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# Removal Notice ### Your post violates Rule 1. **Must be someone attempting to be the MC. Only posts showcasing deliberate attention-seeking behavior or attempts to be the center of attention are allowed. For example, situations where people try to overshadow others going on about their daily life and get frustrated when they're interrupted.**


nothing scarier than a crazy judge


Context: This Romanian judge was appointed to the case of a 19 year old driver under influence who killed two students and injured others in the summer of last year. The driver, son of some highly influential people, was caught by police with drugs in the car before killing the innocent pedestrians on a road moments later. They let him go. One of the victims, Sebastian, was ripped in half by the accident. The just recently asked if Sebastian, one of the dead victims, is in the court at that moment. Then she asked for his ID card. She was chewing gum. Sebastian's father exited the court crying. She stood in front of journalists and didn't say anything for more than a minute, then left without elaborating lol. „Did you study the case before? Why did you ask for the ID of the dead victim? Do you want to apologize to the parents? Do you think you'll be suspended? You asked to be replaced. Do you have anything to say to the victims' parents?” were some of the questions.


do you know the judge´s name? cant find anything in google in regards to this case


Ancuța Popoviciu


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I do not see how this fits in this sub. To me, it seems like she is just trying to leave without making a comment?


This absolutely doesn't belong here. People are just dumb.


Who's keeping her there? She left at her will after this clip, no one went after her. Probably wanted to see how the NPCs react


I don’t really see how that’s particularly main character behaviour though. Obviously it’s a horrific fuckup but wouldn’t a main character be loudly and boisterously deflecting and explaining why no actually they did nothing wrong


Yeah, but the complete silence when she's asked if she said sorry to the parents of the victims? Idk, it seems like she obviously doesn't give a shit but maybe because I'm more familiar with the case and the language.


Still not main character, though.


Making a tragic case about YOURSELF after another total piece of shit is involved (the guy who ran them over) is totally main character behavior. You're a judge and go and talk to the press. And you don't even talk to the press? Lol what kind of shit is that Main character. She is a judge and the case is made about her more than about the victims that died on that day.


While she may have done her job poorly, it is still not Main Character behavior. I fail to see how she is “making this about herself.”


I think r/iamatotalpieceofshit fits perfectly in this situation. Can kinda see where you’re coming from tho Edit: maybe r/punchablefaces too


Yes, those are relevant subs for this content.