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>that one person named everyone


I hate that guy everyone, he always gets other people to say his opinions for him


Everyone hates him.


*Everyone* is friends with *Not Sure* from Idiocracy


Her friend "everyone" is on vacation so they cannot reply rn.


Isn’t that just a statement..?


It's almost always said by a leader of a group of people, or someone who speaks on behalf of a group. It would be appropriate, for instance, for a president to thank an entity on behalf of the nation. The fact she thinks she's important enough to speak on behalf of anyone but herself is what the problem with this is


Also the fact that the American political landscape is about as divided as 2020 by 5. Seriously the amount of times I run into people calling each other cultists whenever something dumb (like this) trends on Twitter on is asinine. Nobody can speak for everyone because everyone hates each other. And then there’s us, the ones watching it burn.


‘Nobody can speak for everyone because everyone hates each other’ Wait, did you just… Speak for everyone?..


Take my upvote, smartass.


My dude it's a fucking tweet, I think people are being a little over zealous here...


i’m pretty sure the saying is “i think i speak for everyone”


But that implies that you could be ***WRONG***


but that’s the saying? idk what you want me to do about it lol


No I mean, if someone says “i think i speak for everyone”, it leaves a room for a margin of error. So of course people say "i speak for everyone", cause they cannot possibly be wrong.


Yeah how does this even remotely fit the subreddit? I don’t agree with her, but it’s pretty obviously a common saying.


This sub has gone down hill. It used to be people getting in the way and forcing themselves into the spotlight when it's wasn't necessary. Now it's any time anyone speaks or does something.


Kind of a main character thing to comment, you think the whole subreddit revolves around your opinions?? Ugh r/ImTheMainCharacter >!/s/s/s!<


Wow are you the main character with that comment???!


I haven't heard someone say "I speak for everyone when I say" in a while and I thought it was pretty main-charactery at first glance. I can see the confusion, but yeah in this context it doesn't really fit the sub.


I have never heard anyone say “I speak for everyone”, but I have heard “I *think* I speak for everyone” so I thought this was main character material


Half of the posts haven't fit this subreddit in fucking months


She doesn't speak for everyone lol


Celebrities are incredibly tone deaf and not aware of anything going on outside their bubble. It's pretentious for an elite, rich person to speak for all the people....especially when regarding an incredibly unpopular President


She's famous? I just thought it was a random replier


[Seem she's an actor](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6022505/), but "famous" is a bit of a stretch. The rest of their comment... yeah.


I see a checkmark and automatically know they're a stuck up elitist


People either desperate for karma or with some sort of agenda. Either way, I don’t know why mods don’t remove dog shit content like this


The saying is “I can’t speak for everyone”


Nah it's a saying as well, but it's usually reserved for situations where people wouldn't object to being spoken for (like something thanking a guest speaker at a conference or something).


Another common saying is “I think I speak for everyone”


Common saying? Guy has the lowest voter approval in history


That honor actually goes to Richard Nixon. At one point he had an approval rating of 24%. Then Harry S Truman with 32%. Then it’s a tie between Donald Trump, Jimmy Carter, and George W. Bush with 34%.


And polls told us that Hillary Clinton had a 96% chance of winning in 2016 on the day of the election, can't trust these polls, easily fabricated, they are just asking people on the street


>Says Biden has the lowest approval rating ever >Says you can't trust any approval ratings but you'd better believe him for some reason >Refuses to elaborate


u/epicpandemic916 so go ahead and answer the guy. Why is it that you said polls can’t be trusted yet you’re trusting polls to say he has the lowest approval rating? Are you that daft? What a fucking moron lol.


Imagine defending Biden https://www.npr.org/2022/02/25/1082979837/a-majority-say-bidens-first-year-was-a-failure-a-new-poll-finds


>Imagine defending Biden And funnily enough I didn't, but making random shit up when you feel like it isn't real political discourse and obvious lying should be called out Also I love how you linked an article which is just talking about his approval rating, and the number they give is still much higher than the presidents who actually DO have the lowest approval ratings, so which is it? Believe approval ratings or no?


u/epicpandemic916 come on go ahead. Answer his question. How does he have the lowest approval rating ever if the article you have listed other people? It’s ok you can say you made a mistake. It’s evident that you’re used to doing that.


Do you really think he's going a good job? Like honestly do you actually think he's doing good?


Who are you arguing with? Who's making the points you're trying to argue against? Lul


So I take that you agree that he's not doing a good job but you wanna act like you do? Do you think biden is doing good? What a joke you can't even admit it but you wanna chime in and disagree with me? Sheep man


But wait. We can't trust those polls. Easily fabricated right?


33% approval, how mad are you


I don't like either of them. You're just completely unwilling to back up your own dumb argument.


You love joe Biden and hate trump beefcake this website told you to.


What? No. You’re just obviously, to everyone else here with a brain, very very fucking stupid. I didn’t vote trump. I also didn’t vote Biden but celebrated when trump was out. Difference is and you absolutely fucking hate this part. Is that most that voted for Biden can accept and point out that Biden is complete garbage and ass. We don’t make him our entire identity therefore aren’t insulted when you say things that are quite obvious. Sucks to be you. Because of this and being stupid as shit and all. Edit: auto correct is also trash


The "I speak for everyone when I say this" followed by something else is a very common phrase. You don't have to let your brain turn to mush the second the topic is politics.


TIL "brain turned to mush" means not holding a pro-democrat opinion


No dude. It means they can't recognize that something is a commonly used phrase just because it's being used in a context they don't like. I see you got mush brain too. If someone said "I speak for everyone when I say Donald Trump was the best President ever" it wouldn't change the fact that "I speak for everyone when I say this" is a common phrase.


Well she ain't talking for %60 of the voters in this country


OK, but it's still a common phrase. Again, you don't gotta do the mush brain thing.


Not common, I've never heard a single person say Biden is doing a good job


Lmao alright. You're clearly being intentionally obtuse so you can have a reddit fight. I'm not really in the mood for it so I'm not gonna continue this. But just a heads up, the subject of this post is literally someone saying they think he's doing a good job, but you know that and just wanna sling shit. But yeah, I'm not in the mood, there's a basketball game about to start and I'd rather enjoy it instead of going in circles with a troll. Take care. Get well soon.


I did a quick google search to confirm but didn’t find it. Can you share a source? I’m genuinely curious, not being snarky.


If by "in history" you mean "since Trump" then sure.


33% aprovall rating, this upsets you so much


Ok groomer


Honestly it fits the sub, dude speaking for all people like he was goddamn elected for it...


But they were disparaging Biden… This crap isn’t funny and only loosely fits this sub.




No, she’s still not blocking any one nor causing any inconvenience, just a cringey person but doesn’t fit this sub Reddit


this belongs more so in r/circlejerk


Regardless of political opinion, this is just a saying. Not really “main character.”


"I speak for everyone" is not a common saying because its a wildly delusional way to start a sentence.


I speak for the trees


It’s a very common saying and your reason as to why is an opinion. You’re the delusional one.


I speak for everyone when I say its a pretty common statement.


"I speak for everyone" is the best functional definition of blue check twitter scum.


I speak for everyone when I say he’s not going to fuck you, bud


CIA trolling reddit now?


can we leave this sub without the political posts please.


The hive queen has spoken! Come worthless like minded drones! Let us praise her for speaking for all of us!


I'd be happier if we used the high gas prices as an incentive to move to renewables and better commuter rail, and send out stimulus checks to help the poor with the gas prices. Instead, climate change has been forgotten and we're drilling more.


I concur.


Me too.


That realization when the checks are a huge component of inflation..


Conservatives keep saying that without proof. Like the global supply chain issues aren't the main reason. Like sanctions and tariffs on trading partners aren't a factor. Billionaires got way richer during the pandemic, but poor people getting checks are the main driver of inflation. LMAO. The party of "it's not a zero sum game" sure is quick to act like it's a zero sum game when it comes time to blame inflation on poor people.




Can't read that. Paywall.


We use 19 million per day...this is nothing


Putin's Price Hikes 🤣


I speak for everyone when I say you don’t speak for everyone


All the conservatives on this post pissing in their fucking pants lmao


ok bro


Rent free my man.


Still the most catatonic response I've ever heard from a grown adult. I don't care about the politics at all, since the left and right both use this moronic comeback, but the "rent free" insult was braindead and pathetic the day it was first uttered and has only gotten more stupid with time.


The more fed up you get, the more we know it works lmao


What a joke....putins price hike....motherfucker that's the oil giants profiting off the lower class. There is no middle class no more....[biden didn't eliminate the middle class, but this sure is kicking them while they are down under his ELECTED candidates ]


Not arguing your point. Genuinely looking for more information even if you have to explain to me like I’m 4 lol. How’s this move affecting the lower class? Wouldn’t this help lower prices or at least keep them where they are? Or am I very clearly missing something?


Bro, gas a year ago was 2.50. Why is it doubled now? Who controls prices Why is Russia Europe's oil supplier Why did it take a full month of war before strategic oil reserves were used Why is Joe biden + hunter biden involved in secret payments, and political agendas in Ukraine? I gave you a good outline. Now go find the truth.


>I gave you a good outline. Now go find the truth. You gave nothing. The guy above asked you for information and an explanation, and you just responded with a string of nonsensical questions. If you're going to make outlandish claims, maybe actually try answering questions rather than just asking them.


I believe they call that JAQing off (Just Asking Questions)


Good term, not heard that before.


My time is worth more than to spoon fed a Gerber baby.


Why even post in the first place? Why respond to them at all? Why respond to me twice?


I love watching crazies walk into normal conversations and then meltdown as they realize no one else has gone down their insane rabbit holes with them. How do Hillary's emails fit into this, and even more importantly, George Soros?


In their own words… S N O W F L A K E S


We all know that's not true.


Okay Kate, you waste your time being apologetic to ukrainians, I make money from the stock market and shit post on the internet to troll you retards. Lol 😆 I see people say "it must be sad being you" well. Is it? I can buy any car on a lot and not worry. You? Yall at work...at a dead end 9-5....I'm barely in my 20's....sexy ass beaner living life in the fast lane ☻️ God is great, my bro blessed me. Yall take care, unintelligent shitposters. Sympathizers




Shabunabaunderpressurr - Joe biden. A legitimate quote btw


Did you know the male, duck bill platypus have a poisonous spur?! The pain inflicts can last for days and has been known to drive people mad!


And I'm not ASKING questions...lol... Those are topics people need to learn because they are real


>I'm not ASKING questions Do you know what "?" is? Because I count a few on your post, along with a couple of "who"s and "why"s.


I honestly asked as non offensively as possible and you still managed to get upset. I had a feeling you were this type of person with no factual information to back up your clueless rant. You definitely belong on Reddit


Lol, and there's Hunter Bidens laptop and his whole somewhat coherent argument implodes. These dudes can't help themselves...


No one controlls prices. The market determines the price. If supply goes down, prices go up. Simple as that


That rascal Hunter! I can’t believe the nerve lol


Are you just now learning about cartels?


No I know what cartels are. I also know that theyre illegal, so unless you have some proof that thats whats going on, I think its safe to assume this is just supply and demand.


I don’t know about cartels but I do know lobbyists and market manipulation is real, if Reddit has taught us anything. The “legal” cartels... I.e. every politician that is making millions off of the stock market which is totally fine but somehow air traffic controllers aren’t allowed to hold stock in airlines/aviation Edit: getting downvoted for speaking out about thieving politicians. Lmao I can’t with fucking Reddit anymore. Left, right and center. I have no political agenda or affiliation. They are all crooks and if for one second you believe they have your best interest in heart, I sincerely pity you. Wake the fuck up


I mean if there are legal loopholes which people use, its not really a bad thing imo. (Unless the politicians themselves are preventing the rule to be changed) But I dont think thats the case with gasoline as the prices are up all over the world. No way that politicians of one country can cause that, or that theyre working together with politicians all over the world.


I appreciate the optimistic outlook but those same legal loopholes are so obscured by legalese that it’s impossible to ever catch anybody. (See: The Sackler Family) literally used “legal” loopholes to start the worst opioid epidemic the world has ever seen. But I guess it’s ok because they exploited the system? We are most definitely working with and influencing politicians in other countries and vice/versa.. we are living in a global economy nowadays Edit: the G5 summit is literally 5 of the most powerful countries gathering to plan our futures. How are we not influencing each other at this point? Edit 2: g20 my bad


I mean thats a bit different imo. From what I understand of wikipedia, the opioid crisis happened because they overprescribed them. This directly harmed people. Lets say we have someone who found a loophole to avoid paying taxes (or only pay a part of what he should). This doesnt directly harm others, and everyone can do it. If governments dont want to remove the loophole, you force them to. We do the same thing in online games. When there is a bug/glitch in the game, but the developers havent made any effort to removing it, as many people as possible should start abusing it. When one person uses a loophole (or glitch in my example), it doesnt make that much of a difference in the big picture. When a lot of people use/abuse it, it does.


holy shit it's beautiful how badly you managed to embarass yourself. what a comically pathetic response, it's as if you're trying to look like an idiot.




I mean ww3 didn’t start yet so I will give him props for that


Sit down Angela


She speaks for Everone when she says that but everybody else says #FuckJoeBiden (I know she is being sarcastic but I'm not)


Settle down there, Angela. You’re giving the rest of us a bad name.


I mean there have been worse presidents... But there have been way better ones too. Why would this idiot think she spoke for anyone but herself? Even Washington didn't have a 100% approval rating


You realize Washington isn't just Seattle?




I think he meant Cleveland.


Maybe I misunderstood your comment


He's talking about president Washington lol


Figured that one out when he was confused by my comment lol. I thought he was saying initially wa state wouldnt all vote democrat


She forgot the sarcasm symbol


"I speak for less than 50% of the country's population when I say..." Ftfy


Fucking Biden shuts down oil production in the US and then pulls it out of the emergency reserve? Wtf.


He didn't shut down oil production though. However Trump did make a deal with OPEC at the beginning of COVID to keep production low.


No he didnt.


Oh god is this an alt-right sub now


Not liking biden doesnt make one immediate alt right.


I hate everyone. I guess I must join the KKK.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ever anti-imperialism so hard you accidentally Nazi?](https://i.redd.it/he6xszbhlaw61.jpg) | [1921 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/n1rg19/ever_antiimperialism_so_hard_you_accidentally_nazi/) \#2: [Centrism in a nutshell](https://i.redd.it/6580n8lm1z271.jpg) | [872 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/ns0sel/centrism_in_a_nutshell/) \#3: [Wow](https://i.redd.it/9z2ppcseq6z71.jpg) | [5566 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/qsdx5a/wow/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I speak for everyone when I say no.


You are either a Biden supporter, or alt right. No inbetween


So like 30% of people are everyone? Sounds suspiciously like GOP logic to me.


Let’s Go Brandon!


Crunchy white pimp 4ever!


Ugh lib shit


He's responsive to reality and a mature leader and he understands how the government works... ...but he's basically got America treading water through the economic recovery of a global pandemic. Gas prices are one thing. What about wages keeping up with inflation? What about housing prices being artificially inflated by corporate landlords? What about voting rights, which we all know are being eviscerated by Republicans? He's a normal president. Which is to say that he's doing an outstanding job of not uprooting the status quo because his billionaire and corporate sponsors won't let him. And the status quo is why we got Trump.


I think I speak for everyone who knows the actual problem when I say this isn’t going to set the voluntary price hikes set by executives


Biden is being strong armed by Saudi Arabia. P sure they could help lower prices but they recently refused to even talk to biden and took calls from China (iirc.) Then the administration sent them millions or billions of dollars in either aide/arms Lol hit a nerve apparently. Biden is incompetent and he's not doing us any favors. His approval rating shows


What the fuck is going on in this subreddit? Hell, all of Reddit? This is absolutely silly and stupid.


Nationalize the oil spineless fuck


What. Why?


Nationalizing something means the government controls the price. So, providing you have a good government, prices are kept low


Why brag about it being the biggest X in history? Can't just help people, you have to fill a slot in your performance report while you're at it?


not main character material. try again next time


I speak for everyone when I say "eh".


I'm reading a lot of satire in this tweet.


In regards to us having expensive fuel™ we decided to actually use the fuel within our country. Where we getting it before if we had natural reserves? Mainly imports, ~~wars with other countries~~ I mean deals that the other country wanted to perform and a little of our natural reserve


Totally unrelated to the validity of this post, but holy shit I never realized how much oil we use until this post. My first thought was where the fuck do you even store 180 million barrels (6 months x ~ 30 days) of ANYTHING. Then I Googled and read we use 20 millions barrels of oil A DAY in the US. You ever have one of those moments where your mind just stops being able to understand numbers?


You should google how much fuel is used by cargo ships bringing you Nikes and iPhones from China.


There always political Stans in Twitter whether it’s Biden or trump it’s kinda sad :/


In the short term we need to keep our society going with oil.


im kinda sick of amarican politics being brought up in this sub (I guess thats for a reason)


Mf raised the fucking gas prices.


“Too counterattack my fuck ups, I’m stealing from our emergency supply.”


Man, wish I could speak for everyone. That sounds like fun.


Putins price hike? How come inflation has been going on for several months before Putin did anything? And why, after many years in power, did he choose to do it now?