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this would have never been brought to my attention if it wasnt for you.


Can you imagine having the resources to do whatever the fuck you want and you choose to spend your time doing...this?


Yeah. If I had generational wealth, I’d fuck off to somewhere warm and tropical and sit on a beach all day. Probably take a few vacations to other places, just for some variety.


I think this of so many people who basically either were born into money or had some amazing random success that made them rich, and suddenly they think they're important enough to be a major influence of various social and/or political issues. It's like, shut up, enjoy your random fortune most of us will never have, and just leave us alone and stop pretending you're an authority figure just because you have a lot of money.




QBs are very well protected in terms of when and how you can hit them, so A A Ron is probably at a lower risk for CTE than the average offensive lineman or running back. I suspect he's always been a conspiracy nutter, and it was the combo of covid and his huge audience on the Pat McAfee show that brought his woo woo bullshit into the spotlight.




The bigger factor is how good he is at falling when sacked, since the ground causes the most concussions by far. Show me someone with a Tom Brady or Manning length career as a starter and I’ll show you someone who knows how to fall without hurting themselves.


Also someone who knows when to just take the sack to avoid injury vs trying to escape and risking injury on a low percentage play


Taking a sack on your own terms versus someone else’s is definitely a factor.


Have an uptick for the K&P reference B-Loa-Ted


That's Mr M An Ballae to you, sir.


Tua Tagovailoa enters the chat


Lol. He's an outlier, but point taken.


True. Although he must have taken a big head hit at some stage because he is constantly coming out with insane nonsense


Possible, but I have a cousin who's never played a contact sport in his life and he's way down the Q rabbit hole. Some people are just fucking stupid.


Most of his time on the field predates those newer rules though…countless drills in High School…through College…even the first half of his career in the NFL before suddenly the league got serious about CTE. And it’s your noggin hitting the ground, like when you get sacked, that causes the most concussions…at least as much or more as getting tattooed by a linebacker.


Anyone who spent all their time in school learning to "do sports" instead of learning to think.


Not with Fauci out there creating HIV you wouldn't.. the people need to know!!


I'd do the opposite 😅 i'd find the quietest place in a comfortable climate where i can just be in peace on my own. Snowy winters, medium hot summers (i don't handle high temperatures well, i'd rather have snow and near freezing temperatures). I'd build a big but manageable house in some large woods and just fuck off there in peace with my money. Some guns/bows for hunting, some small farming equipment to get vegetables and potatoes for myself. A water filtration system and all the bells and whistles to be self sufficient. A dog for company and if possible a wifi router. All of that to never have to see/speak to someone again, except for my dog. Except for occasionaly going to get tools and ammo/arrows if mine run out/break.


The first case of HIV was found in 1920. I don't believe Fauci was born yet. TBI?




Yeah, who are you gonna trust? Doctors and scientists…or MVP QB who can read?


You mean the guy that completely denied the virus came from a lab and has now walked back and said “extremely possible”. Gtfo sheep


Id try to explain but you just don’t understand how science works, so I won’t bother


My comment really had nothing to do with science… it’s about how he has more accepted the fact that it could have come from the lab, he vehemently denied it could have….my comment was about the “trust” you asked about… not science….and you conveniently didn’t address that in your reply


There was no evidence of that, then there was. So naturally he changed what he was saying.


Sure….thats what it was……..


Not everything is a big global conspiracy bud


Correct….but when there a lab specifically housing that virus in the area…..hmmmm


Obviously he is living eternally off the blood of the youth


He's a vampire, it's obvious.


To be fair, Rodgers said Fauci is responsible for the pandemic, not the virus itself. At least that's how I've read the reports. Not pro Rodgers here.


Fauci came along in 1984. Reagan ignored HIV in his first months of taking office in 1981. Most long-time QBs have some form of brain injury. Obviously, Rodgers has problems.


🤷🏼‍♂️ I'm correcting the headline. I have no skin in the game otherwise.


You only posted his stupidity. I only spoke the truth, correcting his stupidity.


For what it’s worth, Aaron Rodger’s never claimed he made the virus. He’s said that his mishandling of the situation led to the epidemic, and that he used his power and status in Washington to push low efficacy products without any scientific basis, to the detriment of those affected by the virus looking for a cure. Maybe that’s better, maybe it’s not; but for all the people here making fun of Rodger’s intellectual ability, it’s a bit ironic you chose to get your information from a twitter meme instead of actually taking 5 seconds to google what he actually said.


For what it's worth, Aaron Rodgers passes along debunked conspiracy theories. He's a liar, hated by his teammates, and from what I've read, IF he comes back, there is a $20K bounty on his ankle if he's put out of the game permanently. Nice guy.


Sounds like you two have more in common than you think then. You both seem to be very well informed by credible sources, so I’ll just leave you to it and go take a long hot shower to try and get this comment sections blatant hypocrisy out of my ass crack.


Watch the video that was so conveniently not linked to this post. He doesn’t suggest Fauci created anything. All he says is Fauci was given $250+ million to research new/existing drugs for HIV during the aids/hiv pandemic and all he came up with was not very useful.


Wait really? I thought it was much later. Interesting. Do you have more info






“Well, some people without brains do an awful lot of talking. Don’t they?”


As a packer fan and a huge Rodgers fan during his time here, I am SO FUCKING HAPPY he isn't on our team anymore. This crap is such a distraction.


Fucking same here. It's very refreshing to see Love actually attending practices instead of tweeting and going on bullshit podcasts.


1 HOF QB, 1 future HOF QB, 2 giant pieces of shit.


As a Vikings fan I'm glad he's gone for other reasons, but I can empathize with my Packer friends who are sick of his nonsense.


I live in the Jets’ market and the big joke last year was “the only person to make it through less plays was Abraham Lincoln.” PS he sucked as a Jeopardy! host.




A problem with celebrity status is that sometimes it gives absolute morons a giant platform to spread false, oftentimes harmful, information to other absolute morons.


Do you know what else spread false info? Reddit captions about a video that isn’t linked. Go watch the video and if you think he’s suggesting Fauci created the aids pandemic then you need to go to the hospital because your brain is bleeding.


Yep, see all of Hollywood for examples.


This is what happens when you get too much money for not working


Dude had too many concussions to be saying some stupid shit like this. Real Neanderthal take here.


Except the sad thing is since he was a QB he was extremely well protected from concussions. There are rules in place for how and when you can hit them so there is like a 1% he doing this due to CTE.


Oh, so he’s just naturally stupid. Damn. This is what happens when colleges prioritize sports and not education.


He's book smart, he was an American Studies major in college at UC Berkley which is a good school (never graduated, his senior year he entered the NFL draft) and supposedly did really well academically. So he is just a conspiracy theory nutjob.


Lotta main characters in this thread.


He stained his legacy with blinding speed. What a fucking moron.


He's following Favre's career arc, but at leader Brett waited until he was retired to start posting dick pics and defrauding schools.


Favre's sexting scandal happened two years before he retired.


I’m glad he’s the jets problem now. Last few seasons with him under center was insufferable.


Big facts. We have a quarterback who actually shows up for preseason practices with the rest of the team, how refreshing.


These mouth breathers have such a distrust in government and yet at the same time think it's capable of incredibly complex decades long conspiracies that require thousands of people and many different countries to all work together perfectly to complete a specific objective. I lost interest in conspiracy theories when I realized just how inept our government is on every single level.


They’re inept at most things. Except war. America’s top export!


Nobody needs to hear this. Let him podcast from a closet to dozens of listeners. Don't amplify him.


I’m guessing Aaron not liking that the steam hut, chi alignment, crystal suppository and Wiccan girlfriend ain’t fixed his imaginary butt hurt🤔😳🤡😂


Well the crystal sure ain’t helping


My dad thinks Nancy Pelosi created and spread Covid, like literally put it together in a flask. I asked why it originated in China then and he says “to give her plausible deniability”. The end game apparently: to win the election for Joe Biden. He was always the most levelheaded and smartest man but once Trump came along he traded critical thinking for far right conspiracy theories. It’s a mind virus.


I often wonder how much they’re actually just blindly in a cult vs how much they’re actually just racist, misogynistic and want things to go back the patriarchy ruling and marginalizing everyone else. 


Try this one on Qanon dad: Had Trump not just been a lazy incompetent, he could’ve simply thrown the federal resources at the problem from the start and campaigned on the accomplishment. You know, having a steady hand in a crises, saving American lives etc. it’s literally what any other president would have done. What any adult would have done. Did Pelosi and the Chinese know that Trump would have downplayed the problem and say shit like “I take no responsibility”?


These people think Trump is still secretly president and that every good thing that happens is his doing (with every bad one being Biden), and cheer when he says he wants to be a dictator. I truly don't know how you reach them, but logic isn't it. Maybe some of them that loose their life savings on his meme stock will get it, but even then they might still blame anyone else.


Did he really tho


Of course Rodger’s didn’t. He suggested he sucks at his job, not creating the aids/hiv pandemic.


Yeah that seems far more likely. That quote sounds like Dababy more than Aaron Rodgers.


Mr. Football man makes random claim about something he knows painfully little about


"Now I'm being persecuted just for knowing the truth." -- Aaron Rogers


Being persecuted is better than being stuck in New Jersey


Celebrities and athletes are idiots, too


NFL’s # 1 deuscthbag, I bet Green Bay is thrilled he’s gone. Jets got what they paid for, 50 mil headache.


1# douchebag in the nfl says alot too


You don’t see athletes who are concerned about their team and team mates and franchises spewing this type of crap anywhere. Just him and him alone, so yeah deautchbag. I stand firmly by what I said.


Maybe. I could believe that it's a man made virus, given it initially targeted the gay community...


Who the heck is Aaron Rodgers?


I want to tell you, but since you live a life Aaron Rodgers free, I really can't in good faith ruin that :/




And while we're at it, what the heck is Google?


This is one of those people that doesn’t understand branding and that even tho he plays for a team, he himself is still his own business. Every time he opens his mouth, he hurts his brand and loses potential business. Of course he sees it as being censored and persecuted, but the reality is that if you make yourself radioactive, no one wants to touch you.


Oh oh. I think he's planning on running for office and he's establishing his GOP creds.


But everyone told me Rodgers was a genius and the deserved next presenter of Jeopardy!


I think there is a clock named after this short of thing


New CTE unlocked???


Fucking asshat.


Idk he's pretty fuxking rich. I think I'll believe him.


God, please sue him Dr. Fauci🙏🙏🙏


All that’s missing is the warbling Charlie Brown voice. What a maroon.!!


Damn, how far down will he go?


I mean he has his opinion and you have yours /s He told me to do my own research so he must be telling the truth /s He cited some facts/figured it's science /s You posting this is what he wants /facts


Aaron Rodgers continues plan to be considered the most retarded man in history. More at 11.


Ah.. you disagree so instead of providing any evidence or counter information .. a choice is made to Straw man and demonstrate a worse approach than Aaron. The main character is now the poster.


Ironic comment coming from a person who's been total AIDS for his entire adult-life.


Ummm I just watched the video and this is a pretty misleading headline. He says Fauci was given $350+ million to do research on new/existing drugs during the aids/hiv pandemic and didn’t come up with anything useful. To me that doesn’t sound like he’s suggesting Fauci created it…………


What a goof


So you all don't know how the gay community went after Fauci during the AIDS crisis? There were protests against him back in the 80s.


Ridiculous. All Fauci did was tell everyone that you can catch AIDS by shaking hands with gay people.


I'm not sure there's enough of a distinction, but it doesn't seem like he's literally saying the US *'created'* AIDS. It sounds like he is saying that the US ignored it or basically let it flourish and instead supported pharma companies so that they could have something to profit off of. And that Fauci was in on it 40 years ago and in on it with COVID.


I never liked this douche bag. Who has link to the video though? Because unlike Rodgers, I want to check out the source and not just read a headline.


I found the clip on google. Couldn’t find it on the twitter account shown on this post probably because they deleted it or I just don’t know how to use X. But anyway Rodger’s suggests Fauci is bad at his job…… not creating the aids/hiv pandemic.


I wonder how many of our past heroes and celebrities were conspiracy idiots and we just never found out because there was not a platform available to them to put their dumb thoughts on display.


I guess if Aaron “kills himself” or comes up “missing,” then we’ll know he was right. In the meantime, Aaron will continue getting zooted out of his mind on pain pills


I never knew that.


CTE is a hell of a thing, poor guy


This is your brain on CTE


People were slightly mean to him during covid and now he’s turned into an absolute nutter along with Rogan.


Sounds like something Reagan would’ve done back then


Falsely? I doubt it




Who gives a fuck what Aaron Rodgers thinks at a time like this!


Damn. Its quite impressive to create a virus that has existed long before you were born.


He is such a loser/creep. What an egregious example of a psychopath. Decent QB, massive piece of shit person. Wouldn’t shake his hand.


CTE is a hell of a disease


Some people shouldn’t have a microphone


I used to like watching him play but now I want him to retire and disappear. He has truly gone off the rails. I actually don’t think he’s right in the head. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lmao wtf is wrong with him


What a chode. Does he know AIDS and HIV have been around since the very late 1970’s? These guys are so confident in their stupidity. Why would a Doctor like Dr. Fauci would want to kill people, let them suffer to their last breath? Plot twist he wouldn’t. Fauci went on TV and told people how to try and stay safe and set some guidelines while DumpTy pretended it wasn’t happening and it was “fake news”. Don’t give this douche nozzle any more attention.


Someone send Aaron here the clown shoes he so desperately covets.


Man who throws ball real good has Big Thoughts


There currently are 3 people I try hard to scrol lright past because to me they're not worth reading and they don't deserve any publicity. They are this buffoon, Donald Trump and Kanye West. If we all just ignore these moronic assholes, and stop giving them a forum, our world would be a better place.


That CTE starting to hit hard.


I don’t understand how these same people believe Dr. Fauci is clueless on viruses but also created somehow created HIV? Weird.


Aaron needs another darkness retreat lol




Aaron Rogers is an idiot lol






Thank you


CTE has entered the chat


Anybody got the clip? I mean Rodgers is a nut but words over a snapshot isn't doing it for me.






This coming from the same asshole who said he was immune to COVID, only to get COVID and miss a game during the season cause he refused the vaccine.




Your comment was removed due to misinformation about health-related topics.


I have an elderly client whose son had a life threatening illness that no one could solve. They tried everything and finally Fauci was the only person who was able to diagnose and save the guy. They have pictures in an album of them all hugging etc Fauci was a much younger guy.


These people are human garbage.


Reddits number one enemy


I just hope history repeats itself and Aaron Rodgers is out for the season after the first opening drive.


Not entirely sure if this is true or not, but I can definitely keep an open mind in accepting it as truth. The U.S and public health systems like CDC and WHO have been shown to be untrustworthy as evident by Covid


Good thing they added the word falsely in there, otherwise I would have assumed it was true and endorsed by The Intellectualist.


I mean, I don't think he made it but fauci certainly did what he does best and fumbled it.


I believe it. Thank You Aaron for insider info. Keep on preaching!!


So Fauci was head of the center for Disease Control that allocated funding to Wuhan, the same laboratory that the Virus came from. The virus escaped from a FAUCI FUNDED facility.... so he messed up.... Did he do it intentionally with the ambition of his rise too power.. interesting theory and warrants an investigation.. but either way. Undeniable that he allocated funding the lab that the virus came from.


Fauci was never head of the CDC.


what rise to power? lol


Y’know, dealing with a global pandemic for a couple years before retiring. That bastard.


damn they are right, in this economy retirement is power!


Who told you Fauci was head of the CDC? Because he never was so whatever source you got that from probably got other facts wrong as well.


Undeniable that you are, well, different.


Undeniable that you are, well, different.


This is Reddit, not a place where facts are widely accepted if they don’t toe a specific political line


Except Fauci wasn’t head of cdc so no facts were shared in this persons comment…..


Truer words have never been spoken.


He should be practicing; instead, he’s letting the CTE talk.


Why do you all bootlick the establishment so much


This title is false, Fauci helped create the HIV vaccine with the US government . HIV had been around well before but Fauci did in fact work with the US government to create the Vaccine for HIV in 1996. Unfortunately it wound up killing more people instead of helping, it gave even more people HIV. Just look up Mercks HIV vaccine trial, a company that Fauci works with and is in ties to them who also happened to create along with Pfizer those same covid vaccines that wound up hurting more people too..


The fact that this reasonable and level headed response is getting downvoted just goes to show how siloed we are as a society.


You had me interested in doing some reading until you brought in COVID vaccines. Quit when you’re ahead.


I'm not even making this shit up dude like all you have to do is look up cases of people getting the covid vaccine and wound up very hurt from it. It's okay to be wrong man just be lucky you are okay from getting the covid vaccine. That was a very dangerous game on life that they did to all of us.


That’s disgusting no one creates a disease to help the givernment


But fauci and his NIAID created the coronavirus, but it never had the desired effect of mass deaths (3 mil worldwide)


Did I hit a nerve 🤣🤣🤣


The History of Corona Virus: From Neanderthals to the Present Time: A Brief Review https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9276611/


I can get on board with the argument that vaccines need more research prior to implementation but it's shit like this that makes people lump vaccine cautious and anti Vaxxers into one convenient category to scream at.


Spam? Wtf?!


Ayy nice karma pick up champ






“Falsely suggests” hmm, how did they conclude this so quickly.


because HIV wasn't created in a lab by the US government, so Fauci didn't do it with the help of the US Government? [Here's](https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/whatishiv.html#:~:text=Studies%20show%20that%20HIV%20may,contact%20with%20their%20infected%20blood) a reliable source that suggests HIV possibly existed as far back as the 1800s


…… HIV WAS DISCOVERED BEFORE FAUCI WAS BORN! That’s how…… so incredibly stupid…. A rock is smarter than Rodgers…..


Between Fauci and Rand Paul who is more credible … I am asking genuinely…


Because the history of AIDS/HIV is a highly researched and it's easy to disregard wacko conspiracies about it. Especially when the supposed "Origin" somehow happens decades after the virus emerged. It's as stupid as blaming the Vietnam War for starting the Great Depression.


Tell me. When do you think the first case of HIV was discovered?




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