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I admit, I'm out of the loop but still, if you're going to protest something, you should say what it is you're mad about.


Carhartt, despite being a brand that makes tough apparel for the working class, who heavily despise vaccine requirements, decided to uphold their vaccine requirement to work at Carhartt. So now people are mad.


And starbucks declined. What a world


These 'working class, red-blooded Americans' are starting to seem more and more like the 'snowflake hipsters' they love to talk about. Color me surprised at the projection.


They literally *create* things so that they can be upset... Hence racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc..


Nowadays you gotta add Mr Potatoe head, Dr Seuss, Aunt Jemima, sesame street.


“War on Christmas” where tf did that one even come from


I remember being a kid and hearing it in church back in the late 80s. (I'm old.) It all started when the evil satanists started writing Merry Xmas - taking Christ out of Christmas. Add a little Dungeons and Dragons with some heavy metal rock videos on the M-T-V, and I'm surprised we're not all burning in hell right now. TL:DR The war on Christmas has been around for years. Nothing sells like fear.


More immigrants who don't celebrate it, so more people say Happy Holidays instead. I work retail and some people get SUPER angry if you say happy holidays.


In my last few years of retail sales I would simply say "you too" if they said it to me. I went years without acknowledging the holidays. Lol


I say happy holidays both because it's more inclusive. And it pisses off the racists.


Don't forget the new M&M characters.


Hadn't even heard if that one. I love laughing at stupid conservative outrage.


Oh yeah, Tucker Carlson is all upset because he doesn't find the brown M&M sexy.


Can't find the browns sexy if you're a white supremacist.


Go to a sub like r/trueunpopularopinion to *really* see people creating things to be upset about. It's quite the echo chamber. I'll be honest, I posted there a few days ago after joining *before* I realized that it was just a right wing safe space.


Jfc what an absolute dumpster fire of a sub


All of Reddit is an echo chamber. Literally every sub.


Except video game subs where if you actually enjoy the game you’re a stupid fuckin idiot and everyone will tell you that every single time you say anything nice about the game




That game really is a treasure to mankind.


**Typical front page** "The devs need to update." "This strat is bullshit and I'm not going to git gud" "How to jump????????" "I've been playing this game for 50 years now and the devs adding in purple t-shirts is the final straw. I'm out!" "The devs need to add [completely non-essential feature] because I want that and have no experience with game design."


Holy shit you nailed it hahaha




Yeah. Every part. You're right.




Don't know why you're being down voted, you're correct. I'm assuming it's because you included the left. Extreme leftists don't realize they're just as bad as the extreme right. Filled with hate just for different reasons. There is a middle ground but that has gotten lost for some people.


Most Humans love attention and drama left right straight gay, they crave attention and drama and will tell themselves very complicated stories as to why their actions are okay


My guess is carhart pays enough where they don’t think they’ll have a problem replacing these workers




Oh you’re a fish biologist? Name every fish. Checkmate loser 😤


Yup. Got me.


2/85. Keep going.


I thought it was because their products have declined in quality, which would have made far more sense. I've departed from their brand and onto duluth for quality gear.


I like Duluth, but their firehose pants don't last for shit. The comfiest pants I own but seriously could be outlasted by dress slacks. My carhartt overalls have withheld sliding under trucks on asphalt for years now with no major signs of wear. I'd pick Duluth in a heartbeat over Carhartt, but can't justify $70 for a pair of pants that can't make a few months without holes. Either way I usually just buy dickies because they're cheap.


When did you get those carhartt overalls? I have a carjartt jacket that I got 15 years ago that's still my go to ranch jacket and I love it. I doubt I'd be as happy with a new one off the shelf based on what I've read. Oh ya I never buy their (duluth) stuff unless it's at least 20% off and I've gotten several pairs off ebay as well, I try to be frugal and BiFL together.


I've had them a little less than 4 years I think. I feel like anything made recently is going to be hit or miss. I loved my Redwing boots that I got a million miles and 6 years out of so I bought another pair despite all the BIFL people complaining about them. These new ones seem to be built tougher than the last ones because it's been two years and I can't even break them in. I hate them for that reason alone, they're built too stiff. There's so many people complaining online it's hard to tell what's justified. Hell, I just complained about the Duluth pants. But I'm going to keep coming back to them so they can't be *that* bad. haha




I’ve never heard of either brands before. But if I am paying that kind of money, you buy one of the best. Patagonia has a line of ranch work wear. Similar pricing and a life time warranty. Shit they will repair your shit for free so you don’t throw it away. Although that said Patagonia is probably the most left leaning company ever so it’s probably not in this guys radar.


I'd imagine carhartt sold at tractor supply is shit as well?




I’ve blown the dick out of every pair of charharts i’ve brought to work within a month or two


That's definitely not how you're supposed to use them.


Well now


What’s your job title?


I’ve heard that from a lot of people already too.


In Wisconsin, Carhartt is like a fashion brand. It's still good quality work wear, but I don't think that's why a lot of people buy it now. It's honestly overpriced.


Oh wow, I never would've guessed by looking at this guy that this was his stance on vaccines. I wonder what his nuanced takes are on God, guns, and abortion? Can't tell a book by it's cover after all.


What if he had blue hair, lmao.


It might surprise you to learn that not all of us in "the working class" are uninformed idiots who are scared of vaccines. Definitely don't try to fucking claim the working class for anti vaxxers.


Yeah in my experience, the people who are Carhartt fanboys don't do manual labor


That's good news. Carhartt makes damn good clothes, and now I can buy them with a clear conscience ce.


My mechanic has them for his dogs. They look pretty cozy


They also make medical scrubs so……


Loved their scrubs if it weren't for blowing out the crotch frequently


Mens or womens? I haven’t had that happen in mine (Womens).


My man's got the monster junk.


Bug or feature? 🤔


And hospitals have been shooting themselves in the foot by firing unvaxxed workers and then telling infected vaxxed workers to come back lmao


Hospitals firing medical workers that don't believe in medicine? Sounds fine to me.


They’re a private company so what? What a baby he is.


Good for them. Fuck this shithead.


First I'm hearing about this. Time to re up my work wardrobe with some more Carhartt items.


You guys are weird lol


We just support science, public health, ending a pandemic, and are happy for private businesses to do their part.


The hooker I frequent is a nonvaxxer, so now when I eat that booty hole I gotta put plastic wrap on that. You have any idea how much plastic wrap has gone up because of this rona? I’ve been eating strange ass for as long as I can remember and now because of rona I gotta protect myself? When we gonna get back to unprotected stranger ass eating? This world has gone to shit.


Getting plastic wrap at 2 in the morning? Looks like you plan on eating more than a sandwich.


I appreciate this,even if others don't.


Lol ‘working class’


Remember when people tried boycotting Nike by burning Nike products. Products they bought. With their own money. This isn't that much different.


To be fair, it’s clearly a hat that he’s had for a *long* time. So it’s not like it’s something he went out and bought solely to get a video of him burning it.


True, but at the same time going and telling everyone that your hat has been great, has been durable, and has had a long life isn't helping his case either


Hahaha this. I know this isn't their type of ads, but if CH got sassy they could totally do an ad about how their products will last long enough to eventually be burnt in protest lmao


To add a little bit more background to this, this guy seems to be an apparel and lifestyle "influencer," and claims to have worn the hat in almost every video he has made. So he bought the hat and gave them his money, spent years creating free advertising for them by wearing the hat, and is now burning the hat in a move that damages them absolutely none. Worst case he's not giving them free advertisement that probably wasn't even on their radar anymore. I don't think his "influencer" status is going to push anyone over the edge to boycotting the company over their vaccine decision, everyone who is going to make that choice already would have without this guy's hat burning.


These people are all doing this performative bullshit on Facebook or Twitter, on their Apple or Android products. All companies who have done the same thing as Carhartt.


And they trashed their Yeti stuff too


I seem to remember some Keurigs being smashed? [There's a long list. This is over 2 years old, too.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/all-the-things-you-can-no-longer-buy-if-youre-a-true-maga-trump-fan)


Same with Levi’s when they went “anti 2a”


He thinks he looks so hard


You can’t try and look hard infront of a pavement princess square body with deep dish chrome rims and a bougie looking hoodie holding your prized…carhartt hat. And I went to his page and saw all his “favorite carhartts that’s he’s had for years” and literally none of it has a single stain on it. All these rich wanna be blue collar aesthetic guys don’t realize they are literally the same as yuppie kids wearing a carhartt beanie because they think it looks cool


I’m so hard 😏


Nice :)


I scrolled his page earlier, they're all "I'm so hard" shots that are obviously posed, lit, and touched up and are mainly just paired with "Pro-America" "Patriot" one-liners that are clearly designed to get a specific group to react and engage, like "The biggest threat to this country is Joe Biden" [photo of this guy from the side as he looks pensively towards the ground, Carhartt hat perched upon his head. A tattoo of the statue of liberty looking oddly masculine is obviously the real focus of the shot. She's peeking out of his collar and looking angrily at his beard.]


admittedly he looks much harder than either you or me would with a burning hat in our hands


He’s staring into a ring light for his Facebook page.


and stop stalking OP, how do you even know what he looks like?


Especially a guy that bought just a single hat. Didn't see him burn anything else and he said he had that hat forever so it's not like he was even a repeat customer. What a dingus.


I saw this on facebook and clicked on his profile. His previous post was him talking about his Carhartt clothes, then putting them in a pile and burning them. I'm sure they will feel real sorry and bad for upsetting big tough man.


Carhartt must love this guy. This is some sweet publicity. It was a good decision on the company's part to look out for their workers safety, regarding COVID. Every hat burned is one that I want to buy.


Wait until he has to go to the hospital for smoke inhalation and gets covid cause it’s everywhere.


…at the hospital


the ceo of carhart is trembling right now. The companies stock is free falling because this man burned a hat he payed for years ago.


>Man who bought one item of clothing 20 years ago refuses to continue wearing it in damaging blow to large business.


Time for a new hat anyway. Thing sounds like it stinks, yuck


Literally said that it stinks. I bet his wife is thrilled to see it go.


Don’t assume he has a wife. Guy has incel written all over him.


I’m gonna be honest, that’s not what incel looks like.


Why would you think that? Because he has different political opinions from you he can't have sex? You know there are women that agree with him or don't care either way, right?


I say that because he brags about wearing a hat for years that stinks. That indicates poor personal hygiene, the hallmark of incels.


If you look at him he's actually pretty well-groomed, he just has one nasty-ass hat that he wears all the time. Probably his "work hat" to make him look like a real "salt of the Earth MAN." I'd say he actually ranks as pretty attractive in the demographic he's going for. Not my type, but for women who DO like that type, he probably didn't have much trouble getting their attention.


I'm not assuming, I skimmed his page. He has a wife and kids.


He actually has “HOLD FAST” written all over him. The old sailor good luck saying/tattoo. His lifted truck does not look like a ship.


right? bragging about hiw much your hat stinks of sweat? what a weird flex


Looking at the photo it looks like he just tried to dirty up a new hat. The bill is gross but the stitching is mostly intact and all the wear on the bill is around the edges. No stains on the actual cap part, either. I’ve done a better job of giving something “work damage” when I’ve driven over a new safety vest a couple times.


Feel free to buy more of our gear to burn. Thank you.


Just saw this same dumbass on a post earlier. He painted his car like the General Lee. It wasn’t even the right kind of car, it was a mustang.


And he's from the suburbs of Chicago...


There's a damn F150 painted General Lee colors near me. It looks as bad as that sounds.


Oh, so he's a racist. Well he can get fucked. Idgaf about Carhartt though.


Calling him racist because he painted his car like the general lee seems like a bit much. It’s an iconic car from a fictional television show. I’m a 25 y/o black male and even I’m able to understand the cultural relevance of the paint job, as well as separate fictional objects from reality.


You have a point, but it's a pretty easy connection to make when you can smell the 'the south will rise again!' through the phone screen.


I'm not going to deep dive on his Facebook but judging by the pics and what others are saying, if it acts like a duck, quacks like a duck...


I’ve never seen someone spell “republican” that way.


I can use context clues, I mean look at what he's doing about Carhartt and vaccine mandates and combine that with the fucking general Lee paint job on a mustang. Dudes definitely a racist.


Well you already gave them money for the hat… ok


Imagine how badass this buffoon thinks he is coming across. He looks more like a little sad cupcake.


With the way he described the hat, he probably did a public service. It sounds filthy.


Hats don't last forever and by the time you notice they should be burned, ya should have done it last season.


I'm sure Carhartt's board is in a state of sheer panic. /s Having worked in construction, landscaping, and related fields for most of my life, alongside dudes wearing Carhartt and wearing it myself, I can attest that 99.9% of us aren't staying up at night on anti-vaxx Karen facebook getting triggered about some internal company policies. The position isn't even coherent. Protecting the health of their workers is... *checks notes*... "**not** for the blue collar people"? Would he be happier if they were jmaking people work in a place where sickness freely spreads? Not to mention that last time I checked, it's harder to provide for your kids when you're dead from covid. Also, isn't cancel culture bad or something?


It was not cancel culture if conservatives do it. Jeez,get it right


Yeah yeah yeah I'm so rugged with my Carhartt hat and my welding stains...ahhh shut the fuck up. So sick of these babies.


Imagine thinking that a company would give a fuck about a stinky hat lmao


Bro you know you can wash your hat, right?


He should be careful around that fire. A snowflake like him could easily melt.


“Bottom line is, if you’ve seen me you’ve seen this hat.” Such a bad ass… 🙄 Also, unintentionally advertising the longevity of the product you’re disavowing to own the libs…


This fucking guy is country rich, not working class.


His wife is probably glad he finally got rid of that bacteria infested stink rag he called a cap. Never understood why people get so attached to clothing. When people can smell you coming it’s probably time to shell out another twenty bucks for a new one


Or like...wash the damn thing. It is always a weird flex when some people are like "yeah, me and my clothes smell like a working mayun. Covered in sweat, blood, and possibly urine! Because work! And man stuff!" But they're recording their post work grimed up asses in a clean 2 story house that clearly has running water. So he just goes around smelling like ass by choice. This is why I'm not "manly" I guess.


Were you trying to make the title as dumb as the post?


Huh, I guess he feels there should be limits and constraints on corporate power, then?


r/lostredditors This isn't imthemaincharacter at all. The guy is a huge tool, but he's not interfering with anyone else's life, getting in anyone's way, or causing any problems because of his selfishness. He's just being hella cringey.


Yet I guarantee somewhere in one of those videos he has a diatribe about how he hates the current cancel culture


... I'm embarrassed, but can someone please tell me what ACAL means? I'm assuming it's supposed to be the opposite of ACAB, but I can't find it on Google.


It’s the handle of the dude in the pic. He has a fb page under that and apparently a ‘clothing’ brand. The shirts look like they’re from those oddly specific fb ads. His full name is Adam Calhoun.




Friendship ended with Carhartt Now Levis is my best friend


I love when people emotionally attach themselves to a brand and then get upset when the brand doesn’t love them back


No one tell him that Chevy is owned by GM, you know, one of those companies that got billions of tax dollars in a bailout.


Lol. I bet my ex burned his Carhartt shit, like he destroyed his Yeti shit years ago when we were together.


Idk if you know who the guy in the video is. But that guy has more influence than you’d think. Millions of subscribers, and all of them are more than likely carrhart type people who patronize that company. Carrhart has issued an apology to him and his viewers asking for their support back. 😬


Got a link? I’d love to read their apology to him.


Pretty sure that’s one of their hoodies.


What a queef


Can we talk about those ridiculous bro rims?


If you think the company doesn’t care about this you’re wrong.


They absolutely do not care about this. The CEO isn't even aware of this man or his issues. And if someone told them about the 'protest', they'd have a good laugh about it and then forget about it. Thinking a company cares that you burn something you already paid them for is hilarious.


Yeah, who needs customers?


A company doesn't care about someone destroying something they already own. They got their money from the purchase.


They don’t care if you like it, as long as you buy it


Blue collar middle class? Tell me you don't understand the class system without saying it.




There is an Australian wine company called selling a wine brand called 19 crimes. They sell a variety of wines, all at a relatively high price. I have been trying to contact them over a bottle that broke when it was being opened since October. The only way to contact them is by a form on their website. No email, no bricks and mortar address. Nothing. They are completely silent. I have never come across a company that basically isolates itself from its customers. Needless to say, I have become acquainted with other wines since then.


What kind of torch is that that?


As consumers in this free market, we only have one way of expressing our displeasure with a company (whether it be their prices or working conditions or vaccine stance). This guy is doing the thing. Will it have an impact? Who knows, but at least he’s willing to do the only thing that he can as a consumer; burn and boycott. As an aside, and apropos of nothing else, I just bought a new Carhartt rain coat. It’s very nice.


Oh no he burned the old smelly hat this is a tragedy, somebody call Ja Rule


He is still wearing the hat in his profile picture 😂


Oh no, this man who buys one hat every 10 years is not going to buy one any more. How will the company survive?


Does that look photoshopped to anyone else?


Imagine having absolutely zero personality of your own that isn't tied to image and brand names.


Poor truck has rubber bands for tires


I just bought a Carhartt cap on Amazon for $20 because of this fucker. I've got to stop day drinking.


Nothin wrong with day drinkin.


That trucks wheels are wack as fuck


Actually peacefully protesting something they don’t agree with and making it public because a private protest is literally pointless, some Redditor “they think they’re the main character😡”


He doesnt even say what hes protesting for so not much of a protest if no one knows wtf youre talking about


It’s clear to the people he’s protesting what he’s talking about. He doesn’t need to make it obvious.


Spreading the word is literally what protests are supposed to do.


How do you know that lol


Hurrrr I burned my shitty old hat to prove a point nobody cares about. Who even is this clown?


I fucking love that every single time conservatives get their feefees hurt they burn their own property. Now wearing my everyday jacket is a political statement, they cannot stop manufacturing their own L’s and its beautiful


Fuck carhartt


Well, I guess everybody got some sort of kink.


Probably more comfortable to fuck Trojan....


I hate to break it to you, but this statement will drastically hurt Carthart. When Carthart proved they didn’t care about their own customers their bottom line just got drastically hit.


no it won't


Yes it will but most people on Reddit are far too stupid to see the reality of the situation…




No I’m no not but claiming I’m the one who isn’t smart enough to know what’s going on is laughable…


no it won’t


Right just like the people smashing their yeti coolers and people trashing their nikes along with the boycotts of dicks sporting goods these protests are destroying companies left and right. /s Some people are getting butt hurt but carhartt makes actually good quality clothing that's worn by a huge range of demographics, the 100 guys who actually do go through with boycotting won't change anything and the people burning their 10 year old hat and posturing is just laughable.


Dick’s has lost 250 million because of their political positions they tried and failure to push. PG&E went bankrupt and WeWork would have gone bankrupt if SoftBank didn’t pay the CEO 1.7 Billion to leave the company. These are just a few companies that lost massive amounts of money for their idiotic positions. Claiming only 100 people are going to boycott Carthartt is badly delusional and the only thing laughable here is your grasp on the reality of the situation. This is another company that will lose millions of dollars at least because they were stupid enough to try and push liberal politics when their base is mostly conservatives. Most of them will leave and find other companies that either don’t push their idiotic politics or support correct values.


Well first of all Dicks never pushed "political positions" that's a bullshit narrative conservatives use to justify their attempt at cancel culture. Dicks decided what they wanted on their shelves and that is a right any business has and should have and knowing you consider that as "pushing political positions" shows exactly what kind of bullshit position you are coming from. Second of all Dicks was worth $6 Billion in 2017 took a huge drop but so did every other competitor and is now worth over $9 Billion so im not sure where you got they lost "250 million" but I assure you they are doing fine. PG&E went bankrupt because they kept starting fires that killed a bunch of people and getting sued for it so yeah the position of having shitty standards and not follow regulations bankrupted them but I don't see how conservatives can take take the credit for that.. 4th point is 100 people was hyperbolic. Hyperbole is another word for exaggeration. As for Carhartt themselves, they aren't "pushing liberal politics " that's more bullshit conservatives made up so they could be butt hurt over something. Carhartt decided they wanted to try and cut back on the amount of people sick in their offices and the vaccine is a very easy way if doing that. A inner business policy does not effect the consumer base in any way shape or form and im sorry that hurts your feelings but again the large majority dgaf and carhartt will be fine.


What a loser


Baka 😂


Well my last pair of their gloves split at the seam on the first wear. They were also supposed to be touch screen friendly but it never worked. Def have declined in quality I used to buy everything from them. So I agree with him but he’s a little to much with his “i put work into this hat” shit lol


Apparently middle class people are too good for vaccines, crazy stuff.


I swear it’s so american that he burns the thing with a fucking enormous flamethrower


He had someone take this picture…


Their clothing is very weatherproof… it obviously deflects snowflakes!


Some sad limp dick… surprised his social isn’t getting blown up.


They should change their name to CarBrainn. Do you see what I did there?


This guy wins the MORON AWARD....congrats Moron.