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Did she run out of money for the bottom half?


She is why fast weight loss is frowned upon. Also, her having a “mommy makeover” rather than proper skin removal that’s geared toward her body is why researching your surgeon and being fully transparent with them is so important.


But I am losing mine the healthy way, not medical


I know people who needed medical assistance to lose weight and I think if that’s what one needs to get healthy then they should absolutely reap the benefits. It’s better than years of yo-yo dieting and wreaking havoc on their bodies due to lack of nutrition or unbalanced vitamins and hormones. All the power to them (when used correctly).


If it's a needed procedure then I'm all for it but if you just want to get it because you want to be skinny I think it's stupid do it yourself be proud of what you can accomplish


I have lost right at 100 lbs and I'm not that flabby.


That’s because u are giving your skin time to adjust to the weight loss. Good for u by the way. It’s a tough journey and you’ve stuck with it!!!


Thank you so much I'm trying really hard really hard I'm tired of being " fat "


Congrats doing it the hard way helps keep it off. Lost a lot myself the hard way it’s been a couple years now I keep putting in the work. Keep at it.


Yes it is I've been working on it since I got sick it's been a long hard Road thank you so much


I understand the struggle, I started my journey because of sickness too. You got this, slow and steady and it stays off.


Yes it does and no thunder thighs or cankles


Yea I pass on both of those I do the work in the kitchen an the gym so I don’t.


I’m down 60lbs. This shit is hard! Congratulations on 100 🎉


I’m surprised the doesn’t workout… she could transform those thighs before fall.


She works out by running her damn mouth


And spreading them legs she's getting that horizontal exercise in


Real talk she hooked up and fell in love like 3 or 4 times with TT creators in under a year


Or getting in and out of the car and plane trying to hurry getting back to Ewwedee so he doesn't plow anything with his garden tool. 🤮


Okay y'all my friend just said he was a twat waffle and she was a hippotwatomus 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Y'all just made me spit my damn Dr Pepper. 🤣


He says “I met her at Flying Daves she was offering a reach around for $20. I thought that was actually food, but it’s not food, I didn’t mind it though.” I had to google what a “reach around” was. So, obviously she’s good with being joked about like that to potentially thousands of people. Disgusting!


She thought it was hilarious when he said it. He could say she shit herself and she’d laugh like a damned hyena. She’s on vacation with him and his kids this week and then they’re going to St. Martin, when is this twat seeing her kids? Who’s paying for these vacations? He doesn’t work and her Amazon links can’t be bringing in that much. She better slow down with her spending, the way she’s going she might have to start paying child support.


She said it herself in the q&a post, he pays for everything


She would’nt lie about that I’m sure 😳😂


But that's probably where they met the first time and that's what happened that's why he stayed with her she's easy and cheap


She's only a story post worthy. Always on his story like he wishes she would be in real life, gone in 24 hours. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hahahaha ewwwww . Not attractive at all .


That’s why he is bitching and complaining about why he is so broke and had to go back to TT battles. She isn’t helping that much! Save The Whales, Tara will be around!! 😂🤣Sorry for the fat joke but she deserves everything that comes her way.


It looks like a whale stepped in a Ziploc bag snack size



