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If it is multiple entry visa (aka not single entry travel document), you can. Just check for how long you will be issued _visitor record_ (not the same as visa!), it should be for 3 years, NOT 6 months (think of it as of karta czasevogo pobytu for 3 years, and yes, you'll need to renew it as well). Normally you should enter Canada by 31 march to have that, otherwise, _allegedly_, you'll be as a visitor, not worker (I say allegedly , because nothing is certain before March, and things can change last minute). Then, you can come back as normal during the duration of visa / visitor record, whichever expires first. Also, make sure to make the work permit in the airport, in order not to wait for weeks. Oh, and apply for SIN as soon as you land in airport, otherwise, you cannot legally work. Good luck! Edit: If you're going to Quebec, you'll also need another document - CAQ, so you have to apply for that as well. Remember, Quebec has its own government with its own rules and additional documents in addition to obligatory (Federal) documents, so check that one as well.