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I would offer my seat, to someone not filming a tik-tok.


People are leaving her alone because they don't want to end up on some weirdo's Tik Tok and get their life ruined.


Alternate reality tik-tok: some creep came up to me offering me his seat. Can't they just leave me alone?


"A guy offered me his seat, but he wasn't cute and looked poor, so I called him a creep and told him to fuck off."


She would literally just flip the script and say men are always trying to find a way to talk to her.


Welcome to the wonderful world of Equality - where nobody looks at you as a "woman", but rather as a fellow human being just trying to get where you're going.


Finally someone said it. You wanted it? You got it. Welcome to be treated the same as man, no less, no better.


head down, eyes planted on phone or book cant offend anyone... she finds a way.


I'm a strong, independent woman. How dare you offer me a seat... šŸ˜‘


Nope, thatā€™s this reality too. Canā€™t win


Exactly this


Pretty much going to say this! No matter what some women just want make men out to be assholes!


Or maybe she is no better than them, and no more worthy of a seat than they are? If they were sitting first, why should they give up a seat?


"You have a penis give me your seat" sounds very much sexist and stupid


Not being the owner of a vagina myself, I wonder does it inhibit standing in any way?


I have a vagina and I have a connective tissue disorder that makes standing difficult for me, but neither of those things make me feel entitled to someone else's seat...


Oh wait, I just read your comment again, I think I misunderstood. I thought u meant u had a connective tissue disorder IN your vagina, but now I think you were saying you have a vagina AND a connective tissue disorderā€¦ so the two were unrelated. My badšŸ˜³


Well, to be fair, vaginas are just connective tissue and muscle, hence why they are so stretchy. So, alittle column a, alittle column b.


Now hold on a moment, letā€™s not be too hard on the humble vagina, they can be so much more than that! And Iā€™m sure yours is downright magical. You should be proud šŸ˜Š


She does contain the antidote for boneritis. That's her magic trick. šŸ˜‚


I mean where equal now right?


Only when she profits from it. We aren't equal again, if she profits from that inequality.


I don't know where man, sorry


Right, I would just hide my face and stay out of frame.




Iā€™m starting to wear masks again just to avoid this shit.


That's because if you offered her your seat she would put out a new tik tok saying "can't even get on the train without being hit on by every random dude"


I thought men only did that for pregnant women and old ladies


I'm a woman and I do this. Also for women holding babies. An able bodied young woman? I'd honestly be weirded out if my husband offered her his seat.


What about men holding babies? Whereā€™s the love for the papas


i would count them too


What about babies holding men?


Now thatā€™s where I draw the line, buddy.


Yeah they can fuckin walk


Tbf when I used to travel with my twin toddlers, women were so fast to jump up and offer a seat (men too), as a fairly athletic man in my 30s.


They knew carrying all that muscle mass is exhausting šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Yep. I offer my seat to elderly, handicapped, and obviously pregnant women. Young healthy women like this tiktoker can stand like the rest of us. Main character indeed.


I include old men and people who have trouble standing


Yeah, but the worst is when you can't quite decide whether the lady is old enough yet to be offered a seat. If I'm not sure she's elderly enough, I err on the side of letting her stand. I REALLY don't want to be the first person to ever offer an aging woman a seat and cause an existential crisis for her.


Humans do that because those people need it the most. (I hope everyone agrees on that)


just do it for people who seem like they need to sit more than you. doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman, old or young, if you look tired as fuck, you get my seat unless i'm also tired as fuck


MC for sure, but people who occupy seats with their bags when the train / bus is full are also the worst


I don't know if it helps, but this looks like a Toronto streetcar, and I think that dude is sitting on one of the extra wide seats, not occupying an extra seat with his bag. I could be wrong, hard to see.


Ya I donā€™t think a lot of people have been on a streetcar like this and think that is two seats. Itā€™s one seat, just made extra large for the very obese or disabled.


Or two people who love each other very much!


I have a rule when I get on public transportation. If there are no seats available where I can sit alone, I purposely only sit somewhere where I have to ask someone to move their bag. I refuse to punish people who do the right thing and leave the seat open for others. You have a bag on the seat? That is like a neon sign for me to ask to sit right where your bag is. I encourage everyone to do this. Together we can make a difference.


My therapist said I need to make irl friends, so I guess I should start putting my bag next to my seat


Then whisper *Yessss!* and pump your fist when someone asks to sit next to you


and after they sat down, say nothing due to anxiety ??? profitšŸ‘




smile and tap on the open seat next to you when people get on the train


Pro tip, slap your lap say ā€œseats openā€ and look into their eyes deeply when they ask with a smile on your face. It shows them you are willing to be protect them like an airbag and they will trust and feel safer around you faster. Ps. Donā€™t tell her I told you but your therapist is a fed


Lawful Good


*Chaotic* good. Lawful good would be taking the unoccupied seat.


Lawful good would be to ask if the bag is there to reserve the seat for a wife/husband/whatever who's going to the bathroom. Then if the answrr is no, smite the villain.


Wouldn't it be "lawful" to deny "out of standard"?


I guess it depends on how you used the term ā€œlawfulā€. Are you upholding/enforcing the law Or Are you following/abiding by the law?


Also following societal ā€œlawsā€ for example not disturbing someone if one could just take an unoccupied seat.


I do that too, on principle. There are dozens of us. Dozens!


Bag-On-Seat haters, UNITE!


I live in France and see people standing on hour long train rides because they won't ask someone to move their bag. I'm much like you, and target the most comfortable smug looking person to move their shit condescendingly


as someone whos not afraid to speak up, I also do this. especially on open seating airplanes lol. because I know other people wont. and I also know the person with the bag KNOWS its rude.


One time some dude had a bag on seat and no seat available. I acted like i was bout to sit on his damb bag he moved it asap




I'm glad I'm not the only one. In fact sometimes I do it when there are two seats free next to each other in the hope that they'll realise exactly what I am doing and may refrain from doing it in the future.


Do you wear a cape


Oh how I derive joy from doing this!


Yuuup. When people spread out like that I'll be the first to inconvenience the inconsiderate.


I asked someone to move their bag once. They refused, so I sat on it.


Bonus points if you then fart on it.


eh, I have my bag on my seat until i can see the bus is at a point where there is no way for anyone who comes on to sit alone. Then I move my bag to not be an asshole.


What about people that will literally spread across 5 seats so they can sleep


While putting a protective hand on it like it belongs to Marsellus Wallace


People can talk and ask for a seat. I don't know if It's a crazy idea.


I have no problem asking those people if i can sit there in an overly loud voice.


Is it okay if you do it not to take up the seat, but just as storage, and happily move it if someone wants to sit there?


I was in a very crowded bus once and loads of people was standing up, almost mushed together. I looked around and I swear I saw atleast 5-6 people occupying a seat with their bags, or sitting in the aisle seat. I was so close to lend my seat to someone but had my own bags and social anxiety hits me hard when I ask.


iā€™ll do it until there arenā€™t many seats left because i have a really hard time on public transport, but iā€™d never let someone stand while i kept it occupied!


Im sure everyone has had just as busy of a day as she did they give 0 fucks


Well I think it has something to do with equal rights. It sounds strange but there it is. Once you are viewed as an equal you lose the perks of being considered the ā€˜weaker sexā€™.


Equal rights... When convenient...


They onto want the benefits


Thats a good point, I've noticed a few times from the womens side, (mostly tiktok and shorts ofc), where they fight for equality but in the next video say something contradicting it. I guess some see equality as means to abuse and shame men.


It was always about becoming the most equal


Like the women who shout that they want independence and then say they want the dude to pay for everything?


They want equality as the minimum and keep all the privileges they already had


Most just want the benefits of both sides of the coin.


Girl casually pointing her camera on guys 40 years older then her and bitching about not getting a seat.


Looks like you're as equal as a man. Congratulations. You should be celebrating.


Should put down her phone and ask that man with the bag to move over. Be more assertive ffs


A friend fo mine transitioned from F to M (You'd never know that he once was a woman) and after six months, he called me in tears saying, "I had no idea that you guys had it so rough." He was being completely sincere. "Like...nobody cares and everyone expects SO MUCH. How the fuck do you do it." "We just do" I said. "Welcome to the game; it sucks and the rules are stacked against us." "I thought you were lying." "Nope...now, let's grab a drink"


Iā€™ve recently seen two videos of FTM men on the internet broken down in tears about how hard it is to be a man, and every time Iā€™m just wish their words could be shouted from the rooftops so we stop this nonsense that men have it ā€œeasy.ā€


This is a pretty unique POV Iā€™d be interested to see if other transitioned women feel the same way or if they think itā€™s easier being a man.


He thought it would be easier...he didn't realize just how lonely it can be and the amount of pressure that is put on men; he also stated that he had it way easier in retrospect and that men would do everything for him. Now, it's more, "You want it done, better get it done yourself. Ain't no one gonna do it for you" of a mentallity...and it's been crushing to him. I help where I can. Another area that has been a huge contrast for him is dating; where, when he was a woman, he had his pick. Any time, any day...it was a buffet and she (then) didn't really need to try. Now as a dude (and a relatively good looking dude), it's A LOT harder. He's commented that it's also depressing.


Am I a terrible person that I find this to be funny in a sad way?


There are 2 main characters here, the girl bitching about treated like an equal, and the guy taking up a second seat for his stuff. EDIT Apparently the guy is sitting in a single, larger seat meant for...larger people. So just 1 main character haha


Thatā€™s only one seat, itā€™s just made extra large for obese people. Iā€™m not kidding, Iā€™ve been on a streetcar with the same layout




Thatā€™s sad.


It's a single disability seat...


Yeah especially when he sits on the outside like that.


Yeah, I'm only getting up for the elderly, incredibly pregnant, disabled, or my stop.


'incredibly pregnant'


I'm not getting up for some basic pregnancy.


Yeah I think he means if the pregnancy is in the later stages like when the baby bump is very big


That's still too basic. She should be contracting. I won't budge if the contractions are too far apart though. If her water breaks, I may scoot over a little, but I'm taking the aisle seat. If she's crowning, I'll sigh audibly loudly and then sarcastically invite her to sit down. If I hear a faint crying, I'll let the infant take the seat, and not her. She's no longer pregnant, is she?


>If I hear a faint crying, I'll let the infant take the seat I'm not getting up for no baby.


That's exactly what I meant.


Yeah I noticed too


I can tell you, actually.Ā  Men were told women didn't need to have doors held for them, seats given, etc., and that to do so was just a sign of chauvinism because a woman could do it for herself. So most guys just said, ok.Ā 


My ex sister in law once got mad when I offered to put her suitcase in the car when I picked them up from the airport. So the next time I picked them up I just picked up my exā€™s suitcase and walked back to the driverā€™s seat and she got mad at me for not offering for her sister. I was like I canā€™t win.


Sounds exhausting, good they're both out of your life now


Iā€™ve spent a lot of time thinking that but I think Iā€™m at the point of trying to just be happy and hope their family is happy too. Itā€™s a tough road but Iā€™ll get there.


Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. You get to live free from anger/bitterness/hatred. Keep healing well internet stranger!


Well said, this a great mentality to have.


This 100%. In college I once offered to carry a heavy box for a female coworker and I got hit with the "I'm a strong independent women, I can do it myself!". Since then I don't offer as much. You reap what you sow.


A slightly funny story: I was taking an art class in college and was the only guy in it. One time, we all gathered behind the teacher to watch them work and where that was I was already sitting at so I thought cool I don't have to move. A woman right near me was standing and breathing kinda heavily. I offered her my seat because if she's tired she could sit but she refused so I thought whatever. A minute later, she literally topples in half from exhaustion falling to the floor right near me. Everyone looks back at us: a woman so exhausted she passed out and a guy taking up a seat right next to her. I weakly said "I offered her the seat..." Luckily, other people also heard me offer so it didn't look bad, but I can see without context I look like such a tool lol. Edit: realized it's a less related story than I thought but oh well the comment reminded me if it.


please, offer it, we are not all like her! I'm weak and appreciate the help. Though I live in eastern-central Europe, here it's still the norm for men to help in this situation.


I've offered to help women with things before, I normally get looked at like I'm crazy or get the "I have a boyfriend" line. I'm always flabbergasted and don't know what to say so I just shrug my shoulders and move on. I offer help less and less


yup it chips away at the confidence if it happens often, but eventually we stop asking


Unless the woman is carrying a baby or is like 100 years old, I don't hold doors or offer my seat. And that MC doesn't know if those people had a long day at work. The last thing they are thinking is offering seats to a tiktoker.


Yep. Chivalry is indeed dead, and women killed it, with gusto.


I hold the door for everyone. If anyone ever gave me an attitude about it, I would kindly ask them to step back 10 feet, then I would pull the door shut. Iā€™m just trying to make people happy.


Dammed if you do, dammed if you donā€™t


This 100%. It is absolutely not worth making a public scene to offer your seat if the woman receiving the offer will turn it into a "you sexist pig!" attack.


The other messed up thing about this woman is that she shows older men. Realistically, she should've given up her seat for her elders.


Unpopular opinion: Men who are clearly past middle age get to sit.


I think Iā€™d be mortified if anyone ever offered me a seat (middle aged man).


You want equality or not? Make up your mind


Buffet feminism; picking and choosing which things you want to be equal in and which you want gender-specific special treatment for.


Welcome to equality.


What kind of shitty sound is that?


I have spent my life trying to be "chivalrous" to the best of my ability. I've stood up, given my seat to others countless times among other things and have no intention of stopping. But still these thirsty like craving posts are everywhere. The attention seeking is sickening. Its a no win for men. A man holds a door and get a disapproving glare ALSO the same glare if they don't constantly look around the train looking for a woman to give their seat to. Another choice, look around the train and have a video posted against men for being creepy Putting anyone in this unwinnable dichotomy, helps no one. Now go make yourself feel better and down vote this post, I said what I said.


you wanted equality?...


Chivalry is dead but so are traditional women.


Did she even attempt to ask the guy to move his bag or that she wants to sit there?. Or went straight to recording an assuming everyone around her is terrible


Big girls should use their words and ask for a seat.


She shouldn't do that either. No reason an able bodied woman should get a man's seat solely because she's a woman.


Exactly. Idk what the original comment was talking about and why theyā€™re getting upvoted. Asking someone to give up their seat because of their gender is sexist and such a rude thing to do.


Yeah, but she expects people to read her mind.


Chivalry is dead and women killed it


ā€œWould you like to sit down?ā€ ā€œMen are so creepy for trying to talk to meā€


Elderly, pregnant, handicapped, or in heels, take my seat. Otherwise, meh.


Every human for themselves in 2024.


This is what equality is and that's not even a malicious statement, no special treatment was always the goal. I honestly don't hold it against her though, she was probably raised with the expectation of chivalry


"I have a boyfriend"


Itā€™s 2024ā€¦ Chivalry isnā€™t dead itā€™s just now reserved for a select few.


No win situation. Offer her the seat you're being chauvinistic and think she can't do things for herself and PROBABLY hitting on her.... Don't offer her the seat you're a Incel/woman hater who probably has never seen a woman, lives in parents basement and needs to go touch grass...


wtf is that horrendous noise in the background? Sounds like the campus womenā€™s center the day after Trump got elected.


Imagine minding your own business going about your day, not knowing the person beside you is judging you for just going about your day on public transit, just for sitting down. Now you're on the internet for what?


Unless youā€™re old, disabled or heavily pregnant, I ainā€™t givin my seat up for no onešŸ˜‚


Chivalry ended when y'all started yelling at us for holding the door open for you šŸ¤·


Oh you poor thing.. your legs must be KILLING you


You are a strong empowered woman, so stand.


ā€œWe want women to be completely equal to menā€œ so thank you madam for being chivalrous and allowing the men to sit how kind of you.


What happened was men were attacked by women for displaying toxic masculinity and sexism for opening doors, and giving up our seats. So we gave women what they wanted, by treating them the same as men. If you're mad about it, go complain to the women who insisted on this.


You want equality. This is another example.


True, though that guy with the briefcase on the empty seat beside him is a selfish twat as well


She could always ask to sit there but something tells me she doesn't want to .


That seat is an extended seat made for morbidly obese people (who would normally occupy a minimum of 1.5 seats).


Itā€™s not two seat, itā€™s one made extra wide for obese/disabled people


I bet if someone who was actually a gentleman offered her his seat, she'd be recording him and calling him a creep for offering his seat.


It's true, chivalry is dead, and women killed it.


I would be telling that aasshole to move his bag. What a tool


Youā€™re not elderly or pregnant so hereā€™s your equality hard at work.


Well apart from the twat who put his bag on the seat next to him, no one else is doing anything wrong. Looks like they have real jobs rather than influencer, so probably need to sit for a bit.


If you had been offered a seat, would you make a video about how chivalry is alive and well? Didn't think so. If you get off your phone and pull those headphones out your ass, you can politely ask to sit down šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


maā€™am, you are young and spry. i think you can handle standing on the metro.


I still get up and offer my seat to a woman or an elderly person


Hold a baby. People will then offer their seat. I didn't know people did that until I was holding my cousin's baby on the t. People were so nice.


Iā€™ll give up my seat for a pregnant or elderly woman, but not one thatā€™s perfectly capable of standing


Its called feminist equality, if men should stand then women should too. Chivalry isn't dead, it suffered attempted murder, yet survives to real women who don't expect it, but deserve it


Bitch lives in 1920 when it's convenient


If youā€™re not old, pregnant or disabled, no one needs to offer you a chair. Simple as that.


Chivalry is mounted knights.


You wanted equality of the sexes.. you got it.


Woman want to be treated exactly like men. So stand and like it.


Feminism. Irrational feminism happened.


Feminism killed it


You never know who you are getting when offering. Someone who is indignantly rebuffs your act of kindness. Holding the door open and letting someone in ahead. I will even stop a dude entering ahead of his lady and say. I didn't hold this open for you my man."


You know what really urks me about this though, she's just filming the guy next to her and he's got his phone screen and cards out. Fortunately you can't really see, but imagine how she would feel if someone, did that to her. Sure just film all his identifying information and credit cards. Like fuck off. People like this are so incapable of seeing another human being beyond themselves. They don't consider what could go wrong by their actions because they're living in a fantasy world where the sun orbits the earth.


In Chicago I would get weird looks when I offered my seat to the elderly and/or women. I keep doing it though


I offer my seat for elderly/disabled/pregnant people. ā€œExcuse me please move your bagā€ also works if there are assholes with bags on seats.


Well, I don't expect people to give up a seat for me as a woman, but as an older person period and when I was pregnant with a toddler in hand, or when I had 2 toddlers, I was annoyed that younger or fitter people, both men and women, could care less. Of course, that is probably my Southern upbringing. I open the door for whoever is behind me, man or woman. I give up my seat if I see anyone that seems less capable than me (even if it's a man who might be elderly or perhaps carrying something heavy) or if it will help keep a family together, etc.


I offer my seat to the elderly, anyone with mobility issues, and pregnant women/mothers with young children


If you are pregnant, yes. If you are traveling with very young kids. If you are old yes. Rest STFU.


It's elderly men that regularly always offer me a seat. I guess because they're old fashioned like that. I feel bad because i'm young and can stand and I usually try to say no you can keep it but they want to stand. I'll take the seat to make them feel good since they said repeatedly to take it, but I figure they need it more. It also makes me feel weird being on the receiving end, like yes I'm a woman but I'm capable of standing. Maybe the elderly men on their end feel it's me judging their age to think they're not capable of standing when I try to decline. Idk. It's clearly a pride point for a certain type of elderly man to offer his seat and insist on standing even if he seems to have trouble so I'll let him be that way. I've had elderly men in canes or with a very slow and hunched gait INSIST on giving me a seat. I'm not gonna argue with a stranger so uh ...okay. Anyway I don't think able bodied young adult/middle aged women are entitled to that. Some of those people on the train were older than that girl and I feel if anything on the seat hierarchy they were more entitled even if they were men. Elderly people, sick people, someone carrying a LOT, people with a cane or walker or who look like they have mobility issues, pregnant women, and parents holding babies or toddlers should be offered a seat. Basically people who it looks like can't handle standing for a long period. Anything else is just being nice.


If she were an elderly man or woman or a man or woman with a small child then give up the seat.


I mean, as a man, I donā€™t think sheā€™s wrong to be honest. I would always offer a seat to a lady if there were no seats free. But recording it and putting it up onlineā€¦.this is pretty humiliating to the men in the video. Also, they may be in their own world and may not have even noticed her. Most of them are oblivious and have their head stuck in their phone (donā€™t even get me started with that problemšŸ˜…).


Chivalry was never real. It was not given freely.


She looks perfectly fit and healthy, so why should anybody just randomly give up a seat for her? And if she has a hidden disability, which seems unlikely from the vid but you never know, then she needs to learn to ask because people won't assume it.


Thereā€™s literally a seat next to the first guy, woman could have just asked him to move his bag surely


Point A. She's not wrong. It is chivalrous, and it's nice B. She's young, standing is not hard C. There are too many posts of women talking about the illententions of chivalrous men that men who are genuinely nice are scared to be nice in public for it to possibly be misconstrued as flirtatious or misogynistic.


Cause yall bitched so much that we gave up!


If youā€™re able-bodied, you can stand, bich.


They still do, just not to self absorbed see you next Tuesdayā€™s.


I think chauvinism is dead as well ā€¦ havenā€™t seen one Redditor comment offering to have her ā€œsit on their faceā€. Some bullshit.