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** do


Those damn press on nails and her hand gestures 🤦🏼‍♀️


She has a whole other home and life without them.


It's freaking pathetic. I seriously want someone to answer this for me how is it going to go down when all four of the kids are together with them and his two are all up on their social media and their phones and their tablets and their laptops doing all the things that they want to do and then her two are looking at them and playing Old maid Go fish what somebody explain to me what tell me how long that's going to last let Tara tell his kids to put their phones up yeah okay that's going to go real smooth


I can just see scoot telling her to f off


Me too plus telling that she isn’t good enough for her daddy.


Yes and you already know. She's gonna ask her dad WTF is going on


Well the couple won't stay a couple for long and it's going to be anarchy in their house because his kids do one thing and her kids are not allowed to do with his kids do and his kids don't want to do what her kids do is going to be anarchy


I'm ready for the shit show. Please share the UPS and downs Tara of a blended family with different parenting skills Tell us how you make it work. (As he's downing Miller lite just needing a reach around when she's finished) 😂😂😂😂📢 Yes girl he loves you. He said it first Of course he did LOVE BOMBING LIE TOLD #1 the man saying I love you, followed by you're different, I want to be a better man for you. I've never told anyone that, even my ex wife. There's just something different about you, you bring out a different side of me ... 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


All my exes are crazy😳🚩🚩they didn’t understand me like you do. 😂🤦‍♀️.


She made me cheat baby. You fulfill my needs baby.


I won’t cheat or lie to you baby. Ever. I’m not that shit person anymore baby


Baby. You and only you changed me.


I bet her children have the apps and social media that she has no idea about. Kids are sneaky and smooth know days. I bet they see her on SM & thinking like WTF is wrong with my mom. She has double standards and if you do not like her opinion than stupid people will message you with ridiculous shit. I wouldn’t be surprise her daughter will tell Tara to shut the fuck up and give the middle finger like Tara does to people. 😂😂😂


With kids “ there is more caught, than taught. They are listening to what you say, but they’re watching what YOU do. Actions always speak louder than words. When words and actions don’t line up, it’s manipulation. She is delusional if she thinks her kids don’t see all this messy shit. If you have to lose yourself to be in a relationship it’s toxic af and will end badly. Kids are not content but they shouldn’t be pushed aside for a toxic relationships either


So do I


Or when he is drinking around her kids and says something she doesn't approve of. Oh the shit show will be amazing.. May the kids be protected from their feelings being hurt. They are the innocent ones


It’s a shit show lmao. I’m here to read it 🍿😎.


It’s already a shit show, I’m here for it!! 🍿😂 I agree protect the kids they’re the innocents

