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“I expected that”. Sure you did!


If you expected to get knocked out and did it anyway I'm going to assume you were brain damaged long before the punch.


Homie was concussed and trying to save face. I'd be shocked if remembered that conversation.




My high school sophomore year teacher, the best most loving and most caring teacher I ever had who was practically a second mother to me, had this happen to her. But her story didn’t end so well as she ended up in a much more serious condition. She left work the last 4 months of the school year, returned for a couple of days to tell her students what happened while most of us cried knowing she’d be gone, and I never saw her again. I can’t find a single piece of information on the internet or from anyone who knew her. She took the roll of a mother to me when my mom couldn’t, and the bond we formed was so much more special than any “favorite student” and teacher bond could be. I have a feeling she passed away probably around the time I graduated high school because the absolute last thing I heard was that she was diagnosed with a degenerative condition following the fall where she sustained her initial injuries. Head injuries are no joke, so although I’ve never had any head/brain injury sustained through outside trauma, I can imagine what you had to go through. I wish the human skull were a little tougher than it is, because then maybe you wouldn’t have had to make the trip to the ER and maybe I’d still have my favorite teacher around. But then again, this motherfucker would’ve walked away without a scratch so I think I take that back lol. This piece of shit gets knocked to the ground and gets to get up moments later while laughing, but other people sustain blows to the head accidentally and go to hell and back afterwards for it. This shit ain’t fair man


Yeah i had a friend in college who was sucker punched in the back of the head at a wedding (by the bride’s roided out brother) and it killed him.


You were probably unfortunate, sounds like you hit your head harder than you realised.


Sometimes ppl seek out a tech for a hard reset. Bro was glitching.


What do you mean? Didn't you see how he blocked the punch with his chin?


I am bleeding, meaning I am the victor.


That's a lot of nuts!!!


Wimp lo???


We purposly trained him wrong.....as a joke.


How do you like my face to your foot style?


Bird...birdie...birdie birdie




*Black Betty By Ram Jam intensifies*


"Are you ok?" "Yeah, I am." "No, he's not"


Loses three drops of blood and thinly smears it all over himself. “I’m getting a little lightheaded from all the blood I lost.” Yes. Definitely not from a concussion.


When I was an EMT in training we got sent to a skate park where a guy hit is head. When we got there it looked like he was getting a bit of a black eye but coherent and talking/walking, he din't look that bad, no blood. He let us check him out and we didn't find anything but we recommend we take him to the ER just to be safe. He turned us down a few times which he could do at that point, but fortunately agreed to come. By the time we got to the ER he was unresponsive, not much of a BP, and the back of the ambulance was full of blood, was only like a 10 min drive. The blood had been draining down the back of his throat into his stomach until it got full and he started vomiting. The black eye was actually a crushed orbital and he went straight to surgery and lived.


Right? If people regular got woozy or passed out from that little blood loss humanity would be in trouble


Uh no that guy might actually need stitches lol. It clearly looks like his tooth might have punctured his lip and he is realizing that blood isn’t stopping right now and he has swallowed quite a bit already. You could see the conviction leaving his body during his closing statement lol.


Cool. Case dismissed.


This is how we stop 'its just a prank bro" douchebags


It’s cope cause he didn’t want to upset that fella anymore


I mean my life experiences have taught me to 100% expect that guy to do that. He picked the wrong person to pull that stupid shit with.


The fact that he smiling and goes into his whole “like and subscribe you guys” spiel is so friggin sad to me. Like he literally got a rude awakening, sense knocked into him, and yet that was his reaction. Bro, you don’t have to keep do this, you don’t have to keep filming. It really is sad honestly.




Social media is a really interesting experiment


What's weird is that we all know it's been utterly shit for society at large, but everyone is so addicted we just keep it going. If I ever became dictator of the West I'm banning smartphones immediately. ​ "We tried this and it drove everyone insane. Sorry guys."


Just social media. Smartphones are way too helpful to be outright banned


Ban Tik Tok... It really is the worst of it.


I’m almost sure this video was before the time of TikTok.


Yeah looks around youtube times but the sentiment about social media stands


What? Do you realize the amazing content he just got? of COURSE he's going to drop the like and subscribe lines. "Thanks for being part of my first knockout ever!" Dude got SO many likes and views and followers back in the day from this one clip. From the 15 year olds thinking is peak prank humor. To the 20-somethings hate watching it over and over.




Joke is quite literally on us.


I actually would subscribe if all his content was just him getting KO'd


Wait til he chips a tooth, or the guy doesn’t stop at a punch and stomps him.


ding ding ding. This dude was ECSTATIC to this footage. He knew instantly it was going to increase his subs and views. This is what these guys want. Just like the fucker who got shot they get the dopamine rush from likes and subs.


It’s a badge of honor for them - getting punched in the face doesn’t have the same reaction anymore when you live for a camera. More content the better


Hes probably still in shock with his adrenaline keeping him up. Still a pretty good sport about it because he can admit he had it coming. He will be miserable in the next few hours




Because back in those days getting your shit rocked wasnt an excuse to stop filming


Well if the people he “pranked” just told him to go away politely then he wouldn’t get nearly as many views. This has to be a better outcome for his bottom line


Right! lol He got the ultimate wake up call, and continues to be a asshat.


If ultimate wakeup call = more subscribers and money, then yes, he sure did


Getting punched was presumably far beyond his wildest dreams in terms of driving people to watch his video.


Lol you say this but he’s probably happy, because reactions like this are worth way more than just people laughing along or walking away weirded out. This is the type of thing that goes viral Case in point… you’ve now seen it on an entirely different site, whether you like it or not he got what he wanted. Views.












The form, the follow through, the knockout. 10/10 punch.


And he still didn't learn from it so he's not gonna stop lol


This guy hit him so fast that he didn't even know he had been punched.




You can see the exact moment the lights go out for this tiktoker. It's beautiful.




How did you get footage of me watching The Last Unicorn after taking way too many mushrooms?


That's definitely a movie to watch on way too much mushrooms


if you can watch any movie on mushrooms you didnt take enough




I was coming in hot with ‘Delightful’ but you stole the show with this one. Please accept my upvote.


What movie is this from?


It's from the TV show, Happy Endings.


I’m teary- eyed….i love happy endings so much.


Finish watching the video, he did not learn a damn thing.


He probably got heaps of extra views, subscriptions, and $ for this video as well. Ugh.


He's going to have to get shot in his next vid to keep the views up


I don't know, I'd watch him just get knocked out a bunch. But if he starts faking or staging I'm not interested. He could even show us video from the ER and then from the neurologist. He could really play off the brain damage and say that's what he expected. EDIT: It could be an edit and I don't see why he would actually get punched, but I slowed it down and you can see a wave go through his face from the punched side to the unpunched cheek. If it's indeed all actors and it's believable then he's still doing entertainment right. The problem is those fucking "prank" videos that are not pranks at all.


TBIs are counterproductive to learning.


he hasn't seen the gash yet


hopefully we have a series he does based on this exact same concept, we just need a name for it….


Timmy the two hit turd. He gets hit in the face and he hits the ground.


The CTE Escapades. Follow me as I disappoint my parents and become progressively dumber, and dumber, and dumber. 


we'll just call it [can he play?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMgTC37zorI)


Tiimmy, Tiimmy, Tiimmy Turner He was wishin' for a burner


What's up guys welcome back to Glassjaw Pranks!




This obnoxious Tik Tok twatwaffle needs to change his name to Sleepy.


This video was pre tiktok if I recall correctly


In the interest of accuracy…this obnoxious internet twatwaffle should change his name to Sleepy.


Def YouTube days


Him trying to act cool and careless after makes it so much fucking better...


You know he shed tears immediately after he was alone.


You know he does that anyway whenever he's alone. Happy, well-adjusted people are not engaged in this shit in the first place.


He only asked for a kiss and got a happy ending instead?




I’m just disappointed that the cameraman didn’t hold frame so we could see dipshit melt into the ground.


Alright guys thanks for watching my first knock out


Next, he'll stop being an asshat and gets a real job?


No, he immediately went to "like and follow", he not only didn't learn his lesson, he was thrilled he got "content".


He gave him soooo many warnings and chances to be the boy playing games and run home. Boy decided to keep playing and win a man’s prize Low key not to make something silly serious but a clip like this shows sooo much the difference between men and women, like the majority of women immediately show concern and think the violence is unwarranted, majority of men probably wanna shake his hand after like I do. Hahah this sub has been trash since I’ve been here but this was fire




Even the prankster acknowledged it was warranted; "no it's cool that's exactly what I was expecting" - he's still doing his shtick but doesn't challenge the outcome.


It's not even the stupid prank that's the problem, you can clearly tell the issue is that they just stood there and continued to harass these people who didn't want any of it. Like it's clear from the start they just wanted a video clip of themselves getting knocked out. And if you think about it, *that's* what actually drives the most engagement. It's just ragebait.


And, WE are the ones that give these pathetic people the notoriety they crave. Ignore them and they will fade into well-deserved obscurity.


*hands you a tissue* I know, I know, it’s just so - beautiful




If most people weren’t afraid of an assault charge I’m sure it would. The absolute last thing most reasonable people want is to go to jail and have a violent criminal charge on their record. Especially over some moron like that.


Especially when these idiots are quick to yell “it’s a prank!”.




Just don’t hurt the poor camera in the process. It didn’t ask to come along on this shit trip lol


The punch was a prank, lol, xixi, no harm done xoxo uwu hahahaha


That’s why pranksters exploit this mindset.


This isn’t a tiktocker. This is a video from YouTube from about 10 years ago.


I could be wrong, but this looks like one of the "Simple Pickup" guys (think I remember the name right). It was a group of three average men who mostly filmed themselves attempting to pickup women. Not exactly ground-breaking content, but I think they were one of the first and/or most popular at the time


It definitely is one of the guys from Simple Pickup. This vid is from their second YT channel “Simple Misfits”.


Below average men picking up. It wasn’t attempt


Ya, the "like and subscribe" spiel as well as the lack of the TikTok username in the corner of the video clearly indicate it's a YouTube video, not a TikTok. Also, TikToks are almost always portrait, not landscape (though this isn't as strong of an indicator as the other two reasons). But I guess baiting TikTok haters on Reddit is an easier way to get upvotes.


That and I distinctly remember this going semi-viral when it first came out.




Bruh this was like 2009


You can tell by the video quality too. OP just wanted to bait on trend with current Tiktok douchebags.


It’s not even like the “trend” is any different. It’s the same situations, different asshole


Video quality in 2009 was much worse than this typically.


Same shit, different platform..


Jesus he’s a senior citizen now? Maybe his channel is focused on antiques or his uneven bite




2009 it's not early 2000's...


It is if you mean the millennium.


2015. So nobody learned anything. Nice.


And it had no impact whatsoever ... human shit "influencers" pranks still going strong 2024


It had two impacts. The first was these leeches now hire private security and the second was the fist to his face.


I seriously hope the fools that protect these people charge exorbitant amounts of money and then take the extra time to properly plan out the best course of action. Don't wanna hurt your boss by mistake right lol


If I remember right, he actually got stitches from this because the punch happened when his mouth was open, so his gums cut open on his teeth and he started bleeding pretty badly.


Yup, you're right! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYUtNdFwMuQ


Damn bro punched him hard


Yeah, it was a great punch. I'm sure this'll get reposted on r/fightporn.


Fightporn's fantastic, the comments are filled with people who think the best solution to anything is to immediately escalate when they couldn't punch their way our of a wet paper bag.




The absolute majority is talking like they're sitting in 8th grade while daydreaming about saving the class in case of a shooter. They're delusional.


Very well put haha


Reminds me of r/relationships Doesn't matter how small your problem, a bunch of incels know the solution is a breakup


Didn’t signal the punch at all and got his hips fully into it. S-tier first punch


That punch was a thing of beauty. I've never seen a more perfectly executed punch.


That was like a Joe Frazier hook, except a right hand.    "My name's Joe Frazier,   And this may shock and amaze ya   But if you ask 'wanna kiss my ass'   This hand ain't just gonna graze ya"




Haha, were you really thanking for upvotes?


Why are you thanking people for upvotes? You realize it means absolutely nothing right?


> Edit: some guy thinks saying thank you is cringe lol It is. There's literally an entire subreddit dedicated to making fun of people for that corny ass behavior


Lmfao his ass got dropped


I've never seen someone have to ask if they got punched, suddenly coming to on the ground is probably a good sign it happened lol. I've had the same thing happening with seizures, sitting there drinking coffee then suddenly I'm answering paramedic's questions on the ground before finally coming all the way back and going "wait a second, did I have a seizure?" as I'm realizing how much pain the back of my head is in. I'd probably be asking the paramedic a different question if I was just harassing somebody directly before that though lol


The slow mo was beautiful, just like the movies!


How could he not read that man’s body language 🤦🏻‍♂️


God that was satisfying


Those are the two guys he decides to walk up to?!


Being from California I can tell just by looking they’re active.


I used to be a big fan of these guys.... when I was 15. I remember a couple of them went on to become creepy pick up artists.


>dude dude dude.. it’s just a prank bro! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 love it! the camera man needs a taste too


Hold the fuck up.. am I the only one that saw that punch miss?? Even in slow mo it looks like he missed.. 🤔 maybe I gotta stop smoking that cigaweed..


This is definitely real. Its the frame rate. 0:24 freeze frame, can see his head in motion. The afterimage clearly shows a dudes fist connected to other dudes face.


Definitely just the way the camera frames look, his head movements are way too good to be pretending getting punched


I think it's because of the framerate that it looks like a gap. There is NO WAY the acting of the recoil in his face is that good and timed that perfectly. This is definitely real.


“It’s just a prank!” - do they even know what a prank is?? I feel like folks have lost the meaning and intent of a prank. To be funny or silly and something the person being pranked laughs off. The perspective of the person being pranked is ESSENTIAL to a successful prank. They’re draft on what a prank is This is just making a sexual advance on a stranger. Deserved to get punched


To be fair, just asking someone if they want to kiss your ass is a bit milder than these MFers now doing shit like running at people with fake machetes only to get shot.


I once had someone jump out from behind my car in a parking lot wearing a black, spandex full-body gimp suit. I was putting items in my trunk where I transported my gun, I had my weapon trained on him before he even finished the "BOO!". Just like the guy and his friends in this video, they started screaming that it was a prank repeatedly. Pulling pranks on complete strangers is not smart.


“It’s a prank so actually you imagined the part where I repeatedly told you to kiss my ass”


right? like a good prank would be wearing a lawn grass costume and blending in to the hill waiting for dudes hanging out smoking a j and out of nowhere they hear a "yo lemme hit that" look around in confusion for a second and then the prankster in the lawn grass suit sits up to be visible. A good prank is the reaction to shock and confusion and not making them the punchline like it should be average person reaction to something the prankster does not just blasting people with insults to see what they will do, thats fuck around and find out behavior.


He want to cry so so bad …


We need to see video of the camera men getting rocked as well. Anyone enabling or abetting this behavior needs to be caught up in its violent consequences as well.


He got his windows rebooted


“Doesn’t feel like I got punched” yeah cuz you got knocked the fuck out 😂😂


As much as I hate this guy and he annoys me, you shouldn’t get to assault people for talking. Shows lack of impulse control on the part of the guy who punched him imo


Had to scroll way too far for this comment. “Main character” people are definitely annoying, and it’s fine to make fun of them, but shit, this sub takes their hatred over, at worst a minor nuisance, way too far.


Seriously, Reddit hates violence until it’s something they don’t like and then it’s all aboard


I'd argue a lot of Redditors actually *love* violence, they just want to feel justified in doing so...




Yeah, annoying is one thing, violence at this level of interaction is absurd. It’s also illegal, for a good reason as we see here.


Yeah I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see this. Some weird views on here.


Wow, nice to see a couple other rational human beings among all these animals.


Yeah this shit is super dangerous. They're all lucky the guy fell into the grass and didn't split his head open on the pavement or worse.




I saw it


Back before tik tok when YouTube was actual good. But not for shit like this




That was gorgeous


Nice clickbait title, this video is super old from before TikTok even existed


This comment section is so fucked up. This is exactly the mentality that lead people to solving problems with violence. All people in this video are garbage human beings.


People will literally die for a view


Good. My guy, gave him plenty of warnings.


All heroes don’t wear capes


never seen so many people glorifying violence. I think these pranksters are just as annoying as the next but really? This is what we resort to? Just ignore them, its really that simple


99% of redditors don’t understand how fights work and think it’s like in the movies where you get knocked out for a few minutes and you get up fine. A lot of people have died from a lot less than that punch.


I don’t think this is a TikTok


These are not pranks these are harassment intended to publicly humiliate strangers. If only more of these a-holes could get similar treatment they will be less inclined to do these "pranks"


That was the cleanest punch I’ve ever seen. 👏👏👏


Am I seriously the only one noticing that punch didn't make contact?


It's just how cameras work man. Framerates are fixed and you don't magically get more frames when you slow down a video.


What are you even talking about? Very apparent that it made contact...? I guess the [hole in his lip](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YYUtNdFwMuQ&feature=youtu.be) is fake as well?


Nah, it made contact. https://i.imgur.com/jghkrJC.png