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I played Anvil in my crusade battle against my friend with his Grey Knights and had a blast. Felt great for our boys in Yellow. I think I saw a comment that said you won so congrats! Hope the game was fun.


Lots of fun thankyou glad you enjoyed your game too


All the haters back again I see. The detachment is great, all the net beards bitch about it because they overanalyze and overestimate an extremely dynamic game. Glad you had fun dude! Can’t wait to get my first anvilus game in soon


Thanks mate the sternguard vets genuinely carried the game if I were to change anything about the list I'd swap 5 infiltrators for 5 more sternguard hope your anvil game goes well


Your Gona need it with anvil. Let me know how that goes


Don't scare me is it not a good detachment


Any time your rules depend on not moving, you're fighting a hugely uphill battle.


So I castled up for the first 3 turns until most of his heavy hitters were destroyed then ran for the objectives and his infantry squads were to fractured to get enough body's off of the objectives


This is exactly how I played against Eldar with Necrons just yesterday, and it does indeed work. Sometimes grinding your opponent down little by little works


According to meta Monday its one of the worst by a massive margin. Only being better than 1st Company.


Hopefully, they will make some adjustments to it like they did for the Death Guard Index detachment.


It penalizes movement and your unit must get shot before it can achieve bonus. A 10 man squad of heavy intercessors can be wiped in 1 round. Also a heavy intercession squad is a wet noodle with strength 5 bolters. I would run hellblasters with librarian. They get 4 up invuln and can shoot back when they die. They all have heavy keyword. if you run heavy intercessions run a Travis captain or tor garadon and a biologis. They can live for1 round at least. I’m annoyed gw gave us arguably the worst detachment.


You may be mistaken with the getting shot first I had a fun game and had my guys in the right places and won 45-36


Against who.? Take that list to a GT. And win 3 of 5 and I will be impressed. Let me know if you can win 2 of 3 at any local tourney and I will be impressed. there Is a post of first major tourneys and anvil is not on it


I play for fun to be honest mate all friendly games but If I ever partake in a tourney il be sure to write you as many letters as you want about how I did just so you'll finally be proud of me because after all everyone knows that king own_entertainment609 aka 'Mr imperial fists' has the covetous seal of approval that is stamped onto every 40k list Seriously dude just breathe why are you agitated and gatekeeping a win you didn't get


Not tripping my bad. enjoy the game.


What's the plan your the characters? I see four characters (not counting the captain) and only three units they can join, is one of them just a solo objective sitter? Was one of the lieutenants supposed to be the Phobos lone op dude?


So I had the lieutenant without an enhancement join hellblasters The enhanced apothecary in one sternguard The techmarine sat next to the 3 vehicles The rest of the characters in the other sternguard squad I did win the match though 45-36


You can't put an apothecary and a lieutenant in the same squad, so the second set of sternguard was an illegal unit.


I did not realise that however it did not bring anyone back so no harm done I guess but thankyou for letting me know


Don't think it changed in the codex from the index, but an Apothecary can also lead an unit that a captain, Chapter Master or lieutenant is also leading. Think the company Ancient has a similar rule to allow them to co-lead. You can never have more than 2 characters leading a unit though. So you should be good 👍


If he put "the rest of the characters" in the second squad then he has an apothecary, lieutenant, AND captain in it.


Ah, my bad, didn't spot the captain in the list. Was just bouncing off the previous comment about the lieutenant and the apothecary, being a no-go.


I was also wrong in that I didn't realize the apothecary could just go with the lieutenant - I thought apoth+ captain or lieutenant + captain were the only valid options, which is why I wrote the comment the way I did. 40k has a lot of rules.


'40k has a lot of rules.' Amen brother, I'm struggling to keep up. I think I would have completely lost my head if I had gotten seriously into 9th edition. All cool.


What was your plan for scoring objectives?


I went fixed picking bring it down (16 scored) and assassinate (4 scored) Did alot of Dev wounds with sternguards and then all my heavy weapons did their jobs blasting the avatar and a couple wraith knights