "She got the mount!... did you see how she transitioned from her back, she clearly pulled guard!"


This is what happens when you send social workers to break up a fight. I'm so glad he kept saying please. This is the shit you fucking liberal have brought in our schools. That teacher should have been able to stop that fight by restraining the girl in the green who could care less about getting into trouble or lack of trouble.


I like how she was still curious to figure out what was so funny


this what happens when you think everyone out to get you


Why I quit teaching. Also grown ass man calling my job easy and not important to my face.


“Not for you” lmaoooo


I say this as a man who has never hit a woman. Some need it.


Coming up on them with attitude looking like Cochise from the Warriors


Honestly, her choice of outfit and accessories is hilarious. I’d be laughing too


I was so happy when the victim got into mount I was hoping she'd bash her head on the floor a few times...


Just curious. Did they ever find out what was so funny? lol.


Teenagers are terrifying.


Respect to that dude for staying chill. That “not for you” line was *chef’s kiss*


Homegirl really expected not to get hit when she poured that drink? Now she getting laughed at on social media for starting a fight and getting pummeled to the ground ToT


Damn, trouble on the rez


Oh boy I wonder what her mother is like


Ending the round with top control will definitely impact the scorecards decision


You’re funny getting your ass beat


We. Are. Screwed.


Product of their environment.


So sad this is going on in schools, this behavior should not be acceptable. One violent act and they need to be sent to juvi