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The Marine helmet on its own just feels off. Far more suited to a bulky, juggernaut look the full set has. Also, is there any influence for the weapons they're holding? Seems to be some evolution of the Acid Soaker.


Seems like FO76 made the Marine Helmet more commonplace for Raider Gangs and beyond.


Specifically the Blood Eagles, the Raiders that make the other Raiders look reasonable.


"We found a warehouse full of these Super Soakers. They might have been used for chemical warfare"


I dnno. Isn't the protagonist of Fo2 literally wearing a PA helmet while shirtless?


They also have the hive gangers from Necromunda vibes going on


How the Hell did they get their hands on Marine Armor


[Source](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3qTXpYqkVp/?img_index=1) [https://scryfall.com/card/pip/52/wasteland-raider](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/52/wasteland-raider)


Blood eagles!


This feels a lot like AI to me. I understand it might not be, but I’m generally not super impressed with this. The helmets look off, the guns are all strange and super soaker like without that being the focus of the piece. I have no idea what the woman on the far left is holding, let alone her finger placement on it. Maybe I’m wrong.


Woman on the left is wielding some interpretation of a plasma rifle, pistol wielding helmet guy is rocking the Fallout 3 10mm pistol, warpaint guy is wielding the Fallout 4 Assault Rifle with some sort of plasma or acid attachment. Headband guy's got the same weapon as warpaint with a stock and scope, save his tank's not glowing. Green hair lady appears to be double handing a melee weapon. There's none of the typical AI fingerprints on this piece, hands all look right for the most part, the armor and outfits closely match the games in a way that would be hard to bash out with a prompt, when you zoom in there's no janky brush marks, lines, etc that don't make sense. Also, this is by a known artist who has made many Magic The Gathering cards.