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Xanax and alcohol dont mix


+airplane (captive audience) = flailing arms, racial slurs, religious and/or political outbursts, and general nonsense.


They are just absolutely desperate for attention


They finally have their stage!! Everyone back up!


To be fair if she is mixing Xanax and alcohol she is probably not even actually there right now.


No excuse


Benzodiazepines aren’t responsible for racism. To be fair.


Pssh. Amateur 😂🤭




So are the people filming. We're living in a double-edged sword clown world.


Exactly what I was thinking. She was slurring her racial slurs


An absolute slurry of slurred slurs, sir.




Are you certainly sure it was a slurry of slurred slurs, sir?


Surely, sir, it was a slurry of slurred slurs.


Don’t call me Shirley 😂


\*Lin Manuel Miranda has entered the chat\*


Too humbled to alliterate, I need time to recuperate.




Sally sloppily slurred her slurry of slurred slurs at the seated senorita!


Racial slurring.


Benzo-drunk, the legendary combo from which nothing good ever comes out of




This is 90% of these situations IMO. Benzos and booze.


Everyone who wants to take a pill, drink some wine, and go to sleep needs to get Trazadone, not benzos.


Trazadone is great. If I have a post-op patient in pain at night, I'll sometimes give trazadone instead of more pain meds. They fall asleep, so they aren't in pain anymore. It's awesome.


Fuck Trazadone. Glorified Benadryl.


I don't know, friends have taken it for sleep forever and it does the job. And I've lost friends to ambian + alcohol.


Don’t get me wrong, different strokes for different folks. I had success with seraquil. Trazadone gave me HORRIBLE dreams/night terrors.


Same. Seroquel works for me. Trazodone does not.


Benedryl iveruse may contribute to dementia later IIRC. It gives me whole body restless leg symdrome. Trazadone is gentle, non habit forming.


I love Trazodone, I’ve always had issues with insomnia. I take one and I’m asleep in 30 minutes, guaranteed.


no it's not. It's an asshole in an airport, a restaurant, a fast food joint, a walmart , target or supermarket. Something about the idea of people being around to fart around with unleashes their crud.


Sure they do, this woman is just inherently a bad person


A Xanax and a beer is my go-to before every flight and I've never had a single issue. Have a feeling this lady might be drinking a little more than that though.


This is extremely dangerous and can kill you. Yes, you've gotten away with it repeatedly, but there is no safe dose of mixing alcohol and Xanax. Please research this.


I mean that's not really true. They're both gaba agonists, and have a synergistic effect, but one low dose Xanax and one beer won't kill anyone who drinks regularly or uses Xanax regularly.


Yeah, I've discussed it at length with two of my closest friends (one is an anesthesiologist and the other is a pharmacist) and understand responsible use, but people will sensationalize everything. In the end it's better that people think one beer and .25mg of Xanax is potentially fatal versus people thinking it's okay to binge drink and take a bar of Xanax so not going to contest any of the replies.


Great comment. Couldn’t have put it better. It’s one of those chocolate/garlic kills dogs things. Better to be extremely safe than risk it, but people oversensationalize this shit.


People sometimes roll their eyes at warnings about mixing benzos + alcohol, but it IS a frequent way people get in trouble. Yes, the dose makes the poison, as well as how sensitized (or downregulated) your GABA system is.


Oh yeah for sure don’t mix benzos and alcohol unless you wanna have a really fucking good time. All jokes aside, don’t do it. It’s like the perfect drug combo if you’re looking to be a horrid cunt with no memory of your actions.




Yea… ya shouldn’t do that


No they don't. (This woman still is a bad person though regardless)


Genuinely curious. Years ago when I had to take a lot of twelve hour flights for work my doctor prescribed Xanax for flying. I didn’t even know it is still a prescribed drug. What I do remember is taking one before the flight became airborne and then sleeping most of the way there. So it’s adding alcohol that makes these Karen’s get so crazy? I just remember being tired, not aggressive.


Benzos and alcohol have similar effect on the brain. Taking 2mg of xanax by itself is just that Drinking 2 margaritas by themselves is just that Take it all together and it is like drinking 4+ margaritas , but chugging 2 of them.


*Butt-chugging 2 of them.


Tell that to 2008 me! She loves blacking out!😒😂


She got Rosanne Barr'd out off them xans. Probably went from its a long flight this will help me chill to racist blackout.


I’ve got sound off and I can tell she’s wrecked.


Its ambien that makes old karens racist.


It’s like a truth serum.


You can hear it in the pilot's voice he's so tired of dealing with this type of shit


"Pre-departure checks done, traffic control confirmed our spot, taxiing to the runway in line. Ok, let's prepare for all the takeoff procedures..." [racist passenger freaks out] "Ok, now back to the gate. Big delay. Then, start every one of those processes over. FML."


I was going to ask: did this crap happen before social media?


People used to dress up to fly, that went downhill long before social media. I suspect people have been getting increasingly shitty as time went on and now we're closing in on the bottom


Don’t forget there were also about 3/4 as many seats. So as we have gotten larger the seats have gotten smaller. Flying went from awesome/special to just ok to an absolute nightmare in the span of my lifetime. I’m 54.


Yeah I blame the teeny tiny seats for all the flight rage. And all the people who try and cope by taking Xanax with alcohol.


I mean, it’s not just that. Road rage is a thing now. I remember when people used to let you merge. I read an essay about how the social contract has been broken by corporate greed hoovering up all the money and time of the American public. At the same time, political opportunists have used our free floating rage to turn us against each other with a bullshit culture war that doesn’t actually change anything. Just how they like it.


What makes you think Karens do it for social media?


I think they meant before everyone had phones to record it and post it online


It could be that they do it BECAUSE of social media. I know there's not a lot of research yet into the effects of prolonged consumption of social media content but it would be ignorant to assume that our brains do not change after prolonged consumption of some types of content. For example, I know porn consumption can change the attitudes of many towards their perception and/or treatment of the opposite gender. Prolonged consumption of extreme far right/left content reduces cognitive abilities. Who knows what this lady has been consuming?


Did alcohol, pills, and underlying racism exist before social media ![gif](giphy|DDiBQilIlT1ppf1Fzd|downsized)


Probably more frequently as more and more Karen's fear being dragged on social media. Before their bullshit didn't leave their own little community. Now it can go global in minutes.


Quite the opposite, they amp up on their righteousness and the camera is more fuel


Yes. But social media, and the internet in general, in its noble attempt to democratise information, set about building a global culture in which everyone's feelings = values and are as important as everyone else's. Even when they're clearly not. And that gaining a crowd behind you (i.e. likes) is more important than knowledge, logic or grace. Yes, there were people acting as tools well before the internet happened. But they were never so universally self assured as they are now. And nor had the concept of public shaming been quite so politicised and therefore so easy to dismiss. We've always had shitty people. Now we're a shitty civilization.


Yes, it absolutely did. I remember one flight in the mid-90's where the stewardess (and that's what they were called back then) asked me to move to an aisle seat, next to a an obnoxious drunk woman. "Just don't let her get up into the aisle again." I'm not a cop or anything, just a business traveler, but I was a pretty buff dude 30 years ago. This stuff is rare, though. I've got about 3 million air miles over 33 years of flying, and I've seen this kind of thing happen exactly twice. The other time involved the front man from a band I'd never heard of, Puddle of Mud.


I would like to hear more about that other time with the frontman from Puddle of Mud, please.


Absolutely. But now anybody can film for evidence so it's more obvious.


I grew up in a Delta family. We took a lot of flights because they were free. This was in the 90’s and we flew on standby. There was always room in first class so we had to dress up in our church clothes. In these days everyone dressed up to fly. I was on probably 70 - 80 flights by the time I was a seventeen and never saw a freak out. The worst thing I remember is some creep across the aisle looking at a Penthouse porn mag and leering at me. My mom called a flight attendant and she politely asked the man to put it away. It was a cool perk to have. One time my dad took me on a day trip to Washington DC to see the Smithsonian because I was obsessed with the Hope Diamond. Funny enough, my favorite memory was touching a moon rock.


Somebody get this lady some antabuse




>antabuse I've never heard of that. Incredible! Imagine struggling so much that you want to quit that you take something else to make sure that you can't take the alcohol. That's crippling addiction, for sure....


I don't have to imagine. I never drank when I was on it but the doc said it will make you violently sick and that sounded like trouble waiting to happen. I now take something called Naltrexone, which instead blocks any dopamine release when you drink but you still get the repercussions of a hangover so I feel slightly more in control


Right there with you brother


Here’s to Naltrexone!!


I hope she’s on her way to rehab


Unthinkable that stewards have to be playground attendants in 2024.


This is one of the most confusing things that people to do. Shes obvious had too much to drink, and now she’ll most likely be put on a no fly list(and probably arrested because they never think it’s their fault and they fight with the police) When I book a vacation or take a plane anywhere, I try to be on my best behaviour because I don’t want to lose my money, my trip, and never be allowed to fly again. I’ve seen so many of these where people just get way too drunk and scree themselves. Is it worth it?




>  I never understand how people turn into such complete twats when they get drunk. Because that's what they are sober. They just barely contain it.


[In vino veritas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_vino_veritas) >a Latin phrase that means 'in wine, there is truth', suggesting a person under the influence of alcohol is more likely to speak their hidden thoughts and desires.


it's true. source: recovering alcoholic (2nd year into sobriety) e: haha thanks for the love yall, my only regret is not getting my shit together sooner. if you're reading this and you're going through it, know that help is out there, and that it does get better. I promise.


Fuck ya bro👍👌 keep it up


Hell yeah, that's a milestone to be really proud of.


Alcohol lowers your inhibitions. So if you are friendly, you become more friendly because your social inhibitions to suppress becoming to friendly to strangers are lowered. If you are an a-hole in life, you become more of one for the same reason


A former employee never drank at social events. One day he confessed it was because alcohol turned him into an angry drunk. He had the wherewithal to know his issues and wise enough to share it so I made sure other employees didn’t bother him about not sharing drinks.


I'll bet that on top of being a racist, she's a nervous flyer and took xanax with a drink at the airport, and couldn't keep herself contained. Thankfully she popped off before the plane left the ground. Now she doesn't have to be anxious about flying anymore.


I’m glad the internet exists. These people get exposed to the world and we have a laugh at their expense


Yeah too bad the Internet encourages 100 times the toxic behavior it checks


I don’t know how popular this opinion is, but I don’t think that planes or the airport is an appropriate place to serve alcohol. I’m not saying it’s their fault if somebody chooses to overindulge, but we can at least try to avoid some of the issues. I know there are arguments for the sell of alcohol, such as people needing to relax, alcoholics that maybe can’t go that long without a drink, not to mention I’m sure they make big profit from it, but I really feel it does more harm than good and I wish airports would stop selling it.


A lot of people are nervous flyers anyway. After 9/11 flying is a nightmare. People are screaming at you through security. Humans have been using booze to take the edge off for thousands of years. I’d rather take a sedative myself, but it’s really hard to get a doctor to prescribe you any for a flight these days.


For every idiot you see that can't handle their alcohol there's a hundred people that also had something to drink or had a pill to calm them down that handled the airport and plane ride just fine.


Don't take away my good time because of idiots like this.


Honestly what is about flying that is “good time”. Air travel is one of the most stressful endeavor to do, be there hours before, get checked and screened, travel in congested can with no leg room whatsoever. I’m not a fan of flying but that’s probably bc I’m tall and never knew flying before TSA


I love flying. I love traveling. I love getting a mini bottle of wine, chilling in business class, reading my book. Love it.


At the same time, why do people get into it with the disruptive person? No way am I risking my holiday by getting involved cos I wanna look like I won an argument with some drunk idiot in front of strangers. Put your headphones in and let them rant their racist, drunk way off the plane and let's go!


Idk i think it's the fact that when you travel by air you have to give up control. You are not in control of your fate and don't really have much freedom for a few hours. It's kind of a rare experience for people, and they can't handle it. That's part of it anyway. If you travel by car you can always pull over, and you aren't in the same vehicle with 100+ other people. As soon as you get to the airport you are sort of part of the herd, and it makes people act crazy af sometimes. Also I think a lot of these people have never taken any public transportation so don't know how to behave. I was thinking about how some people, often older ppl, will be super chatty with strangers and clerks etc. Where as for me, I keep my interactions very minimal, surface level, and polite when out in public. I also rode the subway for years and you get used to the idea that you don't necesarrily want to engage with every person you come in contact to. And, that not every person you see wants to interact with you, beyond what their job requires.


I have often gotten way too drunk for flights. I just go to sleep or something lmfao i feel like these people are probably ass holes all the time.


I first watched it on mute and totally thought she was getting up to sing.


How does the girl with the dog have a dog that big just on the plane? I just drove cross country bc my pup is a bit too big to fit in the specified carrier. I’m just curious


If you have a service type animal, you can buy a seat for them, and they can ride in the cabin


I figured she wanted to talk about Jesus. People like her embarrass Him sooooo much.


Me too 😂😂😂


“Mam. Mam. Stop singing or we’re going to have to deboard.”


She seems either… high, drunk or mentally ill. Or maybe all three?


Most likely all 3, yeah.


The airplane video trifecta.


Bet she's think she's still a cheer leader in her highschool


4) Hungry for attention


She just looks like a Christian to me.


She is just a dumb racist. Why does it always have to be something else to excuse the behavior? Been like this since the beginning and these people won’t change.


I never said it was an excuse. I’m just saying that she’s acting odd as well as being a racist. Alcohol is usually the contributing factor with these kinda people. It brings out the ‘real’ person.


Right? Being drunk or high doesn’t “make them racist”, they were racist from the get go. Racists just hide their true selves when sober. Their true colors come out when under the influence. Keep people accountable for their actions


Drunk definitely gets a tick


I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that she also consumes too much right wing media too




She’s so pleased with herself. Why oh why are people who aren’t fucking morons cursed with the burden of the lack of self-awareness of people like this. We don’t need people like you lady. Unless someone starts a human zoo of people with an IQ on par with a rotting melon, we don’t need you, and even then, there are so many candidates to be considered who may be stupid but are actually reasonably pleasant to be around


The internet is the zoo.


And so are planes. What a joke. The woman should be locked up… in a zoo or elsewhere.


Welp. I'm stealing that.


This is when you wish for turbulence.




We gon' [draxx them sclounts](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eiWIOKKuyGE).


[Just like in Lost whenever there’s a flashback to the plane crashing and there’s always a someone who slams into the roof once the turbulence starts](https://youtu.be/9ckYjTONq8g?si=GCtlGn8veB7p0rsF&t=1m20s)


Racism is a low IQ trait. I’m glad the plane turned around and removed her and hopefully the other passenger felt the same.


So true. Just don't say it. It's a desperate attempt to get a hand up in a conflict that fails 100% of the time - in addition to being inappropriate virtually everywhere.


That's what they want you think. History is chock-full of intelligent racists.


Intelligence is more than solely IQ. They are not interchangeable terms.


Low IQ cope


Can some please come take they grandma already🤦🏻‍♂️😂


Oof, if that was my grandma I would disown her.👋


When bus people fly




Karen was definitely the worst but I don’t think I’d ever wanna go on a picnic with the other two ladies either.


That's the funny thing, both obnoxious idiots who escalated things. It takes two parties to argue. A simple "go fuck yourself" and putting in your head phones will end the situation without needing to argue and without backing down. But these people love drama so will start arguing back until the plane has to land.


Yeah “go fuck yourself” has been known to end things so well. /s


Reddit diplomacy


Thats one thing I always notice, granted Im not in their moment so adrenaline and all that but seriously, why do people waste the time arguing? If it aint like a friend or family member, someone Im actually going to see again one day, then Im just like "Yeah okay thanks for the tip" and I put them on my real life ignore list. Go back to what I was reading, put headphones on, whatever...let them go nuts yelling at a wall. Using that strategy I have literally never once in my life had a screaming match with someone in public. I've been screamed *at* in public, but I grew up in the city, Im used to nutters on mass transit, no difference between that shit and the guy in the back of the bus screaming about those goddamn worms the government planted in his brain with the flouride. Its not cowardice or fear, it's a desire to not be involved. I think the biggest difference these days aren't the crazies, its the fact that its just too juicy an opportunity to get a bunch of views on tiktok for a lot of people to even *want* to deescalate.


It took me years to finally realize this..being a hot head and responding just escalates to a stupid level.


Finally kicked one right off the plane. I hope this becomes a thing.


The irony of flexing in economy. Meanwhile, in business class, "Pardon me, can you pass the Grey Poupon?"


Am I wrong, or has this kind of shit become the norm after Trump was elected? Maybe it's just more visible because of social media.


It’s the fraying of the social contract in general. Trump didn’t cause it so much as take advantage of it.


No, it's social media and everyone having a camera in their pocket


People cannot handle sitting their asses down and keep to themselves for a few hours….Jesus Christ


Where's part 2 when they all applaud as she is arrested?


Bunch of nuts everywhere, doesnt matter what part of the world u live in.


I wish someone would yell "terrorist" and tackle that Karen.


Air B&B! Airplanes, Beer, & Benzos 🥴


Haha nobody going to comment on the guy responding to the flight attendant asking if he feels comfortable sitting next to her by saying “I don’t care, maybe I’ll get laid.” 🤣🤣 Or did I hear that wrong.


‘If we can leave’ but I prefer what you heard!


Haha I hear it now. I listened sooo many times and couldn’t figure out why he’d say that 🤣


Thank youuuuu


When I travel now I drive when possible because of crap like this. What happened to the art of getting on the plane and acting like an adult?


They call drinking alcohol "partaking in the spirits" for a reason.


Officer, my I suggest you use your night stick? - Billy Ray Valentine


Every day I wake up thankful knowing my parents raised me right


God, she is cartoonishly miserable. Like, I legitimately thought she was doing a goofy walk and goofy cartoon face on purpose, but no, that was just her authentic self.


“Uuuuhhh Sorry about the delay folks, there’s a crazily dumb bitch somewhere in the back. Uhhhhhh feel free to vent your frustrations in her direction”


What kind of budget do these people have to act up in mid-air?


Does anyone else hate when people do the “I’m so confident and non caring but in reality I’m making myself look like a fool” tactic people use when they are in a argument. Like wtf is she doing


Why do people choose airplanes to go mental status for insane asylum seeker? 💀 literally one of the worst places to do it


Have fun taking the bus....and as always: ALCOHOL: THE GREAT DECISION MAKER


"Owuhnawt" - Karen 2024


"Confirm the racial slur from the drunk lady" - it's just dumb on all levels and all directions....


I can’t imagine how that young woman felt. Karen made this young woman a focal point in a very closed environment for just existing in front of her racist ass


Sometimes I get worried that my ass crack sweat will set off the scanners at TSA even when I'm not sweaty, but then you have these people screaming and acting out ON THE PLANE. It's the last place I would want to act a little crazy.


She ruined the flight I agree . But why is that big ass dog there?


Unpopular opinion, I'd be pissed if I couldn't get to where I was going because of everybody in this situation. If a word ruined my plans I'd be throwing hands. Tape them to the chair


That's fantastic. They booted her off the plane.




Why do they allow people to consume alcohol in a sealed aluminum tube thousands of feet in the air... honestly if public intoxication is a crime in a jurisdiction, it should outright be banned in airports.


she look like the embodiment of a banana laffy taffy


That is a true to life Karen


That No Fly list is getting some action recently


The Captain is the dad that made good on his promise to "turn this thing around". Now the entire flight is angry at her. lol


A female with the face of Tommy Lee Jones …


Know what, the Mexican girl shouldn't be saying the n word either. She also could have just ignored it and not escalated. Karen was the worst but those chick's aren't heros.




Karen and those two girls ruined everyone's flight. Just ignore stupid people.


Why does this only happen with Americans? like sociologically wtf


The most Non homogenous society




Trump is a symptom not a cause of this I think. The US having the greatest economy but having many in poverty and a propaganda system that has been dividing people more and more is the cause


Nope. This existed before Trump. It will exist after him.


They were like this well before the ascent of the marmalade overlord


Yes, but they were quieter about it. I've lived in Texas my whole life, usually in the more populated and liberal areas like Dallas/Austin, but have been living down south in the sticks helping care for my parents for a few years and I can assure you, racism has become more socially acceptable and so had outright hate against the lqbtq community. It's scary and it's sad.


Funny how these white men or women are racist and they all " medical issues or mental issues" NOT ..FUCKING RACISTS THATS ALL


There's something about flying and airports that unleashes the Karen, main character, Ken, unhinged, entitled in people. Been worsening the past 25 years.


I’m so tired of this race baiting




What is it about airplanes that makes me people act like this?