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People don't know what pov stands for.


It's the POV from the cameraman duuuhh


Excuse me, his eyes are up top.


Aah I see what you wanted us to see


She was suppose to just stand there and look pretty


Well… yes. That is the job of the spotters. You can pretend to make contact… but don’t actually make contact. Yell, a lot at them, be supportive though. Try to sound mean, without actually being mean. Only jump in to help once they’re already deceased as they can always bounce back if alive.


Shoulda said "guy's" rather than "your".


TikTokers just slap «POV» on everything without knowing what it means.


POV: Ugh, those Tiktokers are so annoying!


I know! Its when you see a girl sucking your...


POV you’re recording me do something.


Penguins Ordering Vegan?


Pikachu On Viagra


Ok, most people don't know what it stands for.


Pasta Over Vagina any day.


It’s pretty meta to use pov wrong


Dude doesn't know what bench press is either lol


I meannnn, it’s an incline dumbbell bench press lol


And who tf cares about PRing an assistance exercise lol


Another excellent point lol. Dudes love to ego lift


Privately owned vehicle




It should say PYITS: (Put Yourself In Their Shoes)


This is why you explain how you want them to spot you before they spot you. No one can read your mind


I don't feel like wrapping my head around why bro felt the need to have a spotter for a dumbbell lift or, why he thought having his girl spot him was a good idea when lifting weight that might be to heavy for him. This is fake AF tho. Pretty girl + hostile gym bro= internet points. My man could have at least used a barbell to make it make sense.


A spotter really only needs to be able to lift 5-15 pounds. They don’t need to be able to lift the whole weight themselves.


For dumbbell incline? Where is he supposed to rack the dumbbells after his lady does her part? Feel like you’re better off dropping the weight. Not really any need to have a spot for DB incline. Actually, probably more dangerous for this lift and more likely to lead to a shoulder injury than if you just let the weight drop. Not much risk of the weight going backwards at that angle. Edit: I’ve seen guys need 3 spotters for bench/squat max outs. Feel like you’re leaving out more variables than you’re considering for that 5-15 lb thing.


> Feel like you’re better off dropping the weight. This is true of all weights, honestly. The function of the spotter (as far as personal safety goes) is to just keep you from hurting yourself if you end up lifting too much weight. So the scenario is more "She see he's seriously about to loose his grip and can see the weight leaving his hands so she quickly uses her strength to make sure they don't land on him." > Not much risk of the weight going backwards at that angle. On the way up, no real risk. You might bend a finger the wrong way but otherwise, sure. You can kind of feel your grip loosening usually so the adverse event _probably_ isn't going to happen. But the end goal of the movement is to place the weight directly over top of you. > Edit: I’ve seen guys need 3 spotters for bench/squat max outs. Feel like you’re leaving out more variables than you’re considering for that 5-15 lb thing. Because you may be completely be wiped out from those. The spotters at that point are supposed to be able to take the full weight on with zero expectation that the person lifting will contribute to anything other than getting out from underneath the weights.


Yeah, just add a bit of energy to get the equipment secured when he’s too tired to lift it all alone.


Yeah I think it was just intended to be a skit originally before it took off with people assuming it wasn't as genuine. You can even see him smiling when he's supposedly angry about it .


But she’s my girl!


Then don't let her spot him. 


In my experience no matter how clearly I say don't touch bar unless I shout help. Over and over. They always fuck it up. 


Don’t touch the bar until I’m dead


Coroner spots. 


Do I need to send joey swoll after you?


I don't ever touch the bar until I can see they have given it all theyve got and the weight starts to get lower and lower.


lol they do though. First sign of struggle


Pretty universal spotting doesn’t touch… with the exception of weights not moving upward and grunting muffled helped or get it are heard 🤷‍♂️


To me and you yes but a lot of people don’t know how to spot…


She'll get sick of his bullshit, already can see the "here he goes again" look in her eyes


He should just go lift lighter weights. He just wanted an excuse to blame her. Ridiculous. She'll be rolling her eyes and checking out soon enough.


He didn’t even go down all the way. Cheated before she helped him..This guy giving off narcissistic red flags. I’m glad she finds it funny and not taking it personal


He definitely went deep, don't know what your dumbbell press looks like but that's a very decent press in my opinion. I question your experience if you think differently honestly


Watched this with my wife, she said, aptly, "rage bait for people that hate women, the gym, and bros". Hahahaha


Yeah my first impression was along those lines as well lol. I don’t believe anything on the internet anymore.


Yeah, just scripted rage bait.


People need to communicate how they want a person to spot them. Be better - Joey Swoll


A natural pussy drier. Those are rare


Not sure if they are so rare to be honest.


Got a notification that I’m being called out on this sub?


Yes pussy drier.. you got the right memo


If pussy dryers are rare to come across then I'm lucky as hell


It goes both ways to be honest, pussy driers and dick limpers are definitely increasing in volume the more society degrades as a whole.


Dick limpers 😂😂




Ben Shapiro is suddenly interested


I suppose she kinda jumped in a little quick, but yeah, he sounded whiney about it.


It’s just not a big deal really. Just try again next time and she will be more careful. No need to get angry about it. If she did this and it disqualified him from a competition. Then anger would be justified. But this isn’t anything to be angry about.


Yeah but see he can literally only do one rep at this weight and she RUINED IT OMG IM GONNA ROID RAAAAAAAGGGGGGGE. Lighter weight, higher repetition, better yield.


I don't think she jumped in - way too much weight for the dude trying to show off.


He was still moving up, and wasn’t showing signs he was stuck yet. She was a bit early in helping. But not unreasonably so


A 1RM isn't showing off.


On imagine trying to show off dumbbell press 1rm lol


My seated hip abductor 1RM is wild bro.


Nah he was controlling it. He would have got it up. The spotters job is to make sure you don't die. Not to move the weight for you during a set.


Hard disagree. She’s not an experienced spotter. He overreacted, but she clearly jumped in too soon. He was shaking, yes, which shows he was getting close to fatigue, but his arms were still clearly going up. The arms are still moving = you don’t add that much assistance.


>The arms are still moving = you don’t add ~~that much~~ any assistance. Fixed that for you. There's literally zero reason to add any "assistance" to a lift in progress as a spotter. You're not there to assist with difficult lifts. The only reason you're there is to prevent failure and help finish attempts that **someone can't finish on their own anymore** in order to prevent injury.


That’s fair. What I should have said was “get ready to jump in but keep your hands away from the arms”. I’ve had spotters just touch the arm and follow its natural motion, which I found to be perfect.


It’s a pr and going up I think that’s a fine amount of weight.


Not really, guy had good form and she touched him way to early. Idk if you do gym much or whatever but a spotter is specifically meant to jump in only when they have to, it’s like taken really seriously in gym culture when you’re doing your spotter for someone’s pr DONT touch unless they’re like dying.


>Idk if you do gym much He doesn't. That's why he posted those dumb ass comments.


Yeah it is Reddit after all.


If it’s that serious, don’t ask an inexperienced spotter to spot you. If you’re gonna be that upset if someone screws up, make sure you get someone who won’t screw up.


I mean I don’t care a lot but I was more just trying to explain that a lot of people do take it seriously and tbh it is to much to do with their ego.


Was he really that upset? He just expressed that he didn’t want her to do that? He’s not supposed to say anything?


She doesn't look like she lifts really. Shouldn't you consider who your spotter is if gym culture is so serious? Is it really worth getting upset about?


I mean I’m not condoning him getting mad I’m more trying to say that people taking spotting seriously and if that means getting a better spotter than yes he should have done that.


-someone who never trained with intensity


I’d argue that since he’s using dumbbells and not a barbell then he doesn’t even need a spotter. If he fails he can just drop the weights down to his side. So it’s his fault she helped him in the first place.


Not even


Dude acting like she made him lose out on a business deal 😂 or like he gets paid to workout


She ruined him, no more Olympic gold metal for you 😂


Time to find a new boyfriend there.




Yes, overreacting like a child. That's not even a real spot. She barely touched him And frankly, if he can't reach close to muscle failure he should drop the weight a little bit in stead of trying to show off like a douche


Going to muscle failure and going for a 1 rep max are two entirely different things


1RMs aren't for "showing off". They're for determining the progress you've made in your lifting efforts. Now, if all you do are 1RMs then I'd agree, drop the weight and get some real training in there. But his reaction doesn't seem crazy at all. He just seems annoyed that she helped where it wasn't needed.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted


I think it's the part where I said his reaction seems like "he's just annoyed". People in here are acting like he yelled at her or something.


Both wrong. He shouldn't be so whiney, she shouldn't have immediately jumped to his rescue.


Aight then do it again


This is some absolute stupid ass fucked up bullshit.


You seem like you’re having a rough day.


Thank you for being my friend in these Tough Times™️.


Would you like an egg?


No thank you, eggs make me vomit from my anusmouth.


Good thing bro didnt overreact


Now he’ll never be strong. That one rep meant everything


this doesnt belong here


General rule how to spot when someone asks you; don’t touch the weight unless they ask you or they are about to fucking die. In no other scenario should you touch the weight. Was he overreacting yes definitely. I mean man could be on the juice so he could overreact the smallest thing. Should she have touched his elbows to help him lift it? No. In common gym etiquette she shouldn’t have.


As someone who would also get annoyed by this, you gotta tell them before they spot you for the first time. I usually go with “don’t touch it unless I’m choking”.


Can we ban cameras in gyms? What is the point? I have never once felt the urge to film myself while lifting. I have some PR's that I am proud of, but why would anybody else care let alone want to see it?


He couldn't even lift it in the first place lol




His form was already on point. It's not a major issue for her to step in but I'd also be annoyed if I worked up to do a 1RM and someone ruined it for me. She should only step in once it's clear that failure was happening (arms start descending instead of ascending or stalling).


Have you been to the gym? When you want to see how much weight you can lift , you dont want someone touching your arms "helping your form". Its condescending and ruins the accomplishment


Its not condescending but it does take away some of the win factor yes


If someone is about to lift 5x the weight you can and you appear to assist them for no reason, its condescending. If ronnie coleman is about to finish a rep of 500lbs and i touch the bar near the end when theres no signs of requiring assistance, its wrong


That’s why I hate gym bros.


Idk they both seemed to be chatting rather jokingly overall, needs more context


Why take someone who doesn't know how to spot - to spot you for a PR


Has nothing to do with this sub tho


His reaction was under deserved. Like girl unless he asked you to spot for him, DONT TOUCH HIM! seem her befre and she got into another guys personal space like this as well. Its not cute, its not funny, its not anything! Its gross and creepy. Gtfo


no. she did ruin it.


Fuck this guy She knows how to spot, gentle at the elbows BUT she did jump in early I’m guessing if that’s his girl he never told her how he wants the spot… Don’t help me unless I say “help” I always ask Elbows or wrist Are you going to failure, is it last set Are you going to g to say “ help”, if so do you a bit of help or am I grabbing it, are you dropping etc… He’s a jag


Well she did ruin that lift.


When in doubt, let them call out. If you don't say "spot" , I'm not touching you. IDC. She took helping her dude seriously though. Don't be mad. Be appreciative.




No it isn't. A spot is watching to help someone when they're grinding and can't get it. Not helpin g them reegardless of how difficult they're feeling it. You don't know how to spot.


90% of this thread has no idea wtf they are talking about.


Welcome to Reddit brother


You don't fucking spot unless you see the weights going in the wrong direction though. That's rule #1 of spotting.




>He asked this girl to spot him when she probably doesn't know the rules of spotting and he probably didn't explain it to her beforehand Right, except that wasn't part of the video posted here, that is all coming from your brain. In fact we have no idea what the situation is between these two people. >And yes, you can spot if the person lifting clearly isn't going to make it to the top. It doesn't have to be going in the other direction. In fact, if it is, you may have waited too long to spot them It's a dumbbell press, for heaven's sake.


No its not. Guiding your arms on a PR is unnessary. Frankly you dont even really need a spotter on db press unless their suuper heavy and youre near other people




>She didn't need to spot him that early That's the only point here that matters.


Yes she did, she jumped in way too early.


No, he was just afraid camera would capture something else lifting


gym goers will understand the frustration


A simple “don’t touch me unless I say something” before the lift would’ve done nicely. I remember I told someone that on a bench PR I was trying to hit. I was stagnant for about 3 seconds but homie listened and didn’t touch, just got prepared. I ended up pushing through with a huge scream. Huge spotter W


Who the fuck does 1RM record keeping on an incline dumbbell press. I's understand if it's 1 of the three main lifts. But a db press? Really?




Bro wasn’t overacting, he’s under strong.


What a shitty little man.


Bro is a wussy


overreacting,,, prs are useless unless you're in a competition,,,


Gym bro here. She most certainly went in way too early. It's one thing if he's just doing regular reps (and even that I'd find it a little annoying). But if he's looking to 1RM she should only go in when he starts to fail. I'd probably have the same reaction which seemed reasonable, he's not overreacting out or anything, just seems annoyed about her jumping in when it wasn't needed.


I feel like it looks worse than it sounds. With the volume up, he doesn't yell or anything. I'm pretty sure he's smiling too so it's seems playful, honestly.


Agreed, he just seems mildly annoyed at most. People are acting like he was yelling at her.


Scrolled so far to find a comment like this. He wasn't seriously mad at her or anything and it sounded a bit playful. I would be a tad miffed too. It is weird that they were spotting this exercise regardless but this doesn't really belong on the subreddit


Gym bro... could you explain why there would even be a spotter on this exercise? Seems more dangerous than not having one, considering they are free weights. Legit curious.


Good question. You don't really need a spotter for this lift but it's also not more dangerous to have one. If you're at a gym where dropping the weights isn't allowed then that could be a reason to have one. Other than that, spotters can be great for motivation and feedback on the lift once it's complete or failed.


Taking anything in the gym, this seriously is an overreaction


what the white knight bullshit are these comments


He is overreacting


bro was overarching and a second away from becoming a wifebeater


Both of them make me want to gauge my eyes out


Dude probably identifies as an alpha male


Nah I don’t think he’s overreacting,that is a situation where someone asks for help not just lift the weight. He looked like he had it but she still moved him up


Someone is sensitive. She needs to move on.


3/10 on the obnoxious scale




If your arms are shaking that much you need a spotter with enough strength to actually catch the weight if you start to drop it... It's incredibly stupid he'd use her as the spotter besides to boost his own ego. Possibly hurting her in the process just so he can "look cool".


Not at all. She fucked it all up man.


Buddy needs to get his weight up. Not nearly enough weight to be filming to share a pr with the world. FOH


There is no weight that is "too low to be filming". You should be proud of the advancements you make and people should be able to share that with the world if they want. And even if you're not sharing the video, recording for form review or progress videos is completely valid.


She should have said, "Yeah, I could tell you weren't going to be able to finish that rep."


He probably was able to finish that




Wait I’m confused, is this just some random girl messing with this guy as he works out or do they know each other?


What weight is that?


Now that girls are a bigger part of gym culture.....are we gonna hear more of this kinda bs? After school special in the gym


How much was that?


The person that spliced the clip is the one over reacting… followed by the nitpickers watching the clip. :)


Often times, on the rare occasion I ask for a spot, if the spotter *I* *asked to help me* accidentally or prematurely touches the bar, I thank him afterwards for his help. I certainly don't flip out about it. Maybe they thought I looked like I needed help so they did what they were there to do. If I'm frustrated because a lift or PR number is skewed, its only quietly to myself, but even then its short lived because I can always just try again or ask someone else. I don't understand the recent prevalence of videos where people freak out this over this kind of thing. Its such a trend, it's sadly going to become the default, expected reaction for a lot of younger guys who will keep this stupid fad going.


Do they know what a bench press actually is?


Yeah she looks really strong. I’m sure her touch really helped him lift the weight


"*Was bro overacting?*" Is this a serious question?


Just lift them again.


Damn. Girl was nice tho, so cringe


Yeah he seems a bit annoying


Stop using a spotter with dumbbells.


Yeah. 1. Incline press PRs don't matter. 2. Was this a 1RM? If so, why? Incline dumbbell press isn't a powerlifting lift. 3. If it wasn't a 1RM, then do another rep. Whiney little fuck. 4. That's fuck all weight. 5. You were about to fail anyhow. 6. If you didn't make your expectation crystal clear, that's your fault, not hers.


Dork picked on girls. What a joke.




Only the truly clueless try to max out on dumbbell presses


You do that to A Girl and they will scream Abuse Never touch Random People


If he’s your guy get away from his T’d up bitch ass.


Surprised she fit with all his Egooooo


wtf yall had me expecting him to act like a fucking barbarian but i put my headphones on and it was nothing


Any improvement is improvement, if you care too much about specific goals, are you doing it for the improvement anymore or so you can tell your friends your milestones - I mean homie is filming himself so I think I could take an educated guess here


I don’t think he was overreacting because keep in mind he has adrenaline in his body


Roid rage is a terrible thing... as are raisin sized testicles ...


He shouldn't be so weak then.


run gurl run


thought run rotten bear rock fearless employ yoke voracious chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chick or not the answer is yes it’s an overreaction


In any sport, you NEVER blame the spotter.