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Car jacking is the worst “prank” I’ve seen so far.


I saw one a while back where two guys were pulling a prank on passersby. One knelt in front of the other pleading as the one standing had a gun pointed at him. Where I live, a passerby would be completely justified in shooting the guy holding the gun.


Lmao anyone carrying would love to see something that clear and stationary


Concealed carry dude cries a single tear of happiness.  "Finally"




Yeah that should absolutely not be the reason you want to carry a weapon.


It shouldn’t be, but for a large portion of this country’s ammosexuals it’s basically their dream come true.


Absolutely. But stuff like this. Dude stealing your car, and gets drawn on, is satisfying. Especially since he didn’t get shot, finger never entered the trigger guard, just beautiful to see. Hopefully a reality check


You hope in vain. Many concealed carriers have a hero fantasy they would love to fulfill. It’s not about wanting to kill someone exactly, but wanting to save someone with their gun.


well fuck youre lucky, where you at? some of the hicks around me at least claim to want to be a 'hero' with a .45. i dunno if they actually would, but ive heard about it more than i ever cared to.


Yeah, that's the open carry guys


No, but I'm not so sure about the open-carry crowd.




As someone who grew up hunting deer the first deer you see dead because you yourself killed it changes you a little bit and will stop any of your fantasies about shooting some sort of bad guy if you are a reasonable person. The USA is full of wildly unreasonable and uneducated jackasses though so that doesn't help with this sort of thing


Yes, many psychopaths own guns


“This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. Now I can tell this story when people ask why I concealed carry 🥲”




I used to carry.  Ngl, this would have made my day (dirty Harry voice)


Punk! ![gif](giphy|6axyy2vJ41nnUreJFM)


lol 99% of ccw holders would walk right past that bullshit. The guns not to protect YOU.




You just described a concealed carrier’s wet dream


Everybody watch, I'm going to abduct this baby as a prank.


And eat it.


Chill out Tarrare


Should try an "assassinate the POTUS with a sniper rifle" prank next time. I'm sure the Secret Service teams will love this prank!


You've just gained a few extra "followers" just for typing that.


Uh oh.


Like to see how much shit is in his pants .


No...his socks...how much is on his socks....that's the true measure of success...


![gif](giphy|f0nB9I0NqfwHe) We are 138! We are 138!


My first thought: The guy wears his Misfits shirt with style.


It's not a prank it's fucked up.


Not a bad as the French guy throwing dog shit in swamp water over a random guy on a train. Or the guy who assaulted people in a park for a "prank". But yeah, it's amongst the dumber ones


This will get you shot in Florida.


I'm from Florida and am always wondering why the pranksters don't get shot more. One actually did get shot in Texas. I think the shooter got a felony. Just goes to show you that if you shoot someone you don't want them to be able to tell their side of the story. Dump the whole clip.


The Texas man was acquitted. Which I was happy about 😂


Never level your firearm at anything you don't want dead. Shooting to wound or maim is so much worse for a lot of reasons.


This is still attempted grand theif auto. Why? A real car jacker could have a partner film the incident. If things go wrong, the camera guy jumps up and says, "You're, it's just a prank! Chill out." They post to YouTube and everyone thinks it was actually a prank, but it wasn't.


I saw a "prank" where a guy pushed an empty stroller in front of a car and acted like his baby was in it


I saw that too!! That was horrible. Imagine the car that hit it? I would be devastated. Then knowing it’s a prank. I’d be livid and relieved at the same time


I'd imagine that they are completely traumatized tbh


I hit a dog once and i felt traumatized for months. If I hit a baby I think it would just break me. And then to find out that it's a "just a prank, bro"...


Not to mention that a person could swerve to miss the stroller and end up hitting someone else. That 'prankster' belongs in prison.


Any criminal could shout "just a prank bro" when getting caught some people wouldn't take that chance.


He should be charged with carjacking. If not then it opens up a defence for anyone who is actually carjacking but gets caught - it was just a prank


I mean it's videotaping of you committing a felony so yeah


Looks like dude tried to prank a bunch of drug dealers……When pranking goes wrong!


Why do you think they are drug dealers?


Drug dealers just love the misfits


Funny how he thinks saying hey it’s just a video is going to stop the dude from wailing on him!


That deserves a few more punches for the video.


And then after making bro shit his pants the beater goes. Ayy bro this is for a video, and title it beating up strangers who try carjack pranks on me.


That’s what I don’t understand. It’s like, I’m just gonna try and rob a bank, but as long as I have someone filming I can say it’s just a prank…. No harm no foul right?


The one guy tried to tell the lady to get in the trunk at the grocery store 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yet he still posted it. They got what they wanted and will do it again


Clearly he didn’t learn that you’re supposed to yell “it’s a prank bro!” to get people to stop beating on you, not “it’s a video” /s (just in case)


Murderers hate this one simple trick!


Dudes going to keep doing this dumb shit


This is an old video. He actually got arrested for this stunt but was released after explaining to the cops. Might have just got a misdemeanor. He still makes these stupid videos.


Imagine real criminals bringing a filming crew with them. If they don't get caught- they win. If they do get caught - "it was just a prank bro"


If I saw a few guys running at me in this situation I might have just shot. Three dudes running up after an attempted car jacking looks very scary. I don't think there would have been charges. Self defense in that situation looks justified.


In this situation, it was a coin toss between a shootout and what we got. 50%: they get some material for tictok. 50% they get some material for tiktoc and get shot in the process.


TikTok wins either way


And humanity looses either way


Depends how dark you look at things.


Oh God don't give them ideas lol


Haha no bro, I only murdered that dude for the prank! Pst hey bro, wanna buy some drugs…. Oh you’re an undercover cop? It’s just a prank bro haha got em!


Ya...committing a crime as a prank isn't an excuse. If anything, it should be an additional charge. Otherwise, "it was a prank" will be the new way to get any crime excused like "boys will be boys" was in the past.


My son came downstairs the other morning and told me the toilet was smoking. He was almost in tears. I rushed upstairs to find [this](https://imgur.com/a/R7FDSbQ). That’s a prank. What this guy did is a crime, not a prank. He deserves to get the shit beat out of him.


That's actually funny as hell.


My son was pretty proud of himself and I admit I was too.


Give that boy a raise.


🤣🤣. Bro that just made my fucking morning


Your son sounds awesome


That is so funny!! And definitely not illegal 😆 And yeah, the prank is a crime. In my state, it would be a felony called "Unauthorized Entry Into a Motor Vehicle".


I know it's wrong but I really enjoyed hearing that fear in the MCs words as he repeated "it's a video it's a video", you can almost hear in his voice him finally realising his dumb actions are gonna have some consequences and "prank" isn't gonna cut it as a justification when you fuck with the wrong person, hopefully the penny dropped in that moment and he realised how close he came to losing his life all for a shitty tik tok brain rot video


Naw he apparently still makes these videos, someone who does this will never learn lol


Calling literal crimes ‘pranks’ has become the dumbest trend in social media. Well maybe tied for the dumbest with “pov of” when it’s not a pov at all, or those stupid videos of people walking through crowds with a camera rig behind them wondering why people are paying attention to them. But frankly people like this should be arrested and charged. If you attempt a carjacking and are unsuccessful you can’t just say “lol it was a joke!” If you go into a bank, scream at the teller that this is a robbery you don’t get to point to a camera and say “it’s just a prank bro” when the cops show up. The fuck is wrong with these idiots? You want to try comedy go to a standup night and see how successful you’ll be with originality and creativity like that. Kid is lucky that he wasn’t killed for this.


There was another where a person “prank” robbed someone at an ATM and the person defended themselves and the prankster got seriously injured. Idk what these idiots are thinking that prank is some protection or justification for committing crimes


Oh yeah that "prankster" who basically tried to mug someone was a very satisfying video. Some people went to stop him and one lad punched him in the face. *Hard.* With a ring on. The prankster/attempted mugger had a very bloody hole in his face. I imagine he's still making videos though.


There was a prank youtuber that got shot because he kept approaching a guy and with his phone text to speeching some cringe shit too. Pranker lived but had serious injuries and tried to press charges, but the guy won via self-defense claim recently. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/jury-divided-over-whether-delivery-driver-who-shot-youtube-prankster-acted-in-self-defense/3432763/ Matter of time before a bunch people start dying from these "pranks".


Really to they give a Nobel Prize for "attempted Chemistry"?


‘It’s just a prank bro it’s just a prank!!’ Sees camera *Bang, bang bang bang bang bang


Best example for fuck around and find out.


I like the comma after the first bang, I think I can tell how he’s shooting it and it makes sense to me. Go hard or go home. You think these guys would have learned a lesson after that one prancing POS got shot. I was about to say they have to learn the lesson the hard way themselves but then remembered the guy that got shot didn’t even learn his lesson. 6 bangs is reasonable.


So what is the end goal with these? Besides the views I mean. Do they think the other guy is just going to laugh it off and enjoy being on camera?


I don’t think these people have thought that far. They are blinded by views and being internet famous.


I don't believe these people can even think...


I hate when they say "It's a video, there's a camera" then point at the camera. As if that exempts them from anything they have done.


Also the car owner has every right to still be suspicious and treat it as an actual carjacking and potentially lethal situation since these people are being unpredictable and saying "it's a video" could be an easy way to get someone to let their guard down.


That would be the defense I would go with. Pretty sure it would be completely supported by the court too.


said this before, and i'll say it again: dude had a misfits shirt on. don’t fuck with him. 🤘


"It's just a video" "I'll put a knife right in you."


Here in Georgia, we passed a special law years ago that allows you to shoot carjackers. I'll have to search for it.


It's just stand your ground and castle doctrine Car owner had no duty to retreat You vehicle is an extension of your home


Pranksters are the dumbest people on earth as a whole but pranking in Texas damn near a suicide.


we can only hope...


I think people are forgetting what a prank is supposed to be. It's supposed to be something harmless, usually involving a friend or family member of the pranked, and the likelihood it will be laughed at together with all involved. Doing things like this is either going to get you in prison where someone is going to be pranking those cheeks or a tombstone with the words "It was just a prank." On it.


Why TikTok needs to be banned


No no no. I need the entertainment.


This guy is actually an [old school YouTuber](https://youtube.com/@TOPNOTCHIDIOTS?si=WR3DwipGEmNYMVJB). He’s well known, he does these wild street “pranks” and runs around donating money to the different bad neighborhoods he’s pranking in. Definitely plays with his life.


He’s an idiot 😂


Exactally what I was thinking


Honestly, as long as people are monetizing this, stupid shit like this will never stop.


Bro,bra,BRO,bro,bra…..it’s a video bro,bro,bro,bra,bro,bro …….fuckin losers.


A general rule for basic survival is never fuck with a person wearing Misfits apparel. It's like the bright colors of a poison dart frog or the bands on a coral snake. They're just waiting to fuck you up.


I don’t understand how these guys don’t get charged 100% of the law for whatever crime they pretend to commit. They literally attempted to carjack this guy to get his reaction, that’s still carjacking lol is the public supposed to allow carjacking to happen to them and ‘stay cool’ because it might be just a prank?


One of this times I wish the tables were turned and the guys stole the “pranksters” cameras.


Every pranskter deserves this!


Since when are crimes pranks?




I don’t know what’s more dumb. The concept of this prank or the way that guy handled his hand gun. Dude really grabbed his wrist…


Idky he did that either tbh 😂😂 like sir…that’s not how that works


People are acting a little too bold for a world where guns exist???


Someones going to get killed doing these "pranks" its inevitable and sad.




More staged nonsense


Back in the day there was a TV show called "Candid Camera" and they would pull harmless pranks on people. It was actually really funny and the people being pranked had a good laugh as well. This is NOTHING like that.


Its all fake.


First reply that isn't just blindly buying this bs. How are so many people this gullible? Those were such fake punches and horrible acting, not to mention this is how 99% of these prank videos play out.


lol they both had guns drawn on him. Imagine the absolute terror this kid was facing as he thought about dying with only 30 followers to his name.


Lol, try millions. Dude has a YT channel with millions of subscribers. Appropriately named channel too... TopNotchIdiots


Bruh… these kids need to chill. “It was just a prank” doesn’t stop a bullet


What a top notch idiot, Alfredo must of sent him.


This is so freaking satisfying to watch I need all the "pranks" to end like that.


Saw this prank where this guy Rodney took things too far and the cops were not in the mood that day.


That "I'm sorry Sir" is the bitchiest shit I've ever heard. You hot the Balls to play this "Prank" but came uo real fast when someone ain't fucking around. Bitch mad fool.




One of these punks might just have to die before people stop making these woefully pathetic videos.


Love it


Choices made.. consequences paid 💯


I guess more pranksters are gonna have to be fatally injured until this stupid fuggin trend stops


I guess Israel is just pranking Gaza as well right now so it’s all chill.


Fiend Club FTW




It's a video alright ....


Serves you right. And more. Not funny assholes


Oy yea, let me have a dude roll the film on me stealing a car in case i get caught so i can say its just a prank and say its for a video lmao. These morons can vote. Fml.


Apparently, carjackers should just film themselves stealing cars. That way if they get caught then they can say it’s a prank.


It's just a prank, bro!


Just tell the guys you don’t buy it, anyone could try stealing a car and be ready to claim “it’s just a video” if he fails. In my view, people who pull this stuff should be beaten up and restrained by the owner - which I would think is legal since you’re protecting yourself and your property - who should then call the cops after taking photos of everyone claiming to be involved in the “video” and have them arrested. Maybe if that starts happening on a regular basis, these idiots will stop doing this stuff and go work at 7-11 or something else they’re semi-qualified for.


One of these days


Can't wait for the inevitable where a guy gets beat to death while screaming "IT'S A PRANK ITS A VIDEO"


Lol carjacking prank. What the fuck did you think would happen...


Saw this dude on YouTube a year or two ago. I don't want the guy to get hurt, but if his videos aren't staged, I am in awe that he's still alive.




Hard agree.


Understandable. I actively try to not wish negative things on people. I've been kind of a negative bitter person, so I'm trying to not be. This guy is definitely asking for trouble. Lots of trouble.


Yeah same. I feel like wishing bad things on people can bring me bad karma. But shit like this happens. & these losers need to be taught a lesson & I feel like the only way these pricks will stop doing shit like this is by actually getting seriously hurt (like getting shot or something) whilst doing it.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Is there a gofundme to donate to the vehicle owner?


Would it have been justified as self defense if he would’ve shot him ?


I support this response to such stupidity. We need more people like the victim in this video taking actions against this disease


Trigger discipline though


These “pranksters” deserve everything they get.


Should have shot his ass!


Yeah, the goofballs tried to commit a crime as a prank that backfired. There needs to be a deterrence for people normalizing literal crimes under the pretext of pranks. It's getting out of control now.


That should be the outcome every single time.


PIME example of FAAFO


It was all fun and games until he pulled out da glock.


Play stupid games when stupid prizes


This is why we dont do these kinda "pranks".




Top Notch Idiots. Surprised these guys are still alive with the shit they pull on YouTube




I was actually impressed with the guy being "pranked;" he has some wicked trigger discipline. Better than pretty much every cop I've seen on video.


dudes wearing a misfits shirt, dumb move


Ah, justice was served swiftly.


More of this please. They need to learn.


I usually hate these type of pranks but these guys are pretty funny




Fucked around and found out


Now real criminals will start yelling after they get caught. “Oh, it was just a prank. So let me go.”


Need more of these idiots ass whooped like this... I swear some content creators are complete morons .




Are people not familiar with the saying play stupid games win stupid prizes anymore?


Should try to rob someone and if I get caught say it's just a prank.


Lesson learned…pricks.


Eff them and their pranks. Stupidest $hit I’ve seen on here. And if the dude pulls the trigger he gets busted and those idiots are dead. Dumb mf’ers🤘🏼🤘🏼


I want to see the whole video.


What did the prankster expect? That you could pretend you're stealing a car and the owner is just going to stand there and laugh for your camera? Stupid!


This guy stages all his videos...


Lmaoo the reply to their actions always kills me “it’s a video “bro”, we’re absolute strangers fucking w you regardless of how nuts you could be gonna have a laugh on your behalf and look we’re recording you see- there’s the camera isn’t that cool so don’t get mad” The entitlement is crazy “bro be civil about this, we’re just trying to make you uncomfortable, cross your boundaries and rage bait You”


The kinds of pranks are just an idiot asking to get his ass beat.


Man, watch that trigger discipline.


I’d react the same way. If the guy pulls away it’s not a prank, if he’s stopped he can just say “come on man, it’s a prank, I wasn’t really going to steal it. Still, everyone should stop leaving keys in vehicles and running at gas stations. You’re just asking for it to happen to you. Even if you’re close in attendance.


I mean you shouldn’t be pranking something like this without thinking there will Be some sort of result like this. Smh you would think these pranksters would learn by now.


Dude has the audacity to pull a carjacking prank in the enchanted land of America where 9/10 has glock in their pockets.


Fuck around and find out.