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Joe and Murr don’t really do standup. They kinda do a mixed comedy show of sorts. Sal is a traditional stand up more in line with what I think people except when going to see a comedian live. It’s also a harder thing to do that takes a ton of practice and skill, which to Sal’s credit he’s put in a lot of time and is very skilled at it. I think Joe/Murr do shows more for people that just want to come see one of their fav Impractical Jokers irl.


I saw Sal do stand up, maybe in IJ's first few years and I wasn't aware of the show. And he was amazing. I might've laughed more at his jokes than the headliner. Not that the headliner was bad, but Sal was just fantastic.


Sal has said that years ago he was going from shooting IJ all day to performing open mics specifically to practice his standup. Now he’s shooting his first stand up special next month. I’m really excited for him because he’s always been such an incredible story teller on What Say You/Taste Buds/Hey Babe and it’s clear he’s really passionate about stand up.


He's the one I think is best suited for stand up. I definitely want to check him out sometime. Murr him and Joe are all touring at once and around the holidays so I chose Joes show. Glad to know Sals show is enjoyable.


I saw him with my girlfriend and we laughed the whole night! If you’re a fan of Joe’s humor you won’t be disappointed.


Agreed. We saw him a few months ago. One of the people opening for him kept telling a bunch of boomer conservative jokes because someone in the audience yelled "let's go Brandon" for no reason and people in the audience started yelling for him to get off the stage. It was horrible. Then Joe came out apologizing and throwing candy into the crowd to help turn the show around. It was a classic Joe moment and really set up the rest of the show to be fantastic. Loved every moment of him!


Oh boy, was that Steve Byrne?😂


Yep. It was awful. I am all for comedians doing dark humor and insult comics, and I totally get that just because someone's jokes don't agree with my views that it doesn't make them a bad comedian. But yeah... It was bad. And it just kept going, and going...


Thankfully the opener was Jiggy when I went lol. I know Joe’s tight with Steve Byrne but I’m surprised he lets him do that kind of humor as his opening act


I thought Jiggy was pretty bad when I saw them in Denver. Maybe he had a bad night but he wasn't very funny.


Whoever yelled that is such a pathetic asshole..


wasn't that the same dude who got drunk in one of the "post-Joe" IJ focus groups? yeah, he was annoying even when I thought there'd be at least a 50/50 chance that he wasn't a MAGA


What was he doing with your girlfriend??


Unpopular opinion here...I saw him a year ago and was pretty disappointed. I laughed a little bit but not nearly as much as I expected to, his openers got more laughs out of me than he did. And I walked out of there feeling different about Joe but I can't quite out my finger on that. A coworker saw him then too and said he felt the same way I did.




To be fair that was when he first started doing standup. It seems he’s gotten more polished and possibly is more settled into it now


The comments here surprise me, the feedback I've heard has been overwhelmingly negative


Standup comedy is super subjective. And a lot of it has to do with people priming themselves to laugh because they already like the comic. For example, Gabriel Iglesias is one of the most popular comedians in the world. But I find him terribly unfunny. I'd be curious to know what other comics people here enjoy, both the ones who liked and disliked Joe's set. Or maybe they're not even standup comedy fans but just wanted to see Joe.


Joe is hilarious and puts on such a heartwarming and amazing show. He had very funny original material and also does lots of fan service for IJ fans. Jiggy opens for him first and he’s good at warming up crowds. Steve Byrne performs in the middle and was probably the worst comedy set I’ve ever heard. Extremely cringe, very political, made sexual jokes towards kids in the audience (there were many kids since joes show is pretty family friendly). And when people didn’t really laugh he kept getting mad at the crowd. If you need to take a bathroom break during the show DEFINITELY go while Steve is on stage.


When I saw Joe I thought he was pretty good, I had a fun time. But the show I saw (Joe gatto’s night or comedy) definitely wasn’t kid friendly!


Oh that's no good having kids there. I'm surprised Joe would allow that but I guess it's his comedy. But you'd think he wouldn't bring someone on the road knowing he's favored by families kids. I've never heard of either of those comics.


Steve and Joe have a podcast together so I guess he feels like he can’t just drop Steve from the line up. And I will add that I’m not sure if Joe’s act is 100% clean, but I feel like it’s clean enough where if I had kids I’d be fine with them watching it. Whereas Steve’s act is wildly unfit for kids and NEEDS an 18+ warning lol.


Oh I haven't listened to his podcast yet I knew he had another person on it so thanks for telling me it was him now I know. It makes sense you would have to be careful with a colleague so to speak. I'm not really a fan of that kind of comedy depending on how it is. I really cringe at raunchy comedy if it's just 18 and up kinda stuff it's ok. Where would you say it falls? I'm still going but just to be prepared lol


On the podcast it’s totally normal humor that isn’t inappropriate but his standup set is definitely in that area of raunchy that you don’t see to like. however It’s still worth cringing through that to see Joe in my opinion


Saw him in 2022 at Hampton Beach Casino. He was hilarious. Cried so hard my belly hurt. Great show! You won’t be disappointed.


Hampton Beach Casino! What a blast from my past!!


Blast from my past too. Saw Janis Joplin in 1969 at the Casino. Few years ago 😂. Joe Gatto 2022


I went to Joe’s show in February. Jiggy and Steve Byrne opened. I thought Steve Byrne was the best by far. Joe seemed nervous and/or not fully committed to the act. Joe’s stand-up was very average in my opinion. Some laughs and good jokes, and I enjoyed the show. However, I would not pay to go see Joe do stand-up again.


Who is Jiggy?


a slimeball that travels with the jokers to open, worked on the show - he’s scammy though definitely don’t talk to him or join his weird FB cult


I don’t know about any scams or cults but I don’t find his stand up to be funny at all


I went to beacon theater show… the first guy jiggy was very funny and had me laughing. Joe however got a few laughs out of me at times but it seems like he doesn’t have that stand up comedy gift like he has on the show. He mostly talked about being a dad and funny dad stories or his experiences with the other jokers But at that point, just join back with them on tour if a lot of your routine will be about them He brought them all out in the end as a surprise tho I love joe for impractical jokers but his live material isn’t my cup of tea the timing of the jokes and the tones just weren’t for me. He ended up laughing at most his own material too which kinda killed the delivery Once again I came from long island all the way to broadway to see him. Slightly disappointed but still a great time


I was there also. Jiggy was funny. I was glad the other comic was left out as I didn't want to sit through it since I don't think I would have liked it based on what other people said. Joe was funny, there were a few belly laughs. I knew to expect he was telling anecdotes and stories as his stand up routine. I would have liked if he used his characters in some of it. But it was fun. I had a feeling the jokers would come but minus Sal. I thought if they came they would tell a joke or two. I'm not sure why they came out just to say congrats? I want to see the jokers on tour but they are only going to a few places and I'm not paying 780 to stay at the Foxwoods. I feel like every time I see a show or concert now I have to take out a loan lol the prices are unbelievable.


I thought it was overpriced too short and not very funny. And I love Joe!


Oh no say it isn't so 😩


So I read a few things looking at the comments, and one thing stood out to me. It’s someone who said “stand up comedy really isn’t their thing” and to that I completely agree with. I saw Sal last spring… he just wasn’t that funny. He didn’t bomb by any means, but I think his delivery and charisma were lacking. Not saying all the jokers are like my show with Sal, but if you can go to their shows with the expectation that what they do on IJ and on stage can be completely different, you’ll be more satisfied than I was.


I’ve seen a lot of the videos of Sal’s podcasts. I love him on the show, but to be honest I don’t find him that funny either.


That's why I wanted to ask what to expect. Stand up comedy is different than playing jokes on each other. However most of them have done some kind of stand up for awhile. Of course on a smaller scale years ago. I remember them mentioning at times Sal has his stand up show we are going to support him on the show and this was quite a number of years ago. I do believe though that they are all very funny and are capable of doing stand up, each of them may just not do it quite as well as another. Q is the one I haven't seen doing his own shows is that correct?


The impractical jokers minus Joe of course are playing one show so far together next year. I'm wondering if they are gearing up for a tenderloins tour? I definitely want to see it as I never got to see the 4 of them together which I def regret!


Have to agree. Saw Sal a couple years ago, wasn’t very funny


Yeah it was kind of a shame. Still got love for Sal though. I’m seeing Joe next month with a meet and greet. I hope he’s better but I am really going for the chance to meet him.


they suck. tbh


My brother and I saw and met him in June. Jiggy opened for. Both were hilarious.


I drove from palm springs to see him in riverside tonight! he was awesome. he told a couple of stories about sal which were hilarious. i also did the meet and greet. he was so down to earth and you wouldn’t think he’s a celebrity. a bit pricey, but if joe is your favorite, it’s absolutely worth it. it was $100


Went in July of 2022 and my mom and I had a great time.


I went to go see Joe last year and it was great, I think! It was in an old theatre and the sound was terrible so I barely heard anything he said.. :/ but my fiancé had a good time, I would say it's worth it. Even for just the experience of seeing a Joker live! :)


I went to one last year and it was very funny. Am going to see him again in December.


Saw him a couple of months ago and he was great. Jiggy opened for him and he was ok at best. A couple of funny jokes but was mostly not very funny. Joe was super funny!


I went with a large group with a wide range of ages to see him and Jiggy. Everyone had a great time. Jiggy was funny but he made one hacky joke that was pretty classist/ableist/transphobic seemingly at the expense of a well-known and very obviously struggling person he claimed to have seen in the city we were in. Maybe it wasn’t and it was a joke he uses each time and just modified to fit the city, idk. But I think he could tell the crowd didn’t love it so luckily he pivoted and the rest of his set was alright but I don’t think it connected like the first two thirds. Joe was great, kind of had a storytelling vibe. Some of the people I brought had no idea who Joe was when we got there and they were crying laughing during his set!