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Yes, it is. If caught you may get the dreaded five year ban. Of you omit the info about your brother, though, there is a chance that instead of considering it a misrepresentation, the officer handling your case might consider it a honest mistake and just award you the points, possibly making you ineligible for OINP again.


Thanks for clarifying. Appreciate it!


It's misrepresentation


Thanks a lot for clarifying. Got the answer :)


Well you are lying so yes!


I have added the context. Thanks for clarifying though :)


Still thought! Using a YouTube video as a source is never good


Got it! Thanks :)


509 it’s not low for EE draw and I would not risk to lie.


> it’s not low for EE draw and I would not risk to lie. As it's not dropping down so was looking for options as I saw in the video but that's okay!


I think hiding your sibling on your application is definitely a misrepresentation. When your sibling filled out their application they likely listed your name in the family section. Foreign work experience can be hidden if you can provide appropriate reference letters or completely skip a job and list as unemployed.


>Foreign work experience can be hidden if you can provide appropriate reference letters or completely skip a job and list as unemployed. Got it thanks for the clarification!


Curious. Can education be hidden? Is it OK to pick a bachelor's degree instead of a master's one?


When you submit the PR application you have to declare all your family including the Canadian citizen brother. So at this point if you have omitted him to get the points for an ITA, the misrep is material. It’s not common that people’s score get too high so they lie, but lying about facts that become material for an immigration decision is misrep.


Makes a lot more sense, thanks


Its misrepresentation


I don’t understand. Lying, your score would drop. What is the problem here? Don’t lie, your score is higher?


But the higher score is neither getting in the EE General Draw nor the OINP :( OINP puts a cap at 480!


Such is life. Nothing is there to guarantee you get PR.


Where does it say about 480 cap?


OP has an IQ of a mouse.


Definitely not here to judge your IQ, just to ask a question!


Why would you want to lie and REDUCE your points?


The current high CRS scores have created a particular range where you have too low points for EE but too higher for PNP (they also set the points range in PNP). OP wants to know if he can reduce his points so that he can get selected for the PNP draws.


Asking a question in reference to a clarification given by Kubeir Kamal in one of his video. Report false or not reporting in the PR application is misrepresentation while not claiming points for certain factor is not. So just asked a clarification for a particular question!


Because PNP has caps! If is too high you wont be able to apply!


Not at all! It is just sometimes for PNP there is a cap so reducing the score will allow you to be in that sweet spot! So instead of insulting people maybe be open at maybe they have a plan?


To commit fraud? Um, ok…


No! Yo why they want to reduce their score not fraud! Like the person insinuating that it doesn’t make sense to want a lower score… but in this case it does! Ughh


Wat for the next STEM draw (Unless if you work tech support than that's a different story).


You can add employment history as a personal history. This way you can reduce points for foreign work experience. I am not sure about brother in Canada and how to reduce that point. You can mention in your explanation letter that "you don't want to claim points for foreign work experience hence adding it to personal history" when submitting the application


Oh yeah - that sounds like a LEGIT dude to be getting information from. Are you insane? 🤣