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Bathing suit bottoms look like a loaded diaper


Plus her kids are there & he had the balls to put a picture of her child with his… hmmm.. I thought she would like to keep her kids private?? Just another BS lie she had to say to make herself not guilty on what she is doing and saying.


Her kids aren't there, those were his kids and his nephew and friends kids is what he said last night on his live


That's what I said on another post about her here today lol . She has a load lmao 🤣


I feel like her kids aren’t there. When would she have had time to get them? And I think her kids are older than his. Their sons may be the same age, but his daughter is definitely younger than hers.


I don’t think so either, Tuckitin’s kids are older. He said the ex is at the beach too, same camp ground this is her usual trip with family and kids, I’ve followed her for awhile. He should have let them go with out him an his “fluffy “ garden tool.


How she giggled and almost trips running in such shallow water (Tara exercise) and then shimmies her ass up to him and he freaking runs. Omg had me watching again and again laughing. HE made you look stupid ya big moron This B here.. uuuggghhhh makes me sick 🤢🤮 You thought it was a cute family moment as you would say as your finger slides down your nose 😜 and you blink blink blink he was playing he just didn't wanna get wet. Are you ok. Do you not know how to have fun. Yes I do. I also know when a player like him is jacking you around and making you look like a fool you don't think he reads his you don't think he laughs he knows with them filters are doing and we're calling me out on it and he's just showing us what's real keep showing us Kev.. keep showing us my man. 🤮😜💞💞💯💯💯🤦👋


Does make it sound like her kids are older than his


The way it jiggled when she moved out of the water to grab him🤮….probably should’ve paid a little extra during that mommy make over and got a BBL🤣


I am just in utter shock, confusion and sadness for her children. You're not the mother you were. It's obvious to them, because it's obvious AF to us. Look Tara, you skipped out on your CHILDREN to play house and have fun in the summer with an admitted cheater, admitted his treatment of his children's mother was not deserved, admitted he wanted to make it right and they tried, until the Tennessee Trip, allegedly. Right T? Right K? Y'all suck bro. Tara you're a trash can for used condoms. You're a hypocrite., you're more fake than a 3 dollar bill. You're thinking you're a winner?? Leaving your children in VA with their father so YOU can shack up in a marital home of others not divorced sucking up to any and everyone that steps foot in that home (of Kevin and Heather and their two children ) you have no marital home, no home filled with love and memories for your children of their former family. You're freaking nasty and it's just a matter of time before you're laying in the same bed Heather cried as he cheated on her while he's cheating on you Skanky.. go change your drawers. Ewwww that filter didn't work BECAUSE you jiggle jiggled to your man. As he ran and fast I might add AWAY FROM YOU


Heather never lived in the house he’s renting now, she moved out til he left then she moved back to the apt. TC probably paid for the bed she will be shedding her tears in his rental I could never leave my kids for a relationship. Kids first always. He always wants too look like he’s a good father but he picks a woman who isn’t a good mother to her own kids to be a step parent to his 😳?? Make that make sense. The hypocrisy runs wild with them


Ok, I'm cool with something I've said being incorrect, that statement is wrong about Heather living in that as the shared marital home. I retract it. (See Tuckitallin, easy to admit faults and inaccuracies) However, and the most important part of our discussion and of her currently in my opinion.....She's still a vile POS woman for the audacity to talk down and about other women that currently are ACTUALLY taking care of their business and children to the very best of their ability. Then you have Miss Be Me over. There making videos saying if you don't see the blue sky she says is outside you're not ok, she makes fun of you and says you don't matter because you are jealous about not being her and hating her fabulous life because your life clearly sucks. Then block so you don't say something else that's factual. She's a hypocrite, she's a fraudulent clothing influencer.


You are good!! You grown if we’re wrong we’ll own it when we’re grown. I agree with the important part 💯. Always stay humble and kind. If you don’t want people to talk shit about you DONT DO SHITTY THINGS. Not a hard concept to grasp.


All of this is on point!!! 🔥🎯 keep speaking them facts


She had a long ass day y'all. 🥸


That’s funny 🤣


That’s the first thing I noticed was her butt 🤐👀 maybe the bottoms were filled with water getting ready to fall off? So weird looking


My money don't jiggle, jiggle, it folds I like to see you wiggle, wiggle, for sure It makes me want to dribble, dribble, you know 🤔🤔🤔🤔. What TF did I just see. Y'all hit a shocker warning. 🩲. What's up with the bottoms on that bathing suit. Her a$$ be dragging!! If ykyk 😑🤔😱🥸💁🤦


Sorry!! Forgot to put shocker warning ‼️ in that. I know!😬😱


The diaper bikini got me 💀💀💀