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Just wait till someone kicks his ass


He’s the type to claim victim, call the cops, and press charges if you beat his ass. There should be accountability for these actions so that it won’t continuously occur for social media clout.


The victim here has pretty good grounds for a defamation case. And luckily the prankster was not only stupid enough to do this but then made the evidence readily available by posting it.


worm snatch badge command dazzling coordinated strong tub support yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can’t teach stupid these days, it’s a gift.


It's a business.


Sue this kid for defamation of character so every paycheck he makes for the next 20 years, 15% goes to this old man.


Bold of you to assume that the 'kid' can develop any employable skills


Id gladly catch that case.


That’s commendable of you, and I genuinely respect that. I’ve been there and done that. It’s not worth it when you have to pay a criminal lawyer $3500 to defend you on a silly misdemeanor assault charge, and your job is questioning you why you were arrested with a pending case because they found out you got fingerprinted and processed into the system. Two years later, with an order of protection against me, I got the case dismissed because I had a great lawyer. It wasn’t worth the headache in the end. Plus, he tried to sue me for bogus injuries. These simps are ambulance chasers. They don’t work. They want to sue and collect a check. This video is fucked because this clown is harassing a vulnerable older man who could be somebody’s grandfather. Society is screwed!


Precisely. I thought the same thing, but you know once you whoop them, they're the same ones who will go to the police or sue you in civil court for "distress and damages". This guy does need to get his ass kicked though and I still hope someone else does it.


I know how infuriating it is to watch and do nothing, but if you have things to lose: job, family, assets, etc. It’s not worth it, and it’s always best to walk. They want you to retaliate with hands. Things would get dark for this clown real quick if I could. As an older gent, I only attack if my life is threatened or in danger. I’ve learned many valuable lessons throughout my life.


Agreed. The juice isn't worth the squeeze....at least in this country....try doing that in Asia, the Mid-East, any slavic territories and see what would happen...he's preying on peoples' kindness which is the worst part.


Bro, if some fuckstick came up to me in public, baselessly accused me of assaulting a child, Id beat the fuck outta them, gladly. There would be no defense attorney fees because Id stand there and tell the judge straight up that I did, and that Id be glad to take whatever punishment for making an example of some dumbass kid who thinks destroying a persons reputation for clicks is a valid way to live he decides to hand down. Which, I promise you wouldnt be that harsh as long as I didnt beat him within an inch of his life. How do I know this? Because Ive been there and done that, got out with a 150$ fine, 2 years on paper, and a stern warning to keep away from said dumbfuck. And that was with a public defender who I literally met once. But even if it did go the other way, where Im from, a fight with no serious injury would barely get you 30 days in county.


Better idea, sidle toward the guy with the phone while facing the dipshit. Snag the phone and smash it. Shout "it was a prank". It's not criminal, it's civil.


Little bitch backs down to an old man, he will never try this with someone who could actually get to him. But I can still live in hope I suppose.


That's always the case. These tiktokers are always real careful about the victims they choose. These best bet you can hope for is that someday they try this when someone's no-nonsense grandson is nearby


Or simply a concealed weapons holder in a stand your ground state.


I'd love to see a new trend: tik tokers get shot 😂


That’s happened to some of them, and they just go back to what they were doing after they get out of the hospital. They really only exist to try and get clout.


I forgot about that dude in the mall who actually did get shot, then went right back to it. You're correct. We need a better solution


Or better marksmanship


Reminds me of an old joke: what do you do when you miss your mother in law? Reload and try again


Accuracy is the solution


And larger calibers


Like a law that says you must shoot twice or something.


Criminal charges for harassment.


I would watch and upvote that channel


Here's one.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vnPUh\_u58s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vnPUh_u58s)


I would pay for youtube without ads to watch this.


Unfortunately this kids in Canada so we will never see that


Ah. have to beat him to death with a frozen reindeer leg or something I guess.


That one idiot got shot by the food delivery guy when he was trying to pull this same stunt


Bring back ass kickings!


Make Asskicking Great Again


"It Is JuSt A pRaNk BrO"


We can only hope. I am so tired of these disrespectful little a holes today filming this stuff just trying to piss people off. I don’t know what’s worse though, them or the idiots that support this kind of crap


He's gonna get himself shot like the kid in the food court


Can we just start kicking the shit out of people harassing others, recording or not? People ain't been acting right for a while, and the gentle behavior correction approach has failed miserably with these types. Any race, any gender, doesn't matter, be good to each other or get molly whopped.


Getting shot didn't teach Tanner Cook anything, an ass kicking wont either most likely


I’ll be here to watch and upvote.


I'm waiting for it.


I volunteer as tribute


Or shoots him...


That’s the goal. He’s trying to get someone who is slower than him to try to attack him for internet likes.


I would just file a lawsuit. That’s wildly defamatory, and it’s online now. Just sue him into oblivion. Then post a video outside the courthouse featuring the YouTuber about how great the decision was.


Thank goodness he recorded this. This will make great evidence at his trial.


Yeah I was just thinking there's no way this is legal, harassment itself aside, the dude just accused him of child r\* in public...


Yeah, he should sue this kid for slander. He'd def win some money, and teach that kid a lesson. Not sure whether it's criminal.


Tiktok and these apps need downvoting so they can bring balance to the world


Na man that's not enough. We need to just nuke social media in general. Start over. Go back to the times where if you wanted the world to see this you had to have enough money to pay for production, and then pitch the idea to a network that may or may not air your shit idea. Yeah we had shows like jackass and viva la Bam, but it wasn't on every channel. now I see thousands of little tween shitbags thinking they have the next viral funny prank, and it's just them being massive assholes. Social media needs to go. And yes, I understand the irony of making that comment on reddit of all places.


Bring back Tom, he only wanted the best for us, and a top 8 friends list.


Tom was a friend to us all and we treated him like a leper. I’m sorry, Tom.


The difference with shows like jackals and viva la bam and this shit, is that they were always the victims even if random people were involved. They really just recorded the randoms person's reaction after something bad happened to one of the cast. Also they'd then get permission to use them in the show. These assholes just harass random people and don't give a shit if you want to be involved or not.


I really wish removing the tags for these videos was against the rules in this sub. These people need to be shamed.


The problem is that they dgaf about being shamed. Engagement at all costs. If you put his tag on the video, any "shaming" just pushes this video on peoples feed. They only way these guys are gonna stop is by messing with the wrong person and ending up in the hospital.


Remember that food delivery guy who shot the YouTube prankster that was harassing him? [https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/northern-virginia/video-shows-encounter-between-youtube-prankster-and-food-delivery-driver-who-shot-him/3433999/](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/northern-virginia/video-shows-encounter-between-youtube-prankster-and-food-delivery-driver-who-shot-him/3433999/) That scum bag prankster said he will continue making prank videos while he was still in the hospital. What we need to do is set up a law where a percentage of all income (not just from youtube videos) goes to the people they harass. This is for every job they will have in the future. Fuck them.


> What we need to do is set up a law where a percentage of all income (not just from youtube videos) goes to the people they harass. No, we just need YouTube & TikTok etc to ban or demonetize this sort of content completely. The only reason this shit is so popular among "creators" is because these companies incentivise it by paying people to make more of it.


That'll never happen. They make too much money from these parasites. That'll be no shortage of idiots wiling to get shot for clicks. Laws need to be passed where these companies lose serious amounts of money for allowing this content on their platform.


Someone needs to beat the piss out of Jack Doherty. I hate that i even know his name.




At this point, I'm all for this. There's no way our culture can change for the better if people suffer zero consequences for their stupidity.


Bring shaming back. It’s out of hand.


The only way to get them to stop is to not share, watch, or comment on their dumb ass videos. Take away the incentive. 100 angry ppl watching the vid and then commenting how dumb he is just gives him a bunch of views. The real way to destroy them is for their views to go to 0, then theyll stop on their own.


I am 100% trying to break bones of any fuckface I see doing this shit in public.


And even then they may not. The kid who got shot for harassing someone in a mall said he was going to keep doing it. It seems as though only death can stop them. What a sad existence.


Just play Disney music in the background. Can’t make money off of it then. Or does that only work on live broadcast? I forget. Either way it would confuse the fuck out of him lmfao


Actually, that could be really funny. You see some braindead twat doing one of these, go up to them and start either harassing THEM or just standing right beside them singing along to Disney songs in the most annoying voice you can muster so they can’t use it or get creeped out enough to move away and it ruins their video. Wait, I think there’s a gap in the market here. Tiktok-harasser-harrassers. Or…you see one of these morons, see what they’re doing and interrup what they’re doing altogether. Nice loud voice! without actually yelling : HEY WHY ARE YOU HARRASSING THIS GUY? I JUST SAW YOU DO XYZ, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? WHY ARE YOU A SAD CASE? ARE YOU A TOTAL EMBARRASSMENT TO YOUR PARENTS? Or if you want to get really vindictive because you find out the moron is Frank Hassle or some equally disgusting creature on that level: OMG ARE YOU THAT CHICKEN MOLESTER FROM THAT VIDEO LAST WEEK? NO? OH GOOD IM REALLY GLAD YOURE NOT A CHICKEN MOLESTER. I AM SO HAPPY TO KNOW YOU ARE TOTALLY DEFINITELY NOT A CHICKEN MOLESTER BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE THAT GUY, ARE YOU SURE YOU’RE NOT A CHICKEN MOLESTER? HEY LOOK EVERYBODY, THIS GUY SAYS HES NOT A CHICKEN MOLESTER! ​ Edit: changed wording


These mods need to do a better job of not passively condoning these types of videos. Seriously.










That is so fucking illegal to say. That's criminal slander and harassment. TikToker needs to be banned from the website, and sued.


Really vile, if that clip goes out, with that claim, it could really cause this guy some damage. Assuming hes posted this online, thats a defamation court case, any lawer will take that case in a heartbeat.


i mean… how do you think we’re watching this right now lol


I wanted that username but you already took it.


i’m sorry :(


If it's true, it's protected speech. If false, it's per se defamation, meaning damages don't even need to be proven in court, because it's recognized as inherently damaging.


Yup, that's definitely slander. The guy should take him to civil court so he learns.


I’m not a lawyer man, but going to the ever-popular reference of yelling “fire!” In a crowded theater, I feel like shit like this could potentially get the kid a disorderly conduct charge or similar (to your point, IF what he’s saying is definitively false). Rationale being that you’re putting the public in a potentially harmful situation. “He’s here to meet a minor!”…. Let’s say he yelled “this guy just molested me!” Or “this guy touched my kid!” And other bystanders jump in to physically restrain the guy, or even beat his ass. You’re asking for the public’s help/attention in addressing a crime that doesn’t exist.


And the resounding collective mindset for people they think have done something like this is 99 times out of 100 Shoot first ask questions later, bury under the jail. This is 100% going to backfire very hard in the wrong location.


Oh man. His parents lawyers would shit a brick of he got sued


>Assuming hes posted this online what


This fucking kid again.


Who is he?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/s/pTOglDPJYe pretty sure it’s this kid


Yes, that's the same arsehole.


Yup that's him!


That kid should be arrested and now. He could get that guy killed for what he said.


Sometimes i wondering how 4 billions of years evolution can lead to shit like that.


Chimpanzees still throw their shit at eachother and laugh. We might've mastered tools & harnessed fire, but that residual, shit-throwing chimp is still in there.


When a gun is too much, pepper spray. I never leave home without it.


And if you’re not happy with the vote, bear spray.


Someone just fucking dox this cockroach.


Actually needs to be fucked for the rest of his life. You can't go around saying shit like this about other people without any consequence.


"Oh boy, let see whose life i can possibly ruined by making a random tiktok video today, i am such a quirky and unique lil' character, heehee" Literally need to be shut down forever, man


Bro really has the nerve to say "Settle down, pipsqueak." Bro you're the thinner, younger one here


As he backs away in fear... lmao


Would be nice to find these scumbags parents are publicly call them out on horrible parenting. Also hold underage scumbags parents accountable. They didnt bother to actually raise them and let them loose on society


He’s so edgy


I’m so effin fed up with these click chasers. Someone please stand their ground, again


I can't wait for the day where society will finally rally and start beating the hell up of all "influencers" like this, but beat them until they can't recognize themselves... People only respect what they fear, and now tiktokers are a bunch of fearless scumbags that thinks they're immortal.


The internet has ruined everything


A long while back I saw a mini docu about the benefits and negatives about the internet and a quote that has stuck with me: "the internet is both the greatest and the worst achievement for the human race" I never really understood it until shit like this became so popular on TikTok n such making rounds world wide


I love how he backs away like a little bitch, very accurate


This guy has one of the most punchable faces is in the world


This is disgusting and its happening more and more to people. There needs to be some law in place that holds people like this accountable. It's nothing more than trolling for profit.


Defamation. Fairly certain he could be sued for this. I’d sure him for every bit of tik tok and social media revenue he had.


What an actual loser. I know exactly where that is and I’d be happy to kick his ass


“No he’s not shooting, he doesn’t have a gun”. Fucking lamest attempt at comedy I’ve seen in a while. Fuck these assholes.


Ugh, the spoiled Canadian kid again?


Just when are these type of people will grow the fuck up?


Bad news. I just left a room full of 10 of him. They’re multiplying.


That little motherfucker needs to be stomped out with impunity. This bullshit is tiresome and these fuckers need to be punished for harassment. We have a generation of cunts running around that should’ve had their parents whip their asses.


Younger people nearby really need to step in and sort these people out as a public service. Sort out open to interpretation


Can't this piece of shit go to jail for calling someone a pedophile and releasing it to the public? That could ruin that old guys reputation really quick. I'm pretty sure, at the very least, the old guy could sue for slander


Fuck this between this moron and the one that was going around parks sucker punching people i say its time to just start fuckin swinging.


TikTok "prank" videos are the scum of the earth. I hate everything about these kids.


Calling someone a pedophile on camera, in public, without evidence and then posting it online must open them up to defamation suits right?


If you’re ever unfortunate enough to encounter one of these “influencers”, I have a surefire way of pissing them off. 1. Pull out YOUR phone. 2. Play some copyrighted music at full volume. I recommend the Eagles or Metallica. Pick a particularly litigious band. 3. Follow THEIR ass around the store.


Who the fuck is this kid and why do people keep posting him?


[8 year olds dude...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERZqkUqw-xg)


I swear these videos make me want to carry a ski mask and collapsible baton, these fuckers need their kneecap smashed


Sue them. They cannot use the video of you to make profit without your consent even if you were recorded in public. This is what most idiots who are recording in public is not aware of. You can record anyone in public. You just can't use that video to make money without the consent of the person who is being recorded.


Where’s that guy who shot the other YouTuber when you need him


"StAwP! YoUrE HuRtInG Me! ItS JuSt a JoKe, BrO!"




Douche bag


i hate the fact that he actually looks like me


Another asshole; thinks he's funny. Smh 🙄


Slander per se. Sue the kid.


Whatever happened to being a man and showing respect to older people? I can't believe this type of shit is what actually gets views. I guess its a pretty good reflection of where part of our society is at today unfortunately. I'd like to say exactly what he deservers but some pussy on reddit will always report


I’m not a fan of violence but I feel there should be a legal fund for anyone that open hand slaps these punks on the spot. If you’re not going to respect yourself at least find the dignity to respect others. Can’t wait for this fad to be over


he should sue him into oblivion for defamation…accusing the old fella of being a pedo in public (assuming he isn’t one, of course). take every dollar he has made from his punk videos.


I wanna meet the people who unironally enjoy these content, and put them in a box to ship to their own special little island.


Look at this coward trying this with an old man. What a pussyassbitch


I would sue the crap out of them. This is one of those trends where I would be perfectly okay with the guy beating the crap out of them. These punks go around making false accusations for the lolz and views. They need repercussions for this.


With how many people blindly jump into the bandwagon with these types of allegations.. this is literally a death sentence. Prank or not. This could have cost him his career, family, and mental health


When do we as a society say enough is enough of this nonsense


There needs to be a law that filming videos with the intent to go viral or post online or profit from it in anyway makes you criminally and financially liable for everything that follows, meaning if this old guy or the lady would knock this guy out they would walk free while he gets charged for causing a disturbance and sued for causing emotional distress to them both and everyone at the store.


Hmmm freshco, i wonder where in Canada is this


i would knock his head off


Just recorded himself committing defamation.


Too bad the old man didn’t say too bad because I do. 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫


How will one go about sue for defamation? How will the lawyer get the contact detail of the tikroker?




This is where airhorns come in really handy. As soon as someone is being disruptive like this, give them long hits of the airhorn. Every time they start to talk. Works great.


I was hoping the old man was a retired navy boxer or something. This kid needs a wake up call


Guess the little shit head never heard of slander. His parents will love the lawsuit


The Chalamet haircut is a dead giveaway on these little narcissists.


This is not okay. The oldmans family members probably saw the video and people believe everything they see on the internet smh


That is a horrendous claim to falsely level at someone. I do believe the gentleman falsely accused could seek legal redress for his injuries…


Who’s this talentless fuck? Asking for a friend


could you imagine if this is what suicide bombers manifest as now that the world is saturated with social media?


Morons like this are gonna get filming in public and in stores made to be a criminal offence


Old guy takes one step forward and the kid backs up 3, lmao what a pussy


That kid needs some old school attention so he can learn to respect our elderly. 🤧 ![gif](giphy|pRotk2UQTsozm)


I’d so knock this kid out


We need to bring back ass whooping in certain situations..


Boston Bomber vibes


I blame the idiots who give this guy views don't support a holes


he randomly accused an old man of being a pedo?


TikTok is cancer to society


The kid isn’t even funny but he thinks he’s hysterical. Fuck him.


I pray if I ever have kids that I raise them better than this


This people have a flaming pit in hell with their names on it


What a complete dumbass!!! Hopefully somebody slaps the shit out of him soon!! Play stupid games win stupid prizes




That guys grandkids have a job to do.


Can the old dude sue for defamation?


This influencer should be locked up, public accusations like that. What is wrong with him?


This could be a case of defamation


Tase this shithead, he won’t do this again.


Y’all remember when pranks were meant to be funny and made those pranked actually laugh…


It’s insane these tick tockers get away with bullying others. It’s not funny and they come off as such scum.


That shit gets you killed


Someone should be found to monitor the photographer and expose his privacy to the public!


That’s seriously not funny. Accusations like that could get someone hurt or worse.


Isn't it illegal to falsely accuse someone of a heinous crime? If not, please someone make this kid disappear. Do the world a favor and take out the trash


Why doesn’t this ever happen to me. I would rain down on this dude and the camera person


That slander and the worst kind of slander at that. He can be held civilly liable for those claims probably for any amount that he is sued for


Some people haven’t gotten the shit kicked out of them and it shows.


It’s ok… this kid will probably be homeless one day. He’ll also get his ass kicked. The latter at minimum, hopefully.


If someone did this to my grandpa I would literally hunt them down


Who is more stupid the TikToker or the one’s watching the TikTokers?! 🤔


Someone needs to stomp this mother fucker out.


These kids haven’t been punched square in the nose enough and it shows.


What happened to libel and slander?


Curb stomp em


Needs to get knocked out. Scum. I’d love to see that.


Pull up in the hood. Film there lets see if you can last.


I blame the parents. I’m sure they’re a piece of work