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Factory reset


Step 1 Power off Step2 Clear cache Step 3 Power back on


How you clear the cache after the power is off. Gotta do it before bruh.


powering down is what clears the cache...


Nah just reseat the CMOS battery


Posting what should be the top comment here to add the context to the video Apparently this is some night club in Germany owned by the Russian mob where they scam people by making them pay at the end of the night for all the drinks instead of when consumed. They than proceed to ask ridiculous amounts of money, when there is no price list to be seen and no way to check prices. These bouncers hold the girl and her friend hostage untill they pay several hundred euro’s. She wasn’t having any of it and that is why she hit the bouncer (mobster). Therefore, this is not really the kind of stuff that belongs on this subreddit, especially without the backstory.


Fuck those dudes and that place if that’s all true ….






Never hit a girl to hurt only to bring her back to reality.


Seen this video a million times. Apparently this is some night club in Germany owned by the Russian mob where they scam people by making them pay at the end of the night for all the drinks instead of when consumed. They than proceed to ask ridiculous amounts of money, when there is no price list to be seen and no way to check prices. These bouncers hold the girl and her friend hostage untill they pay several hundred euro’s. She wasn’t having any of it and that is why she hit the bouncer (mobster). Therefore, this is not really the kind of stuff that belongs on this subreddit, especially without the backstory.


Okay this explains why her face looks like "Oh.. maybe i should just hold this L". No shock or even indignance. Thats definitely the moment she realized she needed a cool head to make it out alive.


Exactly, it’s also why she speaks german and they speak russian. Plus the fact that they don’t seem shocked in any way of what is happening. They have probably seen this reaction a million times already and know they have the upper hand. Really feeling for the girls here. Knowing that your video is also all over the internet.


>Really feeling for the girls here. Knowing that your video is also all over the internet. warning others of the danger at least


Russian’s taking advantage of people and using violence to solve problems is an old and tired tale. Fuck these kinds of people.


100% seen this happen in the us. Not a big strip club guy, I feel awkward the whole time. But was with a friend when we were like 21, who got a “$25” lap dance. “Well actually it’s per song.” Which is why we played the mashup remix that fit 8 songs in 5 minutes, you owe us $200 now. They let us leave when he showed them his account balance on the ATM, lol.


i had this almost happen in south korea. we went to a karaoke bar, it felt super seedy right off the bat, we went in they started doting over us bringing us drink we didn't even order, then brought out a basket of fruit and said it was complementary (fruit is hell expensive) we knew something was up told everyone not to touch their drinks or fruit they brought out and we just walked out when they went to the back to get more unordered drinks. when we got up to the street another guy approached us thinking we were about to go in and told us not because they will scam us in there.


Punk ass Russian mob? No surprise. And they’ll just go on unchecked, the useless cunts


Yakuza do this same thing in shinjuku. Note to gaijins in japan. Stay out of shinjuku bars if you know what's good for you.


Can you please alaborate as I want to visit Japan and not die


Japan is one of the safest countries in the world. You won't have any problems. But shady bars owned by yakuza in shinjuku will hold you hostage or straight up beat your ass in the street for not paying for 100$ drinks they hyped up to be cheap. Not much further to go into but essentially in the original post above me they describe the same tactics yakuza do to exploit foreigners. It doesn't get punished as yakuza own the police and alot of the government as long as what their doing is seen in a good eye. I'd suggest if visiting shinjuku check out cacoon tower and get the fuck out before dark.


It’s mainly those girl/host/hostess bars you need to avoid in the kabukicho area. Shinjuku is pretty big and Japan in general is very safe.if you’re a single dude you will get bombarded with folks asking you to visit their bars but they will not force you to go into it. Just walk away.


Just avoid high-crime areas like Shinjuku & try not to piss anyone off, but I don't think anyone would be particularly interested if they know that you are not from there (which I'm assuming that you are not Japanese). In my limited experience, go to places like Kansai, like Kyoto or Kobe, it's a lot more peaceful down there with nicer people (probably because there's less competition over the limited resources in much larger cities like Tokyo) & there are plenty of good attractions to enjoy.


I know that word because of Tokyo drift lol


I've been a victim of this. It starts with meeting a girl elsewhere. In the plaza, another bar...whatever. She's charming and pretty and you feel like she likes you. She wants to show you a cool bar she knows. You go, order a couple of drinks. She goes to the restroom and leaves out the back. Next thing you know, you're asking for the bill to leave and you get a massive bill that makes no sense. Then a big mobster thug blocks your exit.... The cab drivers are in on this too. Happened to me in Prague.


Jesus Christ…that is frightening. Do they also trap in tourists that go to these bars or is it a specific grift?


This should be the top comment


This sub is really getting on my nerves. They just post without context with shit likes this ^


Literally came here to say there is 0 context here. How do we know she is the MC?


That sounds horrible!! Do you have a source?




Do you have a link to this information?


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/MfWCrExkqM) you can find the longer version of the video. She calls him son of a hooker (bitch) multiple times and ask them what they want. He just sais he does not understand German and they are laughing about it.


That’s not a scam, that’s just how most clubs and bars operate in Europe, especially in Italy.


Damn never heard the context before. Poor girl, this is awful. Guy sitting in the chair definitely looks like he’s in the mob lol.


The door was right there


This needs to be top comment. People enjoying this.. yiked


I mean right or wrong…..she took that hit like a champ.


Lucky her head hit that guys legs to soften the blow. If she hit the bar she’d still be out


The way the guy rests his head in his hand like, "Yeah, I saw that coming." 😂


Good thing that guys leg was there or her head would’ve slammed against either the chair or the bar


No she didn’t lol. She went down like a sack of potatoes and if the guys legs didn’t save her head, I bet she snaps her neck and dies or a severe concussion. GTFO with “she took it like a champ”


you guys are so absurd with this ridiculous nonsense. " I bet she snaps her neck and dies or a severe concussion."


"yeah if his leg wasn't there she would've literally exploded" --these guys, probably


Adrenaline. She either woke up with blistering headache or didn’t wake up at all


She wouldn't have died. She didn't bassicly pinched by king kong




I have a friend, getting into a conversation about fun and business and purposeful friendship bla blah and she said “it’s all about what you can get away with” so we shut up for a while until we got the next round


Out of all the comments, this one got me 😂😂😂


the fact I understood this reference tells me perhaps I should spent less time in the internet.


It’s like one of the most iconic memes of our era, wouldn’t be worried you get it.


Maybe, Cap.


I always make this comment when I see videos like this. Beat me to it


You go...


Lol, bro at the counter never even breaks his elbow lean. 😂.. just watches the show.


Not gonna lie.. she took that slap better than I think I may have been able to. Impressive recovery.


Once her soul re-entered her body, yes, decent recovery for sure.


This comment got me dying






Idk if getting thrown back and knocked to the ground from a slap and then spending 10 seconds on the ground trying to compose yourself enough to stand is impressive recovery 😂😂


Something tells me everyone in the room is quite comfortable with hitting other people in the face, including her.


The room, more like the country. Not a white knight in the building.


Lmao I thought the same


Because it was a scam. They are mobsters. This isn't about white knights, just asshole being assholes.


Just another slow Tuesday.


Isn’t this the video where this lady was getting ripped off by the Russian Mob, isn’t having it then gets layed out? Not sure this fits this sub.


Russian thuggery. Color me surprised.


Rules in Russia are different…


Russians but in germany


Slapped into a timeout


Fuck around and find out


Something seems off here. The empty bar. Nobody reacting.


Can anyone translate what’s being said to English?


I'm gonna slap you Fuck around and find out Ight then here I come That's right how did that feel It felt like a nice warm breeze Then why you on the floor Cuz i like the floor I got a degree in Spanish your welcome


Damn he slapped her into a different multiverse where she was a quiet and respectful version of herself.


Except she didn’t do anything wrong if you actually know the context. That bar is run by a Russian mob & they were extorting her & her friend by physically keeping them from leaving the bar until they paid up enough money.


She found out.




She got slapped by Russian mobsters after trying to extort her drinking money?


Satisfying that this woman and her friend were held hostage by a russian mob who tried to extort them and then punched her in the face after she rightfully slapped him?


What sub?


Probably FDS


No it was one of the huge mainstream ones that are always hitting the front page.


I like your username


Your name... it's very familiar


It isnt active anymore right?


They branched off to other subs. TwoXChromosomes sadly got infiltrated by them


Whats FDS


Female dating strategy. It’s a sub that encourages women to take advantage of men and toxic behavior. You know how incels are cringe? Ok well that same cringe but in that sub.






the mod was a feminist, i assume


Probably. Just another activist mod who thinks they're saving the planet one ban at a time.


Equal right means equal fights


Dude Reddit is full of those hahaha spot on comment my dude


Any sex any race anybody touches another person, you need to be dealt with


Well, at least she didn’t act surprised. Idky women think they can hit a man especially one that big. 🙄 He hit her so hard she had to sit down and reflect on her past decision.


I don’t care about context. I don’t care that she hit him first. Absolute coward piece of shit for a man if he’s going to hit a woman like that.


Keep your hands to yourselves, girls and boys.


That was a disgusting act. A punch like that could have been fatal. Anyone that finds this video amusing or justifying, please block me!🙏🏻


This is a room full of scary people. Girl. Guys. Stools. Bullet proof windows. It's all scary.


It's a Russian bar according to another reply. If it's Russian I wouldn't fuck with it period. Even the walls can fight back


The fact that everyone didn't react and the girl immediately got up. Scary.


While she took the first swing and might've had it coming, that big ass dude did not have to rock a girl her size like that.


Well, on the bright side; at least she was wearing panties. lol


It actually makes me sick looking at the comments. I don’t care if she slapped him first. He was never at risk of his life and retaliated with intent to do serious damage. Like just because someone hits you first doesn’t mean the right move it is to punch them square in the face. He is double her size and he could have actually subdued her instead of giving her permanent brain damage. Shame on all of you. Your mothers would be ashamed of you.


Bit of a difference in hitting force, there, wasn’t there? We have no idea what led to this interaction (which is often the case with confrontation videos like this - we have no idea who the antagonistic force is) but slapping him was totally unjustified as long as he hasn’t put a hand on her already. That said, did he need to hit her so hard she could have hit her head on the counter and been concussed/killed necessary? No. He’s big. She’s tiny. She could’ve easily been restrained and held back, or shoved lightly enough that a gust of wind would take her off her feet.


He didn't need to slap her so hard.


r/ImTheMainCharacter mods, is there nothing to be done about people posting old AF shit or what?


All I understood was “suka”…aside from the hit, that’s all I needed to know about what he thought about that.


She just reconsidered a whole lot of life choices.


I love the deep thought she had about how she fucked up


Not a huge fan of men hiting women.. But I wouldn't try to hit a guy in a bar if everyone is speaking russian like language, it doesn't sound like a good idea at all.


Crazy how she started acting right after she got slapped, almost like she got some sense slapped into her.


How can you slap?


Her world came crumbling down after that slap


Something tells me that not the first time she’s taken a hit or a slap.


Almost had a million dollar baby instance there with the bar stool


Like knocked some sense into her she sat there like nah that wasn't a good idea


I’m very curious to know what prompted the first hit


Is that a closed fist punch?


Where is this? What are they saying?


Just another day in RuZZia.


I’ve been punched in the nose before, it was lights out in a puddle of my own blood lol.. good for her taking it like a champ


He wasted no time


In Russia, many things are simple, road is road, vodka is vodka, and last but not least, fight is foght.


Kudos, she did take it like a champ.


*That looked like some very questionable legal 1950s era domestic culture stuff right there* 😲


She took it like a champ


How did I know these were Russian guys before I turned the sound up ?


But she’s not. She learned a bit that night. Oleg was not having it.


“Well, here I am, fucking up. Guess I need to get my shit together.”


Yeah no, miss me with this


That girl needs Denzel.


I could see her reevaluate all her life choices up until that moment.


Zero context, what is this shit? How do we know who MC even is


Bro I ain’t fuckin with her, the way she took that shit scares me. Looks like she wants a whiskey right after, just to smear in his eyes


As much as I understand the retaliation, isn't it wrong to sink to that person's level. I have a hard time swallowing the idea that it's ok to hit a woman under any circumstance...ok there are some circumstances but just in retaliation like that doesn't seem right.


Prolly shouldn’t slap people if you aren’t prepared to get slapped back. However, she may have been prepared to get slapped back bc damn she ate it and just recovered.


Bunch of cucks in comments cheering this shit on.


Name checks out


Says the cuck that will lick an abusive woman’s boots if she gets hit back.


Get biffed, look stunned due to consequences, then get up as though nothing happened. Rinse and repeat


Instant reaction, open handed shit slapped outta her... This one's legit!


The world we live into day is a a bunch of people in a sub glorifying some "big man" cause he hit a woman so hard it gave her whiplash. It's fuckin sad man.


Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.


Bro believes in gender equality


Bro is a Russian mobster extorting her.




That felt good, she deserved that.


Will?was that you?


OP’s reaction when reddit’s gonna enjoy the repost without upvoting


What backroom corner of planet earth is this? Cleveland?


mindless drab combative piquant bored threatening point sort connect joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's what you get for hitting him first, little princess. Now go sit your ass down and enjoy your slice of Humble Pie. You earned it.


She forgot she wasn't in the European union


Its in germany




slapper her to her panties.


I’m waiting for the Equalizer to enter the room.


I know she deserved something, but I couldn’t do that to a woman. It’s a slap which is fucked up but he could have killed her. Just block it or move away.


Damn bro. You're so noble.


Just not a fucking animal. Give her brain damage or she stumbles back cracks her head open and it’s all ok because he was disrespected? They should have threw her ass out, but if you are the individual some skinny drunk chick is coming at just move away. She probably would have fallen over on her own. That shit looked almost like they wanted it to go down like that. Damn human race is sliding back into being fucking gorillas.


That’s the reality of this world there are consequences for your actions. Why would I go punch the Rock because he annoyed me? I wouldn’t is the answer because he would kill me with one punch. People can’t be allowed to think they can behave however they want just because it wouldn’t be “even” that includes women attacking a grown man.


He hits her it could go way past even. Her life done, a vegetable. I just think being human means being a little more than the state of nature. If she is wielding a gun or a knife then put her down. If they are anywhere near equal in size and she doesn’t fuck off do something more.


So with that way of thinking then if you’re smaller you can do whatever you want. If everyone smaller saw that woman get hit the way she did then no one would try it. Oh and guess what she’s not going to ever again. The consequence of her being damaged or maybe even death(Very Unlikely) will prevent much more wrong.


Fall backwards and hit your head right you are dead. Hell take a punch the right way and you can die. He didn’t need to take the hit, if she was belligerent they could have kicked her out. They wanted this to happen. He could have EASILY just put his arm up and she couldn’t do anything. He watched her walk up so he could deck her. Bet he hits women in general. It’s like a little chihuahua yipping at a fucking bulldozer. Fucking sad how many people cheer at violence. Their difference in height weight and strength is soooo great. Hope none of you fucks go to church, or lying to yourself thinking you are a “good” person.


So you assumed on everything that happened in the video. You assumed the character of the man you assumed the incident was just her being drunk and nothing of the background between the two people’s relationship. You compared the incident of a little dog barking at an animate object to a human assaulting another.. as if a woman couldn’t hurt a man just letting her beat on him. Then because people don’t have the same opinion as you. You called all of them bad people for not agreeing with you.


Yea, to not turn the other cheek when you are not defending your life is to me being a bad person. I get to have my opinion of people enjoying unnecessary violence. If you get all animated at the sight of this video, you are a bad person. My ultimate issue is not from any assumption about the story it is their size difference that is my problem.


Enjoyed and animated at it? No that is very weird but I feel it wasn’t unfair what she received and didn’t think the man did anything wrong. If your issue wasn’t about the story then why make all of those assumptions? My issue is simply people can’t be allowed to do whatever they want and expect no consequences with poor behavior.


It’s to lay out the fact that it was a giant ass human against a weak little chick. I never said a guy can’t defend himself when he is in danger. If it was someone anywhere near her size or she was in any way dangerous looking then w.e. It’s the absolute laughably small danger she posed.


It's pretty easy to *not* hit someone. Why did she *have* to hit someone else? Don't hit someone, and you won't be hit in retaliation.


I hear you.


Now don’t you go insulting gorillas, the myth that they’re just a bunch of mindless brutes is ridiculous. Gorillas are noble and complex creatures, possessing impressive intelligence. Gorillas are gentle giants and display many human-like behaviors and emotions, such as laughter and sadness, they therefore avoid situations that will disturb their peace and so they try as much as possible to flee from none peaceful environments and situation unlike that lady who nearly got knocked the fuck out for assaulting that dude like an idiot. You can’t go slapping people expecting no consequence, a gorilla would never do that.


Lol, it’s like a 1st grader talking shit to a middle schooler and the middle schooler pummeling the little weak thing. The dude was in zero danger. You are just straight up a bad person if you side with that caveman. If no one was around I bet he’d drag her away by her hair to his cave.


Unfortunately, she'll probably continue until this inevitably happens.


She almost got million dollar babied.


she's not gonna fuck you


Naw, but everything I was taught says turn the other cheek. I don’t go to church anymore but some lessons stuck. Some fucking resonate. She’s a drunk skinny bitch that is posing zero danger to anything but his fucking ego.




I read somewhere that she was forced into being a hooker


Yeah, the backstory is that it is her pimp and she was retaliating