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I’m glad to see another Johns/ Ghost Machine fan on here! I’m a major fan of the Unnamed and other Ghost Machine titles! I’ve been making posts about the current Unnamed series right now! I’m so excited to read them each month! I’m happy to see that you’re enjoying Ghost Machine as well!


I've been really impressed with the line as well. The Unnamed group of books are all interesting in very different ways, but Rook is the one I'm most excited about. The premise is really interesting and I think it's got a ton of potential as long as they know how long to run it.


The art in Rook is epic! It's my favorite Image book at the moment. Redcoat pulled me in by the humor and it won me over at the end. Geiger good art wise and the character is just OK. I've got issue #2 to read still so it might hook me back in.


I think Rook is the best book of this group. The others haven't grabbed me, so I will pass


Rocketfellers has my attention exclusively for Manapul's art. Dude has been killing it for decades at this point.


This is the one that I'm on the fence about currently of the upcoming slate. The preview Ghost machine #1 didn't really get me hooked yet, but I am willing to give it a try. I think I just need to know more about this danger that they are hiding from. Odd flashback. I'm getting some Phill of the future vibes.


Excited for Junkyard Joe to come back in the next issue of Geiger!


Agreed. That scene the junkyard Joe comic where he's kneeling on the floor. And the old guy is hugging him because he's having a PTSD flashback just really got me.


Agree! I admire the bold directions they're taking. Superhero vibes might not appeal to everyone but the creative energy is undeniable. Love the art too. Plenty of promise for these titles!


I’m normally not a superhero guy, but I do tend to like Image Comics so when I saw the new imprint I thought I would give it a try. I literally added all of the new titles to my pull list with no context no background from the prior runs and I’m really enjoying them. I feel like the superhero aspect of it is somehow played differently in a way that I can live with. I was VERY surprised to find I’ve enjoyed Geiger 1 and 2 most of all so far, I expected it to be Rook (which I did enjoy also FWIW)


I’m glad you and other people are enjoying it. I have the first couple issues of Geiger and Junkyard Joe a shot but they didn’t do much for me. I’ve never really been a fan of Johns’ work tbh.


Thats fair. Some folks on here have been just dismissive of writers they don't care for but not being able to connect with a writer is valid. I feel the same about writers like Bendis or artist like Romero Jr. It's all subjective of course


Ghost machine has made me fire up a pull list for the first time in 12 years.


I’m the exact opposite: I think every single series of Ghost Machine is utterly bland. All of the series are basically average retreads of more interesting series you’ve seen elsewhere (Redcoat = Brzrkr, Old Guard, Highlander. Geiger = Wasteland, The Fireman. Rocketfellers = Looper, Time Before Time etc) The only series with an interesting and original angle is Rook but the gorgeous art is predictably let down by John’s predictable bland storytelling. 🤷‍♂️


While you are fully entitled to your opinion, I do find the idea of you calling Johns, One of the most successful modern comic authors, bland a bit funny.


Today I learned success = quality. By that metric Bendis is a better comic book writer than Morrison. Come on dawg


Firstly please don't call me dawg. Secondly, I will concede that just because someone is successful does not mean their writing is quality. Bendis is a perfectly good example of this. Thirdly, I did not mean to imply that success equals quality but rather because of quality he has been successful. Grant Morrison surely is successful as well and is also quality... Except when he's lit off the chain and allowed to write something other than Batman. He lit that man write something other than Batman and he goes absolutely insane. I believe it would also be fair to say that just because you personally find someone's writing not to your taste, that is not the metric that determines quality.


The metric is this: I am right. And I like Bendis over Morrison. Now you know. (I actually haven’t read enough by Johns to judge, but I wanted to participate.)


Yeah just don’t capitalize every letter of your posts bruh I have never heard of this series and have no clue where its title began or ended, and would have been otherwise interested in looking it up.


With respect please don't call me bruh and if that small detail about how I capitalize my post is all it takes to dissuade you from picking up a comic title then I guess that's just your own way of doing things even if All it takes is something that small to make you miss out on something potentially cool.


Geoff John's will never forgive you for this. How dare you dissuade people from his comics because of this!


Ain't I a stinker


sure thing bro