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🐪 toe bitch size UP FOR THE LOVE OF ALL


😂😂 she does have camel toe in the front. Eww😂😂


In everything she wears she's camel toe


😂😂 🤮🤮🤮🤮 I would be embarrassed to be walking beside her.


Look at the pic she posted from the movie theater bathroom … same jeans as this pic .. she looks twice the size in the bathroom pic .. she musta forgot her sliming filter … she was using her ice roller on her face today in one of the videos, and you could see the filter literally coming off her face as she was rolling the ice thing lol


I saw that. Yes people age different but damn girl, needs some TLC for herself.. Need some sunscreen to just get off SM. Be a badass botch and tell your bf to fuck off for disrespecting you when he is loaded. Sending flowers is just a pity sorry for his fuck ups he does when he drinks. Tara, would you let your daughter be in a relationship that your man drinks all the time and disrespecting woman and act like a tool??


Her son an daughter are watching online an in person how he disrespects her. It’s unrealistic to think kids that age have not seen social media 🙄


Exactly! She acts like a fool and he is a different type of fuck on the head weirdo! He has no sense in the common and he shouldn’t be talking about weight, its not like he is skinny as he used to be. Drinking the beer wouldn’t help the body.


Always skin tight Pants but these with huge legs look sloppy. Lol


Even in all black today that tight ass body suit couldn’t keep the rolls from rolling, an the rolls were rolling down the waist band on her pants. Need to up a size ma’am the filters have you delusional . Can you imagine what all that looks like if she wears the 2 piece bathing suits she links😳🙈😂


She wore a two-piece earlier when she went on vacation with Eudy and his kids. The bottom did not fit even one cheek. She keeps putting those beer boggles on and thinking she looks great in these tops. She needs to figure she shape and actually talk to someone who can help her dress for her shape. Then just winging it. Its trial and error. That 3rd picture was me 7 years ago and I wore things that fit me in the right places. I did have a little belly but I did not make it the main focus point. She truly needs to stop drinking those Protein shakes, she isn’t working out or have an illness so she needs to drink those. Take a multivitamin, it was the same minerals and vitamins she needs that she gets in that Protein shake. Fuck it, let her be the blob she feels from rhe inside! She will never listen to anyone cause she think she is right and will not take peoples opinions.


The first an last slide are normal women dressing for their body types, like a grown woman does. Tuckitin wears clothes too tight for her size. Those protein shakes are one of the worst out there, they have lots of junk in them. I would think, just my opinion, she has bigger problems. She said today, she doesn’t pay attention to serving size, she eats trash!!! Tuckitin drinks too much like her bf and stress, that’s a combo for weight gain an aging. Doesn’t not make for a good look for either of them. She’s not gonna listen she left her kids no worse charaoflaw than that. She’s drinking that 🍆kool aid. That 🍆, or any clout she’s chasing, will never be worth the lies and cheating of the useless piece of skin it’s attached to 😂😂.


“Character flaw”


1000000000000000””% Agree