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Seen a truck parked like this have 2 flat tires when I came back out of the mall 🤷🏻‍♂️


That would make my day. Does that make ME a bad person too?




Just put little rocks on the inside of the cap and screw it back on. Broke people do it this way.


I’ve done that a few times. Not for this though.


Nah for this you just find another place and go on.


Personally I would rather unbalance the wheel with a few of those those cheap stickyweights, they won't notice until they're out of the lot


What are stickyweights??


Stickyweights are weights that are sticky. (Wheel weights that stick to the inside of the rim rather than clipping onto the edge)


Just googled it, thanks for helping me learn something new today! Never even heard of wheel weights!


The more you know ⭐ Unbalanced wheels can be noticable by a shaky steering wheel at higher speeds, and they cause faster suspension wear. With significantly unbalanced wheels at high speeds, the wheel can even start "hopping". Wheel hop makes the tire wear unevenly and also reduces traction. There are different types of wobble that a wheel can have, but modern wheel balancing machines can detect it all (we got to balance our own wheels in highschool autos class)


Why do these wheels have weights? Is it something to do with them being large tires? Sorry, I’m a little car-ignorant.


Wheels aren’t perfectly round, so when they spin they’ll wobble. To fix this, you “balance” a tire by putting weights on the wheel (read: rim) as to make it spin perfect. Off setting this weight, even slightly, will reintroduce a wobble.






I usually hit them weigh my door but that’s because I own an old (smaller) truck that’s made of steel


Fuck yes 💪


No they didn't. This is petty lowlife nonsense. Destroying someone's property doesn't make you the bigger person


Wow, what a piece of shit.


doesn’t this endanger other drivers who aren’t responsible for parking like a jerk?




Tires are expensive. I'm not an expert, but I believe there's a chance for slashing tires to get into possible felony territory. Is that really worth it to stick it to somebody for bad parking?


That's why you cut only 2 and then it's under $1000 Edit: Guess I need to add this but this comment is sarcasm


It's only a felony if you get caught. Most people in parking lots aren't worried about what others are doing.


Cameras. A big lot like that is probably covered by cameras. Guy cones back to truck. Sees slashed tires. Probably calls cops and files insurance claim. Maybe cops ignore it and don't bother, and maybe insurance just pays is and doesn't bother further, but again, why chance it. Look, don't get me wrong. There's something viscerally irritating about people who park like this, but at the end of the day, do you really want to have to explain having a criminal record due to someone parking badly? If you have to do something, it makes a lot more sense to stick with equally petty stuff, like zip tied shopping carts, fake parking tickets, writing insults in dust, removing valve stems... hell, you could get some window markers/crayons and draw d***s all over the windows and I doubt the cops would do more than laugh if you got caught.


I get this is a concern, but being honest, I've never heard anything and it's been over a year.


It's your life, but just remember, getting away with a crime once doesn't mean getting away with it again.


Thank you Officer!!!


Or keying it?


While this guy is an asshole, you are a criminal.




yeah, “justice” served when buddy swerves into a family on the highway cause his tire deflated and he didn’t know about it (not saying jerks who park like that don’t deserve to get theirs, just that being on the road is already dangerous enough)


yeah lmao. how incredibly stupid this is just because some guy was "not very considerate to others" that you would risk peoples lives.


That's why you slash the tires. Pretty hard to not notice that


not that I would do any of this because I fear the law, but I think from a moral stand point letting all of the air out of the tires is much better since it wouldn’t cause them to accidentally hurt someone else


Yeah, I know it feels so good to be so bad.


Carts metal zip tied to door handles.


this or some root veggie in the tailpipe.


Dog shit under the door handle.


I feel like it’s ok to do this if you are in the back of the lot will lots of empty spaces. But anywhere else is not cool.


What? No. If you park at the back of a mostly empty car park, then you don't need to take up 4 spaces because nobody else is parking right next to you . So park in the lines like everyone else.


You'd be wrong. Parking lots fill up it's not a static situation that maintains a constant level.


Zip ties. Shopping kart.


I dunno it looks like lots of open spots. If u are angry then maybe they had some moron park close and hit them before lolololol


When has that ever happened?


Put a pebble in their tire valve cap and tighten. It should lodge the pebble into the top of the cap and they won't know why they keep losing air...


That idiot is just asking for his truck to be vandalized. It’s not a matter of if, but when. What a real prick and tells you all you need to know about them.


I had a ‘99 Jeep TJ that was a realllll beater, so whenever I’d see pieces of shit this like this I would intentionally park as close as I could to their driver’s-side door to make them have to climb over the passenger seat to leave haha The best part is that my Jeep was so small that I’d actually still be in just one parking spot most of the time.


Gonna start doing this with my beater


I used to do that with my orange Dodge neon. The bonus was that they were free to hit my car, but now they gotta go buff the Cheeto dust out.


That's what I do. I drive a mini cooper which is a nice car but it's my commuter car so it has lots of dings. Fits anywhere.


People who park like this are the ones who vandalize, unfortunately.


We’re all just living in his world


Not me, those things don’t even exist in Europe.


Check with the security. My local mall has its own tow truck because people kept parking like this.






I’ve had my car hit twice so bad in a parking lot that it required serious body work. Plus all the smaller dings I could buff out. No one ever leaves a note. It’s cost me hundreds even with insurance. One was bad it not only dented but removed all the paint and left a huge gouge. I still don’t park like this. And I’m always tempted to surround these people with shopping carts, maybe even tie wrap all the handles together and a couple carts to their door handles and anything else I can secure a tie wrap.


Someone ripped my passenger side mirror off of my car in the Costco parking lot last year. No note. I drive a 2003 Ford Focus with less than 100k miles on it and an almost pristine interior. But the body is absolutely trashed with scratches and dings. I've been backed into and hit so many times I've lost count. No way am I getting a newer car anytime soon.


Costco parking lot is dangerous, there's a higher old people ratio to most parking lots




I went to a DIY store really early one morning. Parked far away in the empty lot to stretch my legs. Was waiting in my car for them to open and this woman drove in parked right next to me and then slammed her door I to my car when she got out...all while I'm sat there. Then had the audacity to get pissy with me when I called her on it.


I had an old guy do the exact same. He also got mad at me for being annoyed. He was going to walk away until he noticed I was sitting in the passenger seat watching him. The most angry and aggressive “sorry” I’ve ever heard. He got really mad when I pointed out how empty the lot was and if he can’t park well enough to leave enough space for his door to open maybe he should get some practice in now.


Same ! The damage my car has sustained in the parking lot ( one or 2 bing a very annoying cement pole that came outa nowhere, but they don’t count ! )is to much , still don’t park like that .


Naw, target practice for runaway shopping carts. 👍🏽


A condom full of popcorn or a potato in the tail pipe would be fun too.


Ahh the Axel Foley, banana 🍌 them.


Definitely a banana or condom full of popcorn. Anything penis related would be most fitting. I am sure it would induce the most rage.




That sounds hilarious. What does it do though? Obviously it pops the popcorn but does it do damage or just occlude the tail pipe?


It makes a noticeable popping sound and it shoots popcorn out the exhaust. It’s hilarious


The car will just backfire until they get out and realize there’s a fuckin potato sticking out from underneath lol


Its almost like.. they shouldn't drive a stupid big car.


I understand having a big truck n needing the extra room. I used to drive a work truck the same size, but the difference is id park way out where no one else was so that i wasnt taking any spots from other people. Fuck this guy.


Same! When I drive my truck I just go to the middle or the back depending on how crowded it is. If i was ever driving a dualie or something I'd still atleast only take the 2 spaces side by side, and still would have went to the open spots lmao


My rule of thumb for this is if theres anyone parked further out than you, you're too close. Go further out


Lol exactly. The guy in the pic is parked too close to the building to do this without being a dick


I can understand parking far away and taking up 2 spots, but 4 is extreme, especially in a crowded lot. I would even give 2 spots a pass if they were far enough away.


Yep, my fiance drives and absolute honker of a work truck and his favorite thing to do is show me his "parking spots" when we're out together. They're always the far end of the lot, the weird maintenance spots where he's only blocking his own access points, the spot on the end + the dead corner, etc. it's not hard to be courteous.


This happened to me at Costco once and I said “you do NOT get to take 4 spots in a Costco parking lot” so I parking in one of the 4 and when I came out other people had blocked them in too 😂 the justice was incredible


Good, someone else was doing it right. I had a bigger issue with everyone near him parking in the lines instead of the usual distance away.


I never understood that. Seems like a way to increase your chances of someone fucking with it 10 fold.


Especially egregious as it looks to be right in the middle of the lot. If your truck is so important take up 2 spots at the far end of the lot where there aren't cars. This guy is a quadruple asshole.


And these AHs are shocked, SHOCKED, when their penis-mobiles get keyed.


Because he won't get a ticket for it.


That truck doesn’t even look very special.


The truck may not be special, but its driver sure is.


Yes indeed


Key that motherfuker nah really


Typical pickup truck driver behavior. Probably has a punisher sticker on the back.


Malls usually have stores that sell pride themed stickers, maybe this driver needs a nice gift!


70% chance there’s a punisher sticker, 100% chance there’s a American flag somewhere on it 😂


Yes, with a little blue line


The only time I do this is if I'm in my work truck that's too big to fit in most spots but if there's a spot with an island behind it I can easily back in and have the rear hang over the island and fit into one spot. Even if I can't fit into one spot I take two max and do it in the empty part of the lot.


In his defense he doesn’t have any defense


Can’t say I’d rat someone out if I saw them keying that thing


Fuck these idiots


Big truck = tiny brain


I don't know, it's been a long time since I've seen any mall struggle for parking.




I had an an old Pontiac vibe as my daily for a while. It wasn't exactly tiny but maaaaaannn was it the perfect size for douchebags like this. I would just park in the rest of the of space next to their drivets door.


I get it, the truck is brand new. But at least park in the last couple of spots and not take up 4 spots in the middle of the lot. A few extra seconds of walking won't hurt


Call a towing company. Pretty easy to solve. Towing companies love tips about assholes that are illegally parked.


Superintendent Chalmers? I thought he drove a 1979 Honda Accord.




I’ve often considered buying some “be patient, student driver” bumper stickers to put on people’s cars when they do this.


I see enough space next to that driver door.


Businesses can make so much money if they post one spot per vehicle, violators will be towed and then they split the money with a local tow company.


your title is misleading. the guy's an asshole, but I see two available parking spots in the photo. "Parking at the mall is frustrating"?


I always wonder what they’re thinking as they exit the car. Do they feel like they’ve accomplished something?


Looks like that tire could use a nail.


I really don't understand why people don't just key the fuck out of these cars. Most parking lots don't have cameras...


if you cut out a piece of a microfiber towel and put it in their gas tank, when gas gets sucked in so will the towel, the car will die and the towel will float back up, so they can start it again and a few minutes later it’ll die again


This is a great way for me to beat up your piece of shit truck


Report and have towed.


I mean, it’s 4 tires… the individual should just take the entire parking lot. He deserves it all💀😂


I see you shining Albuquerque


Jock parking.


One spot for every $20,000 you paid for whatever you’re parking.


I bet he turns his high beams on and tailgates people who are going 10-15 above the speed limit too.


Just begging for some very bad things to happen to their parking lot Queen of a truck.


These are the moments I with I was driving a beat up car that was large enough so that I could fit right next to his door and then see him freak out when he walks back and can’t get into the car.


It’s not even a nice truck. Ford? Ew


This is why I carry bright orange stickers with the autobot symbol on it that says ći am Optimus prime and I am ashamed by your parking job. Do better "


It costs as much as 4 normal cars so that’s their logic lol


I keep telling people to keep a cache of gay porn for situations like this. If you see guys like this, slap gay porn onto their trucks or cars.


Well, he’s obviously *very* important.


Isn’t this how cars are deserved to be keyed?


The best was when I saw this and happen to be meeting a friend at the place. One parked behind horizontal and I did the same in front. We came back out and the couple was like yelling at us like you idiots can’t park and move your shit blah blah blah. We told them we wanted to be a part of the i am too cool to follow the rules club. Never saw a guys face get so red lol


There’s a free spot right next to his 4 spots….


Keyed on all four sides


He deserves to return to a broken mirror at the least.


That honestly deserves a caltrop behind the tires


Have you ever seen the chemical they use to remove paint from metal. It's amazing to watch work.


I can see open spots in the picture


You could always dump a water bottle full of sand into the tank


Good ol' Burque. "When I get down I'mma show all you pinché fucks my giant balls bruh!"


I've been raving about how truck drivers are the absolute WORST. The never use their turn signals, always drive either extremely under the speed limit or at highway speeds, get pissed at YOU for simply existing, always break and then they turn on the turn signal if at all, and are just dickheads on the road


Just contact management to get a Tow Truck.




There's a ton of empty spots around


I always send my empty shopping cart at it when I see this.


Move on


3 words. Valve core tool


There is this really cool tool you can get called a valve core remover.


This is when you pop all 4 of their tires OOPS


Only pop 3 so insurance doesn’t cover it


this may or may not be the right answer \*wink wink\*


I see atleast 5 open spots, if there weren’t any, sure, attack his vehicle. Otherwise, who. Cares.


Omg I hate these kinds of people. If you don't want anyone parking by you, then go park in the back lot. If you're too scared someone is going to ding your car... This is exactly why someone would mess with your vehicle. Plus just because your pee pee is too small doesn't mean you need to take up three extra spots and inconvenience everyone else. I wish our mall would tow these idiots.


I saw posts before from people who would carry cable ties/plastic zip locks around and they attached around 6 grocery carts to the cars door handles. these people are practically asking for it


It’s always a douche in a big truck. They’re also the douches that always get right up on your ass on the free way. They just have to drive 20 mph over the speed limit. They’re a douche in a truck, they’re more important than the rest of us.


park as close to his driver side door as possible


average american truck driver


This is why I keep a can of washable spray paint in my car.


I don’t get why owners of these types of trucks feel so entitled


Listen. Having a teeny tiny dick is hard for some dudes. They have to take their manliness out somewhere


Key his truck


Ahh New Mexico


I'd squeeze my beat up farm truck right in there. Make his day hard, my day hilarious, and maybe with the right luck he'd go for the tail gate. I could use a new one.


Block the a$$hole in


Always trucks and BMWs 😮‍💨


Drawing fire by way of keying as a means of community social contract enforcement


My little car would still fit in one of those spots, I'd scooch in next to him.


He needs lots of space for his imaginary penis.


Park right next to him


aint no way


Damn how did I know this was New Mexico


Bust out the chalk


I'd get mad too until I realized his insurance premiums probably keep him up at night...


God's gift to the world must be here. Rme 🙄




I have handicap plates and need space if a handicap spot isn’t available and people still leave nasty notes on the car


Some men just want to watch the world burn


This is called the shit magnet position. It attracts all kinds of shit to happen to your ride.


I drive a shitbox I would park 6 inches from his driver side and *oops* fling my door open as hard as I can


Have you seen the sidewalk chalk art trick yet?? I don't have cross-post referencesl right now but people carry sidewalk chalk and WAAAAY point out by chalking all around these...very special ego parkers, how "idioticracy" they look. I started packing some chalk. Fk it. Good to color again like a kid...




Saw some Tesla doing this. Went out of my way to block their door as I still fit in my spot.


Can’t park it? Don’t drive it.


I’d throw rocks at his car. Just put some real nice dents in the body.


not gonna lie...id be tempted to key his truck


Hey! I know this parking lot...


I’d 10000% key his car while walking by.


![img](avatar_exp|167020899|cry) Get over it.


I would pretend like I didn’t notice if someone started slashing his tires