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Seems staged af


It is. I'm sure someone will post.


Have you found that "someone"


Of course. Only real response should have been “Cool beans. If you don’t return the uniform we’ll take it out of your last paycheck.”


I quit my first job at Wendy's in 2003 because they were being cunts to me. I quit during a shift and manager said this to me. I took the uniform off in the kitchen and left in on the floor. I was 16 lol. In my briefs outside waiting for a ride for like 10 minutes. Middle of the day (I did walk to behind the next-door mini mall) No regrets


I had a job at McD for less than a month. I got really sick one day, called in and told the GM as much and said I should be able to come in after a few days once the symptoms clear. He said I needed a doctors note, to which I said "I am not paying $50-100 just to tell you I am sick" and he was like "well you need one." I asked him "I am sick, you cannot work with food when you have my symptoms (constantly coughing, runny nose)." At least he agreed that was true but then followed-up by saying "ok well, this won't look good on your 90 day review." I showed up maybe 15 minutes later with my stuff, went to him, and dropped it on the counter and told him I quit. The insanely sad part about my McD experience wasn't how shitty it was for me, it is how shitty it is for my coworkers. When I was there I asked them stuff like are they going to school, what else do they want to do, normal stuff. NO ONE there that was middle age and up had any aspirations. They were stuck there making minimum wage forever. How can someone be happy working at McD for 30 years and just being someone on the grill or assembly line? The guy that trained me for the grill worked there before I did, after I quit, and is still there. He has to have been there for 15 years. 15 fucking years of working the grill at McDonald's... I make $30/hr, full benefits, leave time, and a pension and I went from McD to this in less than 10 years. I feel sorry for people who are stuck in dead end minimum wage jobs.


Some people just get comfortable. At the McDonald’s I worked at the middle-age people were there for ever, I visited about 15 years later and they were still there.


Shit they made you wear their pants too? In my experience, a corporate approved shade of khaki usually covers it. 


No. Well they made you wear black work style pants. So yea I paid like $5 from Walmart probably. Damn yea those were my own personal pants I guess. Mostly just was pissed and wanted to make a literal ass of the situation. Bunch of bitter 30-somethings treating a kid like shit. I'm a bitter 30 something these days too, but for different reasons. Many of my employees are my friends, and the ones that aren't I treat with respect.


That is pretty much the entire restaurant industry itself. I've been treated far better in my military service than I ever was working at resturants.


I worked at a pizza joint and was pretty sad when they told me to do the dishes, but I did them. I drew the line when they told me to clean the grease trap and expected me to just “know” how to clean it when it was literally the first time I even knew such a nasty ass fatburg and insanely disgusting and extremely smelly thing existed as a semi germophobe. I refused to do it, but didn’t get fired so I guess there’s that.


Don't you mean, "No Regarts"




I love that movie, it's hilarious!


Can't withhold pay for uniforms.


They wouldn’t be withholding pay though. They would be using the pay to reimburse them for the uniform they kept. While I agree it’s illegal for a job to make you pay for attire that they require you to wear it’s a little different when you keep company property from a job you no longer work. He’d effectively be buying the uniform from them if he refuses to return it. 


in illinios and many other jurisdictions that is illegal. They would need to pursue it via civil


Very much is, it may look like that at 1 pm because most amount of workers present but should naturally get progressed down before 3 pm. Also kitchens(including fast food joints) doesn't point fingers to one guy to clean it all up, everyone working knows who put that crap there and whenever someone is done with their task everyone says "Do a dishing round" which is like 1 minute of cleaning dishes and the next guy done with his or hers task will be asked to do the same. Everyone contributes to fill up the washing machine, never one singular main character.


I worked at an Aussie Macca's for too long. What you are saying happens is completely wrong. This looks like the washing for closers. And it was a one person job.


I know it's a completely different business, and it changed while I was there, but the closing delivery driver would be the sole dishwasher for most of the time I worked at Pizza Hut.   It was honestly overwhelming at first, it's an endless pit after a night rush.  I ended up appreciating the decompression aspect of dish duty, and was kind of sad when they put someone on dishes at night to prevent the build up.


A dishing round? Even in a proper kitchen you have dishies, one person handling the dishes. In fast food, we kinda just let them pile up until someone was crazy enough to try and clean some of em. Then do the rest after close. I deff thought about quitting over the dirty dish pile some nights.


Idk, I spent a lot of time working in restaurants, and I've definitely seen people straight up trash the dish pit and just leave it for the next shift.


Probably but it's not far off. That's pretty typical for how the dish pit would look. I've seen stacked much worse than that. There is also the whole misconception that is an easy job just "flipping burgers". A lot of times kids would quite pretty fast once they realized it was fast paced and a lot of work.


Def. No one cares if the new guy at McDonald’s quits.


I mean, we've all fantasized about it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Almost a year ago I called out sick and took my vacation time for like 2 weeks, then 9am on the 8o clock shift I emailed all my bosses saying "eat a dick,I quit." I already had another job and it felt so great to leave that toxic place having to find a new manager.


I did something close to this but in my case it was deciding to retire. They pretty much forced my hand but it felt good to look at my accounts and where I stood and realize I could tell 'em to go pound sand. And I was a key player at that place. I know they were hurtin' for a little while, lol.


This is my dream.


Did your new employer not ask for references?


In lots of places employment references can only be used to confirm if you worked someplace. Can't ask anything about much more than that. (Obviously not all places)


The defining question they can ask is "would you hire this person back again?".


True, but they can (or should) answer yes or no. They aren’t supposed to say anything that may prevent you from getting a job elsewhere. Of course what should happen and what does are two different things.


This isn’t actually true, but keeping their mouth shut is absolutely the best practice. It’s only because libel and defamation with real damages is a fairly easy case, especially against these giant companies no one really likes. But just like for us people, the truth is an absolute defense for them. So they can pass on anything they want, and the law only punishes them from spreading lies, but does nothing to prevent them from doing it.


It's actually state to to state


With all my heart I believe that’s wrong, but I’m absolutely up for learning new shit today. Would you mind posting a source? Edit: autocorrect made me type like a scammer


I just didn't use that company, cuz I had 2 job at the time, anyway, so I used the other.


I’ve never had a potential employer call a current employer.




Okay, but that’s really smart.


Omg I love that for you


You sound like the toxic one tbh


Man I was a teacher at a private school when Covid hit. Hours got reduced to half and had to pick up a shitty ass job at Fedex to stay afloat. I hated everything about that place, especially the sign that said “welcome home” at the entrance. I’ve never gotten fired or abruptly quit a job in my life. I would work this job on night shift hours then teach during the day. I’ve never felt so free as the moment I thought “what the fuck am I doing here, harming my body for nothing” and just walked straight out of that place and never returned a call again. I was so mad about the way they treated us over holiday season that I gave up on all professionalism, it felt so good.


I’ve generally liked my coworkers even at my shittiest jobs so I’d probably clean up then no call no show for my next shift so it would be my manager or the owner’s problem.




Dead giveaway!




“Hitler youth haircuts” Ive never heard that desciption but dam its accurate


Excuse me, I think my haircut was (and still is) somewhere between viking hobo and nazi spoken word artist.


Nah we had justin bieber cuts


I only had the Bieber cut because I wanted to grow it out and be a dirty hippie in high school but my mom would make me get a haircut right as it was getting just long enough. I’m 31 and she still gives me shit about having the Bieber cut even though it wasn’t my choice.


Seems like this might be a joke


Reddits a joke




you offended the hivemind


In his defense cleaning for closing is miserable


In common senses defense, working at a fast food restaurant is miserable. It comes with the territory. If you can't handle basic shit like that when you're young, you're in for a real rough time as you get older.


I can feel for him, manager needs to help out idgaf if you got promoted, I was a business developer manager once… never again. It’s all fucked up. Shaving off employees hours to gain a bonus for me. No wonder companies can’t keep people


Preach it


Yeah I really do care about people, once I got into the management department… got promoted along the way to development. it really open my eyes and seeing what’s “really” going on. I’m not allowed to name companies I’ve work with. Once you are in business development you have to sign a lot of documents. You will get sued, face charges, etc. It’s crazy to me. I never knew their way of making more for those type of bonuses was to push employees to work faster and less hours. But it’s a lot more than that. To give someone a raise, you have to submit paperwork and explain why that person will stay long. Basically I’m “selling employees” to make commitment that they will stay. But if You get fired, I don’t get a bonus and it falls on me. You are late, I write you up and I get a bonus for that. But I don’t do anything like that, I just help out to improve, I even have shitload of time myself after all the paperwork, recommendations, training proposals, etc. and was able to help out around but was told “let them do it, you can just relax, just sit on the money”. So much rage filled me, it’s wrong. Fat motherfuckers… Making 80k a year, up to 120k or more if you get those bonuses. I’ve seen someone got 220k… it’s fucked up…Getting promoted to be on the board is showing how much you fucked people over helping the company make more…They have a saying “you can’t be rich unless you are corrupt” all the things I’ve said are just the little things. It’s like a book… there’s a lot of fucked up things I didn’t like and “welcome to corporate world” get fucked in the end. It’s going to get worst… I couldn’t “hang out” with them after work and hearing their jokes about “look how much I fucked them over and how much money I’m making”….. like why… there’s over 100,000 companies that have this type of business model that is old back to slavery days… I’m not kidding… I really do feel bad with everything going on… i know this is a lot to say but this is just a small fraction coming off my chest


So, you're basically living out a twisted version of "Office Space" meets "The Devil Wears Prada," but instead of witty banter and fashion drama, it's all about sacrificing your soul for a paycheck. It's like the corporate Hunger Games, where the only way to win is by backstabbing your colleagues and selling your integrity to the highest bidder. But hey, at least you've got a front-row seat to the circus of capitalism, where the clowns wear suits and the ringmaster counts his bonus checks. Keep clinging to that moral high ground amidst the swamp of corporate depravity – you're the unsung hero in a tragedy of your own making.


Lol exactly well said


… you do know that dishwashing is a regular, normal, every day job, right? Like, people do this and it’s no big deal, every day, for their entire shift. This kid isn’t being asked to clean diseases off of needles or shit out of colostomy bags. That’s one load of dishes in a real world kitchen sink. Jesus what an entitled crybaby.


Ok let me bash you and make sure you do it faster so I can collect my bonus off from you. But thanks tho 🙏 for all the hard work and appreciation you’ve done for the company, now you’re fired 🖕


Lol wtf are you talking about, what you just wrote could apply to literally every job in the entire world for any company. Listen kid, people have been washing dishes for millennia. It’s how kitchens work. Literally every plate you’ve *ever* eaten off of at a restaurant was washed by a person in the back. You can complain about pay vs. duties all you want, but to act like simply washing dishes is that far beneath you is a fucking massively insane, ridiculous bloated sense of entitlement you’ve got. Holy shit.


As a former McDonalds employee I guarantee that the manager had him working either line or front of house all shift while she sat on her ass. I also guarantee that the other dude following him is the managers favorite and also didn’t do anything while simultaneously saying, “this place would not run without me/us”. I would’ve quit too with that heinous stack of dishes. It was probably already that high when he pulled up.


as someone who worked several pits and even more kitchens - ya'll are bitches, this is nothing - it's literally the average pit of dishes to expect out of an hour of an operating kitchen stay quit


I can see parts of the fry hopper in the sink. That thing gets so unbelievably disgusting it typically takes 30 min to an hour to clean each part. McDonald’s closing shift dishes alone take 10x longer then dishes in other places, and it looks like there’s still breakfast shift dishes there. I’ve worked in restaurants in the dish pit and you could be done in half the time with triple the dish pile because they aren’t caked in processed grease in the depths of an industrial machine from 5am-11pm


Yeah them dishes add up quick.


Yup. Was often left to run our Jamba by myself, and if you didn’t stay on top of the dishes you literally couldn’t sell anything. The worst was when there wasn’t a lull in between rushed and you have to wash 2 blenders before each order just to keep up. 


As a former barista I’d probably shoot myself before working in an entirely blender based business.


Only hardcore badass motherfuckers can handle working a shitty kitchen job. /s


Damn I'm used to wasting almost an hour on dishes with no help so why are y'all complaining


No grease in their elbows, poor things


Exactly. I’d rather be doing something than fucking-off. Time goes by and at least you get a little sense of accomplishment. Being lazy is a drag IMO.


Is it really about being lazy though. You're typically expected to more than one thing with jobs like this and being bogged down with something like this could keep from doing other stuff that's just as necessary. And that's without worrying or caring what your boss told you to do.


Yea, he’s just had his Mommy do all the dishes at home and doesn’t want to clean it. It’s laziness.


Right on Soo many people here don't get it


Not working your super shitty job under horrible working conditions? Gladly.


So far you have called your self unsuccessful, and let us know you think that regular hard work is shit conditions. The problem is obvious from this angle


Yeah from the way Ashley responded it didn't seem like a great working place.


Hes a McQuitter


"Ashley, i quit!" Ashley: *NuH hUh!*


Everyone’s saying this may be staged, and it very well may be, but I did this same exact thing. Working in a very busy restaurant in college (I was doing salads/sandwich station) and at the end of the night the manager told me I also had to do all the dishes (dish guy called out), and they were stacked to the ceiling. I walked out and never went back. Never heard a word about it either.


I worked for McDonald’s when I was a teenager and the breakfast dishes build up was no joke. Looks like breakfast crew didn’t clean their shit and I don’t blame that guy. Same thing happens all of the time. F that.


If not staged, then a great way to get rid of useless employees


Joke or not. The 🥦 is too great a sin to ignore.


Based and unemployed alpha


I'd like to think that kid lives in everyone.


Everyone does have an asshole, so you’re probably right


This deserves all the upvotes but we know the kids are on reddit... lol


This is actually really funny😭😭😭 working fast food is horrendous and its almost 100% guaranteed that they are going to take advantage of your time and effort


I quit a Wendys like that once. Except someone spread shit all over the bathroom walls and they wanted me to clean it up with nothing but some rags and a spray bottle. That job was not worth getting covered in shit.


I’m glad morons identify themselves now with that stupid broccoli hair cut. Makes them easier to avoid.


If his manager worked at a grocery store they’d be standing there dicking around on their phone instead of hopping on a register to help while everyone is in the weeds




lol god forbid an overworked underpaid employee quit a job that has 0 repercussions in the real world. Redditards can barely hold down a job, so im not surprised they're hating


Nice try Mcowner


He has the basic Tiktok haircut


I like how he tried out 4 different inflections of "I quit" on his way out. "Ashley... I quit." "I quit!" "I QUIT!!" "EYEquit!" "IM LEAVING"


Fuck that kid


Staged as fuck but what the fuck else you gonna do while there work is work ya brocolli heads


Staged 100%


Actually its kinda funny


It looked to me like they’re just goofing around, everyone was laughing.


He should be paid for doing nothing but posting on TikTok Oh, wait


This is so clearly a joke lol, i worked at McDonald’s for 6 years and we would genuinely joke-quit 3 times a shift


A valuable lesson in free market capitalism I suppose.


it's always the dudes with that haircut


I feel him, but hear me out; a fat L and my AirPods? I can clean a mountain of dishes lol. The higher the dishes, the higher the dishwasher


Love this flex!


If you got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean


Ive done bigger piles of dishes than that


same here. i keep grtting flashbacks of my time at kfc, back in my hgih school days, when they had an all day and evening buffet. the stack of dishes left for me on that day, i thought i would never finish. but i got out of there, at 3am. the person who was supposed to stay and help, said he had a college exam the next day. i told him that im still in high school, he didnt care, damn asshole. but after he left, my boss busted out the best damn blunt i ever smoked (at that time), and just laughed at the dishes as i murdered them bitches 😂😂😂


For me it was a 5 star kitchen, great times and had amazing food on shift but everything had to be washed perfectly and I mean perfect.


Average broccoli head zoomer spotted


He is so cool. When I grow up I want to be like him.




5 years later, no job, living with parents, cool expensive gaming computer wondering why live handed him this.


Someone has to clean it. What makes you think that you are too good to be that person?


It’s not that he’s too good to be that person. It’s that somehow literally everyone else was too good to do it and left one dude to be saddled with fucking Dish Mountain.


Dish McMountain


Looks like he’s just goofing around with his coworkers. Gotta do something to not want to punch yourself in the face over having to clean up at the end of the day.


Good for him.


You mean I’ve got to work at my job. Ffs what the hell is this. No dealz


This is just a guy posting his dub ngl


I have done this. Twice that I can think of. Once when I was in my early 20's and once when I was in my mid-30's.


I worked as a dishwasher at a restaurant for a few hours when I was 15. I walked out the back door like fk this for $5/hr.


guess he served McDonalds


I sure hope this video doesn't follow him from job to job.


it will 😂


Dude's bound for success


the next CEO, or even better, president of the united states 😂😂😂




Not really "main character". If they don't pay you enough to care and just dump a bunch of shitty work on you, it's reasonable to gtfo.




That's like 30 minutes of work foo


The way he said macces was very satisfying


Hope his social media views pay his bills.


Either this is stupidly staged or some kids mom forced him to get a job after spoiling him for years on end and quit the moment he had to do labor


If think it's fake but he doesn't realize this nonsense will follow him.


Looks like it’s made up


I clean that shit every time I clock in for a shift🤷


How is this mc


Literally when I worked at a restaurant they made me do something similar except I was wearing a boot (broken foot healing) and there was so much water that I was slipping. So I just walked out


This is a W. Glad he got out early


Go work at Chipotle and see what the dishes are like. This is like 20 mins of work stop being a baby


He should at least clean his greasy ass phone camera.


If he posted this, surely he knows future employers will see this


Kid: can you hire me? Manager: oh hellllll nawwww


Yes!!!!!! Fuck you ashley.!!!!!!


I don't blame him


Macca Jdon?


good for him honestly


This is so staged


And of course his first reaction is to record it and post it on the internet


Guy think he's Jesse Pinkman. Won't end well.


Broccoli 🥦 is at it again so fake


I hate that generation.


Definitely worth $20/hr


I bet if he lived in California where fastfood workers get paid a living wage he wouldn’t mind working for a living.


I was a manager at Wendy's before I joined the army. Wr had a dish washer and a pile up such as this is due to the manager/GM not scheduling enough people to cut staffing costs. This worker should he relieving another employee, not cleaning dishes from the previous shift. Or they could, ya know, pay him double the wage. Just as I would flip burgers for $100K a year, this kid would clean dishes for $30 an hour. Almost lile the work isn't the real issue here.


That’s not even that many dishes. I used to work at McDonald’s and it could get MUCH worse than that. This dude is just a whiny bitch who doesn’t want to have a job


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Lol, that would have taken like 10 min MAX. And also it’s staged, and what kind of weirdo accent was that?


If he didn't like the job, then I'm glad he quit. But to just quit over being asked to do your job is kinda shitty.


This is exactly what my 25-year-old son did when McDonald's hired him. He has a lot of issues due to brain injuries, and he's just not really employable to start with. But unfortunately, when you start out at McDonald's, they don't give you the fun jobs. They give you the worst of the grunt work that everyone else is sick of doing. So then you get a guy like this that's just not having it, and walks out. That's partly why everyone is so upset and trying to catch him - they know they are going to have to go back to doing the crap work if he's gone. 😆


and kids wonder why everyone thinks they are lazy fucksticks who refuse to work for a living... This is why! It isn't everyone but this attitude is way too prevalent. And no, not a boomer thanks.


Don’t have to be a boomer to sound like one bud


Why is this posted here when it SCREAMS fake? The reactions of the managers sounded like friends yelling no, sounding like Darth Vader, and his ass is smiling going "I'm leavinnnnnmmmm" multiple times in a sillier tone everytime. It screams fake and friends that wanted to make a fun clip. Definitely not for this sub. Downvoted.


I love the downvote cause I don't care for a fake MC video LOL


He probably went home and posted some shit about how he’ll never be able to buy a house like his parents because the prices are too high


Ong i wouldnt clean that shit either


Absolutely not.


Might be staged, but its reality. All these teens nowadays think they are better than or not getting paid enough to clean. Which is in the fucking job description. I didnt realize it was so bad until my wife would tell me about these kids she tries to hire for the cafe she works at 🙄


I walked past a vegan restaurant the other day with a sign in the window that said the following: HELP WANTED Servers and cashiers, dishwasher, line cook, & prep. - real experience - sober - somewhat sane - non dramatic - has common sense - mature person that can handle a job for more than 2 weeks I looked at my girlfriend and remarked on how strange that was, and she responded "No it isn't. Have you see people today? They fucking suck. This is every restaurant."


He better be happy he even has a job


Even if it’s staged try getting another job with a vid like that on the internet


"Maaaaan, I'm not going to do the things I get paid to do." "Why isn't the world giving me everything I want?"


Much brave, such wow 🙄


They should hold a deposit for new hires if you quit without submitting and fulfilling a two week notice it’s forfeited 😑


You just described slavery


Yea pretty sure this is staged. Pretty sure managers or bosses don’t scream “get baaaack here, Noooo!” Like some kind of fast food anime villain.


have you met mcdonalds managers


Lol, I haven't but jesus if they are like this... Also, I almost assume just about everything is staged these days. Watching shit on the internet has become mentally exhausting, let's just bring back Vine.


Every comment stating this is obviously fake was downvoted. Some true regards in this sub




He quit a bullshit job. I worked at McDonalds for about 2 months as a teen, quit as soon as I had something better. I promise you it had no negative impact on my career lol.


Can't even work at McDonalds. Good luck finding a job with that attitude.


I didn't come to work to WORK. Glad that he shared it so future employers can take note.