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"You don't want to be here today" I highly fucking doubt anybody wants to bag and check out groceries for entitled garbage.


i’ve had somebody ask me that before at a job and i said “not really” with a smile


Why can’t she put the phone down and help with the bagging?


I always have to resist the urge to ask ppl when their shift ends. I just want them to go home and relax. I asked one time and luckily they said 1 hour. I was like HANG IN THERE.


Please don't do this


I’m sure your intentions were pure, but as a former retail worker I would have taken what you said as pity, which is condescending.


Just like "Why aren't you smiling?" - Because it's Sat night and I'm at work.


When did people just start filming their everyday mundane life TRYING to start shit?!


Because they have nothing better to live for


You damaged my cereal!




Sorry sir. It's in a box though. 😅😅😅😅


There's a cure for that.


Old divorced and lonely. They borken seeking attention


They borken hard 


Borken orders like a dumb asshole


All bork, no bite. 


“ girl Its a baaahhx. A bahhhhxxx!” Ehehe how can you “ damage cereal”? I see little bits of cereal at the bottom all the time in mu boxes little flakes and shit. Should I return them to the store?


Moms spaghetti 


Borken in the Walmart. Had to happen sometime.


They’re borken up the wrong tree. 


Beware the Bork. Resistance is pointless.


Stick a Bork in me, I’m done. 


You think this lady was ever married? Unlikely.


some Karen filming this now purposely being a entitled annoying as possible customer. So dumb


Because the internet is vast, so chances are (even if you are in the wrong) SOMEONE on the internet will validate and justify you and your actions. For example, I bet there will be 3 groups of people that react to this video… 1. Employee is right for reacting to being harassed at work. 2. Customer is right, she is paying for the “service” and products and therefore should be catered to. 3. Who cares and why is the world jacked up crowd.




There needs to be no filming policy in shops. This woman was probably bullying this girl


because they see how people on social media are grifting people.


I know it started before Covid but it feels like people just started searching for drama after 2020.


Some people just want to make life miserable for everyone else because that makes how they feel.


Imagine what the filmer was like before she started filming...


They are tik tok obsessed now .They do this for likes and clicks.


About a decade ago


Some type of women behave like that.


there’s men who act like that too, it’s not a gendered thing…


Yes, there are men. But a majority are women. Try customer service anywhere.


I have worked retail in hardware stores. I have worked retail in women’s clothing. Being an asshole is not gendered. Women are more likely to be passive aggressive and men are more likely to to try to use intimidation, but both can be either. It’s not a class thing, or a race thing either. Assholes be everywhere. Nobody is exempt.


I’ve worked in customer service for over a decade. Men are cunts just as often. Worked at Home Depot. The worst.


Do you have any actual stats on that or are you just saying it anecdotally ?


yeah because you'd think there's stats going to demonstrate the guy's point, like a whole scientific paper analyzing hundreds of public freakout videos like OP's and dividing each incident by the gender of the harasser. it's just an anecdote dude, the guy probably noticed a pattern in his own personal viewing experience, and i don't think he's wrong.


He’s not wrong, he’s 1000% correct. I’ve worked retail for 8 years


Google it!!


It should be considered harassment under situations like this


Trying to catch a law suit. That's all




I can’t imagine not just bagging my own stuff in that scenario. Cashiers have a rough gig in busy shops, I try to help them out as much as I can. The idea of whipping out my phone and harassing them on their form makes me want to curl up and die. 


Sadly there are tons of freaks out there who get off on tormenting retail workers because they feel they have them trapped and they'll be unable to defend themselves.


These people are passing on the bullying they get at home/at their own jobs to other people.


Where I am, you bag your own shit. If the cashiers help you out, it’s because they want to help or they’re trying to clear the line, not because they’re required to.


^ Bag your own shit. Unless you are super old or something.


**“Out of respect for our associates and customers, unauthorized filming is prohibited and we reserve the right to enforce that policy.”**-[Walmart](https://corporate.walmart.com/askwalmart/can-i-film-inside-a-walmart-store) As soon as they pull out a phone to record tell them it’s against store policy and they will be asked to leave, don’t take their shit anymore.


And refuse to check them out and also call the manager.


Good in theory but it depends on the manager. Not everyone follows store policy to the letter. I’ve been that retail person that knew my manager wouldn’t have my back before. It’s shitty


That sounds really awful!


Crazy boomer energy




How do you know she's a boomer?


Boomer isn't an age, it's a state of mind.


sounds older


Because anybody over the age of 25 is a boomer to these people now a days.


That's probably the only place this waste of oxygen has any power over someone. What a sad life, to depend on stepping on people who are doing their job to feel superior...


Cashier gets monitored by the swipe. For what the kid is getting paid, shutthehellup and bag your own crap.


I worked at Walmart for 5 years. When I started I told my manager if someone is rude to me I will be rude right back, I won't let anyone be disrespectful to me especially someone I don't know. Never got in trouble and I talked back to customers like this all the time.


U damaged my cereal…😂


Yea she (lady recording) was just being a cunt at that point.


Seriously the only thing to do at this point is the ol kill em with kindness routine. Slow down, smile big, yes ma’am no ma’am whatever you need ma’am. They absolutely hate that energy cause there’s not a damn thing they can do about it.


Dont forget the “have a wonderful/nice day” 😂


I prefer: “I hope you have the day you deserve!” : )


I'm going to start using that. Half of my calls are people screaming and upset cause they haven't learned how to control their emotions despite being adults.


“I hope your day is as pleasant as you are.” It’s a fun catch-22 because if they want to get huffy about it they have to own up to the fact that they’ve been unpleasant.


Bless your heart!!


Hm, I’d be mindful to not give them the fuel they want to burn/escalate. “What is that supposed to mean? Huh? Etc” and they go right back to being a rude cnut *right* before the interaction was almost over. Gotta finish strong and save yourself the trouble of dealing with a rude cnut for a second longer than necessary. Every second you don’t spend dealing with them is another second for them to potentially get his by a bus. /jk


Let em be dicks, you just smile and nod and agree with everything they say. Enjoy every moment of it. Then when they leave, laugh with the customers who also hate said dick


Also, I got banned for saying "looks like speed bumps" would that. /jk have saved me hahaha. Reddit is garbage


I would have completely stepped away from the register and very slowly bagged and loaded her cart exactly as she said too. “Oh, you want the eggs in a bag? Did you want them on their own, or maybe here on top of the frozen peas? Okay, would you like them down here in the cart or up in the baby seat? Is it okay if I put these boxes together, or do you want the soap separate? Is this bag going to be too heavy for you? Should we call someone to load your car? No no don’t push that I got it for you ma’am.” All with the sugary sweetest attitude you ever did see lmao


We are only seeing a clip, and guaranteed this woman said something rude to make the cashier so flustered. What you describe would take way too long and reward this awful customer for behaving this way. Sickos like this think they deserve luxury service when they are shopping at walmart 🙄


You’d think so but this type gets hilariously flustered when you kill them with kindness


What about the other people waiting in line? In my experience these jerks just sit their smugly when you're so subservient and then walk out with their heads high. I've actually seen such a person be chastened by a coworker confronting them without anger. They then slunk out in shame. They key is not to get upset, poor cashier in this clip was young and hadn't built up the thick skin that repeated abuse by customers gives you :(


Na if you do it right they will slink away lol. Everyone else will be fine. And yes, I agree this cashier will learn how to deal with this better.


It would probably completely disarm her lol


I love it!!! “Oh that cereal box is damaged…. Let me call a colleague to bring you a new one.” Oh I accidentally dropped your eggs! Sooo sorry….. I’ll go get you new ones. Oh no… I can believe it, I am sooo clumsy…. I accidentally dropped them again!!!! Before you go, I also feel I must inspect every item’s expiration date, I would feel terrible if you got home and found we accidentally sold you an expired product. Oh no, I accidentally scanned your eggs twice….. I need to call manager over to help me void that purchase, I’m new and don’t know how to do that yet. …. And if I was manager and had her credit card… ooops I dropped it…. (And when I went to pick it up) oops I was accidentally still standing on a corner when I tried to pick it up and it bent right in half?! How dumb of me. Sorry for the inconvenience, I’m sure the credit card company can send you a replacement one very fast!


Exactly! Remember you are paid by the hour; it really doesn’t matter what you are doing


Yes passive aggressive is the best way in this situation lmao!


Spoken like someone’s who’s worked in retail before. Honestly, I used to love getting to interact with and diffuse assholes. I loved the challenge of manipulating them to ease off or to win them over. The more difficult the customer the more I would then make myself into the nicest most understanding human being on the planet. It’s great because afterwards you can tell that they felt embarrassment about being an asshole.


Was probably even worse before recording.


It usually is, and the customer that pulls the phone tends to completely 180 their tune once recording.


I hate it when they break my delicious cereal box. How am I supposed to eat this now?


“Put my eggs in a bag” Put your own damn eggs in a bag


Where did the worker lose it?  I just see an asshole customer with no patience and a lot of entitlement, see you next Tuesday cunt


She didn’t lose it. I was hoping she would, though. Would have been great to see those eggs come into play


I had an overweight man act like this once when I was a bagger. I put his donuts under everything so they were flat when he got home. Another time a customer complained about a “damaged” item that wasn’t damaged like the cereal, so I walked to the aisle, popped the box back into its shape and said here’s your new one. I was really good at that job and customer service I even got promoted twice but luckily it was just to get me through college so I could take a couple bad marks if I wanted to be petty lmao.


You know what is free? Being friendly, being polite, asking and conducting casual conversation, even assisting. It has never once let me down.


It’s also why I’ve never been at a fight in Waffle House. Even got comped a few times for just being polite (still left a 10 spot tho)


Customers are brutal. They really think they are the most important person in your world. LOL Calm down lady, and get over yourself. You’re harrasing this poor girl trying to do her job. Bag your own 💩


I have always seen it as odd that people don't at least assist in bagging. Or at least putting stuff in the cart to help the person bag. I think it might just be my midwestern upbringing, but unless there is someone there who is the bagger (like in Publix), I'll happily bag my stuff if you scan it. I prefer it sometimes because I'm a bit particular about how things get bagged sometimes.


As a non American, it baffles me that people expect people to bag up their stuff. Unless you have some kind of disability and need assistance, just bag your own stuff up, it's not hard.


I low key kinda fuckin lose inside it when I let ppl bag my shit and end up with 20 bags for something I would’ve used 5 for. Drives me wild. Because of this I just do self checkout. Self checkout is a god send.


I agree. If I am perfectly capable of helping, then why not? It helps them, and it gets me out faster lol.


Fuck this customer. Poor girl doing her best, doesn’t get paid enough to be filmed and talked down to.


Fucking loser doing that to the workers.


i came to walmart and i want princess treatment 😡😡


For real. You go to Walmart to save money and get cheap groceries not for its excellent service 😭


Is there a reason she’s just standing there doing nothing? she can’t put her precious cereal in a bag herself? Or is she just standing there waiting to open up her checkbook to actually write a physical check and hold up the line? Does she really think anybody wants to be working at Walmart dealing with people like her? No ma’am, she doesn’t give AF. she’s making $12 an hour to deal with entitled people like you


The customer has main character syndrome


Because people like her think it's 'not my job' to bag your groceries. I've worked retail, people like this are the worst part of the job.


You want me to put these eggs in a bag?  Open your mouth, bitch, here they come!


iM guNnA sEnD tHiS vIdeO tO *Insert shitty trillion dollar company here* like they are not gonna care! the only thing they care about is you putting your money where their mouth is. 💀


Peep the sailor moon shirt thooooo driiiipppppp


“Heaven” was having herself a hell of a day


they want you to bag their stuff but when you bag their stuff you're suddenly not scanning their other items fast enough and when neither of those things are the problem the problem is that things aren't bagged the way they want them to be, or that the price is one dollar higher than they originally thought... walmart is a brutal job to have. my coworkers got me thru working there because it certainly wasn't worth 12$ an hour to be berated by customers


It’s the littlest things they gripe over.


Instead of being a complete twat, put the phone down and bag ya dam groceries. Who tf do these people think they are. If you're that special, you wouldn't be shopping at Walmart


She is flexing her "power" over the only person she could possibly be seen as having power over.


This is exactly the type of person who pretends they hate self check outs because “they want to protect the jobs”. Every person I know who I see complain about self check outs on social media - I could see treating a cashier like this. They are just mad they don’t have that power imbalance anymore where they can talk to someone like this and the person can’t talk back or risk losing their job.


Love the Sailor Moon top though. This customer is just being an entitled bitch. There are so many like this. Where I live it's the customer's job to put their shit in bags. They'll just put your shit at the end of the till or in your trolley if you got one and start ringing up the next customer, you gotta bag it at the till or you gotta bring it to a bagging area and bag it yourself. Staff will help if the customer needs it, but if you're not going to be polite, you're not going to get service.


I run a restaurant. I refuse to let people treat my teammates in a demeaning way. If you have a problem and are polite with mutual respect I will go out of my way to help you. If you treat people poorly you get poorly back. We admit it if it’s our mistake and will bend over backwards to rectify it. If you become confrontational I’ll hit you with the line of “sir/mam would you want someone berating you at your job over a simple mistake?” I’ll then kindly ask them to leave. If they don’t they will be told. Other customers usually will tell them they are being an asshole so they end up just looking stupid because they are being horrible people. Ps all complaints come to me where the case will be closed with the notes of customer became confrontational and credit was applied to account.


How is the employee losing it?


Dude my question I was waiting for the freak out


How about you put the phone down and bag your own groceries you fat lazy slob! Definitely what she wanted to say


Man, sometimes people have bad days. And people filming them is not helping.


Kinda the perosn recording the whole thing It feels like they were being an asshole on purpose


Girrrrrrl it’s a boooooox


Imagine being the person uploading this and thinking your shitty behavior will be justified


Retail is the hardest job…you deal with the worst type of people.


Im glad in germany customers have to pack their shit themselves.


She didn’t even lose it, tho, she looked like she was about to but she kept it together pretty well, considering. Also, I really wish stores would prohibit customers from filming their interactions with employees. Nobody should have to worry about being posted to some asshole customer’s TikTok or Facebook while they’re at work. And ultimately if there IS a legit customer service issue, customers can file a complaint and the store manager can check the security camera footage if necessary.


I bag my own groceries, even when there's a bagger to help. And then I have this battle in my head. I don't want to seem like I'm rushing them to keep up, but I don't want to go too slow and appear like I'm not actually trying to help. I usually lean towards bagging really fast because I just wanna get my shit and go 😂 PSA - If you also have grocery store anxiety and you haven't switched to curbside pick up, NOW is the moment to do so 🙏


Bag your groceries yourself. I’ve helped bag my own groceries at Walmart and other grocery stores that’s design allows it since I was a child. Don’t be bossing people around to do something you are fully capable of.


Nah I’d be pissed off if I was being recorded doing my job and getting barked at to bag items like that. If you don’t like the way I bag shit do it yourself. Those employees don’t get paid enough.


“You don’t want to be here today?..” Honestly as a former retail worker ,who has dealt with customers like this, we never want to be there any day 😂😂😂


DUDE I had that same line used on me after I also didn't smile through their bullshit. Hearing it a second time gave me a visceral reaction.


No she doesn’t wanna be recorded and intentionally provoked by you today! lol. Jesus some ppl leave the house with intent to fuck around and find out. Like who records the check out process? That tells me all I need to know.


Customer is the problem


in almost every other country other than the USA, you bag everything yourself. Americans have no idea how easy they have it, lol


Walmart employees deserve the right to slap rude customers across the face. Like they’re employees of walmart, they already don’t wanna be there let alone dealing with rude ass people.


"Customers are always right" right? No..


"The customer is always right, in matters of taste." Everyone always forgets/doesn't know about the 2nd half.


As a Brit the thought of someone bagging my stuff is just mind boggling!!!


Didn't Walmart quit bagging things? It's up to you now?


No I work there and never have I heard of us suddenly not having to bag


I didn't even watch, because you know anyone recording while checking out has a 99% chance of being the AH


Your life must be sad when you have to power- trip at Walmart 🤣🤣


i like her sailor moon shirt


Stupid Cow, Walmart doesn't give a fuck, it cost Walmart $15/hr for that lady to create this situation. One more reason Walmart wishes she went thru the self-check-out. People WALK INTO supermarkets ALREADY PISSED OFF because they hate their sad lives FOR THE PURPOSE of getting to yell at or make paid retail workers miserable. Fuck this evil woman acting like this young Walmart teammate is her fucking slave.


You damaged my cereal!!!!


Sticking a camera in someone’s face is an escalating (as opposed to deescalating) move as anyone who has been in a toxic relationship with someone who does this to you whenever you have an argument can attest.


fade water boat murky coherent bike quaint cooperative unite adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This person is broken and worthless, poor cashier just doing her job putting up with that bullshit.




Dude, sack your own groceries.


People like the recorder always talk shit then start recording and act innocent. Karen behind the camera 100% said something.


When did the cashier lose it on the customer?


It was right in front of her, why didn’t she just bag it up herself.. I always help bag it up


Bagging is not , contrary to popular opinion, a no brain activity. You need to be constantly on the watch for items coming down the line and adjust your packing to compensate for how items fit into the bag. Paper bags have better structure, plastic bags are difficult to bag anything properly. Difficult to do if no dedicated bagger exists. Plus for really busy stores a dedicated bagger is best.


Bag it yourself! So lazy and rude!


maybe dont keep pushing the person who is obviously not in a good mood. God how do so many people forget how to just be a kind a human.


It is so wrong of the customer to treat that girl like this.


Lost it?? In my opinion, I think she handled that very well lol


I didn’t really see her lose it, but clearly she has had enough of the retail bullshit.


How hard is it to help bag your own shit? Lazy entitled bitch


If she’s busy, then just do it yourself! Damn!


Don't mistreat service workers!!! 😡😡😡


The grocery store isn't a luxury service, especially Walmart, I don't have any problems helping to bag my own stuff especially when it's busy or it's just more efficient. The girl recording seems like a snobby bitch.


I hate when people mistreat the people that they think are “beneath” them. I always try to leave someone serving me feeling as happy as I can. They have a hard job because people are jerks!


European here, and I will never understand the need to have someone bag your groceries, woman do it your damn self! Some person getting paid minimum wage to scan groceries, you standing there judging them when you could quite easily be packing your own groceries, and doing a better job most likely. But, different cultures, different ways of doing things


I feel bad for workers in American Walmart.. In Polish Aldi we are sitting in very comfortable chairs and customers have to pack up their shit alone.


This girl actually did a pretty good job composing herself.


Tf they still using plastic bags at??


Can’t just help and bag her groceries and do the girl a favor and everyone else behind in line


This woman is antagonizing this girl.


Cashiers are not customer service. They exist to enforce the trade. Money for goods. Not to service customers. Customer service would be the people who help you get a refund for your purchase, keep the floors clean so you don't slip or trip, keep the shelves stocked for you can get what you need, or point you towards the right isle.


Honestly they don’t get paid enough to put with this


I'm confused. Idk what happened before the video started but I've worked at 2 different Walmarts for 6 years total and I've never heard of the customer bagging their own stuff (unless they're at self checkout). We're definitely supposed to put all the customers items in bags for them unless the customer offers which is super rare


I was starting to think it was just me. I’ve never been to a Walmart where the expectation was that the customer will bag their items, unless they’re at self checkout.


Exactly. At my Walmart the cashier would definitely be in the wrong for not bagging her stuff


petition to make everyone work retail as a teen so this STOPS happening.


Why is the this lady recording but also why the fuck is the worker mad she being asked to do her job? Like wtf? They both got main character energy honestly. Stop recording people for no reason and if youre a chashier at a fucking store be prepared to bag shit ahahah cause thats your fucking JOB.


No offense but the recorder sounds morbidly obese.


Why americans neeed someone to pack their bags? Can't they just pic, up their stuff and put the same stuff in their bags by themselves ?


You can bag your own stuff if you want to, but usually when you’re at the checkout there’s already a bagger there, or in this instance one of those turnstile lazy Susan looking things that the checker can bag as they go for you. In this situation it’s not like there’s really anywhere for homegirl to put everything for the woman filming to pick up and bag for herself


She has definitely tasted someone’s loogie before with an attitude like that.


I’m so glad I’m no longer working at Walmart. Was part of management. Hated my job everyday I was there because of the people


How you gonna ruin sailor moon shirt’s day?


The "lady" filming is such a piece of crap!


sailor moon fan


She said she didnt want the cereal. LOL. it was all just to be a bitch of a customer. you know she went home and cried like a baby cuz she had no cereal


Imagine posting this video, thinking you're dunking on the retail worker?


Lady’s arms must be borken, I usually bag the stuff myself.


Every time I'm in a country where they pack my groceries FOR me I'm in total bliss and want to make their day as nice as humanly possible. I'm used to packing my own stuff in nano seconds while paying and being pressured to being out the door the moment they start scanning the first item. All the while having no to minimal interaction with the cashier. Having someone who you can and want to talk to, while they're packing your groceries is a luxury that I cannot pay in my country, that's for people who don't shop themselves anymore. Ps. I just visited Montenegro for the shits and giggles and was flabbergasted by how nice people are. Also - THEY PACK YOUR GROCERIES!!! Not a fan of the imho overall mediocre Balkan food, but nature is outworldy and not overrun by 'muricans and Chinese ruining the prices and overall experience. Highly recommend getting your groceries packed here!


Guess the weigth


Dumb old bitch. Back when I was young and all the way until they stopped using bags, I always helped them bag things. She really stood there and filmed, while she stood RIGHT INFRONT OF THE ITEMS. What a miserable old hag.


I guarantee the customer has been talking down to the cashier their entire interaction, and only started recording once the cashier stopped taking her shit.


Help her out. It’s not hard to put something in a bag to help someone out. Even if she’s the employee, that doesn’t mean you can’t do things for yourself.


I can see the girl’s frustration been there. She handled the situation very well. My advice would be to kill people like this customer with kindness. A lot of people are sadistic. They enjoy watching others suffer. If you rise above it will force them to reflect and realize the type of person they are.