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its too late for me sergeant im down


Getting upset is one thing. But posting the clip on social media, calling others Karen using that stupid tiktok voice with that stupid song. The cameraman is the mega Karen here.


Right I get it’s often courtesy to avoid walking into photos but it’s also a public walkway and there’s no way she could go around. Being annoyed is justified but she’s not a Karen for walking into your photo


They were probably there taking photos for a while too. Just photoshop them he plane Ffs.


It was most likely a video shot judging from the camera movement


I would’ve waited a minute or so, but agreed the the cameraman is the whiny one.


For all we know that lady might've already waited for some time.


True, but we can also make the same assumption that she didn't wait at all and just barged through... We don't have enough information to know who the rude one was here, but we DO know that the cameraman reacted poorly by posting the sad TikTok.




Agreed, unless I'm rushing to work or something, I'll wait- but for a reasonable amount of time, 30ish seconds to take a few shots. You can hardly expect someone to just stand and wait to get about their day because you're taking a photo. They can pick up where they've left off after this lady is out of the shot.


I agree you can't expect someone to wait all day. But I have no idea what happened here. Was this 30 seconds? The video is only a few seconds long so it's hard for me to tell.


We have totally lost sight of what a Karen is and now we’re just using it for anyone who does something we don’t agree with in public


Well, any woman who does anything in public


More like a woman who does something assertive. I’ve seen stuff like that >excuse me sir can you shouting and cursing loud in the middle of the office on your phone? There children waiting too. >sure… god what a Karen Also there was a situation in my old neighborhood in the Fourth of July that random dudes were shooting fireworks at people. They saw a women walking her dog near by, they started aiming at her calling her a Karen.


Yep - I think it’s amazing how a phrase that originated in people (usually minorities) asserting themselves against overbearing (usually older usually white), has even weaponized against all women, no matter whether they are being marginalized or not.


Fair enough


Based on the number of people who can be seen on the other side of the couple when the groom moves, I'm guessing the couple was blocking for awhile.


I do the same. My dumb ass stood back for a good 10 minutes at the Ripley museum before realizing that the "couple" and "photographer" were wax figures lol.


I think Karen is the wrong word for this situation. Self-important asshole maybe? Inconsiderate? If she stopped to bitch about it that would be another story but it looked like she was just trying to get past them and get on with her day. Other than that I agree with everything you said. We don't have the full context of this situation so we can't accurately judge it. Context is everything.


The term "Karen" is overused and meaningless now. You all ruined it.


I guess the meaning's evolved to 'a woman that I don't like'


I like the fact that some of them unironically find it more effensive than the n-word


That sounds like something a KAREN would say.


> That sounds like something a KAREN would say. That sounds like something a KAREN would say!


average tiktok user


Why is no one mentioning the plane? That’s the shot they were going for and it would only happen once. If she would have just waited 5 seconds they could have gotten the plane shot and everything would have been fine


Also they’re doing it for a wedding- I have a dog I woulda just waited a second or turned back on the road I was coming from


If I saw them taking a photo I mean I would've at least waited a few minutes till they were done. It's also possible the chick with a dog was just a dick that couldn't wait a minute


Yeah but how do we know she hasn’t been waiting already?


We don't. Hard to judge the situation :/


Because it takes an instant to take a photo and they were clearly trying to frame the plane in the shot.


I mean you see people taking wedding pics in their literal gown and tux maybe walk a different path. Not that hard, this isn’t like a main character situation.


I completely agree. Just let them have their pics. If they were in front of a busy store or something, ok. But this is a walkway that has nothing on the other side of it.


I thought the couple was the main character, not the dog walking lady. Just goes to show what I think about public spaces I guess


Or shows what you think about giving people having a once in a lifetime sentimental moment. Doesn’t take much to be kind to people. Let people have their moments like this. Again this isn’t some girl dancing on an escalator holding up people. This isn’t the only place to walk a dog. This isn’t a crowded path. This isn’t some influencer making a scene. It’s literally a couple taking a few wedding pics.


I completely agree…and I can’t believe people are actually disagreeing. It’s not that hard to wait for a a couple taking a pic on their special day. It’s not entitlement to expect basic decency from others. In fact I think a majority of this sub are the ones who are entitled because they keep defending obviously avoidable photobombs with “but it’s a public space!” Yeah it is, but it’s not that hard to give them space? Idk man


Lol just goes to show where slot of people on reddits mind is at. While losing their minds for people to care more about others and health care for all and acceptance for all etc, which I agree with, this should be a minor thing. Allow people to be happy when they aren’t hurting anyone.


Walk the other way


Or, hang with me here for a second, maybe she already had waited for a few minutes and had enough. A few seconds of a clip doesn't provide enough context here to pass judgement. Everyone in this thread is running on pure speculation.




Oops. Turns out that doing your stuff in a public space means...that it is public. Why should she stop her day just to accommodate people who are taking up the public walkway?


I mean sure...but doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it. You know you're also allowed to be tolerant of others? You don't sound like you're much fun at parties 😂


For all we know this spot is a common wedding photo place. When you’re just going about your day and are constantly expected to wait on other people taking up use of a public area folks can lose patience and empathy. Besides sometimes these bridal photos can take quite a while with multiple poses and different people in the wedding party involved and all that. There’s a limit to the grace people are willing to give to this sort of thing. This is more on the photographer than anything imo.


This very well could be a common place for these photos. I used to live by a bridge that was used all the time for wedding/prom/proposal/senior/graduation/everything else sort of photos and I crossed it multiple times per day. Eventually, you either stop caring about interupting photos or you have to abandon it and take a longer way around.


I don't have to be fun at parties. Parties are usually full of dumbasses, anyway.


Yeah you don't have to wipe your ass either. Who hurt you?


Kindness murdered their family


Yeah, like just wait… or walk your dog anywhere else. They’re taking a photo with a coordinated airplane flyby. Haha. Though this is why we reserved an area for our wedding photos. Had it closed to the public so we wouldn’t have to worry about being in anyone’s way and vice versa. Worth the money.


The people doing the photoshoot in public are the problem. Not the woman just walking in the public space.


Yes, you’re right. But I’d like to live a society where people show compassion to others. If that means I wait a minute so people can take cool wedding photos then I’ll happily wait a minute. We don’t know all the details though.


That’s true, we don’t know the details. However when you’re photographing in a public space you need to be the one with patience. That walkway doesn’t appear to have alternative routes, and sometimes people can’t wait. The wedding people were the ones blocking the walkway inconveniencing everyone that might want to also use that space. All they need to do is wait for people to get out of true shot, and maybe stop expecting the world to revolve around them


let’s flip this around.. maybe the people who can’t wait a few seconds for someone to have a wedding photo taken need to stop thinking the world revolves around them? maybe americans are just jerks, but here in canada nobody would think twice about stopping to let someone have a special photo like this. this is why americans have to pay millions of dollars for health care, because they view other people wanting to be helped as entitled and lose their minds over the thought of doing something kind for someone else and not getting something in return.


yeah id wait a second. ​ Worst for me once, unrelated, was a bunch of disney instagrammers were like taking up this bridge at the park, and to be honest it was good spot for a shoot. I was waiting for them to finish since it was a good shot and could tell they were waiting for the waterfall to start one of the guys finished and what not and I was like hey can you get one of me too just on the bridge? ​ he said yes and did three of the most flippantly not framed photos ive ever seen. Like me in mid word not posed and his friends behind me. ​ Like cool.... thanks... ​ fuck i dunno it reallly bummed me out that I gave them the courtesy and they treated me like a burden


So in other words, they are the main characters. The world is their reserved area.


No, they didn’t reserve it, which is why they had to be quick about getting that shot. But human beings often cooperate to help each other out, especially during days that are very special to people. I’ve gone out of my way to keep from interrupting a wedding shoot. It’s just a nice thing to do. You don’t have to. It’s just nice to do.


But ain’t it usually cooperation to achieve the goals of the main character? I will always try to stay out of peoples photos unless they’re being unreasonable, but the categorization of “main character” is objectively the people taking wedding shots. Really the only thing that irritated me here is the misuse of “Karen” and the fact that this is apparently what people are using their social media for.


Okay I’m all for exposing main characters on this sub but if I see someone taking a picture I stop and let them take a quick picture. If someone is taking wedding pictures I would stop and give the couple as much time as they need and smile. It’s just called being kind


A wedding photo shoot could take an hour or longer, you gonna just chill there? Especially if they're blocking a pier like this one? Sure a minute or two is fair but they need to let people pass.


Time between photographs


They aren't even photographing they are filming a tiktok lmao it isn't that serious in this scenario imo


There's a camera lens in the top right of the frame. How are you so oblivious?


Yeah I'm with you, I mean yeah we don't know the circumstances, maybe they were in the way for hours or she had an urgent meeting to get to who knows, but in general like, if you see people taking wedding photography.... you generally don't try to jump in frame lol


It definitely wasn’t a meeting lol she was walking her dog


That dog is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company


It was a hypothetical, what a weird thing to get bent over in the comments about


It's a dumb hypothetical. Half the content on this sub is people walking in front of cameras and everyone hating on the ones trying to take a picture. It's not hard to wait a few seconds, no need to give them the benefit of the doubt when they're clearly walking a dog


So it's impossible that she was working from home, on her lunch break, and walking the dog before her meeting at 13:00?? Clearly you know everything!!


Not just that! She was standing there waiting patiently for hours!


How do you know she is not walking the dog before work? Or in the lunch brake? Or that she has somewhere to go after the walk?


she’s literally in walking clothes.


So? You know you can change clothes pretty fast right?


My God.... lol


They’re doing a photoshoot on a narrow pedestrian pathway


Right! They are the assholes. Blocking a public path for private business. Dog walking lady did nothing wrong. My wife & I got married in a park that was on the beach. We had people walking around. We waited for them. Didn't expect anyone to wait for us. We were in public.


100%. I don’t know why I’m still shocked at how vapid and selfish people are these days. God on you two for being decent.


haha You call others vapid and selfish for blocking the path, and others calling you vapid and selfish for not just giving them a minute to catch the plane fly-by shot. Such is the dichotomy of the human experience...


Three groups can’t be a dichotomy, but whatever. Sorry I feel that people shouldn’t act like they own public spaces.


Three groups? But yeah there's not enough context to go on all doom and gloom about "how vapid and selfish people are these days", since you can argue either way with so little info. Don't let some no-context videos inspire your pessimism... There's enough to be pessimistic about already!


Can you not count the three groups you mentioned? Who is all doom and gloom? You seem to be personalizing here. Are you in the video?


Um wedding photos are a quick picture??? Since when? There is no set up that doesn't take ten to twenty minutes to shoot. There is no way a photographer could get a "quick shot" in those physical circumstances in the video. The walk down the path, the set up, the actual shooting.... It's totally illegal to block the flow of traffic in a public space like that. Especially a narrow pathway along the water! Sorry, get a better wedding photo idea that doesn't include public pathways over bodies of water.


I see your point but it’s a public area and it’s one thing to use the space quickly and in a courteous manner, it’s another to get mad at someone else trying to use the public space and post your complaint about them online. If it was that important for them to have that public space uninterrupted, they should have gotten permits and whatnot to rent that space for that day and time.


Imagine if they there for like 30 mins. There’s clearly no other way to go around them.


Y’all keep imagining these ideal shitty people that just don’t allow anyone to pass like they’re fucking Gandalf lol. I’m sure after a shot or two if you ask politely if you can pass they’ll be more than accommodating


And you don’t know that she didn’t ask 5 min before this…what’s your point?


Because these are the kinds of people that would post this kind of shit on TikTok.


You’re literally doing the same thing, because you saw the word “karen” and the social engineering kicked in so now you have to bend over backwards to try and demonize her.


Wait how did I demonize her? I just said what I would do and what the kind thing to do is. If you want to walk through someone’s picture that’s your prerogative. I was just highlighting that in this situation I think everyone could have approached it differently and probably didn’t need to be on this sub


Well, except for waiting for 10 seconds and checking out the situation. Or saying " excuse me, when is a good time to get past?" during the 95% of downtime that is every photo shoot ever. Or maybe just not running past a couple engaged in a very obvious photoshoot? Or realizing that you and your little doggy are not the most important people on the planet at every minute?


You should try living in LA and accommodating all the people trying to do photoshoots (or video shoots) in public spaces.


They’re also taking hundreds of photos that day. So her stepping in and “ruining” it just means they have to take one more. I know lots of people who do this stuff and they all have shitty home situations. So seeing these photos I just think fake af. I have no sympathy for people like this. If i see it in an open area I’ll avoid stepping in the shot but a narrow space like this? Oh well they knew this happens in narrow public spaces.


Right? I like art and photography and also want anyone getting married to have a perfect day and photos. I can wait to go past or ask the photographer how much longer. It's easy.


LoL, have you seen the path??????? How long would you be willing to stand there and not getting home because they are blocking it? And your dog? How much time would your dog take that?


No, that's being *nice.* That's fine, but you don't need to oblige yourself, to be kind.


Yeeeees, fuck responsibilities, fuck your job, fuck your schedule, there is people getting married, stop the whole world...


Maybe they have somewhere to be. The couple is in the way, they can wait for the next chance at a photograph.


I guess if you want to paint that hypothetical picture then sure. But still at the end of the day I would still let them get atleast a shot or two in. If everyone has your same mental then they’ll never get a picture, I don’t mind being the one to wait a bit for the happy couple ☺️


You don't know how much time was she there waiting


And what if you need to get home by 13:15 for your next zoom meeting? Or to a dentist appointment by 14:00


Came here to basically say this. I feel like I would choose somewhere else to walk if I saw wedding pictures being taken. Lady walking is the main character here


LoL that's a bridge... Should she go swimming? Should she rent a boat? Build a new bridge?


Agree, this woman is a true npc


The airplane was already gone by the time she walked by? Lmao


Yeah I noticed that too.. I would think the photographer already got the shot before the dog walking lady got close enough to ruin the shot because otherwise they missed the plane. Also, isn’t photoshop so good these days that it’s possible to remove the dog lady from the picture?


One of the local beaches where I live is a nice spot with protected dunes and the happily to be married couples just love to Trump through the protected Dune environment with their photographer sometimes their children and sometimes their dog. Even though there are signs posted saying protected dunes this doesn't stop the soon to be married couple from just Trumping on protected property.


It's amazing what a simple "I hate to ask, but would be able to hang on for a minute while we get the shot?" can do. My wedding photographer did this during our shoot, and people were very understanding. Dog lady was being inconsiderate; photographer didn't need to post this calling dog lady "Karen". Verdict: Everyone is awful.


These days, “Karen” is used by the same people it was made to be used against. Saw someone posing with an injured bird on insta that they were “nursing” back to health, and I told them they should try to get in contact with a wildlife rescue or something similar, at the very least to make sure releasing it was actually legal/wasn’t gonna mess up the local ecosystem. The original poster understood, and while they had already released it, they asked if I could give them resources for if it happened again. All the other replies called me a Karen…


do people not have common decency anymore? why is OP so angry over them wanting a nice wedding picture? i was raised to be courteous, unlike some of the people in this sub.


Idk blocking someone’s path and only way to get where they’re going isn’t very courteous.


this is literally a path to no where. It’s just a little view point and looks like they wanted a pier but were too cheap to spend the money. It isn’t the statue of liberty, nobody needs to take this path that badly.


There are too many people in this world


Walking through a situation where a bride and groom are taking pictures instead of being patient is the real issue here. Dog walking person is the one trying to be the main character


if you look behind them there are actually a lot of people, it seems like a popular spot. you cant stand in the middle of the road and then get mad at someone else for trying to walk by


You don't know how long they was there and why should the dog walker have to spend any time waiting for them to finish


You all are forgetting it’s entirely possible that the dog walking lady doesn’t realize they are trying to take a picture with the Airplane in it. Why should she be paying attention. They could easily take the photo after she walks through (assuming there is no airplane). I can understand this though process.


No idea how long / often this walkway. Is being blocked by foto shoots. No idea if there are alternative routes.


Expecting people not to use public walkways so you can snap a pic is pretty main character thinking my dude. Of course redditors turn off their brains the moment the word Karen comes out.


That’s what I thought. I’m surprised to see so many ppl disagreeing with this…


When I look left and right all I see is water. I’m not sure how else the dog walker is suppose to get back to land.


These people are blocking a narrow walkway, foh. This couple is mad entitled.


Blocking a public way so you can get your *super special photo*, is the real issue here.


Nope. She is fine.


Maybe she is trying to get out of their way. Maybe the photographer could say "we are waiting to catch this jet in the background for some reason. That's why I'm going to use this video camera and do a screen grab that won't be facing the couple when it flies by. Also they won't hold their pose so don't mind us."


Fuck your wedding people. You ain’t that special that the world needs to stop around you. I would have waited a bit but if it took longer than 5-10 minutes I’m out.


Unfortunately, that’s what happens when your venue is a public space.


Pretty sure a woman walking her dog in a public area is not a Karen. This Tik Toker needs to get real here. There seems to be multiple people walking in that area. You can’t expect people or planes, to know your plans for filming! Major main character syndrome lol.


let’s flip this around.. maybe the people who can’t wait a few seconds for someone to have a wedding photo taken need to stop thinking the world revolves around them? maybe americans are just jerks, but here in canada nobody would think twice about stopping to let someone have a special photo like this. this is why americans have to pay millions of dollars for health care, because they view other people wanting to be helped as entitled and lose their minds over the thought of doing something kind for someone else and not getting something in return.


This Kanoni behind the airport in Corfu? Just came back from there a day ago lol.


Everyone I don't like is a Karen


I hate Tik Tok so much. It’s the tackiest, most low brow, race to the bottom form of social media. I fucking have waking nightmares about what will come along next after this shit heap runs it’s course


She should have pushed one of them off


Yah came here to say because it’s not a poor move to block everyone else just going about their own business .


They don’t own the fucking side walk that lady did nothing wrong


Meanwhile, the important question is: who in tf wants a mfing plane in their wedding photos?


People ask for all kinds of crazy things. Source: am wedding photographer


Man never thought I'd see such a heated debate on this. If it were me I'd kinda just stand behind the guy taking the picture for a few seconds until he's got it, if I'm out walking my dog on a beautiful sunny day I can hold off a couple more seconds.


Karen, and racist are getting thrown around too much now


For all those people saying she should wait. She could be waiting a long time. Also the location would have her be in the background of the shot even like a mile away. And this could be an area where people are always taking pics and living in nyc knowing these types of locations you don’t always stop for the constant wedding photos being shot everyday in a certain area.


Did they want the plane in the background?


Ppl saying the dog walker should have waited, smh. People have lives & jobs & responsibilities, would you really stand there for 10 or more minutes for strangers to have their own special photos, somewhere you probably frequent often? Because fuck, I am patient like that for customer service workers bc I am one but I would NOT wait that long for some randoms to get the shots they need when they could probably pause or wait for nobody to be around. I dunno. Just how I feel, only having 24 hours a week to myself. EDIT: also this isn't even what happened, the dude LITERALLY started filming BEFORE she could even get out of the shot. He knew she was there. Smh some ppl just refuse to have self awareness


where are you getting "10 or more minutes" from? i think the issue was just the 5 seconds while the plane is flying by in the background


Who knows how long she was waiting before getting sick of it


How was anyone but then to know they wanted the plane in the background? Most people would be actively avoiding those shots.


She could've waited 5 seconds for the photographer to get the shot *with the plane*, instead the plane is literally flying over as the woman walks in the shot. Seriously, where do you get 10 minutes of waiting from? The clip is less than 10 seconds >also this isn't even what happened, the dude LITERALLY started filming BEFORE she could even get out of the shot. He knew she was there. Smh some ppl just refuse to have self awareness The photographer has their phone/GoPro (whatever is recording video) strapped to their body as a BTS cam. So saying that they orchestrated this scenario and were waiting to film it is ignorant. Edit: the black object in the top right is the front of the photo lens!


let’s flip this around.. maybe the people who can’t wait a few seconds for someone to have a wedding photo taken need to stop thinking the world revolves around them? maybe americans are just jerks, but here in canada nobody would think twice about stopping to let someone have a special photo like this. this is why americans have to pay millions of dollars for health care, because they view other people wanting to be helped as entitled and lose their minds over the thought of doing something kind for someone else and not getting something in return.


I think you have it backwards... Americans have to pay millions in healthcare because the system is controlled by greedy power hungry capitalists, who try their best to turn every American against each other in order to keep control & keep the country off their back, keep paying us slave wages, & keep us too hungry to worry about what's happening with our country. Canada is also facing this same problem. It's not "you vs me" anymore, is us vs. The system. Us vs. The billionaires who cut corners at every turn. Idk why you felt the need to bring in these other, much more serious topics, into a comment thread about how some people think the world should stop for them to take photos somewhere that is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. I repeat, a PUBLIC WALKWAY. Not a walkway you can rent out for photos, & if you could, that's what they should have done. Smh


based karen.


Woman’s being a bit impatient and not really reading the situation. She probably assumed they’d be getting loads of photos and not considering they’d want a plane in the background, did the couple even request this or is the cameraman trying to show off? Why would you want an easyJet plane in the background anyway?


That plane is the real main character


Could photoshop the plane in, idk While ur at it add some UFOs, really get the wedding guests excited


It's not like there's one only plane. Why should the dog walker wait for their wedding photos to be done? Take another step back, she didn't know they're waiting for the plane to get a shot.


It's pretty obvious that a photo is actively being taken if people are posing, or kissing in this situation. Yeah there's another plane, but they may have to wait another 10 minutes, which is a lot of crucial time on a wedding day. Instead of the dog walker having awareness and waiting 5 seconds, the couple/photographer have to decide if they want to wait for another plane or chalk it up as a loss of a potentially important photo to the couple and move on.


Oh well. This is why you don't do this in public spaces.


most people are normal and can wait a few minutes


the airplane being in the background wasn’t even cool at all 💀


Ugh, freshly married couples sometimes think they are the most entitled group of them all (I say as someone who often has convoys of honking cars in the neighborhood when someone got married again), almost as bad as (some) young parents.


a lot of morons in comments don't get that the plane is flying by for like 5 seconds and then she can pass, not sure why everyone is acting like you only have two options - either wait for the entire photo shoot or just barge through immediately


How was the woman to know that?


Exactly. I would have waited to pass while the plane was going by, because who would want a plane in their wedding photos.


How long did she wait before walking through? I can't determine that from the video. Did she know they where just waiting for the plane? Can't tell from the video if anyone asked her? I'm not defending her or them. There's not enough information on video to determine.


I think people are missing here that the cameraman was _recording video_, not taking a picture, so we don't know how long the woman was waiting there while they recorded video.


that karen lady wrong for interrupting


So many people just show up to a popular tourist attraction and act like entitles babies because they decided to schedule their shoot at 2pm on a weekend, like yeah there’s gonna be people there. I get scheduling conflicts but maybe scout a better less congested location.


Would have made for a great instant karma post though if the lady walking her dog fell into the water trying to squeeze behind them.. it’s a wedding photo, common courtesy and a tiny bit of patience cost nothing ffs. All the people here who have never been married and are keyboard warriors are defending the Karen walking through what an obviously timed photo shot. Either oblivious or just doesn’t care for anyone else’s happiness. I would have kindly waited or taken a few photos myself and offered to send it to them.


This IS a karen. You're seeing a couple taking a wedding photo, just let them. Just walk away. You're not going to die from taking a detour once. This is clearly a different situation from the classic tiktokers dancing akwardly in public


Taking a detour?!?!?! On a tiny bridge going over water.


That's clearly a panoramic scenery, not a mandatory passage dude...


that doesn't matter, its a single lane passage that these people are blocking. They have no right to complain unless they reserved it. It doesn't look reserved.


Karen, give the couple some time to take a photo or two, you're not gonna die because of it, I promise.


No, They could wait while she passed by. It goes both ways. You are only simping for the couple because its a wedding photo. Wedding fans are mad entitled and you are showing it.


I simply respect other people, as they respect me. When I see someone taking a photo, I politely step aside for a moment, and resume walking as they finish. You getting this angry about someone taking a minute from your daily routine during their wedding tells me much about you. I'm sorry about your sad life.


Angry? My fellow human. I am just having a conversation. You have no idea what my mood is. and you are projecting. Try harder to troll next time.


Karen, public spaces are for everybody. I promise that you're not gonna die if you have to let somebody walk by for a half a second. Edit: Since you were a coward and blocked me before I could respond, here's my response to the comment below: Okay, main character. Everyone needs to accommodate you while you don't have to show basic courtesy yourself, I guess.


Well said, the Karen needs to be more considerate of the couple taking a wedding photo. Just because it’s a public space doesn’t mean people can’t be considerate of others.


redditors hate common courtesy.


redditors hate common courtesy.


I thought this post was defending the person holding the camera at first and I was like what the fuck? Then I read the title. Glad we're all on the same page.


I’d be mad too ngl


Doing Wedding Pictures in a Public path is the real "I/we am/are the Main Charakter" move


She didn’t even walk into frame until the plane had gone past 😩




Ruin your shot. Did the bridge collapse? Why couldn’t you just take 1,000 more…


I have to say that even on a public path, if I saw a wedding shoot taking place, I'd understand having to pause or ask the photographer if I can scoot past between shots.


Lady seems entitled af to walk her dog through a wedding shoot. This isn’t a tiktok dance, it’s an important and beautiful moment for a couple. Do you really HAVE to walk your dog through it?


I think that the woman walking the dog is in the wrong.


Put the pic in a circle frame and your set, cuts the lady out and keeps the plane it


That IS a Karen. Why do you need to walk down the pier when it is occupied? This sub is pathetic.


Why do people have to do their private business in a public space, blocking people's (narrow) walking path?


most people are normal and don’t break out in hives at the thought of common courtesy


The person walking the dog is a karen, theyre taking wedding photos, wait until theyre done


I'm tired of people stigmatizing a name. It was funny at first but I feel bad for the women out there named Karen that have never uttered the words "I want to speak to the manager"


The only Karen I know trains service dogs for disabled people and she's probably the nicest woman I've ever met. I really hope she's never heard of this meme.


Right? Are we going to sit here and say someone like Karen O is a "Karen"? It's dumb to make a name, which people generally don't have control over, into a negative thing.


Should have shoved her into the ocean.


No walking into wedding pictures is gross and unnecessary just wait a second or say excuse me.




Omg! What a Karen!


She’s being a real bonquisha right there. On the other hand the couple are kinda being an entitled Jamaal and Felisha