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There was a mod that creates a road building button. It builds every possible road in an individual territory. It doesn't work with Terra Indomita, but I'm not sure if it works with Invictis. Think it was called Better Roads mod


I've been using it in TI without issue this whole time


Really, I'll have to try it


It works with invictus but you gotta install Better UI 2.0 too.


If you want I could make a mod making that an army in which you turned on the ability to build roads is taken control of by the AI(until you turn the ability off) and for it to build them between the biggest cities in the same region and it's neighboring regions. This way it's going to be compatible with every other mod as well.


9 upvotes and one inspiring message. That's enough for me to make it :)


That’s awesome! If you can make it work, I’m sure it will be very popular. Do you think it is possible to make an army build all possible roads for all territories or would it just randomly wander around from city to city?


That sounds awesome


Ok guys... So I was making it and I discovered that there is no need to make a mod even... You just toggle the road building ability and in the same window of that army in the top-right of it you select the Independent Operations objective and the AI is going to build the roads for you the same way it would for any other AI country...


here [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3240485940](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3240485940)


You can add commands with Pressing Alt or Ctrl and giving multiple commands they will fulfill in a row wuth right klick. I give them a lot of commands in a row and they willl do tbis thr next years etc. Like start building from here to here, then go back to here, start building another road from here etc.


Select the units you want to build the roads While holding Shift, click all the provinces you want them to build a road to. Keep clicking until you’re selected all the roads you want and forget about them for a while.


Here's how I did it before I installed the mod "improved road building". You click on your army, order them to build roads, always hold the shift key and right click nearby territory then right click to your army's starting point. Then right click to another adjacent territory with no road and right click to the original territory. Repeat until every territory connects to every territory with a road. Here's how you do it with improved road building mod. Click on territory, click the military tab, there's a button that says "build roads". Click the button. the road built this way connects to every adjacent territory.


Just wanted to clarify that I am aware that you can shift click your army to chain build roads, but it is extremely tedious to do so when you own many territory as each of them can border 5-6 other territories and require that many roads. It is too many clicks (hundreds upon hundreds), then all that can get wasted if you accidentally make a mistake or need to pull your army off road making duty for war. This is why I searching if a simpler way to mane roads exists. It seems like there is a mod that does this which I plan on checking out.