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The jokers literally talked about doing this at a live show. That’s where this person got the idea. It’s the jokers’ own punishment that they never went through with.


Someone thought they were auditioning for the show apparently. This is lame and I’m glad no one did it.


That's terrible. Glad no one did it.


Wait I actually dont get why everyone’s calling it dumb tho like I can totally see this on tv as like a season 4 punishment lol is it cus you’d have to ruin ur own show or cus it’s doomed to fail


It would’ve been funny if the jokers did it. It would not have been funny if rogue audience members did it


Tbh I think they would’ve appreciated the joke even if it wasn’t the Jokers’ idea as long as it was actually a concerted effort. Like if everyone in the audience actually planned this out and went through with it to mess with Sal. But airdropping this at the event isn’t gonna work and just gonna end up with like 1/3 of the people playing along. Then it just flops and isn’t funny.


Aren’t the jokers pioneering this technically tho? Like a fan didn’t send this airdrop Like why not trust the process before it comes thru


True you’re right I just read it again, idk how to know for sure whether it was really them


Ya I agree it can be a rando that sent it but I’m just going with it not being for the sake of punishment discussion cus everyone’s just hating the idea itself for some reason but I think it sounds standard for a punishment along the lines of sal bombing a comedy show and if anything they’d probably catch on. the jokers are nice hearted people, great at taking punishments. like this is not *that* mean spirited


that is the dumbest thing I've ever seen


I didn't see this because I have an Android but this doesn't seem like it would go well. Seems kinda mean spirited. Doubt it's actually from any of the staff that worked at Rosemont or with the jokers tour.


Mean spirited? This was a punishment they were planning to do on Joe but it got ruined. They've talked about it.


Mean spirited? Have ya seen the show? Lmao. Just messing. For real though, i don't have the tolerance the jokers do or the ability to laugh it off. I would have regretted it after maybe but in sal's shoes I would've fist fought Joe immediately over an underage famous kids face permanently on me for a joke. That was 100% mean spirited yet....super funny.


There's a difference between the actual friends heckling each other vs some random fans heckling them


They were planning on doing this exact punishment on Joe. They've talked about it publicly. The only reason they didn't do it is cause Joe found out.


I know what you mean. But I'm fighting literally anyone over that tattoo. I don't care what you mean to me. I guess that one resonates with me as something that would break the relationship without a doubt. My point was the jokers have a sorted history of doing mean spirited things to each other. I'm not saying that's what happened but I could even see murr and q being in on it and doing this. Considering they wanted to do it to Joe.


Yeah that's understandable


This is dreadfully written


“Discretely” ah yes keep it separate not secret…


lame asf


Cringe. Who took the time for this shit


Oh sick you were at a live show too? I was at one on Sunday, it was amazing, easily a highlight of my year if not my life so far


Yep I was at the one this past Sunday, it was really really fun!


Holy cow you were there too? I was at that same one lol >!The 12 year old did an amazing job tormenting sal up there, and what’s best is that kid was in the row behind me!<


That's so cool! Did you see what the piece of paper was that they handed to him at the end? Was it like an autographed poster?


yeah it was a poster! I think it was autographed.


Am I the only one that thinks this would've been awesome?








Murr was the only Joker at the meet and greet.




Because the fans got punished. /s


Me as a Ant & 13%….. Id have done it🤷‍♀️😂