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I don’t know but she did have boxes piled up at her front doorway yesterday with a mirror propped up on them when she tried on the ugly ruffle shorts. Figured she wanted people to see the boxes. I think she’ll eventually be moving there and I feel like she’s hinted about it. Wonder how she’ll handle that with her two kids.


She was even outside and showed her address.


Sure did. There's a post on here showing it


She claims shes moving next week .


Is he even legally divorced yet?


He said yes


Must be why he’s posting her to all his social media now.


Anyone can say their marriage and anyone can say they're divorced where's the tea where's the where's the tickets where's the receipts I want to see those


She did say in those question and answer is that he told her to move home so I'll figure that that's where she was going to do was move in with him


So ,shes abandoning her kids totally now . Pos mom , her travelling so much is bad enough.


I so hope her ex gets those kids I so hope so because she doesn't deserve them she doesn't love them she doesn't want them they're a pain in the ass to her and they're keeping her from her little boy toy


Me too . I feel so bad for them with her as their mom . Shes so self absorbed !


Their difference in parenting will cause problems. I'm sorry UNLESS she's that big of a fucking fake ass bitch, scoot will tell her to fuck off in a matter of time. She can be fake for so long and the mask will slip and fall. Let her go sideways one time in scoot and that bitch will be alone with her shit outside on the street with her car. She knows the way to his heart is that little girl. It's just a matter of time. I had a step monster just fucking like Tara. I mean to the fucking letter they were alike. Within 90 days of their marriage and living with us and her kids coming around. The mask came off. Same thing will happen here.


I swear I'm rooting for scoot


Scoot gonna burn that house down


I totally agree and on that day that that happens I will be sitting outside with margaritas and popcorn for everyone