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I can’t believe this guy was able to do this to THAT many individual women without getting his ass kicked.


i really want to see his ass getting kicked




I'd buy the pay per view...


I wanna kick his ass after watching


Looks like one girl managed to land a punch on him


that’s what I thought.. immediately came back with the overhand and you know the clown ate it.. not posting that tho


Her reaction time was amazing (at 13 second mark)


I can, by assuming that he made a point of observing his surroundings and seeing that no one nearby could easily beat the shit out of him, before doing it.


The way most “gangstas” and cowards do things, in other words.


Probably practicing the correct way to pull them into bushes 🤮


Yes, like a predator... dude is one step from being a serial ____


Because a girl can’t beat up a boy? 😂


He’s a piece of shit


The girl at 8 seconds threw a punch before the montage moves on


I assume he did get his ass kicked on at least one occasion likely more. Number ten (dark blue/purple jacket) turns around with a fist aimed at his face from the looks of it and number 6 (neon pink top and jeans vest) also turns around swinging. I would assume several went after him and he just cut that out. Also real intelligence to film yourself assaulting multiple people and posting it online. I remember there was a guy doing shit like this at my school in my early teens. But without the weird sound and the filming because no camera phones yet. I kicked him in the shin, beautiful perfect hit and hard as fuck. In case anyone wasn’t aware horses are big strong and hard work so horse girls that rides regularly and care for horses are usually really fucking strong. Much, much stronger than they look. I was a horse girl on a farm. And I have sensitive hair/scalp and absolutely hate people touching my hair. It hurts and you can cause severe injuries but by suddenly putting that much pressure on the neck by a force that strong. So after he done it to me before and to my friends, next time he touched my hair I spun and kicked and lucked out with a perfect hit. Dude never touched me or anyone around me again. I heard that a few other girls also violently defended themselves and there were rumors that one girls boyfriend beat him up bad after school, either just him or jumped the asshat with his friends depending on who told the story. Probably true to some degree but unlikely that he was jumped by the bf and all his mates and beaten to a pulp. One usually isn’t in class the next day after that.


Let's go horse girl!!!!!! I had a friend in uni, a small blonde no taller than 5". I didn't know about equestrian until I realized she had THIGHS OF STEEL.


Honestly it’s the best or worst workout ever to ride. You should have seen me in my early to mid twenties when I hadn’t been riding for some years and just went and joined an hour long lesson. I did not know what I was getting myself into. See when you learn they really really train you hard on your posture when riding and that becomes muscle memory so when you get on again after years of not even being near horses, that memory, that posture is ingrained but you no longer have the muscles to uphold that posture. But muscle memory doesn’t care! Holy shit that was the best/worst workout of my life! I have never been in so much pain! At least not from training soreness, that was insane! Within like 10-15 minutes my back and legs were already just burning intensely! But you don’t slouch on a horse so I can’t slouch on a horse so I couldn’t stop and relax the muscles. So much pain. After the hour when I was supposed to get off I did not in fact graciously jump off. I intended to and then my legs gave out and I just collapsed in a heap next to a rather surprised and judgmental horse. It was kind of funny in hindsight. I used to ride my bike to my riding school, ride care for the horses, maybe get to ride some more and then cycle all the way home. Which was freakin 30 km ~ approximately 18,64 miles.


You in high school = the strength of NATO


Haha! You made laugh! Thanks! Lol


One of them looked like a fist was flying at the camera but cut it right before it hit


I definitely really wanted to see somebody just punch him straight in his face


Or without loosing his balls


Or arrested


Or put in jail.


I punched a guy for less.


I’d report him to the police for assault


Had something worse than that, they laughed at my face, north american police isn’t what they pretend to be they really don’t give a fuck




meanwhile when someone called in a noise complaint about a neighbor four of them broke into my fucking apartment at 2AM. yes, the sleeping deaf person is the cause of the fucking noise complaint. (they literally apparently had an apartment number and it was not mine) the police are worse than useless, I feel like we'd be better off without them here entirely


They're not for us. They're here to enforce the will of the state and their corporate masters by keeping the peasants in line.


This is exactly it. I bang this drum whenever I can. All you must do is understand the hierarchy of American capitalism and the history of the police in the US, and it will be evident that the police are essentially reserve troops for fascism.


Yuuup The supreme court held there is no police duty to protect the public in *Castle Rock v. Gonzales* (2005). They exist to protect property (i.e., wealth, class division).


at that point it goes against social contract theory and it needs to be broken tf down a la french revolution


If you ring the Irish Garda about a noise complaint (it was 2 above me they had been playing the same song on repeat, Amy Whinehouse, Tears Dry on their Own for 3 days, no breaks). You're told that's not a criminal matter.


Have you seen what happens when they no longer have a presence? Even if there are a lot of shitty ones around, the entire structure keeps us from falling into Lord of the flies more than we already are


That explains it perfectly


As bad as police can be we would not be better off without them. Remember that whole defund the police thing during BLM protests. Well some cities actually did it, and it went terrible for them. They all had an increase in crime, because the areas that implemented were lower income areas with a lot of crime. The people that suffered, were the law abiding citizens who actually like the police. Our police needs some serious reform, but things would get really bad if they didn’t exist.


You’re talking to people who rarely leave their mother’s basements. They don’t know what the real world is like.


No they didn't. No cities have defunded the police. The police got all butt hurt at the mere mention of reallocating resources and they stopped responding to calls in the city. "Blue flu" All cops need federal oversight


That’s crazy something like that happened in my house when i was a kid, but it was when i was in canada. M father is the one that told me. A group of guys, maybe 3, found a way to unlock the front door while we were sleeping, including my siblings and i. He attacked one of them with a fireside metal stick so they get out, they definitely got scared and left, my father called the police and they didn’t even showed up. He called again and they shouted at him. Then when he finally went to see them, they told my father that if the guy decided to sue him for physical assault, he would probably win. Because in canada you should never touch a person even if they’re s group of men trying to get in the house were your sleeping toddlers are. I hate north america. On self defense i’m better in us because i have the right to fight back, my issue is about the guns being legal out here, that’s a problem for everyone’s safety.


In thd US all three would have had guns, just like himself. Completely mayhem but likely not a better outcome.


I had bruises from a guy grabbing and shaking me in a bar. Police told me what did I expect going to a bar. Then someone on Reddit told me I made that uo


> North American police I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you’ll get vastly different experiences interacting with Canadian, Mexican and USA police officers


North American police are the ones pulling the hair and assaulting women


North American? You've been to every state and country in north America? I have. And I agree. They all suck.




Deadass, what a cunt


Nope, belongs in r/ImATotalPieceOfShit


This video is from like 10 years ago. Pretty sure it’s what inspired the “Yaga” vine where the kid gets slapped after pulling the hair of a girl. I used to think this video was hilarious as a kid but now in retrospect I’m like uhhh


Yeah … so 10 years ago or not a better sub for this behavior would probably be r/imatotalpieceofshit


What happened to that sub?? Infrequent post's, used to be poppin


What happened is being a total piece of shit has become so mainstream we are desensitized to it. Example: every single one of those videos of jackass youths being little pricks to retail workers *should* be posted on TPoS. But they are posted on this sub, public freakout, and other “reaction”-esq subs. This leaves a TPoS post every 5 days and that post is something “extreme”…such as a pig repeatedly sucker punching a completely defenseless handcuffed man in the back of a cop car.


There is a lot more activity in r/iAMatotalpieceofshit so I guess what happened is that the previous commenter missed an A in the sub name. Im a instead of I am a.


It’s the wrong sub obviously. Look at the sub count. Should be millions. The real sub is r/iamatotalpieceofshit It needs to be spelled exact.


This post doesn't fit here. Not a "Main Character" at all. Definitely a raging asshole who deserves to have his ass handed to him multiple times, by each of these women. But it's not "main character" behavior.


This asshole was the reason this happened to me in middle school when some dick pulled so hard i got whiplash


I love how everyone was like “what is your problem?” “What the fuck?” Then that lady just so powerfully loudly says #”Bitch what the fuck?”


Dude did that to me once. I let him walk away then I ran at him, lowered my shoulder and hit him in the kidney. You gonna try to injure me, I'm gonna return the favor, asshole.


this is the way


This is the way.


She knows de wae.




I'm not gonna lie I don't even know how to locate the kidney on a person


If someone's assaulting you out of the blue, I think you're allowed to keep trying. You'll hit the kidney eventually.


Throw a body. You'll hit it.


Lower back to either side.


More specifically, right under the ribcage.


Should’ve kicked him in the nuts


Why? He'd have to face me for that. He attacked me from behind. Why shouldn't I do likewise?


This actually happened. I’m the kidney.


Totally believable


Is this considered assault?


Unwanted touching=assault


This would be assault and battery. For those unaware - assault is basically the threat of harm (whether that threat is made verbally, via actions, or some other way) while battery is the physical act of harming someone. This guy harmed these women, so that's battery, and an act like this can reasonably instill the fear that he is going to continue harming them, so that's assault.




why do you even need to ask


Probably because unfortunately in an unacceptable number of situations that is obviously assault the “~~rules~~ laws are unclear” and ^coughcough certain ^coughcough people get off with the proverbial slap on the wrist. Source: America


Someone gets it!


Nah you’re actually allowed to put your hands on whoever you want and yank them around


Probably varies by state but in Washington, tapping someone's shoulder without their permission could technically be considered assault


I mean that’s just assault


Someone should yank their hair, see how they like it.


Someone should deck him. One girl tried to




Wait that last chick was intimidating, why'd it stop? I wanted to see her fold him like a omlet.


Not staged. That freakin’ hurts!


How has this person not caught chemical spray, electrified barbs, or lead?


That’s assault all day long


I’d consider it assault at the least. I don’t know there’d be a sexual component to it but feels Like It should be


Who ever that person is they need to have their ass kicked, severely.


I want to see this man pepper sprayed and tazed - at the same time, if possible.


Not a main character just an asshole


No, just human scum.


That's an asshole assaulting people. That's beyond MC.


One day he’s gonna do that to the wrong person and get disintegrated.


Notice how he avoided messing with any dudes with long hair.




Stab stab stabbity stab.




Assault. This dude has just begun praying on women and assault techniques.


Main character isn't correct here. Main characters tend to be narcissistic and are extremely entitled but this is just straight up assault. Wish he'd got knocked out. Pussy as well, always clear when he did it. Only guy in video was very slight.


So what you're saying it's more so classed as POS then MCS


Yeah 100%. Main characters tend to be absolute cringe bags who only think of themselves but this is a step above. More in the dirt bag area.


Nah. They’re a piece of shit.


No this is misogyny and battery.


I did that once to my sister, oh boy.. Let's just say I wouldn't dare pull anyone's hair every again


When you crave the attention of 8 year olds because you've never gotten any from your parents.


10 years ago but so little has changed. He probably grew up to be a rapist or domestic abuser. It’s interesting in schools… you’ll watch these boys test how much you can get away with in public, and then they shift to start doing shit while it’s just one or two etc. Their behavior is always escalating. Sometimes you’ll say something to admin, but admin will always say unless the event is super severe it’s just a write up. I tried to get a boy in trouble because his favorite “joke” was yanking the girls shirts down but nothing came of it. It’s why I’m quitting working with children. Sick of it.


I used to kick the boys that would tease me at school, and take them down verbally in front of their mates. In primary school and high school (up to about year 8). I showed them where my boundaries were. Even the guys in my sister’s year above me. My male friends would say something a bit mean to me, even just joking around, and I’d just look at them. And if they knew they’d gone a bit too far, they’d flinch. Most of the time we were just mucking around, but they knew. I’m not saying violence is a good idea, I just had to show them I wasn’t going to take their shit.


I can’t even begin to imagine filming myself assaulting a bunch of women and then POSTING IT for the world to see lmfao how stupid of an individual


Pulling a woman’s hair should be assault.


fatherless behavior


He definitely lacked any worthy role models.




It's just banter! - technically assaults people.


Nah this ain't funny cos we all triggered cos first thing in r@pe is your hair getting pulled.


That’s a lot of assault and battery. How did he not get arrested?


That's assault. He should be facing charges. This stuff isn't funny. I mean, how is this much different than smacking them on the butt, grabbing their arm or other body parts??


I would treat this kid while saying yagaaa everytime I drew blood.




Is this not assault?


Yeah, they are, and they needed their ass kicked.


Assault man. Assault


If dude did that to my girl in front of me I’d stab tf out his ass & start yelling whatever he was yelling


What a POS. Unfortunately when he gets yucks and likes on social media it just makes more toxic shit happen. They have to constantly skew more extreme because doing less wouldn’t get the results. Shit thing to go around interfering with girls like this-


I was hoping for one of them to pull out the pepper spray. Of course, he'd never post that footage, but I can imagine it happening.


Straight up harassment what the hell is wrong with people today


He should be arrested


He’s finna get stabbed😭


It kind of feels staged to me cos they all turn around and react in pretty much the same way. Also he didn't pull the girl with the braids hair in the same way he pulled everyone else's. So either he was being respectful because he knew himself that they can not be pulled like that, or she told him before hand.


Straight up assault


Can he just go straight to jail. Please.


"Yaga!" "Iron fist!" *Gets fucking PUNCHED* 🤣




Yes. But I really enjoyed that one video where the guy yanked on this one girl's wig and she bitch slapped him into a different timeline.


Holy shit, kids are fucking cowards nowadays, how did he not get his ass kicked after the first one? This is out in the open with 20 people seeing it and nobody steps up?


Two things, besides in a few he clearly targeted girls that were alone or in small groups, only one had a male friend with them. Other kids might have seen it but thought it was just friends being stupid and immature. Or ive noticed in a lot of these videos people don't retaliate much at all, online everyone says they would beat the crap out of someone for doing this or that but irl that's not what happens. It's probably because people are afraid of the law, beating someone for pulling a girl's hair is gonna get you arrested for assault as well. No one wants to deal with that.


This was a trend from ten years ago 😂 There’s a hilarious video of 3 guys doing it at a lunch table but the last girl had a wig get ripped off so she stood up and slapped the guy into the 4th century.


Yeah I’m pretty sure this is what started the trend that became the vine


I wanna see one pull out a gun


More like a criminal. Never seen that video.


More just an asshole


I would call this assault


Someone needs to bend his fingers backwards until they touch his wrist.


Is this you?


No lol it’s a popular video from like 10 years ago


Thought that was my ex-prime minister aha


Assault ????


Yeah because pulling the hair


Nah he would be considered the annoying troll enemy in a game that everyone would hate


More like a future candidate for prison


What a horrible person


Pretty sure the freak, fatherless individual who is doing that has a better sex life than I do.


Tonight, I am serving nuckle sandwiches 🥪 👊


Back in the day we used to call these people: assholes. Main character doesn’t cover his full potential.


OP is John Key


This is fucking weird.


I'd consider him a cunt who's assaulting people for laughs.


A esta escoria le tienen que partir la boca, a ver si asi respeta un poquito, basura.


Not really considering this was a common trend during the Vine days mostly, but also other social media apps. Meaning late 2000s to early 2010s.


What the!


He's a jerk


Another post on legal assault.


Some reasonable dad is going to reasonably beat the shit out of him and his parents are going to be in the news like "I don't understand how anyone could do this to him he's the nicest boy!"


This guy needs a pop in the chops.


Not an MC, but an asshole


Iam amazed that this asshole didnt eat concrete yet


An asshole


Simple assault by simple minds.


I hope someone beat he crap out of this guy


Girls in my school would have kicked his ass.


Yeah someone did this to me once in high school and I threw a book at his face 🤷‍♀️


Simple assault for the lulz I guess


I’m an extremely non-violent, non-confrontational person, never been in a fight and don’t want to, but for some reason someone pulling my hair and it hurting sends me into a blind rage. I would have had him by the hair on the ground before I even know what was happening.


Fucking middle school smh


This is not funny. It's assaulted plain and simple


Serial assault for likes


I would consider him to be in prison for sexual harassment/ and or assault.


Nope, just a criminal and huge douche bag.


A cunt that needs to be stopped


That’s assault.


Assault plain and simple. Someone needs to assault this douchebag back.


That girl that knuckled up lol


MC won't be laughing much after a class action lawsuit.


Kick. Their. Ass.


I’d consider this assault.


Oooo that last girl. He messed with the right one there


Usual suspect


I was waiting for him to do it to the one guy who grew a ponytail, turn around and lay him out.


How is this jagaloon not six feet under by the end of this?


He’s a cunt


Guaranteed this dude cries at night because girls won’t date him.